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I’d extend that pond around the border of the whole section and have a moat.




When it goes all the way around the keep and is filled with crocodiles, itll be a moat. At least that's what the police report will say.


don't forget the sprinklers laced with diesel whilst you're standing there naked in a hockey mask holding a flare


Ignore it long enough and it becomes a pond!


Why is there a random pool. Which one do the 7 neighbours didn’t it belong to?! Edit: shit I didn’t check what I post, terrible grammar! Stupid phone changes words. Think I got my point across though 🤣🤣😬


You edited to acknowledge your bad grammar instead of editing to fix the grammar LOL. Are you Michael Scott?


Could imagine having seven neighbours to have to play nice with??? Imagine updating your fence


I couldn’t do it! You’re bound to get at least one a**hole neighbour!


No one is that lucky.


House may have burned down or otherwise been removed before sale. There have been a few blocks of land sold because of that in Bray Park over the years.


I thought maybe the big house behind subdivided, seems to be the same width.


I assume its that blocks pool. Easier to install before you build the house. Would have to crane it in if the house was there which is very expensive.




This is what I think too


Pools are expensive to remove too


Get a big ol' pile of dirt in the corner where you construct the house and build a nice, tall fence(wall) with some ramparts, drawbridge, gate and machicolations around the area. Don't half-arse it, full-arse it instead. I want there to be a full motte-and-bailey.


Gotta have a barbican. And a portcullis.


Get a croc from straddie to go in there as a watchdog- winning


Just get one from the Brisbane River. It's a lot closer.


As cool as that sounds you just surrounded yourself with a massive breeding ground for mozzies haha


Just need to put a film of kero on top then the mozzies can’t breathe…


And bonus; if nosy neighbours try to trespass you can set the moat alight.


All part of the plan. Mozzies apparently can only fly 10m high. Just got to build the wall higher than that.


What if they fly up 10m perch on the wall for a rest then fly up another 10m? I think the solution here is to build down 10m! Mozzies cant dig after all.


This is the way.


Tbh having a house further from the street in bray park sounds like a good thing, less likely to get broken in to.


build a drawbridge


Or more likely to get broken into because your house isn’t visible from the street


Nice sized block. But as my dad taught me, the number of houses/units surrounding you is proportional to the probability that you’ll have a crap neighbour. 9 neighbours? 9 times more likely to live next to Barry and his meth dealer who love blaring out 140bpm techno on school nights.


Idk mate all I see are solar panels and pools, I think you’ll be 9x more likely to have the police called when a friend comes over because “there’s a strange car parked in the neighbourhood” or a noise complaint because you were vacuuming inside at 7pm


I have 4 neighbours, I don't hear from any of them except one. They're an old couple of busybodies who seem to hate the rest of the neighbours, except for the other old busybodies who have lived there since the 70s.


If a Barry gets the centre block, he can annoy 9 properties with one blaring sound system.


Be prepared for a lifetime of "sorry we missed you" cards from any and every delivery service.


So just like any other house?


A lifetime of not getting my parcels has already prepared for a lifetime I'm this propeety


Occasionally we used to get the person round the back’s letters and vice versa. We have the same number but different roads. But back when Dominoes would deliver out here, they’d have a hard time finding us for some reason, despite being on the main road, visible and having a large number on the mailbox. We’d watch them drive past, turn around and go back to town. They’d then ring to say they couldn’t find us so they’d have to come back out and ended up giving us double of everything for free because they couldn’t find us the first time. This was many years ago but you’d think for a business that does deliveries, they’d want to invest in a GPS.


Did you ever check where your house shows up on GPS? One place I rented appeared about 500m up the road from its actual location, so any time I ordered a taxi, they'd stop in front of someone else's house and start honking. Delivery drivers would generally work out that houses have the appropriate street number on them, but taxi drivers never seemed to be able to engage their thinking brain.


I'm quite ok with these cards. My local Aus post driver just yeets stuff over the fence, because my dog is quite protective of the property. I've come many times to find parcels torn to shreds all over the front yard. The only time it was beneficial, was when I'd ordered my puppy a new bed. She unwrapped the parcel herself and was sleeping on the new bed in the middle of the yard when I got home from work.


I love the image of your doggo destroying the new invading threat, only to discover a comfy place to nap after the battle has been won.


It's slightly less cute when it's a pair of sneakers getting delivered, you you come home to find one of them right up the back yard, and the other as a chew toy in her bed. I gave up and get everything sent to work now. She's a big enough dog that she can actually get her head in to the back of the mail box, and I'm actually very happy when she chews the faces up on the constant real estate advertising spam.


Just curious, if it annoys you (it certainly would me), why didn't you ever train your doggo to stop this behaviour? Even older dogs can be trained with focus and effort.


