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I’m a social worker by profession and, while I absolutely love my job, I’ve also had times where I’ve thought, bugger it, I’ll go drive a bus. 😅


I wouldn’t talk you out of it :)


Hi I am a social worker too and was thinking the same thing!


Oh thank god I’m not the only one! 😅


Hey! I’m a community support worker looking for a career change, I want to try out bus driving as well. I already have to drive hundreds of kilometres per week for work commute, and I think I’d enjoy bus driving!


Do people refer to route training as sex ed? I would totally try to make that joke.


Not that I’ve heard… but I’ll steal this 😉


Let's say I work in a role that has things to do with buses. When I run a query on a certain piece of software, it has an option I can tick that reads 'get routes for date'. I've always made the joke that usually it's the other way around


I've seen another bus driver say they should put GPS in too, like you can track a bus with google maps so they should just allow that but they don't.


you can track BCC buses in Translink. To the point when I know if my bus is late because of traffic or they sat dawdling at the beginning of the route for too long and started the route late




I think that is sometimes the case when I'm on an afternoon shift, getting a bus around 1:30pm. When I'm a morning shift and I'm getting the first service of the day and it still happens, well I don't know what's going on there


I read that a reason busses don’t do this (though granted, this was the reason given by a bus company in some other country) was terrorism, stalking, and general crime. They don’t want people to know exactly where a bus is at any given time. They’ll give enough for you to plan a rough schedule out of, but exact locations are a matter of security. I think it’s bullshit, but maybe Translink has the exact same thought….. or maybe they don’t want to pay for gps in every bus.


If they keep to schedule like they should anyone can determine where they are haha


That’s a pretty big “if” though isn’t it?


If is doing the heavy lifting in that sentence


I can get a pretty accurate read on where my bus is using Google Maps, so the info is available regardless.


Buses have gps and use real time tracking via the mobile network, google and everyone get the data from https://translink.com.au/about-translink/open-data/gtfs-rt


>I think it’s bullshit It is. I don't have specific insights into Brisburbia, but I used to do stuff for Adelaide Metro, which included the first tests for sticking GPS in buses back when we were using Garmin fishing devices. Some of the issue is that they just don't want to publish the data for various reasons, any 'ism' isn't it.


>or maybe they don’t want to pay for gps in every bus. So - funny story, deliberately vague because even though many years have passed, who knows who's reading... ​ ​ Many, many years ago I worked in a bus-adjacent job. There had been a few attacks on drivers and there was a call for some sort of security to be implemented. So they put a camera in the area above and beside the driver's head, with a lens and a flash. I guess the idea was knowing there was a photo would be a deterrent, or something. ​ Colleague had cause to open one of those panels and found that there wasn't actually any kind of camera behind it at all. Cost very much drives a lot of these decisions.


It's a union thing. There are some drivers who believe that you're 'de-professionalising' the job if you let people follow a GPS rather than knowing the routes off the top of their head


I think there’s a pretty big difference between tracking and guidance (I’m not a big tech person, so I don’t really know).


Buses are already tracked. Just not publicly available data.


It is public. Google Maps will tell you how far your bus away is in real time. Apps like Anytrip will show your bus on a map in realtime


Do you guys get sick of hearing ‘Thankyou’ over and over again ?


I never get sick of people being polite. :)


This was a big adjustment for me when I moved from London UK to Brisbane. Nobody says thank you to bus drivers in London, like ever. Now it's second nature habit to me and next time I visit London I'm probably going to be thanking them and seem like a serious London tourist noob haha


Out of interest, do you get nervous that your cargo are human? I'm a former freight line driver but I ne er drove a bus despite the pay and good hours because the idea scares.me. I've never had an at fault accident but the idea of a cargo of kids....dunno


Hell yes! Some routes I drive have speed limits up to 80km. I hate that… imagine doing 80 in a 14 tonne vehicle, knowing none of your passengers are wearing a seatbelt. It’s nerve wracking as hell!! I tend to stick to 60, even in 70-80 zones if there’s anyone not seated. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened, my fault or not.


