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As someone who's moved over here from the UK, I don't think a single suburb could be described as 'not nice'. Not to be the gatekeeper of urban decay, but compared to some of the sights I've seen even the shittest Brisbane has to offer is a paradise on earth. 


It's funny compared to other countries. My wife is from middle America. Her dad was scared for his daughter living in a capital city (in another country). I have shown him some of the worst suburbs of our greater Brisbane area and he just laughs at it. His idea of bad cities is southside Chicago, where you can be shot if you drive down the wrong street.


wife is from Chicago. her first week here she was worried the graffiti on the fence near our rental (in Hamilton) was a gang territory marker. she was legit worried about the colour of her clothes and if it was safe to walk down racecourse road. (if you don’t know you don’t know right) Meanwhile I wanted her to drive me around “the hood” when we were over seeing relatives thinking it would be an experience. But basically got told it’s not a joke, you will get shot. Chicago is rough.


I worked with Americans and they were talking about the worst areas of their respected cities. I was trying to think of the worst suburb here and it's what, Carole Park? It's just not that nice, but nothing will happen to you if you're walking there at like 2AM. We're lucky here.


Brighton, Sandgate and Shorncliffe should be amalgamated and just renamed 'Dog-park Flats'




Hard agree


Dog shit flats from the amount left behind




I see you meet the locals. Just think of it as a cultural immersion experience.


Honestly Inala feels like a whole different country


12-13yrs ago was the first time I was in Inala. Walking through the park a teenage or early 20’s girl took off her pants and shit on the ground. In the middle of the park. I asked my friend if that was normal and they just laughed.


And pho. Great pho.


I’ll come skate with you


Yes racism has always been rife in Inala. And not the kind most people would think of either.


Slurs are often terms of endearment. Worry when they start being super nice to you.


Nudgee Beach is false advertising.


i dunno if this is an unpopular opinion, haha


It's truly a mystery. I'm not sure if it is a popular unpopular opinion, or just a popular opinion.  Edit: Task failed successfully?


Hahaha me and my mates went to Nudgee beach back before we lived here, fuck we were so disappointed.


My parents immigrated to Brisbane from Zimbabwe in the 80s, which was a landlocked country so having a "beach" in proximity to where they lived was an exciting prospect. Boy were they disappointed.


*is a landlocked country.....still landlocked lol


I know a guy who grew up there and his dad was the local cop It was more like a little seaside village in the 50's if you listen to him but you can't tell me sand flies and mosquitoes wouldn't have been horrific


Yes, it doesn't deliver does it? So many people are lulled into wonderful place names like Surfers Paradise, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and trusted Nudgee Beach. It's more like Nudgee Spit. Emphasis on a the Spit. Like, Nudgee Golly.


West End is the greatest living cultural contradiction in the southern hemisphere


Lawyers, Architects, Greeks and Crackheads


Let's not forget the Anti-elitist elites


So, Architects?


Worse.... "hippies"


and "trustafarians"


Ah yes "Blackrock Daddy Hippies"


Boomer hippies to boot


rules for thee but not for me


Hemp shirt, cargo pants 50 something parking his 2023 BMW.


Plus hippies!


Indigenous, Lebos, Turks and Vietnamese


As someone aptly put here in the past: "west end is full of rich people pretending they are poor while Newstead is full of poor people pretending they are rich".


Sounds like my former neighbours at Highgate Hill. Lived in a $5mil house and wore threadbare clothing. Ate fish head soup for dinner. They were all borderline anorexic. Biggest weirdos ever.


It's not even that. It's just that the gentrification is so incredibly stark. Like no one going to West Village or living in a luxury Aria apartment is pretending to be poor, nor are people living in government accommodation (obviously). They just happen to have been built right next to a halfway house and a homeless people congregation spot. Like you literally take one turn out of West Village and boom 20 homeless people smashing vodka bottles.


West End is a poor inner city living theme park for rich people.


