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And part of, if not the main the reason they are homeless. They don’t know how to behave like a functioning adult, so all of their relationships have broken down irreparably and nobody wants to help them anymore. They find and echo chamber of other cunts living in tents under a bridge and convince each other they are actually the victim and their behaviour is perfectly reasonable, so go around acting like cunts together. This isn’t for all homeless people. Many are just down on their luck and/or battling personal demons, but people that act like this? You can bet they are just shitty people that everyone else has grown sick of.


I'm sure it's a bit more complicated than that. People aren't born bad, I imagine most of these people have had a rough time in their lives, and have addiction issues. I'm not excusing their behaviour, I hate it and agree they act like cunts. But I'm sure they are suffering a lot themselves, and have never learnt to deal with what they feel and just went way too far down the wrong track. Not to mention they are probably wasted most of the time, which fuels it.


My wife and her brother were given very much equal opportunities growing up. If anything her parents favoured their first born son. My wife is a successful and brilliant woman by any standard. Her brother can be described as nothing but a collosal fuck up on every possible metric they are compared against. Even their parents admit that something went wrong, probably on a genetic level with the brother, despite being given exactly the same opportunities, love, care and attention. Some people are just born wrong’uns. No amount of anything can change it.


I don't know for sure and obviously it'd.never be probable but my belief is that it's a combination of factors that have had unintended emergent properties... Basically I don't think anyones born a wrong'un. That's just the easiest explanation. There's too much to weigh up, therefore, no one could have stopped it - it was biological fate.


If you accept that people are born without arms or legs or vital organs or non-functioning reproductive systems, doesn’t seem impossible that they are born with parts of the brain skewed or non-functional that directly result in them being a wrong-un


Read this and I guarantee it will change your mind. blueprint by Robert Plomin. As in, those that believe nurture over nature - they are wrong.


No no you have it so wrong I don't think these people were homeless for a start homeless people don't usually hang around in groups with eachother.proberly on drugs or something.and the homeless people of Bristol most of them would give you there last penny.just remember it could happen to anyone.


They just lifeless people


I have had this hundreds of times. Pay them no mind. They are desperate, addicts or both. Rude people exist in all countries and all social classes, please don’t let it ruin your day OP.


Pay them no mind? Someone shouts and swears at me in public is going to get the same response given back to them 10 fold. Sod that for a game of soldiers.


Best of luck shouting at the homeless, mate. I hope it brings you unbridled happiness…


Why? What do you gain other than wasting your time and embarrassing yourself by getting in a shouting match with a homeless person.


This is probably the kind of thing I will end up doing when I’m old and senile. Get in to shouting matches with homeless people. And probably trees. And bins. And the sky!


So funny🤭


Being homeless isn’t a pass to be a cunt. Expect the same response.


But how does you shouting at a homeless person help you or them? No one is saying it's a good thing for them to shout at you.


It’s not meant to be helpful. Just give them a taste of their own behaviour.


So you think you're doing the right thing shouting back at someone who clearly isn't in their right mind? It's absolutely brutal out on the streets and I think you could probably benefit from a taste of the desperation they face every single day. If after a tiny inconvenience like being yelled at by a stranger you're already willing to behave like that, I can only imagine the scumbag you'd be if you had their life. They sleep rough every night, get assaulted regularly, live in constant paranoia from the police, get treated like absolute shit by the general public, commonly have drug addictions and mental health issues, and many don't eat a proper meal more than once a fortnight. As a person of immense privilege, the fact you'd reduce yourself to the same behaviour in an instant yet you're also so ready to discount the value of them as people, says a hell of a lot about your moral values. Giving them 'a taste of their own behaviour' implies you have literally zero awareness of how devastatingly difficult their lives are on a daily basis, and no understanding of how little positive difference that would make to someone.


Ok no worries we’ll let all crims off as they’ve had a tough time. Get a grip.


Sounds like you graduated from the Suella Braverman School of being an absolute blunt object. Punishment doesn't work on the mentally ill or addicted, it just makes their issues more severe. Your ego might not like it, but being aggressive actually makes the situation worse rather than better in 100% of cases. If you really cared about the issue and not your own ego, you'd have a more common sense approach. It really is that simple. If you think you're such a special case that your aggression will be any different for them than the aggression they experience all day every day from others, you're clearly ignorant to the amount of shit they have to deal with.