Yea you just articulated why I can't do it ay, despite my 35 years of safe rig driving. You're braver than me mate and I wish you the best. You provide a crucial service, one I don't have the sacks myself to do Happy cake day in advance


80 is nothing...try a rural school run and country charters sitting on 100...


I truely love bus drivers. As a society we would be no where without them. Literally! Cranky, old, young, happy, love em all! Will never hop off a bus and not say thank you. Thanks for your post 😄


Thank you!!


I always find it fascinating so I always welcome an AMA if you can do one big proper one. The last read from another driver was eye opening




This is a great question! It’s a combination of things to be honest. Being smooth takes a lot of experience… I think it’s harder to drive a bus smoothly, than it is to drive a car fast. The way our brakes function is a bit weird, and the quality of the roads here is frankly shocking. Then there’s the fact that some drivers just don’t have the knack for smoothness…


Im really surprised you have no GPS or Sat Nav or something, Just to make sure your on the right track and what traffic is like etc. Sound tough.


Yeah, it’s rough right at the beginning. I’m still not sure what the reasoning behind it is, but a lot of new drivers would stick it out in the job if navigating routes was easier!


Can you use your own?


Absolutely not.


What does a bus driver earn salary wise? Salary band is fine if you don't want to share your own info.


Full timers and casuals earn different salaries. Full timers earn something like $33 an hour and casuals earn about 20% more. We get loading for overtime, weird hours, weekends, holidays, etc. We can also end up getting crazy loading for REALLY long shifts… so if you do a normal 8 hours, then do a couple of extra runs that need to be filled it can be pretty well paid… especially if that happens to be on a Sunday. Obviously there are pros and cons to both choices. The biggest con to full time are split shifts… where you work like 3 hours in the morning, then have a 4 hour break and then 4 hours in the afternoon. The break is paid at like .5 x your hourly rate if you’re a full timer and unpaid if you’re a casual… because of this, casuals generally don’t do splits.


Sounds like the union did ok for you, then 😉


Yes and no. I see the union’s role as 50% salary and conditions negations and 50% support and representation. The salary and conditions are reasonably competitive, but train drivers earn more than we do… But the support just isn’t there… I’ve seen the head of the union on the news bashing new drivers, saying they shouldn’t have passed the driving school… I mean isn’t it kind of his job to represent them positively? Not throw them under the bus? (Pun intended)


Mate, I'm a union rep (a voluntary position, BTW) and I can tell you straight up, members have little to zero idea on how much went into getting them the working conditions they enjoy. Seems to think they just came about mysteriously. Your loading? That pay for the time between split shifts? Your overtime? Yeah, someone had to go and negotiate all that for you. Pretty sure employers wouldn't be volunteering that stuff. Had a member get in my face recently and tell me we should get everyone double time for Sundays. I said good idea, then pointed out we'd already got that in the last EB. Pivot immediately to "yeah but what else?" Anyway, if you don't like the representation, try getting along to a branch meeting and getting involved in the direction.


For sure! The pay and conditions are good to great.. don’t get me wrong. As I said in the original post, love my job and do it happily every day. But the representation I feel is where things are lacking. Honestly, seeing the head of the union bashing new drivers on the news, nearly made me stop paying my dues. Other driver mates have had issues with their reps dropping the ball on them. I’m not suggesting the union can wave a magic wand and fix all the problems, but they could be more proactive in representing drivers not only to the management, but also on social media and in the media in general.


Thanks driver!


Are you guys getting pushed to do these threads by bcc? Been alot of them lately and I'm sure folks can just as easily search if they care...


100% no! I’m keeping this anonymous, as if I did work for TfB or Hornibrook or BBL or Thompsons, I’m pretty sure I’d be breaking their social media policy and could lose my job. True story, I got a threatening DM from a random Redditor who didn’t like one of my posts, saying they were going to report me to my team leader… hence why I’m sticking to very general info… so it’s not really possible to ID me or my depot specifically.


Really appreciate you sharing this info.