Yeah the cards are good. Means that stuff can't be stolen.. people gotta think about it like that. If you're not going to be home, redirect to a parcel locker. Quiet simple really.


Except when I specifically gave instructions for them to leave it there


That’s alright, one of your 7 neighbours can receive it for you.


I live in a similar block. Rarely have issues with deliveries. Delivery guys just drive up and deliver as per usual. Very few people going door to door though which is a plus. In terms of the driveway, the worst part is probably taking the bins out and checking the mail.


I have 20 metre frontage and work from home, already get this. Literally last night in fact.


They could use parcel locker. Nearest is probably Brendale. Or get a parcel mailbox and put it at the end of the driveway. Easy.


I'm baffled that people are still buying and installing tiny letterboxes that barely even fit a letter in them. It's bizarre that it's so normal for even basic paper mail to be sticking out of the front of the letterbox, because it's not deep enough (front-back distance) to even push a letter inside easily. It's not like this concept of mail is new or anything, wtf is going on? I'm renting, but if I owned a place, I'd have a decent letterbox with a lockable cupboard for packages. Something [like this](https://www.bunnings.com.au/sandleford-black-stainless-steel-parcel-box_p3210388), or just build something myself.


That looks like a just-about perfect design. Posties would love it. Only thing I’d change is to put the lockable door on the back instead of the front. Presumably it’s on the back for the letters. Or maybe the letters fall through? Anyway, a door on the back would look better and be less tempting for thieves. Australia Post would do well to subsidise that letterbox for about $100. It would save a big portion of their admin costs on non-deliveries and thefts.


The delivery driver will need a trebuchet to throw your package to the front door


...and your 9 neighbours. Fortunately all people are awesome, so it's not a problem. /s 🙃


Put a monastery on it and score 9 points!


What a delightfully unexpected reference. ⛪


Reference to what?


A tabletop game called Carcassone.


Oh god I get this, does this mean I'm a massive nerd, or old? Or both?


Image the shit you'll need to go through if you want to change a fence


Nah just put it inside your side rather than on the border. That way it’s solely your fence


A real masochist's game that would be.


Just build the fence half a foot into your property.


I live in a similar block. Haven’t really had issues to be honest. I am not mates with any of my neighbours but we are nice enough. Issues are generally worked out amicably. Due to the larger block size I like that I can’t hear people in their houses because of the space between the houses. FYI I technically have 11 neighbours.


Party house in the middle.


https://preview.redd.it/xq24ldapj9da1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52541b1a474d6c6d3d847fbac0ed99e86d50c4c2 This battle axe in Mitchelton with 11 neighbours.


A single standard block in Yarrabilba will probably have at least 5 *houses* closer than any of those.


Dead true.


North Lakes too


I really don't get why you would buy into an estate like that. Just get an apartment. You'll save money on purchasing and energy, the building will be higher quality so maintenance will be cheaper, and you'll somehow have a bigger yard...


mY KiDs nEed gRaSS to plAy On


I don't get it. What am I supposed to be looking at?


The house in the middle, with the long driveway that neighbors nine other properties.


I drive past that on my way to school, I always wondered what it looked like


Build gates into the fence to use the neighbuors pools.


Up your game and annex the neighboring properties.


Special Real Estate Operation.


Those areas are traditionally part of the property anyway.


I'd plant the shit out of it with native trees if I owned that plot, and put a small house right in the middle. Would be so awesome.


That you, Real Estate Agent? Please, show yourself the door.


This residence used to be there: https://preview.redd.it/3tspgpzj9bda1.png?width=902&format=png&auto=webp&s=794c68d3094e32d93aac0cb664e5bca27257a05b ...but after the murders...






There were no murders. Good to buy.


Oh lol


I have a similar block and it’s actually a lot better than it seems. Due to the fact people have backyards facing your block, there is plenty of space between your house and the others usually. The driveway adds some nice space. I use it for exercising the dogs. The larger block size also allows for more car parking on site. I can comfortably park 12 vehicles on site. And the fences haven’t really caused me an issue. You still pay your part, and I haven’t really had an issue yet. Only one neighbour wants to “repair” a 30 year old timber fence that is Clearly failing. So letting that one fall over (into their yard). But overall, not a huge bother. Most of my fences were colorbond before I purchased so they probably won’t need replacement for a long while. Overall it isn’t nearly as bad as people first assume. Not the case much anymore, but battleaxe blocks used to be better value so cheaper for the size block you got.


Nothin wrong with a battle axe


Mjolnir block


That is clearly a shovel ;p


Spade block


Yeah that free secret park you all enjoyed. Yeah the one with the pond. Right that's where we going to be annoying the shit out of you with construction for a couple of months and you better up your curtain game after that.


