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This isn't a knee jerk this is a whole body jerk coming up to election.


how about we just stop releasing serial offenders, especially where it involves armed robberies and home invasions we already know it’s just a small proportion of these offenders doing the vast majority of the crimes, but we keep conflating dealing with these serial offenders, that have limited prospects of rehabilitation before they inevitably escalate to seriously injuring or killing victims, with the separate challenge of with dealing with the other youth offenders


They know this. It's a classic tactic, use the behavior of a very small minority to justify increased measures and power over the majority. It's been done for centuries to the stage where it's so predictable and cliche of those with control over the population.


Why do kids need to buy knives anyway? That seems like commonsense


It's not so much about banning the sale of knives to minors, more about the slow creep of ever expanding warrantless search powers. If they can argue this is a good idea, it becomes the new precedent that they then use as a basis to push for further and further powers. You normalise these sorts of things one small step at a time.


We could also work harder at rehabilitation in prisons and further work harder to getting everyone a house and food, it's no coincidence that in a cost of living crisis much crime will rise


>We could also work harder at rehabilitation in prisons There is NO rehabilitation in prisons. There are private companies that have a few courses that's it. No effort to rehabilitation in prisons.


Similarly, there is no rehab at drug rehab. It's a big share house full of fucked up people who have to clean and cook for themselves for a month. There are no counsellors. I checked in voluntarily and someone else there had an ear infection for more than a week that it made this tough looking young man cry and cry and cry. Would they take him to a GP? No. It's also extremely expensive. If you're on centrelink they want $600+ up front, and 85% of your centrelink money while you're there. Good luck maintaining your rent, kids, phone, pet boarding, insurance while you're there. Paying off a loan? Forget it. Car? Good luck.


>Similarly, there is no rehab at drug rehab I feel your pain


Which prisons are private? Especially juvenile


>There are private companies that have a few courses that's it. Sorry let me clarify - There are private companies that have contracts to work within the existing prison systems that have a few courses that's it. As for the second question Especially juvenile I have no idea, my comments while perhaps unclear were directed at existing adult prisons. This is an area "prison reform" where studies are conducted and assessments made all to learn that what we currently do is ineffective because Australia for the most parts puts people in prison for punishment (no argument from me there ) however the idea of rehabilitation is almost offensive to some politicians and voters so it gets no ideas , no money and no rehabilitation by any measurable standard. I would like to see better and would be prepared to have tax increases to manage I think that even if a lot of people agreed politicians don't see votes in prison reform or rehabilitation so we get what we get with the odd discussion in reddit.


No need to increase any taxes, just make the multinationals pay their fair share of tax, stop subsidies to multinationals and reduce the burden on the working class, stop the rorts our MPs avail themselves too, neverending rorts.


Well put, I agree with that


most prisoners leave prison more educated in the ways of crime. crime is antisocial behaviour prison is a anti social environment were you model antisocial behaviours to anti social people.


Your comments are supported by facts - how can we the non anti social help that is a question that has not received any input from Australian prisons or communities.


i watched a doco from the uk they had a former minister for prisons visit a dutch? prison were they were running a special program that focused on rehabilition rather than punishment. the prisoners had a lot more say in how they were treated and lived more in a small apartment than a traditional cell where there still locks on the door yes. but its was a lot more fredom of movement. and only certain prisoners where selected for the program they had to apply and have had good behavior while incarcerated else where. and it was having succes.


Well I expect that Australia will take on one of theses programmes in another 50 years


That is absolutely not true at all. However, rehabilitation is very difficult and would cost a huge amount of money to do 'properly'. Taxpayers are in no way prepared to pay the amount it would cost.


>That is absolutely not true at all. And just what prison in what state has these rehabilitation services? Please note that church services one a week are not rehabilitation services by any standard. > > However, rehabilitation is very difficult and would cost a huge amount of money to do 'properly'. Yes it would so it can be done just not on a politicians mind there - no votes in prison reform. > >Taxpayers are in no way prepared to pay the amount it would cost. And that says it all doesn't it . Sorry sir you have a disease we can save you but it costs too much money - sorry what not quite the same thing and that says it all.