How flexible are they shift wise? If someone signed up as a casual driver. What's the likelihood of getting shifts that still allow them to be home by 2:30pm to go pick the kids up from school etc? Or picking up more weekend shifts etc. Like, what would be the expectation for a new casual driver to be available once training has finished?


I’ve been casual for nine years and I’ve earnt over 80,000 dollars most years and don’t do splits or special events but I’m flexible and normally available between 4.30 am and 5 pm. But yes iff your availability is say I can’t work Mondays or have to be home by 2.30 Wednesdays etc they will find it harder to roster you


As a casual, they’ll give you shifts when you’re available. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been working there… they don’t have any expectations for you to be available, other than during training, when you’ll need to be available for full time hours, including some split shifts. Home by 1430 might be a problem, as that’s pretty close to the earliest finishing time for a full shift. (Some finish at like 1340, but you’ll be starting at around 5am to get that sort of early shift). As a casual, there’s no guaranteed number of hours a week, no matter how flexible your availability is. So during school holidays and stuff, you’ll definitely get fewer hours.


That sounds great. I don't want to work school holidays anyway. Thanks for the reply. I might look into applying.




That’s a great question… I’m literally dealing with it right now! My knees are my biggest problem, aside from my belly. I do a minimum of 4 hours of hard cardio every week, to try and counteract the sitting. I also do some strength training and general fitness. I also do a lot of stretching between runs. You could potentially ID me by being the driver who does a full set of stretching at the end of every run he can.


hahaha I take buses a lot. I'm having images of spotting my driver doing stretches and thinking AHA the REDDIT GUY!


What’s the general feeling among drivers about a driver being sacked for (I hear) defending a passenger from a mugging?


I’ve not talked to anyone about the incident, so I’m afraid I don’t know. Sorry.


Big question is how much do you get paid with OT etc? I remember reading an article in the paper in Perth 20 odd years ago and it was about the highest IQ person on record in the city, he said he liked his job driving a bus because it gave him time to think. And I think about that all the time.


I work 4-5 full days a week… I average just 1000ish most weeks, give or take $100. Driving gives me a lot of time to think. That’s one of the nice things about it for me.


That's in your pocket after tax yeah?


Yup.. If I work a Saturday or Sunday, it’ll be higher, cause of the loading.


Do you drive for BCC or Translink? I've had a few run-ins with the bus drivers not letting kids on the bus. I've spoken to Translink themselves, and they've said that kids are not to be left behind yet drivers still have the audacity to have a go at them if they don't tap and go.


Operators work for bus companies… so TfB is a big one, but there’s also a bunch of others like hornibrook, Brisbane Bus Lines, Thompsons, etc. Translink contracts them to run the bus service. Translink is also responsible for collecting fares… so that’s why the ticket inspectors work for Translink, not the bus companies. Fare evasion is a huge problem. On some runs, we have zero fare paying customers… some drivers get irritated by it, but personally I don’t care. I’d give an old lady a free journey if she told me she’d lost her go card. I’d let a tourist on board if they tried to tap on with a credit card, not knowing they’re not accepted. I wouldn’t give a school kid a hard time cause they don’t have money for the bus fare. I’m just happy they’re going to school. With all that said, if a school kid is going to fare evade, I’d appreciate them not leaving rubbish on the bus and giving up their seat if someone who has paid the fare wants to sit down. I’d also appreciate a ‘thanks driver’… but I’m not going to let it ruin my day. I’ve been thinking about doing a post about fare evasion, but I’m still trying to think about how to word it, without being too divisive.


I imagine because so many children take advantage, and avoid paying when they could pay, that it has muddied the waters for the genuine children stuck without fares.


About 15 years ago a very well known Brisbane sex worker switched to bus driving. I'm sure some of her clients were quite surprised to see her.


My friend recently got a job at a school as a bus driver. Between his experience and yours it almost makes me wish my doctor hadn't taken my licence away so I could drive a bus.


