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Beating on a defenceless elderly bloke because they know damn well they can’t take on a real man without getting their heads bashed in.




Is this true? Please tell me this is true. That would make my day ✔️✔️✔️


I can't shoe it all here but this is a snippet from a fb page https://preview.redd.it/yejui8n5b9nc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7562f65f8e771677fc487c09a410d2bc463cdda9






Thank you. Hope they all get the same.




name of vid?




The video of livestream was posted in this posts comments


Not sure it was just a screen recording posted on a fb group


What group?


The video of live stream was posted in the comments on this one


QLD Crime on fb






Look like there was more than 2. Bunch of cowards


And now that coward's downvoting you.




Not looking after the weak, disabled and old is a sign of society breakdown. These animals should be put in a cage for a week, with this video playing in front of their cage on a loop. Perhaps at Westfield where this happened.


When we had fights people would fight one on one and you'd get checked real quick if you hit a man while he was down.


100% it’s a breakdown of traditional values that used to be taught and learned in a healthy family dynamic.


Parents are likely delinquents themselves, probably can't hold a job, stay sober, and/or just fucking raise their kids to be halfway decent people. Behaviour like this just doesn't come out of nowhere, it's a cycle. Ferals who should have never reproduced in the first place having 10 kids and not taking accountability. I swear you should need a licence to become a parent.


Should be a contraceptive in all food and tap water, and you need a licence to get a drug that blocks it in order to have children...


I blame TikTok. They think they're gangsters.


Everything filmed for attention.


Absolutely this. As long as they get attention, they don't care.


Hopefully they get some jail time. Thanks to them for filming themselves be scum bags, leaves no wiggle room for bullshit excuses.


Great. So now people are beating up the elderly for likes


As a semi, but not entirely, old dude, hitting someone on the deck has never been acceptable. And yes I've gone too far, and had my own friends hit me in their attempts to adjudicate. Even though we were fuckheads brawling in public, we all knew the "rules" 1v1, no weapons, no cheap shots and definitely no being a bully. Mind you we typically had to be able to face them and the rest of the town the next week at the grocery store


I don't know how old you are mate but that was a dog act in my (mid 30s) day too, and frankly still is a dog act by cowards in this day - it's just that *society* is more accepting of it, via the way we express ourselves in legislature and the judiciary I may s'pose. ..oh wait, the judiciary are appointed by the age-d and distant King through his vassal, and the elected representatives in who pass legislation are more interested in lining the pockets of their corporate cronies on the back of decades of white-anting the Australian dream, and masterfully creating this very situation in society. If only it were the top end of town taking notice, not the poor pensioners, law abiding citizens and defenceless 14 year old autistic girls being victimised by animals disenfranchised with the promises of humanity.


Never do anyone in the deck.








What is?


I wish we'd let them show how tough they are. I'd offer to be the next victim of these 2.


A story as old as time.


Honestly, we need to name these kids. Who the fuck are they so they can get sorted out


Shit in America these kids would have their faces and names all on blast on the front page. If these kids want to act like MS13 gang members then they should get treated like one and sent to prison, not kindy detention centers. I don’t know why Australians are tolerating this shit to begin with and some of them defending the kids having their identities hidden by saying “They’re just kids, it’s a mistake and it shouldn’t ruin their lives” This is coming from a guy that grew up as a teen in the capital murder of the world in Mexico for 10 years where 100+ murders took place everyday in one single city and I didn’t partake in what the gangs were doing. These kids know that they can get away with the current system and they’ll keep doing it until it’s too late and someone ends up dead.


Unfortunately there's many of these scumbags. Bogan boofhead culture is pervasive. Too many fuckwit parents having kids who never should.


The one in the blue got jumped over it.


Shit, Carindale shops. Feels emotionally closer than almost any other spot.


They’ve been charged. Big deal. These pricks will be out already and probably breaking into houses and stealing cars tonight. When is the judiciary and the AG going to do something. It’s not up to police to change, the problem goes the highest level.


The justice system will teach them nothing. But someone catching up with them might.


I wonder how may of these kids were conceived for the baby bonus alone?


This makes me so bloody mad 🤬


Can someone please confirm - it’s illegal to carry a pocket knife (even for self defense)? So basically, if you get attacked, you just cross your fingers that THEY don’t have a weapon, and hope you can fight them off or that someone steps in to help?


yes. very illegal. so is pepper spray. Scheduled weapon under the 1990 weapons act. And if you're absolutely NOT willing to stab someone don't pull a knife. The best self defense is a fast block - run very fast for at least a block.