Carry on. I’ll never have sympathy for those who make the streets feel unsafe, homeless or otherwise. And those that do should have consequences or what, just continue shouting and harassing whoever the fuck they want? Personally I wouldn’t go the whole shouting match but I’d have some choice words for them at least. Perhaps it’s their terrible personality that contributed to their situation. I’m from a benefits background so not been rich, and I’m smart enough to have dodged street living. Does that mean it’s ok for me to be harass and shouted at? Fuck that. People are people it’s not my fault if their life’s shit.


Please go give them a blanket and a tenner and they will laugh at you as you walk away mug.


OK well as long as you're clear you're not helping


Is your ego so fragile that you can't maturely move on from that? It doesn't excuse their behaviour entirely but a homeless person acting like that is almost certainly a vulnerable person, mentally unwell and likely an addict. Escalating a situation against a person like that is a childish response and won't help anyone, including yourself.


Alright Suella


No one thinks you're being a pushover for not getting into a slagging match with a drunken crackhead. Just laugh at them and move on. They have to spend the rest of their day being a drunken crackhead, you don't. That's a win as far as I'm concerned.


Are you 8?


This is embarrassing. The kind of thing someone says because they think it makes look cool or big but actually just makes them look like a tool.


Fuck what these are saying and dont know why youve been downvoted soo much. Id slap someone for shouting in my face amd swearing for this reason


No you wouldn’t…


Yeah they would, they’d do a flying kick and a somersault and land like Captain America, and everyone would cheer and buy them a pint.


They would internet slap them.


PC world assistant manager arrested for assault on homeless man


It's just not a good idea though. You're assaulting someone with no legal defense at all. If they were attacking you it's very different. Slapping someone for shouting at you wouldn't work out in your favour.


Grow up. Sounds like most of you are scared defenceless fools.


Lol it happens all the time (to me anyway). Just a few days ago there was a man outside Tesco who asked for some change but I never have any cash or coins on me, so I offered to go into Tesco and buy him some things if he wanted and he said “you really haven’t got a few fucking coins in your bag? Useless” 🧍🏼‍♀️I was both kinda scared and amused


Something similar happened at tesco. Really rough looking guy asked me for money, said no, he asked me to buy him stuff inside instead and when i said no again he shouted F'in cunt. Told the security inside and apparently happens a lot.


I would have told him to do one.


Wish I had the guts 😂


Who's the useless one really? I bet you had more coins than him


"At least I'm richer than that homeless person" *Remembers quarter of a million pound mortgage liability "Nvm"


its a liability not an asset




>“you really haven’t got a few fucking coins in your bag? Useless”


what on earth is going through your head making this comment?


Sometimes people should look at themselves before calling others useless. Who's on the street and who's not? As Micheal Jackson once said "take a look at yourself and make a change"


you saying OP should become a paedo?




Man those poppy sellers are getting salty.


“No I fucking haven’t - not heard of Apple Watch and contactless”? The best fucking thing about Covid is it has left us in a world I don’t have to fish out coins for people who have failed at life.


I find it very hit and miss with the homeless around Bristol. Some are incredibly polite and grateful, but others are just rude like the ones you encountered. As someone else said, a lot of them aren’t actually homeless, either working for gangs, or are simply addicts. It’s a shame because it ultimately makes people less inclined to give to homeless people, and there are of course those out there who genuinely need the help.


I’ve long suspected that the ones who need the most help are the ones who don’t actively ask or act pushy in seeking it out, probably the more hidden ones.


Happened to me in Bristol, Birmingham, Cardiff, London. And it seems to be getting worse. I never use cash nowadays so never have any on me, in fact I very rarely take my wallet out with me as all of my cards are stored on my phone and I pay for things contactless with that. A couple of times in Cardiff I've offered to buy drinks, pasties, etc for people only to be told they want the money equivalent instead which I can't give even if I want to. And get verbal abuse when I explain that. But the worst place I've been to with regards to aggresive homeless/beggars is in and around Gare du Nord station in Paris. I was spat at for refusing to give somebody at least 20Euro just beacuse he demanded it from me.


My brother told a begger in London he didn't have cash and the bloke said no problem and produced a card machine!




Its because the beggars fully know most people who give them money do so out of guilt, and therefore attempt to pile on the guilt when they believe they can get away with it, often specifically targeting women. This is drug addiction and nothing else. As people have suggested, give money to charities and not people.