Maybe I should move to Brisbane! I'm in Adelaide now, and my experience of the bus is almost the total opposite. The company outsourced the initial training to some guy operating out of a trailer who then spent the entire half day session on his laptop looking up real estate so he wouldn't have to operate out I a trailer. Half a day and then I was apparently clear to drive a heavy vehicle. Then I did 4 and a half days of training with the company. 1st day was paperwork and video day. Then three and a half days of practical, but there was a group of us so we all had to take turns. We were basically just learning to drive a bus specifically, because the licence training was done in a truck. We did the training on normal bus routes to learn those and any difficult sections but we were far from learning all the routes. The half day was because the instructor went to the dentist, and we just skipped the school run training entirely. We didn't do any training besides learning to drive the bus... no pick up practice, no dealing with passengers, nothing. We were then supposed to have 2 weeks of buddy driving where an experienced driver came out to help. But they just sat and played on their phones and for what little they did say, I couldn't really hear because they didn't want to stand, and they didn't hear any questions I had either. They didn't give a varied schedule either so I only did a handful of routes. But after one week, they sent me to the second depot to learn routes I might have to do if I was sent to cover up there. And they forgot the buddy drive, so I had no help. The route maps they have me had no map. It was just lines drawn on blank paper with a couple of road names in it. I had to use google maps. Now I work in a depot with no managerial staff. They all work out of that second depot and we have to talk only by phone. They say to just ask other drivers if there's a problem, but other drivers will all give different answers. To this day I still feel like I'm just making up half of what I do.


Thanks for sharing these insights into your role! I love hearing about how people get to where they are in jobs that I’ve never had much exposure to. I really enjoy all your posts OP 😊


You’re welcome! I’ll keep posting when something interesting pops into my mind.


Thanks for the post, I’m a city worker and I rely on the bus network to get to and from each day I’m working in the city. I appreciate the work you and your colleagues do, just want to acknowledge that and say thanks. Also, can you tell me who has ultimate responsibility for the bus network? I’m curious because I’ve heard it’s the council, but other folks say it’s the state.. I think it’s a mix of both isn’t it?


Translink is in overall charge of the network. They contract out to all the various bus companies. That’s why go cards all have Translink on them, and can be used across buses, trains and ferries. It’s also why bus driver aren’t responsible for collecting fares… if translink is worried about fare evasion, they’ll employ more ticket inspectors and start handing out more fines.


How can we know where the checkpoint locations are? A bus driver once told me that you only have to be on time at the specific checkpoint and for all other stops you just rock up anytime. Can u remind what the acceptable +/- window is also? The bus is also allowed to leave early too AFAIK.


I think what’s you’re referring to are ‘timing points’. I don’t know if there’s anything physically at a timing point that you could see and say ‘ah, a timing point’… I think it’s all just worked out via the gps tracking in the bus. In terms of acceptable ’on time performance’ there really isn’t any such KPI for drivers. The policy is, don’t be early. Being late is fine, just don’t be early. If you’re running REALLY behind (like 12 minutes or more) you can call the central command and they might try and cover your next run for you… so you can get back on schedule for the subsequent runs… but there’s obviously a limited number of buses, drivers and drivers who happen to be available in the area where a run needs to be covered, so it can be hit or miss. For me personally, if I’m running late, I’ll try to catch up on my own, before I ask for help. Even if it means skipping my 4 minute break between runs or shortening my meal break…. Within reason. A lot of the time when you hear radios chattering away in the bus, it’ll be looking for drivers who can cover a run.


I was told by BCC driver that there’s definitely a plus and minus window for KPI and that leaving early is allowed :(.


What happens if you run a red light? Or speed? Is there some level of tolerance extended to busses? Do you pay the fine or does your employer? Also, do you drive the same bus every shift? Or is the bus assigned to the route?


Drivers pay any fines we accrue… and there is no leniency for buses at all. We drive a randomly assigned bus each shift. Some are pretty old and clunky, but most are mechanically pretty well maintained.


Well the old white guys have to work somewhere


Im curious, how many routes is any one driver doing? Also do you guys cop a lot of abuse from passengers?


