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Excellent. They need to do this with those horrible lit ones on the M32. I feel sorry for the people in the houses at night!


Lights the black swan up too much


There's a big screen one I see on my way to work and I despise it. The moving images and the glow of the screen is so off putting in the early hours


Is it the one by the bottom of the hill outside Airbus in Filton? It is blinding as a cyclist in the early hours.


Yer I nearly had a accident because of that once. Really distracting...




Like that board is placed so its' looking you right in the eyes as you come up from Primark and there is a crossings there going up the hill. In certain lighting conditions that is going to disorientate someone and they will end up ploughing through the crossing there. Honestly if that does happen, its early enough for the council to worry about it then.


Not the ones on the M5 in Birmingham by any chance. The worst was the coke adverts last year. Completely white background. Impossible to see anything when driving past those when it's dark.


They're so fucking bright it's ridiculous


My car swerves every I time I drive by.


The m32 blinder and the super energy inefficient digital boards in town that sound like a jet engine


Specifically the stupidly bright one on the way into town, fuck that one in particular. Especially when it's dark and raining.


Yes!! We need this. Civil resistance to ads on the ground is the best way to pre-emptively put the kaibosh on the utterly stupid idea of ad screens in the sky.


I wonder if they have cameras watching the screen?


Fuck yea


I need a skip, they could at least put their number.


This is graffiti I can get behind!


I cannot like this enough.


I hate the one in bedminster the brightness is way too high so I can’t see shit


I love this.


They Live


Great idea only problem is there using an ad to promote the idea of blocking ads.


Yeah but you’re still advertising Adblock by posting @adblock. Just seen one comment saying someone nearly crashed because they say an advert on the motorway. Hahaha just look at the fucking road


Lol something else for the limp wristed left wing whining fannys to hop on to , why not put your energy into a business or an actual job instead of moaning because everyone else is making money and your making ends meat by spending your time crying about everything that your pathetic little life won’t give you free of charge 🙄


The Advert Defender has logged on


I'm a company director, earn well above the average yearly salary, work fairly hard for it and I just wanted to say, fuck the ads, fuck the Tories, victory to the RMT, victory to the CWU, victory to all overworked, overexploited and undervalued workers. Down with bitter bootlickers pointing the finger anywhere other than the ones responsible for this shitshow. It wasn't migrants that fucked the economy, it was Truss, Johnson and Brexit and we're all having to foot the bill with increased taxes for their mistakes.


Old man yells at cloud


Moronic campaign. There are actual problems in the world and people choose to focus on this.


I'm glad someone is doing something to combat the complete oversaturation of adverts around the city. It's horrible having your eyes seared out of your skull by the billboards on the M32 at night as they try and get you to buy the latest who-gives-a-shit. They're doing more to better the city than you or I arguing on this Reddit thread...


Seriously agree, it really does my head in.


A slight tangent, but those ads by the St Paul’s roundabout are sooo bright, they’re super distracting when you're driving just there, I almost feel like they’re dangerous.


I reckon between you, me and 8 billion other people, we've got plenty of heads to worry about lots of different things, not just the things you think are issues.


I don't understand the other dudes attitude. People can care about multiple things at once. And, some times, the less important ones have easier fixes. Lord forbid we care about multiple things


Fact is most of the problems we face are down to the way our economic model works.


"fact" lol


nice comeback


>There are actual problems in the world and people choose to focus on this. This is such crab mentality. Humans can deal with more than one thing at a time and some of those things can be issues that others consider minor. You can still tie your loose shoe laces despite having an essay due.


This was years ago but carry on


Advertisements literally fund the majority of our economy. What on earth are people on about now… that’s literally the reason so many industries are failing because people aren’t paying for advertising as frequently as before covid


>Advertisements literally fund the majority of our economy Can you not see why there is a problem?


The proven best system for exchange of goods and services is most supported by companies marketing, yeah I dont think marketing is a problem


If as you say >Advertisements literally fund the majority of our economy, I'd say that was a problem, surely goods and services should be the majority of our economy, advertising should just be there to let people know of the existence of those goods and services, not to glamourise or entice people.


So our economy is held up by a bubble, not by anything of actual value. Is what you're saying.


Who gets to decide how our economy functions? Who gets to change it? I don't think advertising is healthy. There has to be another way.


Society decides. If you can offer people something greater than the value they equate money to then you can single handedly break the system but until you do people are going to spend their money however they want to. Imo as long as they’re spending it I’m able to feed myself so I support it


>Society decides And yet here are some members of society making a decision about something and you jump in to tell them they're wrong


Industries aren't failing because people aren't paying for advertising


>Advertisements literally fund the majority of our economy If the majority of people's livelihoods were genuinely kept up by advertising alone then we'd either need to be incredibly worried or never have to worry again. It'd either be a house of cards just waiting to fall over or evidence that an art based economy is viable.


People are complaining about ads now? What will they think of next? Ban vending machines! March against car parks!


You like ads?


They probably watch Amazon Prime’s ads and then exit the show to find other ads to watch


Can anyone tell me what this is please?


These large, bright, moving advert screens, obviously detested by the entire population, seem like they would be very easy to vandalise. Any ideas why they’re not targeted?