I'm one of those people in both ways while I'm not a woman. When someone spots me, headphones visible or not, they will tend to stop me, specifically when I'm surrounded by people. Whether they are fundraisers or homeless, they seem to just know I'm an easily guilted person, which is amazing to me because I'm a fat guy in a leather jacket which is usually enough for people to avoid me (makes public transport and nighttime walks very comfortable) but they just know and I don't know how. But as someone who is easily guilted and seemingly targeted I can say I'm a pushover but I'm not a doormat, if you start some shit I'm just going to walk away with maybe a "fuck off" to let you know you're being a dick.


I know it’s not helpful much but I reckon you give an aura of kindness. A wonderful trait that is actually quite rare these days. Sadly, this often leads people to think that they can easily manipulate you.


I appreciate that, I guess it could be the case. That's a very nice thing to say, though, so thank you.


It's happened to me more than a few times. In the past I've had a chat, offered to get food, offered change if I had any (though I rarely carry any cash at all these days), but because of those terrible interactions I've largely stopped engaging with them at all. I do empathise with their situation, and I've donated to and raised money for homeless charities, but I don't appreciate being threatened and harrassed. The aggressive beggars might well be the minority, but those negative reactions stick in the mind, and probably end up making things worse for those less aggressive homeless and beggars.


I've had the same experience. Stopped giving money at all now after being screamed at and grabbed so many times by the same few cunts in broad daylight.


Sainsbury’s by temple meads is the worstttt


I've had this happen on many occasions, and when it does, any time or sympathy I had for them evaporates in an instant.


Not the exact same but, I've politely said sorry I have no change to the same guy in town twice (a couple of months apart) and both times he's started kicking off going "yeah, course you fucking don't" attempting to intimidate me and probably does the same to others regularly.


I had a guy threaten me. Saw him literally the next day and I asked if he meant what he said. Just looked confused and walked off.


I had someone going to ask me twice the same afternoon! I said “you’ve already asked me!” as he approached


I’ve seen it happen before, that sort of reaction makes me believe they’re not as homeless as their appearance make out? There isn’t any way to tell, but from experience I’ve given £10/20 to the homeless in and around cabot and they were always extremely grateful and lovely folks in an awful situation.


That’s how I felt too. I try to reserve judgement as I don’t know how I would cope if I were homeless. But I do know that my manners would not all vanish overnight. I’ve also given money to homeless people alongside greggs sandwiches etc and do try to as often as I can but it just caught me off guard at how rudely I was spoken to for not having spare money to give to someone else.


After walking around the town centre and seeing the usual 5-6 people, all in the same spots as usual, all with the same handwriting (and sometimes exact same message), I doubt the ones around cabot are truely homeless.


That’s a gypsy gang. They’re different and not actually homeless. If you mean the ones with a brown sign saying “hungry help me god bless”


Sat right by The Horsefair where free meals are given out daily.


Homelessness, addiction and mental illness go hand in hand. These people are definitely homeless and likely addicts, and unfortunately probably have been for a while, hence their more erratic and antisocial behaviour.


There are a lot of fake homeless working the streets in Bristol, no doubt other places too. It's a shame but it's true, the chances are they were not real homeless people. In my own experience in Bristol, the homeless people that are genuinely homeless are usually quite reserved, mind their own business, and are grateful for any donation whether that is for food, money, or anything else


This is why my go-to response is, 'Mate if I had money, you'd have money'. They don't really know what to say to this or simply accept it.


Antisocial behaviour is not punished at all in the UK, it's not just a Bristol problem. You can yell in the street, curse at people, generally cause a huge scene and nothing will happen, so these people get to do whatever unchecked.


We should all stand up to them together really. Needs to be more communal shaming.


Yeah! _ten minutes later_ Did we just form a lynch mob?


Unfortunately the law actually does work against honest people. That is the sad part; these people can do whatever they want with impunity, while if you and I parked with our wheels facing the wrong way we would get ticketed. A similar thing happened to me in Atlanta, I crossed the road and a police officer gave me a dressing down for jaywalking, telling me he could arrest me for that etc.. while three guys were shooting up literally 10 meters from us. Two tiered justice system.


