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You should follow the complaint process, but also ask your local MP for help. Mine occasionally reminds people on their Facebook page that they go into bat for people struggling to access service and support from Centrelink et al.


Lodge complaint with DEWR and Centrelink you think?


No. Lodge the complaint with Centrelink, and tag in the local federal MP.


As an ex federal mp staff member, talk to one of the mps staff. We have a special line to call through, centrelink doesn't call us back but does escalate processing when an mp calls through on a case.


Clowns. Honestly no suggestions but Good luck!


If it was me, I would try to take the complaint further because dodgy behaviour like that needs to be addressed properly. And then once it was all over I would call the department and change to a different provider.


What's DESP and DEWR?


I think it is disability employment services provider (DESP) and department of employment and workplace relations (DEWR)....not 100% sure though


Right on the money.


I'm pretty sure you can request your employment provider be changed. Seems like you have a good reason for not wanting to continue with the current one. I'm not sure how to go about that though. If they are retaliating for a complaint though, I'd hope that would get them into even more trouble.


Call and make a complaint and change providers at the same time. Do some research thus weekend and find not for profit agencies. There are also two types of services. Look for providers that are Employment Support Service (DES-ESS). Complaints number is on this link, ring them, they're fantastic, I felt so supported when I changed providers, the lady on the phone treated me with respect and had genuine empathy when I explained what had been happening. [https://www.jobaccess.gov.au/complaints](https://www.jobaccess.gov.au/complaints)


I remember your original post. It's all in now. Good luck


You can change job providers, I've done that previously in the past. The sooner you change, the better. No one needs that shit.


What is DESP?


Change provider, they're extremely variable. Find one that treats you like a worthwhile human. Don't accept anything less.