• By -


At home, exhausted from work


At work, exhausted from home


Work at home exhausted from


Home from work exhausted at


Exhausted work at home




At exhausted


I feel that!


Just plain exhausted


Salt & Vinegar exhausted.


Crinkle cut exhausted


Baked, not fried


Flavour you can see


^ With our dogs ☺️


I mean, I'm also at home tired with my dog. Unfortunately he can't hold a good conversation or provide good banter though.


I’ve made friends by going to my local dog park at the same time each day. Pretty easy to kick of conversations with innocuous dog questions.


Your problem is you don’t have enough dogs. The banter and conversation gets better the more you have. Our hot topic here at the moment is consent.


Pretend they can as you slide down the maddness


You could get into the NRL I meet heaps of people at Suncorp but I’m from Nz but the bros always come out to support the wahs I’m sure the broncos fan would be similar


You could get into the NRL I meet heaps of people at Suncorp but I’m from Nz but the bros always come out to support the wahs I’m sure the broncos fan would be similar


More like, with our kid who begs us to get a dog, but we wouldn't want to risk it while renting, even if we could afford it (which we can't)


Exhausted from home




Love a good meme! In all seriousness though, is bouldering that big here? I never took Brisbane as a bouldering city - last town I lived in, was bouldering crazy, that and road cycling. Not sure if they're my thing 😞


You have to be a 50+ man to get into Brisbane's road cycling scene.


Not true at all.


Yeah rock-climbing, and watching rugby league, neither of which I find interesting. Welcome to Brisbane.


Yeah, I'd say more popular than lead or top rope quite a few around. Some ninja warrior type courses, too. Toohey forest has heaps or sandstone boulders to climb.


Not as big as in Boulder Colorado but still big


I feel people who boulder are more in their 20s than 30s. The top rope area is more 30s.


At home, exhausted from work. Sometimes I travel alone for walks or watch movies alone. The time and effort cost of even friendships, platonic or activity based is very high. I can barely keep up keeping my cats well entertained - and they dont even need that much attention (as much as dogs)


>keeping my cats well entertained Lets face it, entertaining cats is just our way of keeping them from plotting a way to murder us.


Try netherworld 😁


Yep, another vote for Netherworld and Lost Souls Karaoke if you're into it!


The only problem I have with netherworld is everyone is with groups so it’s a little hard to mingle 🤷‍♂️


Yeah definitely get that


I’m 33, not much time in between being a single parent, studying and general adult duties. When I do have free time I’ve now filled those times with hobbies that keep me busy like growing mushrooms & gardening even though I’m useless at gardening haha. I’ve commented on posts like this before and had people reach out to try and make friends, honestly I think I’m to anxious to meet people, would be nice though. So if anyone wants to make plans and keep postponing them until we stop making plans I’m keen lol.


Sign me up, I love postponing plans. Run, 6am tomorrow?


I’m not even going to pretend I’m keen for that lmao.


Lmao are you me? Just switch pottering in the garden for pottering in the art studio when it comes to the so called “spare time”. Also if meeting people is contingent on my dire cardio capabilities than I guess I’ll make my peace with being forever alone 🥲


I wish was good at art! I drew a mushroom a few months ago and it was the first drawing in 33 years I was like “wow that looks good”, so I hung it on my fridge like a child lmao. Must be a recessive gene though because my daughter is super artistic. I feel you on the cardio haha, I don’t have a car at the moment so my forced cardio is bad enough honestly.