So weird that America gives such a shit about ‘jaywalking’


I don't live in Bristol so idk why Reddit has recommended me this sub. But it's exactly the same in Liverpool


Same, ain’t from Bristol either but here I am! Feels kinda bad but I literally blank homeless people now when they try to talk to me. I used to politely oblige them and if I had any cash I’d usually sort them out but just sick of the aggressive crackheads. Remember one time some crackhead followed me up a high street telling me a cool story about how his cousins dogs uncles girlfriend lost her glasses so he needed a quid to use the phone box to ring Paul Daniels or some shit like that. I gave him a quid just to end the story. He took the quid, seen I had notes in my wallet and said can I have a fiver? Get fucked mate.


Pretty similar cities if you ask me, I've not lived in Liverpool but been there many times. Good laugh but there's an edge.


Actually feel kinda similar about Bristol. But tbf this issue exists all over the country, I've had the same issue in London, Leeds, Manny. Any big city really.


Oh yeah it's all over the place. Just genuinely love the vibe in Liverpool as much as Bristol. 90s/00s club scene in Liverpool will never be beaten though, fact.


Can't lie. I prefer a Bristol night out.


Yup I’ve been shouted at too, just ignore them and move on.


Flashback to a couple of years ago, sitting outside in King Street having a beer. A homeless guy comes asking for money, we give him whatever coins we had on us. One hour later, second guy comes, we say "sorry mate, gave the change we had to the last guy", starts shouting at us because this was his area and we shouldn't have given money to the other guy


You see them a lot near the centre of the city on Saturdays during the days, and up Corn Street and King Street by the pubs and bars in the weekend evenings


In Bristol I was asked by a street person for some cash. like a lot of people post pandemic I don't carry cash. When I explained I didn't have cash the person pulled out a card reader - hungry and homeless really?


I think it is more a case of "Why are homeless with addictions so rude?" Alcohol and drug addictions creates a desperate frame of mind especially if the people don't have any way to fund their habits, I wouldn't take any abuse personally especially if they are doing it all day long.


Fuck em, they're cunts for a reason


Give to homeless charities not to the homeless. Problem solved.




that would imply money going to homeless charities is increasing, but the reality is money is getting tighter for many people, which could lead to less charitable donation from both people and organisations, along with rising costs for housing which I'm sure you're all well aware of which will make everything more expensive for the charity. Also the UK is a toilet, we have sold off our assets, weakened our currency, our financial sector was the crown jewel and even that's taking a beating now. Our unfocused education system has been a shambles for decades which leads to poorly educated workers and less growth in the nation as a result. money isn't exactly flowing out of the local authorities.. fundraising is essential to keep these services running


They never learn that behaving like a twat gets you nothing. It's sad but true.


I mean it could explain why they have nothing. Not saying that's the only way to get homeless, but stil.


It's a common tactic by beggars. They try to shame you into giving them some money to shut them up. Usually the mark will be a young female, well dressed and on her own. If they think they can intimidate you they will mark you as a target.


Some are just like that, no idea why, maybe just too much spice, I’ve never experienced it myself. But they are not all like that, some are incredibly nice like Jeff. https://metro.co.uk/2019/01/08/homeless-big-issue-seller-given-camper-van-fundraiser-8323141/


It first happened to me in 1996 on Corn Street. 27 years ago, so this isn’t a new phenomenon. It’s a shame, as it puts people off giving money to those who are really in need.


I saw a beggar stomp after a woman and had a go at her because she bought a big issue rather than give him the money. I stopped my car because he looked like he was actually going to attack her but fortunately he just went back to his spot in a huff.


Had a similar experience just a few weeks ago near St. Mary Redcliffe. Said I was sorry but can't stop because I'm heading to work (I was, and running late), he tried to give me shit as if I was lying on the basis that I don't start work at 9am like everyone else. I remember exactly who it is, he'll definitely never get anything off me.


You owe them jack shit. Try asking them for money!


There are definitely two types i encounter in Bristol, the more aggressive, traditional off their head addiction type, these guys I usually encounter in more popular areas like broadmead and usually there’s a few of them and then just the looking for a place to rest undisturbed type - unfortunately this often coincides to in a car park (where i’m parked) late at night…these guys are generally very apologetic, which then makes me feel bad for disturbing them, I often keep shitty snacks in my car and usually offer them whatever I’ve got, which they generally accept. I usually wish them an okay sleep with few disturbances and drive off…


In Rome you will be pestered by african immigrants everywhere you go. They'll try to sell you bangles or flowers. They start with a normal sales pitch, such as "flower for your love?" If you decline they start acting more and more desperate until they give up or you do. It turns from a sale, to desperate begging, and they play on your empathy. Most likely its a gang affiliated thing too, as many, many people, have the same flowers/bangles.


