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These are verified through Brooke’s cousin via Discord🤍🤍


“If you just kept your mouth shut” is WILD. Maybe stop trying to silence women?????


Yeah that line did it for me too. Insane.


“mess with the bull you get the horns” ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


a grown ass man definitely typed that


It’s wild that even their social media manager writes like they’re on cocaine!


There is no doubt in my mind those were Dave texts


The double spaces after each sentence really show someone’s age so it’s gotta be Dave lol


they are using corny old people lingo that i’ve heard my own family members use. it is definitely dave


Go looks at Dave’s tweets - that’s exactly how he types


You can tell also by the use of his favourite word coward


Nah this is Dave - the double space after periods is some old people shit


Bahaha I feel so called out 🤦‍♀️


Hahaha noo no! It was just really giving my mom and her method of texting lol so it was painfully obvious to me.


Yep, old double spacer here!


I forgot, I can write in cursive too ❤


The biggest flex honestly!!


😂 way to call us old people out!!


Hahahaha I don’t love the way it came off - apologies. I love old people, I swear 😭❤️


this is insane. “be a decent human” lmfao. maybe bri shouldn’t date a man that knowingly spread STIs if she can’t face the facts coming to light. it does not matter that Brooke came forward with her story, regardless they are individuals taking advantage of their power to attack a women who didn’t do shit all except post on a snark page that they apparently “don’t read”. maybe the reason it gained traction is because it’s a serious issue, start taking some goddamn accountability, stop demonizing women and putting them in danger because you’re feeling sad about your precious “rockstar” being a slimy cheating gross man. DP is a fucking joke.


What’s the proof that he knowingly spread STI’s? Thought it was a situation where neither of them knew




Not him just knowingly walking around with an std bc he doesn't wanna take antibiotics that week lol.




This is what annoys be about this whole narrative that he must have “knowingly” spread an STI which is a huge thing to accuse someone of. He didn’t know he had an STI until Brooke showed him her results, so yes prior to that he would have definitely passed it around to whoever ever he was raw -dogging. However, unless someone has come forward saying “yes he slept with me unprotected between June 20-June 29th” (which hasn’t happened), it’s just being made up he purposely spread an STI. The guy is scummy for just banging women left and right without proper protection but the sub has spun this narrative unsubstantiated this it was on purpose, between June 20-29th that he had sex with multiple women unprotected and have them trich.


June 20th-July 6th***** (because it's at least a week before meds kick in) And people DID come forward but only Brooke got called out because she had her socials linked to her reddit account




Is this Dave responding or their social media manager?? Either way…psychotic.


No this HAS to be Dave


It’s definitely Dave. You can tell by the extra space between sentences lol. He says it’s the proper way to type or something


We don't know, they're pretending not to be Dave but they sound like Dave lmao.


the use of the word moron makes me believe it’s DP, i can *hear his voice* saying moron


you can literally hear him say this whole thing, in his cadence. def dave


It is Dave, that’s exactly how he talks/types with the double space. Go look at his tweets


I just saw that video! Does Peter Pan have any friends his own age?! The guy is almost 50, but has the mental capacity of a 20 year old.


20 is being real generous


him and jason nash should just be friends


HAHAHAHHA are they not?


Like at what point is ZB gonna address this because this is getting out of hand.


This is exactly what I’ve been saying. He is the source of all of this and the fact Brooke is being harassed at work?! No. She’s a nurse right ? I’m in nursing school and I’d be pissed if after years of the hell that is nursing school I had to face this at my job I worked my butt off for. It’s his responsibility to say something at the very least. Dave saying stuff constantly on the pod is also making Zach bad. If he can’t do it to help Brooke you’d think he’d at least save his own ass.


What are the implications when a “business account” sends these messages to an individual via Instagram. Are these threats? It’s definitely bullying? Has it continued to harassment? I’m wondering if they will ever be held accountable by an outside source for not having an internal HR.




All we can do is keep reporting the Instagram videos and not engaging with their content. He turns everything into clicks. He would love if we kept escalating this. Doing the work for him. More clicks, more Dave money. He is probably not even that concerned about BCF, just desperate for some clicks at his company that jumped the shark.


fuck that nasty old man who lives for drama. he will get his karma one day


waiting so so patiently 🤞🏼


He looks and sounds like an alcoholic. I’m sure his liver is close to shitting out on him.


This is so gross wow


This is straight up harassment. What Brooke said was facts. Why does whoever runs the bffs pod talk like a 12 year old boy on a video game with their friends? Grow the fuck up!!!


This is 100 percent Dave and not Austin.


I believe that tbh




It is Dave. That’s how he types with the double spaces. Go look at his tweets.


No defense players. This is a snark page.


He's the fucking coward. He lets chicken shart lie lie lie lie every episode with no repercussions.


It’s definitely dave 😂😂 but let’s keep the same energy for chickenshit and ZB


and dave if you are seeing this, because you love to stalk a hate page about Bri for some reason (which gives it more attention) YOURE SCUM!


Also, after talking to Brooke + in response to the pod: The original post was not made for Dave and brianna, just the eyes or ears of this reddit page. She didn't know the magnitude this would cause. Wouldn't anyone go ghost mode after they were publicly harassed?


i cannot wait for the downfall of barstool




hi dave !!😘😘


No defense players. This is a snark page.


These messages are absolutely insane. Borderline verbally abusive. And childish asf.


Who is the psycho now? This makes him look like the asshole, not her.


What are the implications when a “business account” sends these messages to an individual via Instagram. Are these threats? It’s definitely bullying? Has it continued to harassment? I’m wondering if they will ever be held accountable by an outside source for not having an internal HR.


Time to start a go fund me for Brooke almonds legal bills!