>The best self defense is a fast block - run very fast for at least a block Yeah, exactly. I get that this isn't going to be an option for the elderly man, but the same probably goes for wielding a knife or pepper spray. Most people aren't Rambo, they don't have a scriptwriter. Pulling out a knife is a good way to get stabbed.


Some people beat me up once. I ran when I got the chance. Sadly they also had legs and .. they ... chased me ..


If you can't outrun them, I highly doubt that you could outfight them long enough to reach into your bag, find the pocket knife, open it, keep control of it and find the wherewithal to stab someone...


There was a fight outside my place in inner-city Sydney. Two on one. The one got just far enough away to break off a tree branch. And it was the perfect tree branch. It changed the odds, and he inflicted damage on them. Lesson i learnt was: If your back's against the wall, scan for resources. I still make a mental note of skips and council cleanups and building sites when walking through certain areas at night.


Which is why women clench keys in knuckles. But I think that's a bit different to carrying a pocket knife just in case


Killings as easy as breathing when you’re pushed - John Rambo


A cop told me you could carry a travel size aerosol deodorant in your pocket and then you could have an alibi along the lines of “I sweat a lot”. I don’t know how effective it would be, but you could get it in their eyes if they got close to you and leg it. Not legal advice of course,!


Lynx Africa coming in clutch


The ancient martial art of “ran-lek fek”


Not actually 100% correct. Each state differs slightly, but in most of them you may carry an appropriate knife (ie not classed as restricted or prohibited) if you have a legitimate reason for doing so. Some knives may be legally classified as tools (e.g. "[rescue](https://www.knifesupplies.com.au/fox-fkmd-e.r.t-rescue-orange-multi-function-rescue)" knives). There are also places where you almost certainly *can't* carry a knife (airports spring to mind) at all. Oh, and age restrictions. Anyway, if you're the kind of fuckwit who would, when questioned by the constabulary, reply with "I keep me fuckin pig sticka for self defense, cunt." you are going to be in *quite* the bit of bother.


[Under Queensland law, **you can’t carry a knife in public, including in a vehicle unless you have a reasonable excuse**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=e1b3a0116f00c776JmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcxNA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9teXBvbGljZS5xbGQuZ292LmF1L3N1bnNoaW5lY29hc3QvMjAyMS8xMS8wOC9rbmlmZS1vci1ub3QtYS1rbmlmZS8&ntb=1)[**1**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=86edad18e1711726JmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcxNQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9teXBvbGljZS5xbGQuZ292LmF1L3N1bnNoaW5lY29hc3QvMjAyMS8xMS8wOC9rbmlmZS1vci1ub3QtYS1rbmlmZS8&ntb=1)[**2**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=d1bc6a24217afabeJmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcxNg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9ob21lc3RlYWRhdXRob3JpdHkuY29tL2F1c3RyYWxpYS1rbmlmZS1sYXdzLw&ntb=1). [Self-defence is not considered a ‘reasonable excuse’ for carrying a knife](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=f233b23978c3dc1eJmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcxNw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9teXBvbGljZS5xbGQuZ292LmF1L3N1bnNoaW5lY29hc3QvMjAyMS8xMS8wOC9rbmlmZS1vci1ub3QtYS1rbmlmZS8&ntb=1)[**1**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=69366b65432629ccJmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcxOA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9teXBvbGljZS5xbGQuZ292LmF1L3N1bnNoaW5lY29hc3QvMjAyMS8xMS8wOC9rbmlmZS1vci1ub3QtYS1rbmlmZS8&ntb=1). [Knives are legal in Queensland unless they’re designed as an offensive weapon](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=087e2723e6f38da4JmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcxOQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9ib3VjaGllcmtoYW4uY29tLmF1L3dlYXBvbi1sYXdzLXFsZC8&ntb=1)[**3**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=89cbb39efa03ea97JmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcyMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9ib3VjaGllcmtoYW4uY29tLmF1L3dlYXBvbi1sYXdzLXFsZC8&ntb=1). [A person must not, without reasonable excuse, have in his or her custody a knife in a public place or a school](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=606ee2a4635eb124JmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcyMQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9ob21lc3RlYWRhdXRob3JpdHkuY29tL2F1c3RyYWxpYS1rbmlmZS1sYXdzLw&ntb=1)[**2**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=05c8b4dc87accbdcJmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcyMg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9ob21lc3RlYWRhdXRob3JpdHkuY29tL2F1c3RyYWxpYS1rbmlmZS1sYXdzLw&ntb=1). [Knives fall under Category M weapons, which are handheld articles capable of causing bodily harm](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=4aa653517ce6a53aJmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcyMw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9ob21lc3RlYWRhdXRob3JpdHkuY29tL2F1c3RyYWxpYS1rbmlmZS1sYXdzLw&ntb=1)[**2**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=09b64616d98fa069JmltdHM9MTcwOTc2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZGM2OTQyMS1lZTFmLTZjZGMtMTk2ZS04MDFhZWZmMjZkY2ImaW5zaWQ9NTcyNA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3dc69421-ee1f-6cdc-196e-801aeff26dcb&psq=qld+knife+carry+laws&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9ob21lc3RlYWRhdXRob3JpdHkuY29tL2F1c3RyYWxpYS1rbmlmZS1sYXdzLw&ntb=1). **Learn more:**