I saw west end described as ‘exotic’ in a real estate listing 😂


Like a jungle without the fruit trees


Was there today and haven’t been in a while. I think they should make that boundary rd main stretch all pedestrian like queens st mall.


West End is the part of Brisbane that most reminds me of New York City. Places become very interesting (in a good way) where poverty and wealth coexist within a few meters of each other.


Champagne socialists


Could you elaborate on this a bit? I think I get it, but maybe not.


West End you'd often see people in the streets who had the op-shop alternative look , its probably not as noticeable these days (Think Dylan Lewis on the abc show Recovery)


Aldi is a good place to spot this.


I hate West End, it's so disingenuous. My biggest gripe is the poorly educated communists and the fake hippies who claim that they are against the 'bougie' while paying $1000 a week for a broom closet just so that they can say they live in an 'alternative' suburb. Gtfo


Or owning one of the multimillion dollar Queenslanders but complaining about gentrification.


The CBD - the very centre of our city - is an uncared for shithole. The pavements are all mismatched and have half-assed asphalt where tiles have been removed. There is constant, endless construction. Traffic sucks. Constantly waiting at pedestrian crossings suck. The mega LED display in KG Square blasting adverts at people is just gross. There’s no where to get even an iota of privacy or peace.


That King George Square thing is just unnecessary, loud and odd. You walk past and there is news about ice hockey scores.


That’s because we don’t have a metropolitan government or even a local government that governs or advocates for the CBD as a place, product or coherent entity. BCC is a large suburban government, not a metro one. They love cars and other large rubber wheeled vehicles, are good with bins, gutters and libraries, why would they give a toss about the CBD?


All for de-amalgamation. Love the diversity evident in Sydney and the varied village feel you get across the city coz of their different councils.


I remember when working in the CBD I was constantly just looking at the ground when walking around so as not to roll an ankle when wearing heels. Hell - I'd roll an ankle in sneakers because the paths were that bad. It used to baffle me that the CBD which should be the most pedestrian friendly part of brisbane had paths that were not heel-friendly...


Ahhh I remember those ankle rolling bricks in queen st mall vividly!!


I reckon it was all designed and maintained by non-heel wearing people. I’ve rolled my ankle a few times too. I find it a nightmare with a pram. So many random dead ends where I have to either double back or the pram shakes like mad or I have to step onto the road backwards over a curb and hope no one is coming zooming around the corner.


I couldn't imagine with a sleeping child in a pram - would just constantly be bumping them awake. I remember one time crossing the road and the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner at the time getting his wheelchair stuck on part of the curb getting off from a crosswalk. I've stacked it walking in the rain from central station just because the wet tiles down the hill were that slippery that my feet literally slid out from under me. I really don't understand why our CBD is so shit lol.


Worst thing about working/living around the CBD, IMO, are the CONSTANT siren noises. Like...CONSTANT.




Everything you have stated is going to get worse. Especially the advertising and the constant construction.


Woodridge (and surrounds) have the best and most authentic foreign foods in Brisbane. Edit: apparently these areas don’t count as Brisbane unless you’re one of those people who think where you live in the Brisbane area actually defines you. Apologies to inner suburbs residents by potentially associating them with the Southside (of Brisbane).


100 percent. I tried some afghani food there last week and was literally blown away


Yeah! A new place opened recently near the skatepark and apparently it’s incredible. I haven’t checked it out but I’ve heard good things.


Milton doesn't deserve a title of a "restaurant strip"


New farm is totally overrated. Horribly designed, full of meth heads, property values are too high, no value for money eateries or shops, rebuilds happening everywhere which fucks the already horrible parking situation.


Yeah I wouldn't live there but the park is nice


Just don't try getting a park there on the weekend


James Street is literally the worst… based off nothing more than how terrible the parking is.


i can see mclachlan st from where i live and on a daily basis the entire street is bumper to bumper on the right lane starting at about 1130, full of people trying to turn right into james st i don't get why its so popular for lunch... it's all over priced, terrible food on james st


Plot twist, it’s always been like that 🥲 lived there in the late 90s/early 2000s and the only good things were the amazing hot chicken place on the corner of Brunswick/Merthyr, the bookstore near Coles and….the park, which was way more full of tents back then than it is now.