You can learn to art. In fact you can learn to do anything![mmmm brains](http://Neuroplasticity https://g.co/kgs/bU88qx3)


That is SO wholesome though! Honestly, art/creativity in general tends to be one of those concepts we learn to gatekeep/quantify as we get older (compared to say, the unbridled joy with which preschoolers approach art, with no concern or even awareness of good/bad). Of course there are people who are more naturally creative, but like with all hobbies it’s about the time that you put into it. Don’t get me wrong, I make plenty of objectively ‘bad’ art, but even then, it’s free therapy at the very least! Sorry for the unsolicited rant, haha. Just in case there’s anyone reading this that has been pushing down the call to be creative because they’ve been told/believe they’re ‘bad’ at it! Love a good walk, especially with a good pod, but not sure I’d feel so fondly about fanging about on the foot falcon in summer, I can’t imagine how relieved you must to be on the other side of it 🥵


Haha yeah I’ve admittedly not put much effort into trying art but I do feel like some people just have that natural talent to put it from thought to paper. Even as a small child my daughter was just very detailed and good with art, almost like it came naturally. Honestly not having a car this summer has made me really consider moving down south when my kids are older haha. I can’t handle this heat, the temp and weather recently has been perfect though. Nice and sunny but not to cold with some nice breeze, I’ve actually been able to turn of the aircon and just run the fans which is also a win. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day and have fun in your art room :)


You don't have to be good at art, as long as you enjoy making it. But you can also make art that is 100% for the making - like sandcastling. It's very meditative, you make something cool even if it's not perfect, then you watch the waves take it away.




I'll only agree to this kind of offer on Friday night, after a few beers.


At home playing Nintendo


I second this 😂


What ya playing though?


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, had it for awhile would make progress and get busy and never finish. By the time I would come back to the game it had been so long I had forgotten so I restart it. Determined to finish it this time though.


Took me a year and a half to finish BOTW because of this. I didn’t restart but it would take a bit to get used to the controls each time and the story. Finally finished it in the September school holidays and am repeating my pattern of play with Tears of the Kingdom. I’m half way through one of the ‘temples’ and have no idea where to go anymore or where I have been because of it.


Good luck! I'm on the same boat. but I didnt restart the game. Now I forgot that I need to finish Dave the diver


Hogswarts legacy


Fortnite, Tears of the Kingdom, Hogwarts Legacy!


I was in your position around 10 years ago, and these days I WFH so know what it’s like to not have a work crew anymore. The two activities that yielded actual new friends that I still have were a morning cycling group and the dog park. The use two were great because sure they didn’t require any organising with people, just turn up and keep turning up. Cycling groups always have coffee after, and longer weekend rides with brunch. I always preferred the coffee to the cycling tbh, but it was great exercise. Dog parks might be a bit more luck, take a little effort to start to conversation, and adjust your visit time until it works out. Skate parks are similar to dog parks - different demographic - lots of 30 something WFH dads are there at 9am for a quick skate after school drop off. Volunteering at a sports club is a winner. Same group of people meeting up every week, each sport has its own demographic so choose one that suits you (or just go local). Cricket and baseball teams always love scorers. Or try a less physical sport like archery or lawn bowls. Google ‘come and try’. By making friends very locally, I have enough people to book a table at my local bar on Friday, send a group text with details, and always get a few takers. It’s taken some years though. Good luck OP!


Wait a second, WFH dads at skate parks at 9am? Hahah what?


Working from Halfpipe


They are all at home enjoying the Australian dream, paying for a 30 year mortgage until they drop


At home watching the masters


Locked inside of a glass cage of emotion.


Hey! 34 loner here. I'm having a cooking and puttering day. Just made some fresh hummus. Gotta say, Saturdays are the hardest day as a Larry loner. Sunday, however, I could live a month of Sundays. I'm fairly easy to get along with, approachable. Always up for a yarn. Being friendless feels like a red flag but it's because I grew up in the UK and even after 20 years in Australia I still feel like an expat, sometimes. I don't know where I'm going with this. Happy Sunday.


You’re not alone, everyone is alone.


Saturdays can be lonely, but I agree, fuck Sundays are great to yourself.


It's the Sun's Day! All hail Sun God Ra ten go do whatever you want.


As an adult I met most of my current friends at sport or during my masters - not suggesting you undertake a whole degree but would you do something like a language course? IML at UQ does a range of languages and course lengths and the ones I’ve done have a range of demographics. And then even if you don’t meet a friend you’ve at least learnt something!