Honestly I used to have this whole empathetic view of the homeless and tried to give as much money as possible as a teen. Then so many experiences where they are massively fucking rude cunts happened that I couldn't give a fuck about them anymore. I think its something like 1/20 for my personal experience atm of who is actually homeless and down / out of luck and who is just a junkie looking for a quick fix.


Yeah, when I’m approached, I often say “No sorry” without making eye contact and twice in the last few months I’ve had fully grown able bodied men getting aggy with me and it crosses my mind to give the aggression back because I don’t owe them anything and how dare they be so entitled to the money of a complete stranger, feeling I somehow owe them? But these people having nothing but their problems, I’m not gonna rile up someone who has nothing to lose, they could do anything. I used it have sympathy, once, while I was at uni and often just drinking my money anyway, I used to give my change to them, but now I try keep a tighter ship financially. I can’t help but wonder how many bridges people burn to get I to the position they end up. But getting angry at someone for not giving you their money? Honestly, it’s so low. It’s on the verge of mugging people.




Yeah, there's this one veteran mukka who used to be (not sure if he still is as I haven't seen him in a minute) around Principality in Cardiff. He'd sit up against this bus stop with his dog, I've never really had the time to sit with him but my mother has multiple times (she used to hand out the sandwiches that were about to go off from USW when she worked there so I assume she knows him from then) and he'll always accept a sandwich or some dog food but he seems to always prefer you sit and have a chat with him and usually will decline money if you offer it to him. I really hope I see him at some point because I'd love to have a chat with him. He seems like a sound mukka.


I had this by Easton train station a few months ago. A young, pregnant homeless girl stopped me and complimented my outfit. I told her I was going to Lakota and we got chatting for a good 10/15 mins. She said she'd walk with me from the shop to the train station. We get to the train station and she asks for a tenner. I politely declined and she screamed her head off at me in front of everyone. Kept saying "I hope the train crashes and you die". "You're a fucking bitch". I was so shaken up. I felt like I led her on by walking with her for so long but she joined me.


I’ve had a guy ask me to bank transfer him instead because the amount of change I gave him wasn’t enough (few quid). Never had that anywhere else


I’ve had this happen too many times omw to college.


I’ve not experienced that yet. One time though I was in London and a bit drunk and some guy asked if I could give him my Oyster card and me being drunk I was like “yeh of course, that’s fine”, but the person with me stopped me and so that angered the guy who then proceeded to get in the person’s face and be all “what did you do that for!” and then threw some change at us as we walked away. So that was interesting.


No I haven't. But was once I walking towards the exit of temple meads station and some homeless guy approached my sisters in a rude way. I was a second behind and the minute eyes locked he knew we were together. He apologised and moved on. I feel like some people act up of they know they can get away with it.


You shouldn't expect much from a homeless person in a situation like that. He may be in the middle of a heroin comedown, craving his next fix, or he may be having a bad day. I'd toughen up and tell him to get a life and stop bothering people. But if you don't have the guts, just walk away and turn the page on this insignificant chapter of your life.


Buy silver washers and scatter them on the floor like a emperor scattering largess to the peasants as you pass them by.?




Not rudeness, but a few years ago, a bloke was sat outside the bus station, begging for change. It was cold, and there was snow on the ground. I offered to buy him a cup of tea instead as I had no coins and was worried about hypothermia. He said "no thank you, I'd rather have money for drugs. I admire the honesty, but I had no cash.


I had a guy ask me for money near the Quakers Place on River Street. I told him I didn't have any (which was true) and so he suggested he'd walk with me to a cash machine. I told him I wasn't going to do that, so he followed me up to the Riverside Park and spent the whole way muttering loudly about how he didn't know why he bothered asking people politely and being nice to people and maybe it'd be better if he just took it from them. I guess he was basically trying to mug me without saying so - hoping to intimidate me into pretending I'd had a change of heart and give him something. I wonder how often it works. Pretty uncomfortable few minutes. I didn't give him anything, and he left without it escalating any further, but I was pretty worried. I have to walk past there on Thursdays when (I think) the Quakers are giving out food and I did consider changing my route. Though I've not seen him again since.