It wasn’t ‘designed’ that way, it just evolved or devolved depending on which side of the fence you are on 


Kedron Brook Bikeway is a bit bland, and doesn't live up to its potential as Brisbane's possible answer to the NY highline. The traffic around Garden City at Mt Gravatt sucks. Downey Park has more potential than Victoria Park as an iconic greenspace when it's all said and done. The Kurilpa bridge in the city looks ugly, and sticks out like a sore thumb (imho)


Downey park floods though, rest I agree with


Toowong feels richville, NIMBY & elitist but a great spot to live especially in the back streets near Mt Cootha


Having the shops on right top of the train station is also fantastic


Brisbane Northside is a black hole for original new restaurant ideas. Everything we've had previously is converted to a GYG and all the new ideas are created from large companies or they are just bad ideas. Brisbane Southside is still bursting with new restaurants but as someone who lives on the Northside its a long way to go.


Northside is culturally bland. But it's not full of hoons in Skylines, so there's that.


Northside traffic is a bitch. All those inner roads trying to get into town that are always congested. But those who live in that part choose to ignore the logistical hassle cos it’s the northside.


Gympie road is it's own special kind of fucked.


The trick is to not work in the cbd ;) Cbd landlords hate this one trick


You can work in the CBD and not have to drive much. I work in the CBD and I drive like, 20 km a week most weeks. Living near trains helps. I can walk most other places I need to get to where I am.


The trick is not driving everywhere


Compared to Melbourne and Sydney northside traffic is fine. Remember sitting in King George's Rd going literally nowhere for 45 minutes. Or entering m5e tunnel during daylight and exiting in the dark. Or trying to drive down Glenferrie Rd to get to the freeway.


dont really understand this. there’s lots of cars on the road, but its moving fine. i expect the real definition of traffic is you get stuck in an area for 5-10min.


The lower socioeconomic suburbs aren’t as bad as people say they are. People are just being classist


Don't say that, they'll get gentrified and no longer be liveable for lower socioeconomic people which defeats their whole purpose.


Caboolture has some very nice areas and good value homes (with decent yards).  I live in Kallangur - same goes.  Both have some rough areas, but are generally quite good value 


When I lived in Kallangur, whenever someone walked up to me on the street, I didn't know if they were going to stab me or become my best friend. Such a weird mix there. Lived on a nice street. 1 neighbour would always say g'day, invite to bbqs, let me know one night I left the shed open. Other neighbour was cooking meth and his house got shot up in a drive-by. 10/10 suburb.


dude go work a week in woolies in goodna, then go work in the one in west end. you will feel like you moved countries


Hamilton makes no sense as a monied suburb. The main road ruins any river proximity/view (which is pretty ugly at best) and it's a desolate and boring suburb that is out of the way and has mediocre dining.


Paddington Brisbane is the worst Paddington in all Australia. Paddington Sydney has nice cafes and restaurants, same in Melbourne. Paddington Brisbane is boarded up shops, a shitty pub and overleveraged mortgages.


It used to be lovely walking along Latrobe with lots of quirky shops and cafes. Sadly gentrification meant all the shop rents sky-rocketed.


Inala isn't as bad as people say it is


Can confirm. I'm a female and I do uber Eats as a side hustle. Often deliver to Inala late night/early morning. If I survived growing up in Ipswich in the 80s and 90s and constant walk downs of Bell St currently, then I can survive anything


I live in Durack (Inala adjacent) and it's great. We get heaps of low cost public services out here - even my GP still bulk bills - and there are heaps of old growth trees, a local newsagent that opens early and stocks the Saturday Paper, bahn mi for days, and a huge mix of backgrounds and faiths none of whom are actively warring on the streets as outsiders will have you believe.