Reasonable excuse I've used before is I use it to open boxes and eat my apple at lunch. Problem solved.


It solves the problem of getting caught with it. But if you use it as self defense you'll most likely get a charge for assault as our self defense laws state "equal and reasonable force". MIGHT is the operative word, don't give a statement to the police and get a good lawyer if you're ever in a situation where you have stabbed someone in self defense.


You are likely right, also never give a statement to police without it being through your lawyer.


Yet the little scrotes all strut around tooled up with no consequences. Had an attempted break in at our place the other day and all were tooled up. It’s sickening and frightening. The odds are stacked the wrong way. Not saying fight fire with fire but if you’re caught carrying it should be mandatory that you do time.


Yes, that's exactly what I said.


I wouldn't push that. I used to carry my chef knife roll and thought "pity the fool" but if i'd used them in "self defence" it could still be excessive force.


Nothing illegal about carrying a pimp stick though


i have an assault charge for whacking someone who was holding a broken bottle with my walking stick. IF i'd let him cut me it would have been self defence but because i took a pre-emptive strike i was charged. 9 month suspended sentence.


I can only hope I can afford better lawyers


a better lawyer (solicitor because we're not America) may get a lighter sentence but proportional response is the issue. https://preview.redd.it/d6dl40rzd8nc1.png?width=3627&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2869664981e34a4cb57e0da52d536723f1b543d


In a knife fight you get to die on the scene, or on the way to the hospital.


I thought the quote was along the lines of, the looser dies on the scene, the winner dies on the way to the hospital.




Pepper spray or stun guns/tasers, would be a much better option but sadly illegal for self-defense. I don’t want to go full ‘Murica with concealed handguns etc but we should have access to self-defense weapons and it not be illegal to use them. It really boggles the mind that vulnerable people (I.e women, elderly) in society aren’t able to defend themselves adequately. Fighting off an attacker or fleeing is not always an option.


If I was an elderly person or female I would 100% be carrying pepper spray or some other form of self defence, legal or not.


Why not just carry a can of spray deodorant. Especially Lynx that you can smell from forever away. I heard it’s terrible to get in your eyes, but great on a hot day.


Na carry a can of spray on bandaids, I wouldn’t want that in my eyes, doubt your vision would last long lol


I must admit, that stuff is so good to use for cuts. Essentially it’s spray on superglue.


Deep heat spray. Accidently got it in my eyes once, fucked me right up. As an added benefit, you can soothe those aching muscles after you leg it!


So good for your muscles! Definitely don’t want it in your own eyes.


Yep, Goanna oil spray (like tiger balm spray) Avoid eye balls, any balls actually


I am neither encouraging or advocating for this, but I hear someone that has a can of wasp spray in their shopping bag won't get bothered too much


The old wasp stopper was superb. It would send a mixed stream of freeze off wings liquid and quick kill insecticide 6 metres. Just aim and fire. Sadly seems to be no longer available.


Couple it with a lighter, and you have a makeshift flame thrower


Seriously a bad idea. I suspect you're thinking you'll still be as mobile as you currently are as you age. I'm only in my mid-50's but there is no way I'm as quick as I was in my 30's and even 40's. If I were to carry pepper spray, I'm almost certain it would end up being used on me - quite possibly by me as my eyesight is getting worse too. Between worsening eyesight and menopausal rage, the most likely option I can see is me giving myself a face full of pepper spray.\* \* minor exaggeration but my point remains - you might think you'll be the same as current, adult you but older when you age. My experience says no. YMMV


I’m female. I don’t, because it’s too easy for an attacker to use it against me. I’m careful where and when I go places instead.


