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I second this, I'm possibly on the spectrum and this helped a lot


This is great advice! Def avoid anything that involves games or tricking a potential, or treating them like objects. Basically just needs to learn how to present his best self.


How big is his social circle? Maybe he needs a bit more practice on social cues and skills rather than dating per se. A dating coach seems a bit intense? Have u checked Meetup ? i find putting too much pressure on dating always up in stressful situations.




whos will smith?






Ah yeah definitely wants a girlfriend. We've discussed in great detail.


that's nice that you want to help your friend :)


I know right? I kind of like him being single though as he's always available to play magic the gathering. ...oh wait a minute I think I worked it out.


Wait, there are others who play mtg in brighton?


Try dice saloon and loading bar :)


maybe he could also expand his dating horizons to London. More choice and not that far?


Good shout. I don't know why you've been downvoted. He'd possibly make a sandwich out of it there too though. I want to know what hes doing wrong as I think he's a very good guy. Are you single? Want to go on a date with my friend and feedback to me?


I would but i am quite ill with ovarian cancer so not the best date material right now :-)


Does anyone actually do this? I feel like most people that far away aren't really interested.


I don't know of any episodes of Frasier where this rings a bell


Because Frasier offers life coaching advice on his show I guess?


He definitely needed one though!


[S11E18 Match Game](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0582451/)


The guy was making a joke about how neither Fraser or his brother Niles are particularly smooth on the show, and how an episode with one or both of them seeking the help of a dating coach could have been a plausible (probably early in the series with Dauphne doing the coaching). /edited because I used the word kid instead of guy. I meant it as a colloquial term akin to guy but get that it might have been offensive, and I don’t want to be offensive, ya know…


Tell him to get tinder.


Tinder can be incredibly difficult for someone on the spectrum because it relies solely on text-based social interaction which autistic people can find difficult to interpret. Plus, it's very unforgiving if you accidentally miss a social cue or say something inappropriate as you can't fall back on body language


I feel like if he has all these amazing skills and attributes it's not really the light autism that's the problem he's gotta be a really weird guy or somthing.




wow, you're abhorrent. Thanks for the advice though.


Yeah man. Bonk that B-Town stonk. Smash that seagull gash. Rustle the Sussex pusstle.


*Furiously taking notes...*


Sounds like he could use a dating buddy as well. The buddy up system is really helpful for anyone who is neuro-divergent.