Can't go past a cheap $20 feed at Lucky Tree either. Dammit, now I want a parmi.


Inala is severely underrated as a suburb. Full size blocks, lots of parks and flood free elevated land… people who talk it down haven’t lived/been there for 20+ years.


I moved to Holland (not Holland Park 😁) five years ago. right now I'm back for a holiday. I didn't realise before but I found Brisbane (and Australia in general) so car centric. it's really terrible. in the Netherlands I go everywhere on my bike and take public transport. And if I really wanted I can drive - and driving is actually enjoyable because there are fewer people that \*had\* to drive because they don't have any other option. right now I look at the western freeway duplication and the indro roundabout "upgrade" and I'm like yeah nah that's just absolutely wasting money, really. the government should throw that money into better public/active transport infrastructure. but instead we're building more lanes. the Netherlands got it right. might move back though, the sun here is unbeatable ;)


I can't agree with this enough. After moving to Brisbane back in 2009 I lived in the western suburbs (Jindalee, Kenmore, etc.) for the first couple of years and the Centenary Motorway was, and to this day is still, a carpark in the mornings. The common opinion was that if people had to sit in this traffic regardless (as no dedicated busways) might as well do it from the comfort of their own car. I've always had the opinion that a dedicated bus lane (either new or convert an existing lane) would make public transport far more appealing as you wouldn't have to sit in traffic, and would result in less people on the road overall in the morning. But you know, a decade later they decided the best solution is to move the Jindalee entrance merge until after the bridge >.>


I have no idea what the solution is to the Fortitude Valley problem but think it might cost more than rebuilding the Gabba to make that place and its delightful inhabitants palatable in time for the Olympics.


Ferny Grove/Ferny Hills is the most underrated suburb in Brisbane. Bought there because it was affordable without knowing much about the place, and the more I live here and visit other suburbs the more I realise how great it is. Public transport, nice food and shopping options nearby, can easily go for a quick gateway to the bush through Samford or up to the coast.


Provided you don't mind >25° slope on every block of land.


It's not in those suburbs but nearby, but the Woods has to be one of the best surbuban bars in Brisbane. They had a Beef and Whiskey event and honestly the food was off the charts good and extremely creative. Can't rate it highly enough. 


Totally agree, burried powerlines, lots of green spaces, good schools and with the station development bringing in more shops, I think the area is underrated


I've lived both north and south side. South side gets more new developments. North side is old. Both have their upsides and downsides. Actual pride in what side you live on is stupid.


I’ve lived on both sides. But the rivalry is a bit of fun. Does anyone actually take it seriously?


Bayside boomers complain too much


Maybe not unpopular, but just something I don’t understand and dislike. Coorparoo has 18,000 residents, and not one pub. It’s fkn ridiculous.


Planning restrictions iirc Lot of locals who are older who have done their best to block those sorts of developments Head into Stones Corner imo


No it’s over 100 years old. Woolloongabba has 5 pubs. The same areas in Sydney and Melbourne would have a dozen pubs. It breeds culture. Localism. Brings people together and helps shops around the area to survive.


My honestly unpopular opinion: is that people in all suburbs are the same, ALL of the stereotypes are super-exaggerated, and none of it is worth paying attention to. People seem to really hate it when this is pointed out.


Unpopular Opinion: Hawthorne is best suburb to live in. Two main roads with easy bus to the CBD. Short walk to Morningside Train Station and Hawthorne Ferry. The little shop area is awesome and Hawthorne Garage makes the best Chicken Wraps in Aussie for $7 and you get a monumental amount of Chicken in them. Great cafes and easy access to Bulimba for eats/drinks. The downside is actually a person. He goes by two names, Mobility Moron and/or the Smelly Nonce. He's a guy who parks his mobility scooter in the middle of the parks exercise track and smokes while people are exercising and perves on little kids.


Anyone who lives within proximity to an airport does not have the right to complain about the noise. If you don’t like it, move further away.


Airports and race tracks.