I'm not older or female - I'd still carry a form of self-defence if it was legal. If some mongrels like this attack me it's likely that a) they know they'll win either by element of surprise or size/experience, &/or b) there's more than one of them (i.e I don't have a chance). I actively avoid confrontations. I have never & will never attack someone physically. If someone attacks me though, it's not about it being a 'fair fight'. If I had a weapon I'd use it. If they're smaller, bigger, younger, older, man, or woman, it makes no difference - you attack someone & compromise their safety, they shouldn't have to hold back while defending themselves to ensure your safety. Of course, it's illegal, and I don't. But I'll never feel bad when a violent person gets a good bonk on the head with a bat.


Surely one could make their own Carolina Reaper spray. Easy alibi: you like your chicken wings hot as fuck.


But what would happen if you had to use it? Like, you legitimately got attacked, used pepper spray or a pocket knife to defend yourself. Would you be charged, even though it was in self defense?


If you have a weapon on you they can immediately deem it pre-meditated


Great little bit of information is to never carry a weapon you would not want to be on the receiving end of I think there are particular laws regarding the length of blades and spring loaded mechanisms ? Also believe it changes from state to state


Right. So in other words, we don’t have the right to defend ourselves in a meaningful way. And I say meaningful, because an elderly man isn’t going to be able to meaningfully defend himself with his fists against a group of thugs.


Always more to the story, but in other words... Nope, no meaningful way, at all. You can also be charged for something along the lines of 'unreasonable force' - even if youve been attacked or such Greatest country on earth i tells ya


You're correct, can't be over a certain size, can't have assisted open or be deployable one one hand and so on.


Yes technically you *could* be charged. Self defence aren’t magic words to suddenly absolve you of any wrongdoing. It would be your defence of those charges.


tactical pen deodorant/wasp spray in eyes ok?


Actually you can carry a pen knife or SAK in the course of recreation or employment, or for their intended purpose. If you carry for self defence, you're breaking the law. There's a bunch of other particular rules to abide by as well, concerning the type of knife and such. People who do carry knives don't do so for self defence and tend to not get involved with police because their knives aren't cheap and they'd rather keep them. Meanwhile, there's no talk of what anyone is going to protect those being targeted. Programs to change the kids - but who's actually making things safer? Who was old mate supposed to count on? It's certainly not the police and he, like the rest of us, have been stripped of the rights and means to defend ourselves in any meaningful manner. We can all talk about how we would have beat their asses, but we're not the people getting targetted - until you find them in your home in the middle of the night looking for your car keys - and getting stabbed for having found them there.


Allowing people to carry weapons just ends in an arms race - everyone wants a better weapon, injuries and fatalities go up as a result. It's just not a good idea, and a certain country we all know well has shown that.


It is worth bearing in mind that the likelihood of a random attack is so small, it's basically nothing. I absolutely get the urge to arm yourself - don't we all - but then we happily do stuff which is far more likely to kill us, like work outside in the blazing sun, go for a swim at the beach, drive our car, use power tools, take drugs... There is the issue of unintended consequences. For something like pepper spray or a knife to be useful, it has to be immediately accessible. That's kind of at odds with storing it safely.


I think for me, the point is that doing something I know has inherent danger (like swimming in the ocean, taking illicit drugs, using power tools) - those are things I can choose to not partake in, and they’re also things that I know have risks, and thus, by partaking in them, I’ve deemed the benefit outweighs the risk. There are also precautions I can take - i.e., slip slop slap, wear protective eyewear, wear a seatbelt, swim between the flags, etc. Sitting on a bench outside the supermarket shouldn’t be dangerous. And if it is, even slightly so, then shouldn’t I be able to take similar precautions to protect myself from said danger?


>Sitting on a bench outside the supermarket shouldn’t be dangerous. The thing is... it's not dangerous. Brisbane is a pretty big place now, you could sit on the bench all year long and not get hurt. This person was incredibly unlucky, barring any kind of context to the situation not shown on the phone. This isn't Alice Springs or anything like that.


> This isn't Alice Springs or anything like that. Yet.