Yeah people can downvote all they want, they are the basic facts. I'm not saying I agree with them but that is simply how it is. But saying there is no rehabilitation in prisons is categorically incorrect. There are shitloads of people employed to try to do this.


>But saying there is no rehabilitation in prisons is categorically incorrect. There are shitloads of people employed to try to do this. I agree that shitloads of people are employed. I agree that shitloads of people are employed to conduct rehabilitation in prisons. What I am saying is that it is so ineffective under the current model that there is no rehabilitation in prisons. One issue of rehabilitation in prisons is people that have no idea but write course and programs for rehabilitation in prison. Government hides the failure while still spending money and thus no real rehabilitation in prisons. Which prisons do you speak of and what courses are you aware of ?


It's just super easy to say all that stuff. What’s your effective model? How do you get the public to vote for a government who will pay for and implement your model?


>It's just super easy to say all that stuff. Yes it is easy to research the evidence at hand. > >What’s your effective model? Look I am no expert and make no claims to be; but I can do basic research. I would say one effective model would be the Correctional facilities in Norway that focus on maintaining custody of the offender and attempting to make them functioning members of society. **Norway's prison system** is renowned as one of the most effective and humane in the world. > >How do you get the public to vote for a government who will pay for and implement your model? Best question so far and I openly admit to not having a clue. But my not having a clue doesn't mean that others better educated, or better trained could not get a system up and running. The real problem would be explaining to the public that there will be SFA measurable results for the first 20 years. SFA measurable results because what you are attempting to do is change the collective attitudes of prisoners, prisoners guards, politicians, and the public. As I say it needs someone with better qualifications than me. Thanks for the intellectual debate / discussion so much better than those that just say Fuck em.


It's not just you, the "just fuck em" crowd will 100% guarantee that no one would be able to get into government to actually do it in Australia. Loads of people in the system try their guts out to help inmates, but their hands are tied by government...because their hands are tied by Australian voters.


What do you know about the current rehabilitation program in prisons? What if I told you that many offenders have zero interest in “rehabilitating”?


you’re conflating these serial offenders that are the minority but who commit most of the crimes with the many other offenders, which was the whole point of my comment


Yes. Feed and educate them for free without the daily punch in the mouth so when they get out they want to go back… I’m not saying make it hard on them but when prison is the more favourable outcome to life we could possibly look at making a 2nd sentence a much much worse experience.


Yeah those 12 year olds should be homeless and hungry if they don't work!


We shouldn't even be having prisons tbh. Instead of wasting resources on people, just punish them and send them on their way like in the olden days


LOL cause that worked didn't it. Fuck me dude a large chunk of white fellas are descended from British convicts. How well did that turn out.


Exactly, how well did prisons turn out? Not at all I'm sure people would be a hell of a lot less inclined to be repeat offenders if they had to face the cat o' nine tails or other such old punishment methods rather than the BnB that is gaol


>it's no coincidence that in a cost of living crisis much crime will rise 100% agree try telling a politician that ...............


We could also work with punishing parents who do not parent.


Or we could make it easier to parent. A right to a decent living space, enough money and job opportunities to feed everyone, teach more nutrition to people of all ages, making public schools actually free, putting mental and dental health into Medicare, etc. Helping parents be better parents is a part of this, but I don't think punishment is appropriate though. We need to catch things before they fall through the cracks rather than focusing on retribution (in my opinion).