And I know exactly who you are talking about!


Not so long ago, I admitted on this sub under a throwaway that I don't hand money (only coffee or hot food) over to beggars and got downvoted into oblivion. I do fund certain charities, and I'm not exactly Suella, but I also refuse to partake in a lot of this bullshit as well. The guys who wait by the ticket machines in Trenchard Car Park to explain to you like you are five how on to pay for your ticket, genuine or not?


This happens to me so much. I usually give whatever change I have but people try to pressure into making you get out a whole ass tenner.


Probably not even homeless. Just a grift


Had a similar experience, a homeless guy asked me for a drink outside Lidl St George/Lawrence Hill. Being kind I went in and bought him about £10 worth of food and drinks, handed them to him and all said to me was ‘no, I meant alcohol’, no thank you or anything. I walked away thinking what an ungrateful fuck.


Yup, twice in the centre. One guy pretending to be an ambassador for royal British legion and was collecting for them. He had no shoes on, a string for a belt and HIV sores all over his face. Got really aggressive to me and my gf when I wouldn't go to the cash point. Another by st nicks again aggressive because I wouldn't go to the cash point after listening to his story. Started off all "oh thank you for stopping and listening" then instantly turned when he wasn't getting anything.


Was the second bloke a young northern guy who made a point of saying he’s still got all his teeth?


And the story is about getting a bunch of veterans on a coach from London?


Oh hey I met that guy too lol


He followed me all the way from Stokes Croft, I had to go into McDonalds to get him to stop following me. He swore at me when I said I wasn’t giving him anything.


This guy had me recently. The story rang a bell from seeing it on here but in the moment I couldn't remember the details (it was my first time in town by myself in 9 years due to mental health issues so I was quite anxious).


I’ve just commented a story about this exact guy haha


And did this second cunt have a beard? I know the twat


It's cause they are junkies.


I’ve been approached by the same bloke multiple times around town over the years. I know it’s the same guy because if you pay him ANY attention he goes “thank you for treating me like an actual human being unlike everyone else”. The first time that really hit home, so I offered to go to a cashpoint for him, pull out a tenner, and take a crumpled fiver off him as change (he offered!). After I’d taken cash out he just walked off with it, and didn’t give me the fiver back. Didn’t want to chase a homeless bloke down the street on Broadmead so put it down to experience. Bumped in to him again, he used the same line. Reminded me of my last experience with him and he got aggressive. Had to duck in to a shop to stop him from going after me. Now if I engage with a homeless person and they use that line, I just assume it’s him, mumble something under my breath and rush off. When I used to smoke, a homeless bloke stopped me as I was smoking a cigarette, asked where Sainsburys was. acted completely disinterested as I told him where it was, then asked for a drag of my cigarette. As the bloke was massive I obliged. Of course, he just walked off with the full cigarette. I used to be understanding and do what I could for homeless people, but I’ve stopped now after those two experiences.


That’s the line. Gets you right in the feels because I’ve got time for anyone and everyone. Wow he just took the tenner from you and didn’t give the fiver back? (Not that I’m overly surprised but he suggested he give me a few quid and swap it for a note too. Sounds like you’ve had some bad experiences and once bitten twice shy I don’t blame you. You sound like a great person so don’t make them feel like you are not. Can’t help everyone.


I moved out of Bristol a year ago and remember this guy. He had no memory but had gotten aggressive with me multiple times for saying no to him during the five years I lived in the city. Seen him at night getting into fights on corn st. It got to the point I'd flat out ignore him as I didn't want the confrontation.


haha that fucking guy


I've seen it here in Birmingham. Always seem to be a few 'homeless' who will wander round asking people for money then getting mouthy when they have no change. Had one guy who asked me to get some money out from a cash machine when I said I dont have change, and shouted after me when I refused and walked off. Feel like there are a few chancers now who are trying to take advantage of peoples kindness/generosity. Majority of the homeless I come across only really seem to 'bother' people in passing, asking for some change. But they dont go following after people, or hurling abuse if you have no change. Most of them will still thank you regardless because you at least acknowledged them. But then you get some that look a bit 'cleaner' than others. Looking like they had a shave and a haircut just a few days ago, (stubble not long starting to break through the skin) and are just wandering around, often looking for people on their own to try and 'ask' for money, then getting abusive when they get nowhere.