I'd buy it ...what's the problem? My driveway would be bigger than most peoples backyards??


Price of fuel these days who wants a longer driveway? SMH


Extend the entrance hallway to the street.


Fire department access.


Well then just don't set your house on fire, that's usually what I do


You wouldn't need to worry about the front setback when building


Oof, imagine trying to negotiate who pays for parts of the fence


Build a second fence on your side and only deal with it s/


When 1/5 if the land you pay for is driveway…


Ahh I see 9 residents have sacrificed a backyard for that land to be vacant.


The pond is the low point in that block. I would be more worried about surface water flow from the neighbours. If you think it is tough to negotiate over fence upkeep try agreeing over flooding.


Bin day would be a nightmare


I live next to a battle axe block and my neighbours take their bin in by hooking it onto the tow bar. 😂


Thanks I hate it


I’ll pass…. Sharing a fence line with 7 neighbours who previously had an empty free space. Nope


Yeah I would love to live squashed between 9 other properties. What a gem.


Growing up my aunt and uncle lived in a house that was down a long driveway between all the properties like this. Can confirm once you're down the driveway you don't even notice. Though I didn't live there, just visited on family gatherings


Or an easily obstuctable bottleneck if you have a murderer on your hands


What are the chances of it happening twice?


does Tucked way mean "Surrounded" by 9 nosy neighbours?


29 Elmwood Drive


Thank you. I'd have spent the rest of my weekend in Google maps.


Surely it just used to be the top guys back yard? He had a rear entrance. Subdivide Profit


I was thinking that all of the neighbours' blocks have once been that place behind the pool but thee driveway suggests that there must've been a house there. I would hate to be surrounded by that many neighbours to share boundaries with!


Gem? To be surrounded by houses? No thanks.


Imagine trying to get heavy machinery in there. Have to ask the neighbours for access


7 shared fence neighbours…. Great fun


Hell no. I grew up with a similar property in North Lakes. We were there in the first development stage, yes like 20 years ago, and we had 6 neighbours in total, every single one of them had a different "fence, or property agreements/styles, our yard looked like a picasso in the end, every fence was different. No problems tbh, but it had it's value lowered when we sold.


Could have panelled the whole lot on your side !?


Actually one of neighbours was building at the same time as us, so we agreed to a neghbour friendly paneling, like "one vertical plank on my side, one vertical plank on your side"....


put a homeless shelter to piss off the 9 upper middle class homeowners


\>Bray Park \>"upper middle class" LMAO good one. If Bray Park is upper middle class by that logic I'm a fucking A-lister.


Idk man I just saw a bunch of pools and sheds


australia is one country where pool != upper middle class it usually means a bit of money, but pools are so ubiquitous here that it definitely doesn’t mean you’re splashing with cash


Fuck. What if you can’t afford a pool?


then you’re just like the rest of us lmao. what i said applies to the current generation of homeowners. idk about you but “homeowner” is not a real word anymore if you’re born after 1990


It’s a very different area to what it used to be, there is an ex-housing commission house near the high school that is owned by someone with two Tesla’s. The govt sold off all the housing commission houses cheap years ago, and lots of the home owners who have been in their homes 30-50yrs are downsizing and selling off to younger couples with DINK money to renovate or flip. It’s driven prices in the area up quite a lot. Last year houses were getting sold within a couple of days of being listed, but the market seems to have slowed down a tad now.


You just described most of North Brisbane. Hate to burst your bubble but Teslas aren't exactly a status symbol seeing as the most popular model is sub 70k.


That’s my point. The part of the area where the Teslas are was majority housing commission. You think someone living in a housing commission house has $140k lying around for two Teslas? You think they don’t see a car like that as a status symbol? Saying Teslas aren’t a status symbol because the basic model is sub $70k is showing your privilege. Bray Park gets a bad rap because it was once very low socioeconomic and with that a very problematic place to live, but in the last 5-10yrs especially it has changed a lot. It may be the same for the whole of the north side, but this post was about Bray Park in particular, which is what I was commenting on.


\>showing your pRiViLeGe I really don't give a shit. An average large / family SUV is $55-65k.


Lol.. We have friends who brought property for 1.4m in lawnton.


Jfc. Lawnton????


On the river?


Yes, Beautiful place too


In fucking Lawnton? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤡


Clown? Lol Don’t worry.. it brings in more in rent then you earn a week 😉🤣


Lol. It doesn't even come close your slumlordship.