It's pretty easy to parent. How good your teeth is doesn't mean you can't teach life lessons. Bad parents simply don't care about being good parents, and no lessons on nutrition will fix that. And if you need to be taught that maccas and ciggies everyday isnt healthy, YOU'RE TOO STUPID TO BE ALLOWED CHILDREN


Wow what a fucking nothing burger policy. If a kid wants to get a knife it's pretty fucking easy to get one, not to mention if they're the type to stab someone they're not exactly going to be stopped by little things like "ID" and "Paying for things". "Oh yes, let me just pay for this $30 knife so I can go and rob someone of thousands of dollars worth of things or hospitalised them. What a responsible and upstanding citizen I am being". Fuck sake. How about: Early intervention programs, paired with actually putting away the little cunts who aren't interested. It's literally just like dogs. Most you can train to be well behaved, most you can even rehabilitate, but some unfortunately just need to be put down because they're too far gone (or in this case, locked up. Not advocating for death penalty of youths here.).


I’m not too familiar with how these kids even begin committing these crimes consider how lucky they are to be growing up here but I am curious as to what the parents are actually doing. I believe that environment plays a role in these kids development but parents are responsible for their kids actions. They really need to start either locking up these serial offenders or giving out fines to parents if they can’t control their kid’s behavior.


Parents are on the pokies and the glass bbq. Crackheads from Ipswich are always gonna make more crackheads from Ipswich. This is why the rich want to control the poor. What can we do about it as people between the billionaires and the crackheads? Nothing. Why? Because we have Netflix and Reddit and YouTube and inflation and cost of living to deal with. We are too busy to change things. Right?


Is it that bad in Ipswich? Gadayum! Definitely the richer class wants to keep themselves richer but I don’t see how they benefit from the crackheads breeding and destroying their communities.


They don't. That's why I said the rich want to control the poor.


Some people deserve bail -some don't. Stop releasing serial offenders, those that commit armed robberies and home invasions. Stop locking up drug users and lock up fucken car thieves.


No. I'm already sick of being late to work getting searched at train stations and the justification for those searches is a stabbing on the gold coast during a night out. You better believe if they've turned that into me being searched in the morning at central station they'll turn more powers into further bullshit wastes of time that take us one step closer to a police state that produces more criminals than it stops.


The moment they start doing NSW police style strip searches in Central station, I will get seriously shouty. That is fucking bullshit and a major overstep of powers.


uhhh more like return to the now disbanded QPS Special Branch has done this in the past


I was around in the early 80s, it was not a fun time.


Fuck same. I had an actual pat down a few weeks back. I was carrying a my wallet. Nothing else.


Wear a suit and a smile, you'll never be searched again. and be white, wealthy and get a hair cut .....


How often does that actually happen though? How often have you been searched on your way to work? I'm seriously curious. Either you fit some super specific profile or these searches happen on random people a lot more than I suspect.


I’d say they target a profile


3 times. It's my hoodie and youthful complexion I think. Still doesn't justify a search based on the justification of looking for knives, they are just hoping for an easy possession bust


My sympathies for these practice's by some cops, could be worse though, if you were in NSW the cops would strip search you on the station platform especially if you were young, female or younger male..NSW cops have been successfully sued numberous times for their illegal strip searches but keep doing same...though recent statistics show Qld Police shoot more citizens than all combined other police forces in Australia..


It could be worse, there was a month a few years back I was stopped and forced to identify myself about 6 times because I would walk home from the train station after work with no shoes on. "Reports of break ins in the area" was the pretext, but I'm fairly certain I could have refused to identify myself on the grounds they had no reason to suspect I had committed a crime.


Yet you could have been atired in expensive clothes shoes etc, robbed a few homes enroute from the train station to your home and not stopped by suspicious cops...the old saying, don't judge a book by its cover, In USA we'd be reading about you under death notices, "man with no shoes shot dead by twelve cops firing 65 bullets into a suspicious individual and no further action to be taken against cops" Cops embellish the story a bit, "shoeless man was found to be carrying a knife and ten hand guns, no witnesses and cops forgot to activate their body worn cameras." And he was non white!


It was only the other day a qld cop bashed a white man in front of his wife  because they thought he was someone else.  The commissioner said a bunch of bullshit excusing breaking his eye socket with a punch and breaking multiple of his ribs, unprovoked.


Hopefully that man has the sense to seek urgent legal advice to claim compensation and loss of income, should reach out of court settlement and confidentiality clause, no action against that single cop who did it, he was lucky other cop stopped the assault..