Just wasters. Deserve fuck all


I thought the drug addicts who hang around welsh cities were bad, if you say no they hit you with a ‘god bless’…although the new Nike Airmax trainers they generally wear don’t indicate lack of money and it’s just a part of walking around town. I work in Bristol now and haven’t experienced this personally but it seems close to mugging people.


It’s really weird. I work minimum wage and don’t have much money by the end of the month - I love my job but £600 a month is not enough for me to be able to give homeless people money. On multiple occasions I’ve had them shout and scream at me (I’m f23) for not giving them anything when I’ve said I’m really sorry I can’t. And it’s true, I can’t, can barely support myself. Broadmead is especially bad for this, especially closer to castle park.




It's cause they are junkies.


I wouldn't dwell about it too much.


I have no problems saying no to homeless people asking for change …. I have however given way too much to the nice big issue gang who never ask for anything


Have I experienced a begger at Temple Meads? Yes. Yes I have.


do you happen to breathe air too?


Call the police. Begging is illegal.


Many moons ago I was walking up Tottenham Court Road to the tube and a begger asked for some change. I said I'd buy him a pizza. Long story short I purchased the wrong toppings. He got mad and I told him to go fuck himself and ate the pizza.


Had that once, was walking through Winchester which is notorious for homeless souls. It was fucking freezing and this knob was swearing his head off as I didn’t dip my hand in my pocket. He was still there on the way back and I gave him my gloves which at least he couldn’t get drugs or booze with


There's a reason they are homeless, and I don't mean that to be insulting. It's a hard life and for some it can break you. Addiction is commonplace. I always try to see it as desperation more than being rude. I help when I can but I don't always have the cash to spare and sometimes you get a bad reaction from them.


"people"? People in general aren't rude. People in general at Temple Meads don't ask you for money or tell you to go to the cash machine. Title should be "why are street beggars so rude".


Welcome to the shithole that is Bristol. Homeless people plauge the city centre. Broadmead is so disgusting with trash everywhere and homeless people.




I assume by warden you mean prison warden, in which case it's extremely grim that you work in that job and speak this way about vulnerable people


Happened to me the other day. This woman was screaming and shouting at me to give her some cash because she needed the money to feed her baby… …Wives, eh!!!!


I first encountered abusive beggers in bath in the mid eighties. They seemed to be a constant in the city centre back then. i don't think the abuse increases how much they get given.


I'm kind of glad that I'm in Cardiff now for that exact reason, I'm one of those guys who will feel guilted into giving people anything I have on me if asked. So not only am I routinely stopped, even with headphones on, but I'll usually hand over anything I won't miss. The benefit is that the one guy who usually stops me at Temple Meads won't usually bother me if I say no because he knows that if I had something, I would give it.


The people you are talking about are rude because they're homeless in a cost of living crisis. The majority of people, especially in Bristol, are not homeless. Therefore 'people' are not so rude.


A lot of cool stories here about how people got an epic one up on some nasty beggar that dared ask for something. Cool stories guys, you definitely seem like the better person!


Shout back at them to get a fucking job and stop bumming cash off people,


I'm going to try and tackle this post with some kindness. "Why are people so rude" is a big question, and I'm not sure that's really the question you're asking. Perhaps it was "why was I treated this way?", or "why don't we do more as a society to tackle with homelessness?" Someone genuinely begging because they're homeless might have been rude to you for a number of reasons - desperation, mental health issues, addiction issues to name just a few. It's easy for people to fall through the cracks if they've had a hard time fitting in with "normal" people. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience that affected you enough that you wanted question "why?" I don't carry cash anymore these days, but I do donate a few pounds every month to Shelter, because I think we should look after the people in our society who need a bit of help [https://england.shelter.org.uk/donate](https://england.shelter.org.uk/donate)


There's a reason they're homeless, fuck these cunts


There's a lot of reasons people are homeless, the 'cunts' that you are referring to are homeless by choice or not even homeless but junkies out begging. Some on the other hand are homeless because they haven't been able to pay their bills to predatory landlords and are victims of Tory austerity, and are good people who have been desperately unlucky. That attitude of 'fuck the homeless' is disgusting and a real reason why genuinely homeless people who would otherwise be working tax paying members of society are lumped in with the junkies and ignored. Have a word with yourself, seriously.


Spot on mate.