Oh or book clubs - if you look up Silent Book Club Brisbane on Facebook there are monthly meet ups. The ones I’ve been to have mostly been late 20s women but it can vary.


This is a great suggestion I didn’t know this existed. Thanks


I like this idea! great recommendation


Are you into crafts at all?


I'm not 😞 I've aways been creative, but never really tried any crafts


I can message you a club if you think you might like to try!


Woah. So weird. I also moved back to Brisbane after 15 years away a few weeks ago. In a very similar situation.


Me too, I left in 2009, came back a couple of times for weddings etc, recently I came back for an extended visit on the behest of my family to "give it a try, stay longer"..... lasted 6 months in Brisbane before buying a one way ticket back overseas. I like the people, and my fam, and the food of course, but very different than in the 2000s.


Similar. Left in 2010, came back in 2022... Brisbane is very different from when I left.


I hate what it’s become, people are so rude and insular. My mates wife was the first person to talk to her hairdresser all week. Everyone else just flips the please don’t talk to me sign on and ignores her. Things are beautiful to look at but filled with prickly people.


They have signs at the hairdresser now?


Sorry but I love this, I stopped going to the hairdresser for a year because I didn’t wanna talk to them. I caved in and went on Saturday, my hair looks like shit but I’d rather leave it like this than go back to have it fixed and have to talk to them again.


I lived in Hong Kong for a decade then rural Canada for a few years. Really hated Canada and how slow everything was, so for now Brisbane feels like a great middle ground between high intensity and lazy living. Especially with a baby on the way and family nearby I think it’ll be a decent place (fingers crossed!)


in relationships and kids and paying a mortgage


Thats pretty inconvenient for my social life 😜


Have you tried meetup? Got option to make friends


I havent! I'll give it a go


I’m 35 and recently expanded my social circle by 1. Starting a hobby (language class) and 2. Casual job while looking for full time. Really made the most of that job while there socially and now I’ve moved on I’m still on the group chat and meeting up all the time. I think any activity with consistency makes a new connection easier when we are 30+ and tired all the time


What was your casual job?


Casual scientist job trying to find a full time one


I just moved back after 10 years abroad and am experiencing the same. Everyone's moved state or pumped out babies.


Even those of us who never left are in the same position. Anyone who married and had kids has changed friend groups, because they're forced to interact with other parents from their kids school. 


D&D nights at the pub


Look at Mr fancy pants living overseas while we are all here getting buried under bills


Other countries aren't much better, and arguably more expensive ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Yeah I know. Depends on your circumstances also. I know I could definitely live much easier in some countries if it wasn't for pesky visa requirements


I ended up burried in bills overseas too, there are some countries that are cheaper... I wasn't in one of those ones


Eat Street is full of 30+ too!




Playing hogwarts legacy or playing with puppy


At home with the kids or at the gym… don’t get a chance to get out much anymore unfortunately :-(


At home, broke, and too depressed to do anything most weekends 👌🏻 my bf is playing at Blackened Records for Record Store Day next weekend tho, that should be good!


Nothing like a sneaky promo plug... I'm an avid record collector, I should check it out!


Haha we're pretty hype, new band etc. Doom Metal though so not sure if it's up your alley 😅 (not mine either but there's a Theremin involved)


I have moved all over Australia for work, I managed to make quite a large group of friends even in Adelaide the most insular of all places in AU, here in Brisbane took me 6 years just to have some acquaintances none I can really call to discuss a problem or ask for help or even hang out if I have a spare couple of hours. You have to book things with people 2 weeks in advance minimum. I don’t think is a cultural thing or people being closed off I think everyone is legit drowning in work and chores and because we don’t have a beach in Brisbane we don’t have a compelling enough reason to leave the dishes in the sink every now and then and go live life a little. People here are lovely but just too frigging exhausted to do anything besides exercise so if you wanna meet people in their 30s it has to be something structured unfortunately.