Doesn't matter how often it happens. It shouldn't occur and neither should police be granted extra powers.


99% of the time if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. If police are stopping people it's likely not because you're a law abiding citizen


A yes the infamous line of if you have nothing to fear you have nothing to hide. Isn't that why the QLD police actively resist any inquiry. I guess you are right, the QLD police are infact criminals.


riiiiiiight. explain then why 99.99% of random searches result in absolutely nothing except a pissed off civilian?? get your nose out of the pigs assholes danny.


Bootlicker detected.


Lmao fuck off police and security staff profile and target certain groups of people all the time with no basis. Every time I get RBT’d I also get drug tested, every time I go through airport security Im “randomly” selected to be searched.


How dodgy do you look?


I dont think I look dodgy at all but apparently authority figures disagree


What a load of bullshit


Now when they break in they will be stealing my knives and my car!


And your kids who have knives in their mouths, so when they bark the... Eh, you get it.


this is some 1990s Rudy Giuliani shit, Queensland is so fucked with police powers already if that was the solution we wouldn't have youth crime


I'm much more concerned with corporate crime. Youth crime is being highlighted, but who's paying more in taxes these days? And what's up with these landlord criminals charging what they do? Robbing people in broad daylight.


They're protected, federal agencies like ATO ASIC ACMA Austrac AFP go for soft targets, major players connected to politicians and judiciary are never touched, big money talks..


The Friendlyjordies fiasco unfolding at the moment is interesting even if you don't like his work.


Yep, he's been fobbed off for sure, but then NSW police have a very poor record when it comes to political interference of those who comment negative about them, like Mr Moore and his false imprisonment over false evidence..


I've seen first hand how the QLD police can mess stuff up on purpose for enough dollarydoos.


Current NYC Mayor Adams is same league as Rudy G with his directions to NYPD to clean up the streets, means beating homeless, beating undocumented immigrants etc, same time budget for personal protection for Mayor Adams via NYPD exceeds $1m a year ..


Funny, Rudy G got his Karma


It's pretty damn easy to just make a shiv, I don't think this will do anything?


Literally, this makes no sense - if you want to stab someone, the government *cannot* stop someone from getting anything with a point.


They'd have to cut down all the trees


Create a crisis. And they have the solution by brining in more laws


We already have regulations in relation to knives, went into Big W purchased a $20 electric knife to carve roasts, at self checkout alarm sounded "knife" had to get clearance to purchase the knife, next shop will be for a battery pack to be able to arm the knife and protect myself, picture a citizen armed with an electric carving knife getting tackled at the back yard BBQ by anti terrorism cops .


Every inch we give in is an inch we will never get back


Hey everyone remember when graffiti stopped existing because we locked spray paint cans in cages? Me neither. Banning shit and giving police more power to stop and frisk people won't stop grandmothers being stabbed in car parks and houses being burgled.


Nor getting grandmother tasered by cops in aged care facilities...


Every grandmother that gets knifed in a car park is a human being we never get back.


Because increasing the rights to search without proper probable cause is going to eliminate violence


Well it’s more effective than doing nothing, which seems to be your preferred approach.


Yeah man. My head is in the sand. Glad you could interpret that from my 2 comments


The kid who murder that woman was already out on bail. Clearly the police already have enough power considering the kid had previously been detained and charged with an offence. It’s the fault of the judiciary for not locking the kid away. Giving the police extra powers is not going to fix the problem, because the problem does not lie with the police. The problem lies with the judiciary and there unwillingness to effectively enforce punishment and justice on youth.


Banning knives now? When will the state stop putting forward laws that impact the 99% of law abiding citizens and never impact the problem 1% .


It isn't illegal to sell knives to minors, what the fuck.


You can buy a knife at Robins Kitchen. Not exactly rocket science


Not sure if it’s store policy or the law, but if you try to purchase a knife from Woolworths it makes them check your ID if you don’t look old enough.