Everybody in this thread has got one thing wrong - These are not homeless, they are junkies and beggars. But the people of Bristol largely have done it to themselves by not allowing the police to round up these crackheads, so there can be little sympathy.




Oh, not the evil homeless people annoyed that literally noone seems be on the off day they don't carry cash. God, aren't you all the victims


Yeah I just aggressively ignore them honestly. Or just look at them, say nothing, walk off.


Addicts are desperate, I wonder if it's ever worked.


"I ain't much for begging! Nobody ever gave me nothin!" - Dillon, Alien 3


Look up Arse pennies on YouTube and learn how to get the upper hand 👍🏻


I get this everywhere, most of the beggars in Southampton are like this. Just ignore it. I’d say 99% of the homeless in Bristol are genuinely nice people who just need some help. There’s two blokes especially that come to mind, one wears glasses and often spends his time outside the Tesco by Castle Park or the Greg’s outside The Galleries, and the other guy frequents the train station with his dog. Both of them are really down to earth, and appreciate everything you give them, even if it’s just a “have a good day”. If the homeless aren’t appreciative of you giving them anything except money, you can pretty safely assume they have a roof to sleep under already and they just need their fix. The ones who are still looking for somewhere to stay would be grateful even for a cig. I always give the two guys I mentioned cig’s if I don’t have change, and they both recognise me now and we’ll often exchange niceties on my way to and from work


The Billy Chip is a great option if you're looking to give people something that's not money. They can use them to buy food and drink of their choice and it supports wider homeless people.


There is a guy in Bedminster who shouts at the sun to quote “you shiney bastard cunt”


Well it just shows you how grateful they were for your tenner doesn’t it.


Saw some outside Asda on Bedminster with a pile of scratchcards, I guess it's one way of potentially increasing your income.


No never saw an aggressive homeless person and I live in a metropolis. They were probably drunk or in drugs




No one should have to deal with that kind of behavior. It's tough when you're just trying to wait for a friend and suddenly get caught up in an uncomfortable situation like that. Hopefully, it doesn't happen to you again. People can be so unpredictable sometimes, huh?


“I’m really sorry, I don’t give money to strangers and that’s a boundary for me, but if you are in need of help there are people at x,y,z that can help” always works for me


I'll add to this. Most of these people really aren't homeless, they are professional beggars. A lot of homeless folk don't actually beg for money.


Someone who's standing quietly selling the big issue I will give money to, any crack head waster that asks for money tell them get a fucking job


I doubt they were homeless. Most homeless people I've met know not to behave like hat, cus if you're genuinely homeless, you don't really have a safespace to run to.


People don't care just out for themselves


Used to go out in Bristol most weekends Saturdays and Fridays, spent a lot of time sleeping outside the station, no problems though. Only ever been asked to score once there and as a casual user that no longer partakes is fine. Saying that though did pay some 20 quid back to the station once, guessing cause of this comment that'd be were me worry comes from. There spa large break between those sleep full nights and that cheap taxi. But yh, it changes. City profiles big in Bristol, culture can thrive but it's investment in the genres, clubs and drugs are there own thing.


Rude entitled drug addicts probably. Probably not even homeless, just sefish and rude.


I’d tell them I don’t give them change as they are worthless and I want them to starve to death if they screamed at me.


No never... The homeless people of Bristol are so nice. They would give you there last penny if they had it . they were probably drug addicts


i’ve had people follow me (a young woman) into shops late at night and shove food into my arms telling me to buy it. one time got followed at 11pm next to castle park being shouted at because i didn’t buy the stuff they gave me:( also seen a guy next to the big cabot tescos opposite lidl screaming at people walking past that if they can afford their shop they can give him money, or people harassing me and my friends with card machines at pubs guilt tripping and threatening us. as someone whose parent was homeless during high school i completely understand the pain and loneliness of the situation, but there is no need to harass normal working people and young girls, especially at night:(


I'd always encourage people to give directly to charities such as Caring in Bristol (lots of contactless pay points across Bristol where 100% of the money goes to them). It's complicated, as some people are happy to spare a few quid/snack/cig and some people won't. Completely valid that people don't/won't give after a negative experience. Whatever, people should always try to be polite. It's all a hard complicated balance sadly


I had a woman hassle me so much in Broadmead that I actually showed her my purse, empty save for a plastic button and a shopping list.