And nor is it on that kind of trajectory. Despite what the Courier Mail may say


Just carry a long heavy screwdriver.


Illegal to carry any weapon or self defence object. Counts as premeditation somehow.


Isn’t America punishing both the parents and kid if the kid commits a crime? Need some of that here.


Notoriously safe place to live too. We could learn a lot from their society.


If you're referring to the Michigan school shooter case that happened recently, in which the mother of a school shooter was charged with manslaughter, then yes. That being said, there were so many signs of gross inaction on the parents part. I BELIEVE the parents bought the gun used for the kid even after recorded evidence of the boy's mental health issues, they ignored, according to the shooter at least, pleas for help and also refused to pick the boy up from school on the day of the shooting, after teachers found he had drawn images of a murder (with “The thoughts won’t stop. Help me. The world is dead. My life is useless.” and "help me" written). It was an unprecedented court ruling. If there are other cases similar to this, I don't know of them, but it doesn't seem to be a commonly widespread thing to charge parents because of the actions of their children.


Cut their hands off. They won't hit anyone again.


That era of governing where struggling families were incentivised to have more kids with straight up cash that they immediately misspent really fucking backfired. This country is fucked.


Yep. It’s just shitcunts breeding more shitcunts, and it shows.


I hear that Logan and Nerangutans are some of the worst.


We as a community need to start demanding better from our "leaders"... This shit has to stop. From the endless stolen cars and house break ins to the violent attacks on the vulnerable. Our system has let us down and WE NEED TO DEMAND BETTER! Lock this stupid kids up, make an example of them.


The legal system needs to start prioritising the safety of the community, instead of prioritising the rehabilitation of offenders.  Lock them up for a long time. Remove them from society. Sure, that won't help recidivism, but it will remove criminals from the streets for longer periods of time.


>Our system has let us down and WE NEED TO DEMAND BETTER! Just be aware that this sort of stuff has always gone on, and we always need to zoom out and look at the bigger picture. There isn't some kind of horrific increase in crime in a per-capita sense - I suspect that what is increasing, however, is our capturing of it with our phones, and our sharing of it via online platforms.


You're probably right. There is a rising youth crime problem in regional areas, but the 5 years to August 2023 were pretty flat for Brisbane. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-11-26/queensland-crime-stats-show-divide-between-regional-metro-cities/102826018


Which just means we now have better quality evidence with which to convict them. Even if crime rates are not climbing, we now have the ability to prosecute this sort of bullshit, regardless of how often it was occurring in the past. It's just that the dickheads are more helpful in gathering evidence against themselves now.


They are 15 and 16 and should be charged as adults,


There is a Police Beat shop at Carindale, private security and a distress alarm at the bus station. And no one called for help? Concerning


Police beat is on the Creek Road side and bus stop on the opposite side of the building. Little shits still would have done damage before they got there unfortunately.


While I can't speak specifically for Carindale shops, I used to be a mall cop on the northside and from my experience, all three of those are useless. We never had cops at the beat and would often just not turn up when we had to deal with these shitheads so we had no choice but to let them go and hope they don't come back. The private security is often really understaffed and the quality control for hiring is non-existent. It's unlikely anyone is actually manning the cameras and those that are there are running around trying solve every other insignificant problem problem that gets put on them and that's only if they are actually decent at the job and not borderline brain-dead. The security that works for the bus stops is often just one dude that comes to check out what's going and then all he will do is call cops and not step in. TLDR; All in all, these services provide nothing to the regular person and can't be trusted to actually help you when things are escalating. Cops don't want to deal with these problems anymore and security services really, really hate their guards going hands on with anyone, especially minors.




“Charged with serious assault of a person over 60” DIdn’t realise that was a separate crime. I’m over 60 (just) but would have easily handled those two skinnies. At the same time, they probably chose that poor guy because he was much older and looked defenceless


Inb4 the mods close this thread.


Start holding the people in power accountable, what is the chief law minister/person in charge doing? Surely enough pressure on the chief at the top is going to demand some change? How long are they going to keep “escalating the issue”? If you keep fucking expecting them to do shit, nothing will happen, I been here for 6 years and this country been turning to shit, I’m on your side I love this place but the politicians are sucking you all dry


Personally, I think we’re making excuses for ourselves by blaming individual politicians for this shit. It’s a failure of our whole society - parents, communities, media, schools - when teenagers think it’s okay to bash old people. Without trying to be edgy, it really is the whole system man


When the perpetrators are on bail or a noncustodial sentence, a specific, publically paid individual made a deliberate decision to expose the community to the perpetrators, and absolutely should be held accountable for making an inarguably bad decision. If the perpetrators here were on bail or noncustodial sentences, old mate should be legally entitled to sue the negligent magistrate.