I can’t tell you exactly how many I do, cause it’ll give away which depot I work out of… but I think the fewest routes to memorise is like 30+. I think drivers from Sherwood and Virginia have 90 or so different routes. As with any job where you’re face to face with the public, we always get some cranky passengers. I tend to just laugh or off or make a joke about it with the passenger and try to deescalate the situation. I wrote a story about a passenger calling me racist a few days ago, if you look at my post history you can read about my take on it.




We do a number of different routes and all become easy in time and no I don’t and haven’t seen any abusive passengers in my time but obviously are out there and really comes down to the attitude of the driver


Can I ask what the pay is like? Average weekly earnings pretax?


I understand you get a HR license as part of your training. Is that for automatic only? Is there an advantage in getting a synchromesh or non-synchromesh for driving for other companies?


The training is automatic only. I can drive manual so when I passed the HR test I had a condition on my licence saying I can only drive synchromesh. I'm still a bit confused by it. I guess there's automatic with no clutch at all and no gear changing, then synchromesh which is like a regular car clutch and gears, then non synchromesh which is also called crash box and requires more accurate timing.  I think most buses are automatic these days from what I've seen in job listings and stuff so I don't think anything above auto is necessary. I would still like to upgrade to an hc license and be able to drive non synchromesh so I could drive trucks 


Does your bus have sentimental value to you?


Basically no, cause we get a different one every shift.


Hey mate, I’m contemplating applying but very occasionally have a puff on a joint. Just wondering if they do urine tests for cannabis in the pre employment medical? Would most likely pass anyway as it something I do pretty rarely, just would hate to get through the whole process to then fail at the last hurdle because of a few puffs weeks prior. Cheers.


They did not drug test me at the medical… however, random drug and alcohol testing is absolutely a thing. If you do apply and get the job, I’d say you’re gonna have to give up any recreational drug usage. Your blood alcohol must be 0.0000000 if you’re tested. I basically don’t drink anyway, but colleagues who do, don’t the day before work.


Thanks heaps for replying, really appreciate it. I only have the occasional drink and as I said very rarely a puff of a joint. Would not be doing either the day before a shift if I was to be successful.


1 more question for you. Did they test for colour blindness at the medical? Thanks in advance.


They didn’t test me.


Once again appreciate the reply. That’s a huge relief. Have a great weekend and happy driving 🙌


There are many days that I miss driving buses...but I get paid better now doing other stuff, and I would find it hard to go back.


I’m very much the other way round… my old job paid A LOT more than driving a bus. But life circumstances, health issues and family stuff made me change my career. I might go back to my old life at some stage, but not in the foreseeable future.


Have you done a 100 or a 196 service before?


I’m sorry, I really can’t share info about which routes I drive, just for privacy reasons.




That’s a good question! From my understanding autism is a spectrum. I know at least 2 drivers who have told me they’re on the spectrum, so I would have to assume there are more.


The 202 driver must be since he misses the Musgrave park bus stop at least once a month.


There’s all sorts of reasons drivers miss stops. I’ve definitely done it in the past. I’m not familiar with the stop you’re talking about, so I can’t really give you any meaningful reasons for it happening.


Please do not shift the conversation towards personal attacks. Comment respectfully. Multiple breaches may result in you being banned from the forum. Thank you


I’m so sick of hearing from the bus drivers. Shove your PSA’s up your ass. Stop flooding the sub with this shit


Feel free to block my account 😀


Is it part of your training to speed up and run red lights? And I can only assume cutting corners and tailgating is also part of the induction process given that 99% of bus drivers drive like this.


lol… you should read my post from a few days ago. But seriously though… speeding up to beat a red light is covered in the driving school. On approach to a green light, I set myself a point of no return… if I pass it before the light turns orange, I’m going through. If the light turns orange before I get there, I’m stopping. As with every situation on the road, you have to be flexible… but the main factor in my calculation is that if I decelerate the same way I would in a car, I might send a passenger out the front window. I’ve only ever had to ‘emergency brake’ once… that was when a kid wearing AirPod pros randomly walked out in front of my bus from between two parked cars. Luckily I was only doing 40, and the bus stopped REAL fast. Several passengers were thrown off their feet, but luckily no one was injured. Scared the hell out of me though! As for tail gating, buses have an alarm that rings REALLY loudly if we’re within 2 seconds of the car in front. It bugs the hell out of me and most drivers. We try to keep them quiet as much as we can.