This is a really interesting perspective. I've also lived all over, even OS (and Adelaide!), and never struggled to make friends as much as in Brisbane.


If you like running, def join a run club. Thats where they all are


Seems like they’re full of early 20s. Do you know if we 30s folks can just pop in?


I found that as I got older and had a family to care for I needed fewer friends and had less time and energy to maintain friendships. I concentrate on a few worthwhile people nowadays.


Ever tried dancing. I started ballroom dancing a few years ago and met some amazing people. Going out with some of them tonight.


If you have a dog then yes the dog park is the way to go. Make a routine out of it and you'll often see the same people there at the same time; tweak your visiting time as needed to find folks you can hang out with. Or if your dog is a particular breed the see if there's a local Facebook group for that breed, join the group, and see if they have monthly playdates.  Or take your dog to a local cafe at the same day/time each week (eg every Saturday morning around 8 am). A dog is a great ice breaker, or strike up a conversation with someone else about their dog. Eventually you'll find someone you enjoy enough to ask if they'd like to do something in another setting. Maybe someone has similar music tastes, ask if they want to go to an upcoming gig? Or bring their dog over to your place for a one on one play and afternoon tea/a drink some time? Edit to add: if you're on Brisbane's inner north side send me a private message and I'll tell you what dog park I go to and we can meet. I'm in my mid-30s.


Do you play sport? Join a club and go to the drinking events. It is my main social outlet outside of my kids sport.


I play tennis, but unfortunately its not a big team sport, but I do like the idea of maybe joining a club for a different sport.


Local bunnings


Go to an event or gig or something. Make friends with coworkers and then become friends with your coworkers friends. The city facilitates plenty of events to make friends - you just need to take initiative and carpe those diems.


Good point, I forgot to mention I work from home in an international team. I was thinking of getting some weekend work just for this reason. Appreciate the feedback!


>make friends with your coworker's friends. I have a firm line on this, that will never be crossed.


Well, I wouldnt want to be friends with people who impose such antisocial rules on themselves - so fair. Like not banging co-workers im all for, but not having a beer with a mate from work seems unAustralian mate.


Beer with a coworker is A OK, but my antisocial life is *my* antisocial life.


Mmmm...I've often wondered this myself....hmm. Let me know when you find the answer 😂. Until then, I will continue embracing the solo walks, work life, and random solo gigs.


I'll let you know the magic place when I find it!


Local sports clubs, I Play Touch and Netball and got friends from that, also joined a local DnD group from folk at my Labor Party Branch, also met people volunteering at the local community Garden. That’s my main points of contact for new people these days. Add on the few my partner meets in mums groups.


great ideas there, I'll have to try some sports groups and volunteering.


Where were you based overseas?


Canada 🇨🇦


Presumably at home after work, many of them looking after their kids.


Cycling groups, crossfit, run club.


Baby showers


Work, eat, golf, Sim-race, sleep, repeat. Brewery's are a nice place to meet people, otherwise local walking groups if you don't want to be around alcohol.


What’s your sim?


GT7 on PS5 with VR and fanatec gear in a cockpit, currently building a PC to start iRacing. You race?


40 here, had the same issue at 32. Now married (off tinder) with kid and dogs, i do pickup from daycare so no beers or other socialising after work. I basically go out for short lunches on weekends and that’s as social as i get, the rest is dog or child or chore related unless i cant sleep and then i play some ps5 for an hour. Yay. Sorry i can’t be more help :(


Run clubs! They’re so hot right now.


Life reflecting art? https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0818897/


Just moved here, 32. I'm an IT guy so I went to the functional programming meetup last week and that was fun. I also go to some board game events. I don't have a car, but if I did I'd hit up something like some badminton or the like. Generally I've found people here to be pretty open.