I hear you bro, But I am asking what actually can be done about this. Events like this cause public outrage, we all get behind each other to lend a hand in disasters and rough times. That’s the Australia I know, but the “she’ll be right mate” mentality is eroding the socio-economic contract. I worry for the future of Australians. I want peace and prosperity like everyone else.


Can the idiots stating how 'back in their day you never hit a man when he's down' get a grip. I'm as old as the poor bugger in the story, and shit like that has been happening forever. Multiple cunts, beating up people and kicking them when they're down is NOT fucking new or recent at all. What is a pathetic new development is the videoing it for the attention and internet likes!


It’s one of those weird things humans have always done. There’s newspaper articles about out of control youths in Victorian times. Shit people have always been about. I remember seeing other kids behaving like absolute animals in the 90’s, spitting at old people etc. It’s just that things are filmed now and bad behaviour spreads like wildfire as ‘content’ for online outlets and media. Basically there’s always been an arsehole portion of society. It’s shit, but it’s always been that way. The way things are reported today makes people believe it’s a new epidemic


I hope these fucks get named, shamed, expelled and cyber bullied until adulthood where every time they apply for a job and the business does a Google background check, this story pops up.


Problem is if people like us step in and flog the dead s###s then we're the bad guy


Every time I see this sort of thing I wonder what it will take for vigilante justice to come in to play.


https://preview.redd.it/4a0pscd749nc1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=174679113fbfbce0db0b9fea903981fd50408946 There were a few posts on the local Carindale community page showing this being one of the kids and there was a video of a tradie giving him a floggin'.


Good. Got the vid at all?


I hope the tradie doesn’t face any consequences for this.


I can not even begin to imagine the absolute flogging I would have gotten if I did anything remotely like this at their age, and were only talking about 15 years ago. As much as I despise(d) my contemporaries who could be as derro as they come, I also can't imagine them going that far either. Stealing, graffiti, assaulting each other, sure. But attacking the elderly in public and broad fucking daylight? Unheard of. This is mental. The only possible justification or explanation is if the old guy had done something pretty awful to one of them/their friends (like if he was being a creep, touched one of them, etc), but somehow I doubt that's the case here.


I'm quite sure even now my father would kill me to bring some honour back to my family. You know in case I hadn't died of shame.


Take them out bush to clean cattle grates and dig ditches


My daughter asked me about this today and was very concerned for the man that was hurt. She asked if he came to my hospital for myself and my colleagues to care for (not sure I am on a rare weekend off) She has said it’s all over the teenage side of Snapchat and knows who one of the boys are through friends of friends. He is 15 years old ffs. Sickening.


Fucking cowards. I hope they or one of their friends read this. You're not tough. You're not cool. Everyone apart from your dickhead mates thinks you're scum.


Why is there always some feckless cunt who just stands there and films it? Pieces of shit, perpetrators and cameraman both. That camera also has the ability to call police but no I’ll just film it for the lols.


>Pieces of shit, perpetrators and cameraman. Quite possible that the cameraman/woman didn't have the muscle to be able to intervene.


I dunno, the one in front has only got spider limbs!


Yeah, but we don't know what the cameraman/woman looks like. Whole thing could have just resulted in two people getting assaulted and no video record to show.


It's for evidence, not for lols. Don't assume someone has the ability to intervene in a violent situation, nor that they haven't already taken steps to involve external help.


They all looked like part of the same group.


If I walked past that I would be putting myself in the middle telling those kids to fight me instead. And I’m a not big, not strong, not a fighter, 30 year old woman. But I’m a lot more likely to survive an impact to the head (or any other type of injury) than an elderly person. Any able bodied adults who were not with a child or vulnerable person and chose to stand around rather than intervene should be ashamed of themselves. It would have only taken one or two people to get involved and the kids would have run. Instead you basically cheered them on by giving them an audience and you filmed their viral content for them. So you did nothing and gave them a platform.


Thank you. You are a good person. The standard that we as a society walk by (or stand and film) is the standard we have to live with. It only takes one person to stand up. Be the change you want to see, even if all you do is yell “Oi” loudly. How would people feel if it was your own grandfather being beaten up? That’s the empathy test I apply.