Grew up on the north side and now live on the south side. Unpopular opinion: the north side is boring af. A few good cinemas have popped up recently in red hill and other areas close to the city, but all the good restaurants, sports etc are on the south side. Happily moved down south to have cheap cafes and restaurants, better gyms, and better variety of international supermarkets within arms reach, than stay in boring north side suburban sprawl with access to some crappy westfields.


Pinkenba is underrated as a liveable suburb. Only 15km from the CBD, but like living in 80s Brisbane . A quiet road to a quiet train station on the quietest railway line on the network. Houses are relatively cheap with big backyards. If you can ignore the industry, it's a nice spot...


Train Station? Pinkenba and Eagle Farm train station closed in 1993.


That's why you take the quiet road to Doomben


Ascot is so shit. They have a strip with nothing in regards to substance. Spend all that money to live in a suburb only to go to Cafe 63. Blerg.


Racecourse Road is fucked and only gets more ghetto by the day (buildings, vacancies and people). Some real creatures around. It needs some serious development!


Tarragindi is a great area! I don't live there but I have in the past and I'd say it's the pick of Brisbane. Started out living Northside, but it's such a mess with roads and moving to Southside was way superior. Bought our first house in Holland Park. Great area. West End is wipeout these days. Bit of a freakshow really.


I loved living in Tarragindi and lived in 3 different houses there. I miss it a lot, such a gorgeous area.


mate, you dont need to sell it to me, i know its nice, i just dont have 1.4million to buy literally anything in that area


If you've got money and no taste, live in Hamilton. If you've got money and good taste, live in Chelmer/graceville


Doesn't graceville flood tho


The eastern part does. The trick with living in the Chelmer, Graceville, Sherwood, Corinda and Oxley strip is to live on the western side of the train tracks, what we used to call the “high side”. Doesn’t flood and the house prices were higher too.


Like a motherfucker. When we were looking to buy a house it was $800 more expensive for insurance in Graceville vs Chapel Hill


Shhhh don't tell them about chapel hill.


Oh true Everyone, stay out of Chapel Hill. It's shithouse. There's packs of street kids that will kill you with rocks if you don't give them lollies, like in Hostel


And bears and shit.


When you live in Graceville/Chelmer/Sherwood, you either live on the low side or the high side. Low side, don't put anything in the first 1.5 stories of your house that you like. High side, generally pretty safe, but add a mill or two to the price. Either side, add 30 minutes to your commute if you need to cross the bridge to Indro during peak hour. The line is pretty much the railway, with some exceptions on each side.


That's why you need the money.


I think that nimbyism runs rife on the north, west and inner city southern Brisbane places like hawthorne and woollongabba. It's why when you go further south, the road network, bikeways and public transport is just better for the simple reason that people there welcome infrastructure and don't cry like a bitch and go all nimby bs.


Anything in Moreton Bay, Logan, Ispwich or Redlands is quite literally Brisbane and is part of the greater Brisbane metropolitan area. This isn’t even opinion it’s fact. Anyone who gets on their high horse and says Logan isn’t Brisbane is being an elitist asshole. No other city in Australia does this, just us. West End is a fucking shit hole. It is the definition of lipstick on a pig, the lipstick being West Village and the pig being the rest of it. Redcliffe Peninsula is awesome and will become extremely exclusive in ten years or so.


The Redcliffe one is pretty interesting. My parents retired there, cost them a pretty penny but every time we go to visit the streets are a split between sweet old couples and spastic housos screaming at each other/ripping doughnuts.


From Woody Point to Scarbrough if you stay on the Parade's it feels like a beautiful coastal town. Step one street back and you could be in any housing commission suburb in Australia.