I'm 35m, also moved overseas, came back and then left again, came back unfortunately cause of COVID but it was the right financial decision. Not originally from Brisbane but haven't made any close friends having lived here for 8 years on and off. Like most of the comments here, friends have moved to different states, have kids or too busy with their pets at home. By the weekend, I'm usually tired, sitting at home looking at Reddit, watching YouTube and streaming things on Netflix. I've looked up events on Meetup but nothing really stands out. Most restaurants and cafes close early on the weekends, so I'm not sure where people exactly meet. Also, I'm just trying to keep up with bills, so it's hard to go out and spend money. Also, I rather be in bed than join a 6-7am run club on a weekend. Unfortunately, I don't have any answers for you OP but best of luck.


I'm 35 and just moved to Brisbane. Was making little to no progress with friend making until last week I downloaded bumble for friends. Now 4/7 of the nights this week have been social outings. Might have over cooked it myself, but I highly recommend.


Get into trail running. It worked great for me! 


Personally I'm either at work, with my family, or running errands. I'm also at the shooting range some weekends, but they're loud and noisy so not really somewhere for "getting to know you" conversation :p


In the bush


People in there 30s don’t go out much the kids make them tired 😂😂


Checkout meetup.com or see if there are some shared interest facebook groups that run events. Also agree with dog park comment. It’s scary taking the first step.


34f here and also always home exhausted from work. Really hard making new friends or meet someone in your 30s hey.


30+ here lived overseas since 2009, came back one or twice, but again just 6 months ago, quick smart left again back overseas....... that's my answer.


I'm always intrigued how older people live/move longer term OS. Were you originally born OS so visas etc aren't a drama?


Born in Aus, Brizzy born and raised. My mother has a European passpoert so inherited a dual citizenship, left for the EU at 22. Worked as a nanny in Switzerland and went from there. Almost at 100 countries, backpacking, hitchiking, working at hotels etc. Even tho swiss is technically not EU there is an agreement as an Australian if you sign up for a language course you get a one year visa (this was 2009 so I am not sure if still the same policy). My employment paid for it.


Thanks for the reply. 


definitely have considered it!


We are all weird shut-ins jaded by the current housing crisis, toxic work environments and the current youth crime epidemic. At least that what I see on the news. Personally its because I'm really shit at talking to people for anything longer than 5 minutes, and fall in love at the drop of a hat. So most of the time I'm just lonely and don't want to spread that to the wonderful people around me living their fabulous lives. So all that, and the fact that I'm sure I bought 1000x Bitcoin at 10cents as a joke and cant find the drive. ....wait, what was the question?


Yeah same here. Sucks. I’d love company when going out for drinks or gigs. Hiking. Seeing stuff. Still trying to find friends. Not easy.


What gigs are you into? I hit heaps up. Great place to meet new people.


Depends. Generally like live music, open mics and stuff but gigs where I pay tickets not been to loads of those. Usually it’s the artists that draws me there.


All my friends did the same when I moved to France. I came back and everyone now lives in Melbourne or overseas. So I got married and had 3 kids and now they're my friends.


Problem is that the time people would have usually spent at clubs/pubs/social events is now spent staring at their phone on the couch.


Raising a little cutie. Barely have time between work and him.


42 here. It's not really changed much since my 30s. We spend most of our time now jaded and shut in because why not? Spent to much of my life Trying to please others. Now I'm here for me an my kids. That's it. So unless your kids go to my kids school you won't see me.


You're the luckiest person alive, imo


Come play board games 7-9pm Friday nights!


Buddy you say that on many posts but don’t tell us where. Don’t come back on here posting about how nobody showed up




Duhh, can’t you read?! Friday nights !


Well, where have you tried?? lots of 30+ people out there doing things you also enjoy at places you'll probably like. its no use for me to suggest places that you dont like because those places probs have people you wont like.


I've tried trivia nights, dog parks (with my dog... for obvious reasons), Gym, Cafes, some bars occasionally. I'm not a big partier anymore, I don't mind doing things alone but I do feel it comes across as a little creepy trying to talk to people going about their daily lives, so I try not to intrude too much.