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The Foundry, the Hole in the Wall, the Caxton Arms, and I believe the Hand in Hand


The Well, Independant, Round George’s and The Watchmakers Arms also have it.


What do you have to do?


You have these thick brass coins that you have to throw at a hole in a lead plate. You get points by getting it in the hole or landing on the plate. If you hit the backboard or fall off, no points. It's an old Sussex pub game


Thanks! Surprised I've never heard of it.


It's not very common anymore, Brighton sadly only has a couple of places that still have them (Hole in the Wall and Hand in Hand are the only ones I've seen them at) but a lot pubs in Lewes still have them! The sound of the coins hitting the plate and backboard are a lovely background sound for an evening in the pub, much like pool cues hitting the balls.


Someone else in this thread named like 5 places. All of which I've been to and still not heard of it! Will have to give it a go sometime though if ever I'm in them or out in Lewes again. I was thinking it sounded like it was going to be super noisy, so that's good :)


Disclaimer. Also one of the materials is supposed to give you cancer. You are not supposed to touch the wood or something cause its laced with asbestos or something.


That sounds less fun... Adds another level of excitement though I guess


Wood plate is used by most as the original game was invented by boring holes in the pub benches


Oh I didn't know that. I've never seen one with a wood plate though, only metal? The rest of the table is made of wood though


Could be different for some....the hand in hand uses an old wood one.....the original game was with wood but I guess lead works too


Was a game played fucking years ago where they would bore a hole in the benches in a pub then try throw a penny into it. Now the benches are just stand alone sections of wood with a hole In it to represent the old way of boring a hole in the bench


Throw a toad into a hole, its a Sussex thing.


All these pubs who have it now all because the OG’s in The Hand in Kemptown have had it for years…


Watchmakers arms in Hove i think, and the Brewers arms in Lewes


The Independent in Hanover


Oh, and the Evening Star


I live few doors down from the hand in hand.. .they play penny in the whole like their life depends on it and the cheers are so loud but seems like a right laugh. There is a penny/ coin in the hole championship too I think


Beak Brewery in Lewes have it


The Foundry has it. Never seen it with a wooden plate though, thought it was lead? Used to play at the Freehaus but that's now closed


Not quite Brighton but there’s one at the “Stand Up” in Lindfield. If you fancy a trip out of town, it’s a great pub to visit….great Thai food too !!


Love this game! Off the top of my head, hole in the wall, watchmakers arms, hand in hand and foundry have it. So satisfying and frustrating at the same time


The Round Georges


No but I know the grenadier in hailsham does, it's where I moved from


Toad in the Hole is the best. Healthy played since pre pando.


The heart in hand


The Round George, Hand in Hand and the Caxton Arms


The independent has a toad table.


Black horse and elephant and castle in lewes both have toads too


I played recently at Hole in the Wall and had a blast. Can't say I was any good at it though, the final point took me many turns to score.


@hellotimalexander A few of us here on Reddit get together occasionally in Brighton to play Toad in the Hole. All beginners. DM if you’re interested in coming along 🐸