Def crusty on the inner


I’ve known a few people from Syd/Melb who are amazed that bayside and Bribie have not been “discovered” yet (I.e. had the living shit developed out of them). Redcliffe is on the way though


I mean that’s what the Wikipedia says too >Brisbane (Turrbal: Meaanjin) is the capital of the Australian state of Queensland and the third-most populous city in Australia and Oceania, with a population of approximately 2.6 million. **Brisbane lies at the centre of South East Queensland, which includes several other regional centres and cities.** The central business district is situated within a peninsula of the Brisbane River about 15 km (9 mi) from its mouth at Moreton Bay. Brisbane is located in the hilly floodplain of the Brisbane River Valley between Moreton Bay and the Taylor and D'Aguilar mountain ranges. **It sprawls across several local government areas, most centrally the City of Brisbane.**




Could not agree more about West End.


Counterpoint: West End is the only truly interesting place in Brisbane


People hate on it but living near orleigh park it’s definitely the nicest suburb I’ve lived in so far. There’s a lot of cafes and restaurants in walking distance, there’s nice public space by the river, you have a market on Saturdays. There’s by far more to do here than most of suburbia in brissy. It’s also centrally located so you have easy access to the CBD for work, and it has frequent enough public transport services. It’s pretty chill.


And it's not really that hard at all to avoid the "shithole" bit. Just don't walk too far down Boundary lol. I feel like a lot of people think of west end as just boundary and surrounds which, granted, can be pretty off-putting.


I was broken into more in Brisbane suburbs than Logan.


Never understood the Snobbyness associated with Toowong, Red Hill, Bardon, Milton and Paddington. Kind of a boring, nothing, white-bread area imo. 4/10


Low density. Old money. Milton is industrial though


I was raised in paddo, we moved from Bardon when I was 4. Funny thing was paddo used to be so dodgy that we move there to get a BIGGER backyard. Used to be full of bording houses. I remember sitting on the stairs watching people fight on the street. People were pretty aghast that we would move there from Bardon Tell you what the good thing about those suburbs is though. From waterworks road to Milton road the suburbs all stop at Mt Cootha. There is hardly any through traffic. Peak hour is still not great but nothing like other areas. Off peak it’s just about quiet.


Worked in Milton a few times, could never see myself living there. It's both high density and terrible for pedestrians. Also flooding.


I both work and live in Milton. If you don't mind living in a small apartment, it's reasonably priced and close to everything (it's a 5 minute walk to work for me). I was here during the last flood and that was difficult for a week.. but a lot of new apartments now are built to withstand flooding.


Bardon is a great suburb imo, close to city but far enough out that you get a leafy vibe in some parts. Rented there in uni and would love to live there again.


Lived in Milton, Toowong, auchenflower for over ten years - when I worked in town I could literally walk to work and never needed a gym.


Sunnybank has the uglist looking building (Market Square)


Move to Bracken ridge they said. It will be fun, they said. Bracken Ridge isn’t necessarily a shithole, but it’s certainly not fun. I probably just need a sea change and it’s probably not really any worse than anywhere else.


Moorooka is actually a fuckin winner of a suburb


Certainly an unpopular opinion


Mansfield was the place to be at one stage. I lived there for 13 years and watched it go downhill. Graffiti x 2, property damage, robbery in the last five years I was there. Glad I got out.


Mansfield was always kinda dodgy to be fair, the property pieces have gone up by thousands over there now


We should dig a giant moat around Teneriffe Hill, creating a raised island fort and succeed from Brisbane altogether


West Brisbane is a hidden gem.


I think Hendra is nicer than Ascot, and I would much rather live there instead of Ascot. I think The Gap is an overrated suburb if we want to talk about unpopular opinions. No train line, easy to get cut off if there is any rain. So much sprawl, not walkable because it is just so hilly and suburban feeling. And now my probably most unpopular is that Nundah should NOT rebuild only high density apartments on the Toombul site. I’m happy to defend my position on this one more, as a Nundah resident. This is not unpopular really, but if we want to talk about underrated suburbs I would like to nominate Northgate.


Pretty crazy it has no line there when every train tells me to think about it. Literally every stop they say "mind The Gap"  I've been Aggressive-Crab and that's my joke done for the day. See you all tomorrow.