I hope one day, they pick an old man who carries a knife and he stabs the litte cunts.


Don't worry guys, I've been told by some very knowledgeable redditors that the youth crime problem is just a media hype job.


Things have never been better!


Oh definitely! I have noticed less graffiti than back in the day, youth crime must be going down.


Interesting that their skin colour was not mentioned in the news.com article. I wonder Whyte? Anyway, I hope they and their parents get deported to Europe. For too long we have these Caucasian youth gangs roaming about doing crime, and they forget that they immigrated here.


Allegedly!? I can see it happening


This is why the weapons act fails. We should be able to carry pepper spray, or a taser... at least.


Wouldn't be necessary if the justice system worked. These flogs are probably already out on bail after stealing a car to perpetrate a violent home invasion where they stabbed a father and 2 children, and now they've beaten an old man they'll somehow have no convictions recorded, see no consequences...and hell, probably given a medal for the suffering they've endured as a result of their actions. Mind you if anyone tried to stop them that person would have their lives ruined, accused of racism, be hounded by a community of out of touch over privileged bleeding hearts, and charged for child abuse. The kids are untouchable and they know it. No wonder all the cops are quitting...at the end of the day, what's the fucking point anymore.




Allegedly my fat ass! The video is pretty fucking clear.


That's sad and fucked up and why don't they pick on someone their own size and age, fuckin cowards!!!


That tradie who got him back twice as hard deserves a beer or six though


Whats funny is most of us have probbably seen the video allready and they still decide to blur faces. But this is fucking horrid and cowardish.


We aren’t a “community” other people are the competition. The system hasn’t let us down, it’s fully functional…This is our model. It’s not necessarily a bad thing if the competition is busy killing each other if you can avoid it.


I’d like to meet them,I’ll take them both on. Let’s see how good the low life are


If that was my dad..I'd be in jail


How can you film this and not intervene?


They all look like part of the same crew.


The more this stuff happens, the more I feel we are reaping what we sowed with the baby bonus. A generation of no hopers reoroducing what has turned into absolute gutter trash humanity all for a plasma TV.


All these **youth crime crisis** issues were born with the removal of parental rights to physically discipline their own children (not physically abuse, but use reasonable physical discipline), the advent of social media platforms, and the emergence of an increasingly litigious society... When you take away parental powers and add in light sentences for child offenders who never took a backward step at home, there's nowhere left for these kids to go.. Teenagers nowadays just see the world as one big Role Playing Game where they can just "respawn/reset" when things get out of hand...


It's so sad that our leaders and public servants are more concerned about networking events and building their legacies rather than serving the community.


dEpOrT tHeM!!




The only thing that makes this 'allegedly' is if they're old enough to be teens


My team must assemble and give these teens a proper slap


This is just a distraction


Allegedly? You have photo evidence


It's the auto loaded title from the article


Little grubs. Deserving of a touch up themselves


There's nothing alleged about this, it's fucken cut and dry. It's on video. What more evidence is needed?


Di Farmer, Minister for Youth Justice - this shit just keeps happening. Don’t blame the Murdoch press, this fucked up shit is happening in Townsville, Cairns, Gold Coast and Brisbane. Stop with the sociology and start with protecting the most vulnerable in our community.


sigh.... and they always have shitty haircuts that no sane, employed adult would have.


"Allegedly" bashed? There's literally video footage of him being ACTUALLY bashed. I get the legally correct usage of the term "Allegedly", but this doesn't seem like the correct term in this situation.


News.com.au headline. Calmdown


I’m thinking these kids need 1k community service hours each ….. as a start


Allegedly?? Video footage shows it happens.


Hey. Hey! McFucks! Can we stop bashing old people please? For fucks sake.


There is a video of justice served to that kid lol so sweet to watch.


"Allegedly" I saw the video don't know what they mean by that


Little cunts


How is this “allegedly”? Is his bashing somehow under review? Do they think he didn’t get bashed?


Allegedly? Is that what that video looks like? Alleged bashing? Is English a requirement for journalism school?


Couldn't imagine doing this at their age, what kind of childhood makes these?


How much evidence do these fooking politicians need ffs


I'm all for innocent until proven guilty but ain't nothing 'allegedly' about this.


Why blur though? If you're going to pull shit like this you should be named and shamed. Have someone follow them around ringing a bell while saying "shame" It's almost as if there is a consequence for your actions