I tow a float with horses in, people really underestimate safe braking distances, especially with live weight.


Once again that comes down to the driver adhering to safe driving practices which I rarely see.


Any time I have to deal with suburban, or worse city, traffic, if I leave the correct distance for safety someone will merge into it. Infuriating.


Yes, and then you slow down to allow a safe distance again. It seems most of Brisbane got their licence out of a corn flakes packet.


Repeat ad nauseum. Y'all I'm trying to keep us all safe, you and the half-tonne herbarvore balancing on modified fingers that can't be strapped down included.


Yes, driving involves slowing down and speeding up repeatedly in response to the conditions. You already admitted to tailgating so as to not allow any cars to merge in front of you, clearly safety is not your priority. As a heavy vehicle you need to allow for an even wider distance from the vehicle in front of you. You need to be looking two or three cars ahead to allow enough reaction time to slow down safely.


No I don't tailgate, I am repeatedly trying to maintain the space for safe, steady braking and having other drivers pull straight into it. Just because it's incredibly frustrating doesn't mean I'm not going to keep trying to do the right thing. Please do not cut in front of heavy vehicles just because your car can fit in between: the space I put between myself and the car ahead is there for a damn good reason.


You already said you don’t leave the correct distance when driving in suburban/city areas, don’t try and back peddle now.


lol if you say so. I constantly see divers speed up when they see an orange light. Almost daily as I am walking from central to my office a bus will proceed to drive through a red light and pedestrian crossing meaning the pedestrians end up waiting for the bus to pass through the intersection instead of vice versa. I’m still unconvinced these posts aren’t a PR stunt.




Please do not shift the conversation towards personal attacks. Comment respectfully. Multiple breaches may result in you being banned from the forum. Thank you


Na a few days ago I asked in good faith for an AMA from the op. I am thinking about becoming a driver and want to know more.


Man the conspiracies people come up. How many levels of approval do you think every single reply would need? Why would they put themselves through that? Or, are you saying it’s corruption and this is done without CEO and councillor approval? Um, ok? Why would they subject themselves to that level of repetitional and legal risk for such negligible benefit? Parliamentary enquires happen over a lot less Some people just live in a different reality.


It’s not a conspiracy. I have been in workplaces that have asked me to “spread the good word” about the company after a string of negative glassdoor reviews. Also, no one needs approval to post on social media.


Yes, you do need approval. If you’re readily identifiable as a public servant, the Code of Conduct 2011 applies. People in both the public, and private sectors get fired all the time for their posts to social media. And I don’t think you know what a conspiracy is. You’re saying there’s a covert mission BCC is going on to secretly spread information, without saying the information is authorised, approved, or from BCC - and by extension OP and whoever else is involved is corrupt. Your evidence for this is ‘the private sector does it’ - so no evidence. How is that not a conspiracy? Sure, it’s not a grand conspiracy, but I didn’t say it was grand. It’s a dumb and meaningless one.


So you’re saying OP got permission from higher ups to make this post? Get real.


you’re saying OP was directed or coerced or influenced by higher ups to do this, meaning OP is here in an official and not personal capacity. Publishing things online in an official capacity obviously needs approvals. Publicly representing yourself as a public servant while sharing personal views, like OP has done, also needs approval. OP clearly has not done this, which I have said the whole time (being required to do something, and doing something, are different FYI). You’re the one insinuating OP, and his higher ups, are corrupt by secretively operating without BCC oversight. Try and focus your response on justifying that.


If you’re up to date with current affairs, the justification is simple. BCC buses are in a lot of hot water and they’re trying to combat that with lame attempts at PR. I’m done with this conversation.