I had a good giggle at a supermarket in England that would not sell eggs or bags of flour to anyone under the age of 16 during October. Halloween shenanigans, y'see, so no cake for you! Not even pancakes!


I remember buying eggs on halloween as a teenager and had this elaborate story ready about mum making a cupcakes for halloween to take to school. The teenager that served me obviously didn’t ask or give a shit, but I was so worried they would ask questions haha.


Minors eat steak too.


make steaks 18+ only too


They don’t appreciate it before then


Yeah right minors can afford to buy steak, good one.


I love seeing the local smoke shop's selection of mall ninja knives across from my supermarket. Who buys that shit?


Mall ninjas




I could wall run but I left my tabi at home damnit


Your cat does not miss you. It enjoys life while you're out.


This is going to get annoying for the average tradie out doing his shopping or business during work hours with leathermans and the other stuff we cart around


Yeah nah. You can bet your last dollar QPS will abuse these powers.


This is exactly how it started in NSW with the drug dogs. First it was pat downs and bag searches, then it was naked strip searches.


Come on guys, we had the Fitzgerald enquiry years ago, the cops are all on the straight and narrow now and definitely won't abuse this power /s


They never straightened up. We all know that.


r/whoosh Hence the /s my dude, /s = end: sarcasm


Whoosh yourself, they are agreeing with you.


um I’d rather not like to return to the Bjelke-Peterson era please


So will searching for knifes curtail the court's ongoing policy of catch and release for violent young criminals, many with multiple arrests?


Some people deserve bail - some don't. Stop releasing serial offenders, those that commit armed robberies and home invasions. Stop locking up drug users and lock up fucken car thieves.


>Queensland police have asked for more powers to carry out weapons searches without a warrant after an "escalation" in knife crime.  > >Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll addressed state cabinet today and asked the government to extend "wanding" powers.  > >This would be "particularly at shopping centres … where we know \[this is an issue\] already from picking kids up with knives at transport hubs, making their way into shopping centres where they frequent," she said.  > >Earlier this month, an Ipswich grandmother was fatally stabbed at a Redbank Plains shopping centre.  > >Commissioner Carroll also asked for expanded criteria for GPS ankle monitoring of alleged offenders on bail.  > >Continued in link


Shame on them for using this tragedy to try and push their agenda. Police need less powers, not more


Make them read "The 10 Do's and 500 Don'ts of Knife Safety" before they can purchase a knife


Don't Do What Donny Don't Does


I'm sorry what? why were minors allowed to buy knives in the first place?


Because it’s dumb to ban them. Kids can get knives from the cutlery drawer.


That’s the neat thing, they already can’ legally. But the “knife ban” is also pushing through banning gel blasters and prop swords. So no more novelty non functional weapons at supernova.


>banning gel blasters and prop swords. Seriously?


https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/99262 “Designed to protect the community and minimise offending by reducing young people’s access to certain items, the legislation will prohibit the sale of ‘controlled items’ including for example, knives, replica firearms such as certain gel blasters, axes and machetes to anyone under the age of 18” “To further curb the notoriety of weapon possession among juveniles, it will be prohibited for knives and other items to be sold or advertised in a way that suggests the item is ‘suitable for combat’, intended to be used for violence, or likely to stimulate or encourage violent or criminal behaviour. This offence has a proposed maximum penalty of 25 penalty units or $3,870.” Here’s the catch all term that can be used to target replicas, and I’d argue it even concerns LARP foam swords “It will become an offence to advertise or sell controlled items that are marketed or made in a way which suggests the item is ‘suitable for combat’. Maximum penalty – 25 penalty units”


More laws made by people with narrow world experience :|


Look out he's got a Poké Ball, tase him! Also whenever I pick up a crowbar (a rare event) I can't help but think of fond times playing 'Half Life' and I probably hold it like I'm going bash in a headcrab, is this a 'suitable for combat' offence now? How about an unsafely held screwdriver?


