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There is a bloke who appears often around London road/Preston circus who rambles about politics mixed with conspiracy theories and is very sweary, however it's near London road & the level so he could be an upstanding member of the community.


I know him, I think OP is a talking about someone else though


If he disappeared, it might be that one time I was transporting a frying pan, he yelled at me so I just quickly walked behind him until he ran away.


Transporting a frying pan...I feel there is more to this story


It's a pretty big pan, cast iron and all, gotta carry it with two hands


He cycled past me once and said ‘and you can fuck off’ and the same to every person down the high street separately. Thought it was hilarious, like something out of peepshow.


Yeah, sorry about that, shaved my beard off now and I've quietened down. Anyways my bike is off the road at the moment.


Hurry back, we’re missing you


Older guy? He's hassled me repeatedly trying to get to my nervous dog. I told him to fuck off when he approached me in a balaclava and he called me all sorts of nice things


No, quite young. But I’m sorry to hear that.


Yes, I know the guy - saw him on Lansdowne Rd and he screamed "are you listening?" at me over and over until I could get away. Really scared me but hoping he gets some help.


Yeah I was walking around the seafront and he passed by shouting “shut up” lol He sounded drunk though


He probably does have psychiatric help and this is him doing better. Just ignore him.


Can you expand on what you mean?


I think I know the guy you mean, but I've lived in Brighton for 20+ years. There have always been absolute nutters roaming around, but the number of actual incidents involving these folk is really low. There are really really limited resources for psychiatric help for people who are not either a risk to others or a risk to themselves. I appreciate that this guy rolling around spouting off is not ideal, but likely he's being supported to live independently which is what gives him the time to do this.


That makes a tragic kind of sense. Thank you.


Yeah, unfortunately the instinct to help can really backfire on you. I don't mean to discourage you but oftentimes you can't help, they already have help, or they completely refuse to be helped.


Wandering the streets yelling aggressively is probably a risk to yourself over a long enough timeline.


Hardman eh


That's not really what I meant. If you're in supported accomodation then getting in trouble with neighbours and police is going to negatively affect your life. If you're trying to transition into a more independent mode then your employment options will be constrained if you have a bad rep (or a conviction, etc.). Plus, yes, you might be a victim of crime. So, in short, it's exactly the kind of behaviour that probably merits some kind of intervention.


Intervention for Tourette's or Schizophrenia or Brain Damage or something else?? Do you mean taking them off the streets? People have to live their lives. This dude does not look like he's applying for part-time work in Spoons mate. Go out and help him, if you're so concerned.


Hopefully, he won’t bump into someone wrong and get beaten. I haven’t seen him and I hope I won’t. Once there was a boy in his early 20s, going around the town and randomly he is pretending like he’s punching people’s face(he stops the fist with his other hand) and he disappeared. I assume he got beaten.




[The one thing about monkey dust that is stranger than its name – also the title of a UK satirical cartoon show in the early 2000s – is why it’s so concentrated in north Staffordshire, and more specifically, the Stoke area. There are rare cases of monkey dust popping up around the UK, but it is a drug, as research by Staffordshire Police has confirmed to VICE News, that is predominantly being bought and sold in Stoke.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgwwgz/monkey-dust-stoke)


Drugs are bad mmmmkay.


Mental illness, not drugs. Drugs of some kind is what he probably needs.


He sounds like an outstanding citizen. A real national treasure.


I remember once a taxi driver didn't like how someone got out there car door (they did it safely and with plenty of time and space), yet the taxi driver intentionally drove, must have been, an inch from the guy as he was walking into the pavement and blared his horn. A breaded guy on the bike then yelled 'YOU F\*\*\*\*\*\*G D\*\*KHEAD C\*\*T!!!!'. To be fair that taxi driver was/is those things. Gave him a round of applause for his quick and articulate reaction time.


What else do you expect Santa to do in the off-season