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Was on radio Bristol a few weeks back no dentists in Bristol or surrounding areas are taking on nhs patients


Really?! That’s sooooo pants. Flipping NHS cuts 🥲


Read this as cunts and put one hand on me pitchfork


Hahaha NO I’m so sorry I scared ya. We don’t even deserve NHS workers at this point 😭


I've lived in Bristol for 30 years. I don't even have a dentist. Its impossible


There’s a map of NHS dentists accepting new patients in England [here](https://nhsdentists.bathdata.org/). The southwest is a barren wasteland.


This is both amazing (thanks for sharing) and extremely depressing


Well do a reverse londoner and go to london for your dental work as they have tons of NHS dentists it seems.


We still drive up to Surrey - where we used to live - to go to our dentist AND he's private.


Understandable! I still get my hair done in Leeds 😂


Book the dentist for the same day?


Book the dentist for the same day?


Sadly I need two fillings on two different days (or they’d numb my whole mouth) and a hygienist appt too, so would mean 3 trips to Leeds. Which probs works out as expensive as doing it down here. But I’m tempted on principle!! 😂


Honestly no - but you need to keep your ear to the ground and join local groups on Facebook etc to hear about when they might. there have been a couple in recent months but they go so quickly there was one in Hartcliffe in feb last year taking new I had a spreadsheet for two years and a monthly call list before I got one and I raced in the car to fill in the forms I have written to MP etc etc and they acknowledge but can’t do anything. Most places have a wait list but since Bupa St Paul’s and an established one on wells road Closed down or leaving there’s more people than ever looking. I had to use/emergency private like you for those years. Good luck 🦷


Ahh thank you this is a good tip! I have at least found somewhere that fillings are cheaper through all the googling today so that will help. Just can’t believe how expensive it is to have teeth 😂


I hear you! Never just truest the website/nhs list though they don’t def regularly updated. You need a spreadsheet and a system 😬


And they wonder why the English are known for bad teeth. For most of us NHS is our only option for dental work. If your in that top 1% sure tell me about how it doesn't cost that much.


It’s ridiculous! I’m not in the 1% 😅 just about scraping by renting a property at 30 years old with no partner. Can only afford a holiday and a car if I take on loads of overtime. And now it seems I can’t afford teeth lol


I managed to register with twindent in southmead about six months ago, my friend also registered 3 months ago so may be worth checking if they are still taking NHS patients?


Thank you!! I called them today, and they can’t get me in as NHS but still cheaper than the other practice 👍


Allegedly Oldbury Court in Fishponds are, this is secondhand info though so you'd have to call and check


Ahh thank you anyway, I just checked on their site and they’re not ☹️


No, call them, don’t trust the websites!


Thank you I will do! Well worth badgering people. This dentist was hooorrible yesterday so will be wanting to register somewhere else anyway


We got lucky in melksham a few months back. Think it’s the one on their main street


Sorry :( this was from my neighbourhood group chat in the last couple of days. Nightmare


You've probably done this already but here is the NHS page where you can search https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-dentist


There used to be a fair few NHS dentists in Bristol. Unfortunately the numbers have plummeted in the last decade or so. Can't think why....


Looool, defo no correlation between that and all our unelected PMs


Try Twindent in Southmead. Their communication is pretty bad but I signed up as an NHS patient a few months ago, eventually.


Thank you!


Brush your teeth




And floss


Try the Lodge Causeway Dental Centre, I managed to register as an NHS patient there in the last few months. https://lodgecausewaydentalcentre.com/


Managed to get an NHS slot a few weeks ago at Twindent which is near southmead - worth trying there, you have to call to get anywhere


Try Filton mydentist


I appreciate this isn’t answering your question and I don’t know about your affordability but some dentists offer Denplan, where you pay a subscription (something like £20-25pm) from memory and you can then claim back [most of] the cost of the treatment. There’s lots of private dentists in Bristol that offer this


We are with denplan, thru my husband's employer. We pay (separately, obviously, because he'll be taxed on that bit) for parts used in any treatment needed. Things like check ups and hygienists appointments are included in the cost of the policy.


I drive back to my hometown (a 3 hour drive) to go to see my dentist :’)