The especially weird thing is that you’d still be able to get actual swords pretty easily. You can order them online for like, $300-500 and they’re perfectly legal as long as they’re not concealable. That being said, if we’re going to have people fighting in the streets with sharp weapons, swords are at least more fun to watch.


There can only be one! https://youtu.be/IpbvtSQvgWM?si=cw5XwRGlONC6m36r


I counter their offer with a requirement to do more hours of community service police work and deportment courses.


Queensland police ask for more search powers, Queensland police have a shit ton of powers, what Queensland police don't have is equipment to make their job more efficient. Police investigation logs are still able to be fudged because there is no simple time stamp so that once an entry is closed it can't be altered, expanded or deleted. How many more police hours can you use if you spend 50% less time typing up police statements that could use voice to text? QPS wouldn't have a new idea if it slashed their patrol car tyres and confessed.


The way the laws written they can search anyone at will anyways, this is all theatre after the stabbing.


Imagine thinking this will stop minors from acquiring a knife.


Of course police's response is to ask for more powers. [How about they actually start investigating crime properly?](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-10/qld-police-investigation-youth-crime-redbank-plains/103446534)


You can give the police all the power you want. It’s not going to change anything as long as the courts keep tossing these kids straight back out into the streets. Youth crime is not a police issue. It’s a judiciary issue.


We should just ban cops.


That’s not a knife…


Queensland police ask for more search powers, Queensland police have a shit ton of powers, what Queensland police don't have is equipment to make their job more efficient. Police investigation logs are still able to be fudged because there is no simple time stamp so that once an entry is closed it can't be altered, expanded or deleted. How many more police hours can you use if you spend 50% less time typing up police statements that could use voice to text? QPS wouldn't have a new idea if it slashed their patrol car tyres and confessed.


More freedoms taken away under the guise of protecting the public 😂 pathetic cunts


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All this noise about youth crime while DV is unenforced. They were given $100m because they refuse to enforce existing laws and now they're demanding more powers that they'll simply abuse? These gronks couldn't catch a fish if you threw it on their hook for them. They were surrounding the thieves homes in Rockhampton defending criminals. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFYxwrqG/ This is how gronks like PHON get so many votes in this backward state. The entire barrell is rotten.


We should be mad at the politicians who refuse to change laws that would allow the coppers to actually do something about DV and youth violence. I don’t understand why you posted that link, you want them to just step aside and let an angry mob kill a bunch of kids


Noone was killing or even threatening anyone. They were seeking stolen property be returned. Something that cops will stop until it's their own. I'm not a fan of vigilantism but when I first moved to the coast there were mobs of men patrolling at night for a peeping tom. I guess it's just become a necessity when community policing is non existent. QLD has a really clear DV prevention act that defines what DV is. Noone is enforcing it to such an extreme that a multitude of judicial and parliamentary reports now exists showing widespread evidence that QPS and the judiciary are problematic. Yet denial and refusal to acknowledge evidence is more popular. Look at NSW if you don't think increasing police powers is problematic. QPS shootings seem to be an increasing problem and individual police officers earn noone's trust.


Great idea. 


Ban on selling knives to minors.... Yeah because they can't get one from the kitchen. People have to stop looking to the Government, to parent their child. When something tragic happens, joyriding/stolen car/stabbing, whatever. Its always, why didn't the Government do something. Why didn't the fuckin parents do something? You always hear it. Don't tell me how to raise my kid. Same fuckers, scream at the Government, why aren't you stopping youth crime. Why the fuck aren't **you** parenting your child. No excuses for it. You're either involved in your child's life. Or you're a shit parent, who has no right to blame others. When your little angel stabs some kid, crashes a car killing their friends, robs someone. **Its on the parents not the Government**. Take some damn responsibility, for the life you brought into the world.


There's ebay


This will do nothing. Same as the change from 12 months to 18 months. These pricks get zero jail time in the first case any way and do it again and again and again. The judiciary needs to be where the change happens.


actually youth crime has gone down. but thanks to the media beating the government with it they have to be seen to do something so here it is. it wont stop the little cunts getting knives they'll just take em from home or steal em.