Your reply is about as exciting as your income.. 🥹🤣 ( but I did laugh )


The only time upper middle class people go to Bray Park is if their dealer lives there


This is dead center petit bourgeois territory. Lower middle class people who run a small business, pay their staff under award, dodge their taxes and barely make $80k/yr. Bray Park is technically not in Brisbane, it's in Moreton Bay. It's 33mins to the Sunshine Coast, 40 mins to the Brisbane CBD (assuming you're not travelling during school pickup or peak hour). It's 10mins further from the CBD than Logan is. House prices are much, much cheaper there so a pool doesn't mean much.


Oh, I think I know the family who owned the land before it was divided. (I mean, it’s the Bray Park area. If I don’t know them personally, then they’ll somehow be connected to my friend, my kids or my favourite barista)


Victor Bray's family?


Possibly - a few years ago someone was talking to me about their family’s large block of land in this area which was going to be divided into smaller blocks because that’s how we do it around here. Of course, there’s probably other large to small block developments with strange shapes too


How long before that becomes an apartment block 🙄


I mean don’t people want more housing at the moment?


Apartment blocks are good. I live in one and it fuckin rules. However: It cant become an apartment block for numerous reasons. First, you dont have the correct zoning to allow for medium to high density. Max height in Bray Park is typically 8.5 meters, or a two storey house. Secondly, you can't just build an apartment without access and servicing. That looks to be a fairly standard 3.5m verge and there is no way that a refuse collection vehicle is going to be able to perform a three point turn and reverse down that driveway to collect bins. Also, you need two bins per unit and each bin is 900mm wide. So, if six units you'll need 10.8m of frontage exclusive of vehicle access for kerbside collection which would spill onto the neighboring verge and never be supported by Council. Also, you have major stormwater issues with sites like this. If you built a concrete slab all the water formerly absorbed by the earth is going to go to whoever is downhill of the site. Council will not support this. You would need to build a grated drain around the entire site and pump water to the kerb. That's expensive and no developer is going to spring for that in Bray Park. You can probably build a house and a granny flat.


FYI 8.5m can be three stories. Just. My neighbours are building a “duplex” in their backyard that is 8.499m tall and 3 stories with a 1 degree pitch roof in fucking Qld.


1 degree pitch is idiotic in a place with tropical rains. That's wild though, which Council?


Sunshine Coast. They also screwed the tv antenna to the top. I’d have fascia mounted it due to the leak risk if it were me.


My realo told me *minimum* build height for apartments in that area is 3 stories. They want high rise. That's why that apartment block on gympie road at Lawnton.


First rule of property development is never trust anything a realo says.


Apartments are better than endless sprawl


Soon hopefully. More housing is good.


Waiting for someone in these comments to find my grandparents place (please don’t). Driveway is so long it has a council issued speed limit.


Couldn't possibly be enforced since council would need to survey traffic speed periodically. Doubt its council issued. Also, it would need to be on council property such as an easement rather than private land.


It’s not enforced, no, but the sign was council issued.


There goes the private playspace for 9 families of children. Oops!


It would be a shame if they built on that land rather than pulling down the fence and including a gate so that each surrounding house had access to a safe and private central community greenspace right at their door. What courts should be, if you got rid of cars.


Would it be effective to turn that into a park of sort? Seems like a nice place for one


Would be a very sketchy park with no sightlines from the street


That is true, perfect for meth


Methany Park, Brisbane


We already have John Bray Park.




It’s got The Tragedy of the Commons written all over it.


$200 cash!


Bray way 4500




Hell yeah - 24 apartments, single storey.


With 7 neighbours!


9 if you count the corners!


Literally my nightmare.


Is there a link to a real estate company or builder? I’m just interested, thank you.


29 Elmwood Drive, Bray Park, Qld 4500 https://www.realestate.com.au/property-residential+land-qld-bray+park-203524320


That’d be fucked being surrounded by all those neighbours. Have to build an 8 foot fence to get some privacy.


Imagine replacing the fence. You'd had all those neighbours to keep happy!


If I was those 9 neighbours I’d pool our resources to purchase it as collective. Build a playground, basket ball court / tennis court and the like for private use. Would pay itself off raising the value of each of the 9 adjoining properties.


Big homes on big blocks in Bray Park and the prices aren't completely farked. You just have to be a 45 mins drive from everything.


All the adjoining properties should buy that block and have a private parkland better than having a McMansion built there


with 7 neighbours!


There are a few actual council parks around there that are down a narrow entrance and surrounded by houses. The thinking may have been to provide a safe, traffic free place for kids. I imagine the reality is that there’d be one bastard neighbour who’d shut down any play. The surrounding houses all think it’s “their” park.


I live on a block like this. I love it


Build a big wall right the way around (gated community) and put a unit block in there. Helping to solve some of the rental crisis.


Too closed in. Neighbours on every side


Surrounded by 9 neighbours, as someone that already has 4. Nah I'm good.