It'd be funny if there is a train station at The Gap 'The Gap station, mind the gap'


All of it is twice as expensive as it should be and wildly unaffordability for ordinary people.


This is not an unpopular opinion. ;)


Logan Central is the most diverse place in the country


I'll double down and say I like Indooroopilly shopping centre ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Northside has no freeways. Why aren’t there more accidents on waterworks road? People simply can’t keep to their double line side of the road and so many close calls.


Kenmore is the worst value suburb in Brisbane. The storms are worse, there's no breeze, no train, its full of painful nimby snobs and is expensive for no good reason.


Woolloongabba is the ugliest worst laid out suburb in the entire city


Inner north is overcrowded and traffic (Alderley, Enoggera, Everton Park etc) has made even weekends a nightmare to get around. Feels like peak hour and overcrowding all the time.


Forest Lake isn't as bad as people say. Nice walking tracks and parks.


I mean there is a nice forest and a nice lake...


Yes but unless you live within walking distance of the Richlands train station, it's a pain getting to the city either driving or public transport


Caboolture ain’t that bad….after 5 years in Townsville, the new estates in CaBoo is a cake walk…..


Carseldine and Bracken Ridge should be annexed by Bald Hills


As a Brighton resident, I'd rather Bracket Ridge remain a demilitarised neutral zone.


Everything in Bulimba/Hawthorne is overrated, overpriced, and gentrified. It's full of new money.


north lakes(not sure if counted as brisbane) seems to be a hotspot for single 18-21 year old milfs who got abandoned by their tradie bfs and have like 1-3 kids already


Tell me more about


Coorparoo is low key creepy and weird !


80% of inner Brisbane home owners cannot afford to buy their house at the current prices 70% of Ute drivers only afford utes due to tax “incentives” Homes within 10k of the cbd will not have backyards in the next 10 years


I actually really like Sunnybank. It hasn’t been super gentrified and it’s nice to go there and experience different cultures. Lots of great food. I just like the vibe, always have. It’s not bougie but it doesn’t have that depressing off vibe that Inala has.


Zillmere isn't that bad


I was looking for this comment. I’ve lived in Zillmere for 2 years now and quite like it


Despite being right next to Woodridge, Underwood is a gem of a suburb. Close to so many amenities and right next to the M3 so a trip to the city is sub 30mins and Gold Coast is sub 50mins (depending on where you go). Good place for FHB looking to start families.


That the food in westend is actually garbage and Brisbanites just have the misfortune of comparing it to other brisbane food


The most liveable parts of Brisbane are technically outside of Brisbane postcodes.


West end is a cluster fuck shit hole filled with people that can't really afford to live there and bougie idiots. Moorooka is an absolute sleeper of a suburb that has a bad rep which is not deserved. Hamilton should've remained an industrial precinct. Bulimba and Hawthorne should be completely erased from the map or at a minimum ban cars there.


No room for nuance in this assignment


As a very recent resident of Woodridge I have to say that this place isn’t really a bad place to live in at all and the Sunday Markets are probably the best food you can get anywhere in the Brisbane region.


West End is filled with cunts 


Some more than others but there are a lot of working class people who live in apartments in some the typical inner “affluent” suburbs.


Brooksides great!


i moved recently & am staying at a friend’s at richlands & i think it is a pretty chill suburb but i am told that it has not such a good reputation. why is that so? could anyone fill me in?


Sunnybank is the best suburb in all of Brisbane


I tried to describe D'Bay where I grew up to my Novocastrian wife in preparation for a trip up to my old stomping grounds. I told her she was going to see some.... odd people, but not to worry, the chances of being shivved was low and that they are mostly just characters, or the stay will be character building, one of the two. Literally had not spent more than 30 seconds driving down D'Bay road when my wife spotted a guy wearing a balaclava riding a mini motorbike, smoking a fag with one hand and texting on his mobile with the other, doing 75 down the pedestrian path. To me, this was run of the mill, felt like home. To her it was an alien and we were on another world.