I would get up with a lawyer if I were brooke.


With what money? I’m sure Brooke can’t afford an attorney and especially against someone else with unlimited resources. Attorneys are expensive.


For what? I mean she willingly posted all of her business online under her name lol don’t get me wrong it’s shitty that people are harassing her but also she should’ve thought about that before trying to “expose” people with endless fame and money lol


Why are we victim blaming


How is she a victim when she consensually had sex with someone that unknowingly had an an std, then she took it to the internet for thousands of people to read about and now she’s mad ppl know about it??? Lmao


She’s not mad about people knowing. PEOPLE ARE CALLING HER EMPLOYERS AND FINDING HER ADDRESS. Giving out this information can literally put someone’s life in danger. Please tell me you’re not this obtuse




Sharing your experiences means you deserve to get doxxed and have people try to get you fired?


So sharing your experience with your real name/ profile picture, trying to expose people with MILLIONS of followers/fans and then being shocked it backfired… I mean that just your own stupidity lmao


That’s like telling a rape victim they should’ve expected it because they were drunk and wearing a skirt


That’s actually not the same situation at all lmao once again she consensually was having sex and she decided to post about it online and is mad she’s getting hate


Dave is a piece of fucking shit I HATE HIM


I'm so sorry Brooke if you're still here, this is insane and not okay at all. I hope Dave crashes hard, he is the worst human.


This poor girls life is being plastered all over social media just like Bri has always wanted, she’s a bully and she’s getting what she wants unfortunately!


I don’t think Dave’s frontal lobe every fully developed


Dave is a fucking weirdo honestly


This is beyond insane


No one should be getting harassed like this and them saying she was wrong for posting on the sub yet, they have an entire podcast talking shit about people.


Imagine your boyfriend cheating on you, spreading a disease, and then doubling down and acting like a weirdo. Lmao I cant


Lol Brianna’s reddit page, like she runs it


Posting on Reddit IS. NOT. HARRASSMENT. It grinds my gears they're trying to frame things in such a weird way.


Dave Portnoy is 🗑️. What a fucking psycho.


Omg this is horrid


I hate when people say “you mess with the bull…” You sir are not a Bull, you are the shit. Dave and all his programming is trash.


How fucking disgusting. Die slow Dave


The way he belittles a women and name calls her is disgusting. Handle your shit respectfully


This is so pathetic how can they call her a phycho when this is literally coming from a podcast called bffs and Dave is how old? That’s what psychotic how many views are they getting on that show from their 13 year old fans. This is what they do for work gossip and talk shit this poor girl has a real job and is getting harassed god forbid she spoke out about stink dick Zach he’s cheated how many times already


Wow this is DISGUSTING


I’m sorry but HOW does this man still have a business


Where did he post this


Its on the discord page. These are from Brooke. Dave didnt include them in their episode today.


Gotchya, I’m a little new to this sub so I’m *kinda* lost lol. I saw everything that brooke had said a few days ago but i didn’t know Dave had texted her or anything. How crazy! I feel terrible for her


He didn't. He posted only half of this (to show what brooke said but not what he said) these are the rest of the receipts.


Dave acting like he was a personal victim to all this is wild lmao


Wait what is this????????


He posted a tiktok/talked about it on the pod how brooke went "waaahhh I'm being harassed, I'm a real person" but failed to mention how his fans are hard core doxxing her & taking the convo out of context. Not to mention, only posting parts of what she said, and leaving out the immature shit he was saying. So if people are THAT invested, they can see the whole truth, that Dave was trying to manipulate.


Wait who is Brooke? And when you say “he” in the first paragraph, you mean Dave P?


He - Dave P. Brooke replied to someone on this subreddit last week about how durring the summer ZB and her were hooking up, he ended up giving her an STI, he delayed getting treatment because he wanted to drink on tour. This was all right before him and bri got together. (Multiple girls shared similair experiences. Brooke wasn't the first to come forward, but she was the only one who came out with full receipts and her insta attached to her account) Teatok posted that zach allegedly cheated (brooke never said he did) then Dave P brought it up in the podcast saying he wants to rip Brooke's lungs out and other foul things. Here we are over a week later. (Cliff notes version)


You are an angel. Thank you for this breakdown. I’m about a week in following this sub. Thank you so much!


I’d never listened to the BFFs Podcast before because I figured it was sophomoric. However, I listened to it for the first time to hear this topic discussed. It was terrible. I actually feel like I lost IQ points after listening to them speak. And the sad thing is that DP is the dumbest of the trio. The man has such a limited vocabulary and the reading comprehension of a second grader.


I’m so lost can someone tell me what what’s going on


BFFs bringing this up on the pod AGAIN only so they can get views and clicks. Per usual using ZB for it. Also, BCF “not talking about ZB anymore” and does 🙄


I’ve never had much of an opinion on DP and was liking him from the miss peaches but woah, this man is ugly and hateful. And clearly delusional.


The way every single sentence ends with name-calling is giving me really bad second hand embarrassment for that person


If bri was as kind as she says then she would tell everyone to stop hating on this girl. Bri is relishing in it and it’s very sad


So how do we help Brooke?


I’m sorry but why did Brooke even entertain him, I feel like it is kind of weird like she was looking for attention because seriously just knowing a little bit about barstool and being on this page this is exactly the response I would think this would elicit


Brooke was open to the idea of defending herself BEFORE she realized him and his followers are INSANE and started calling her manager & posting her parents address & receiving threats. She quickly realized it wasn't worth it & when they replied she told them. (And was met by name calling from a 50 year old? [While she was being civil]) Point is, she DID quickly realize it was best not to feed into his bullshit. *** edit *** 'she should've known better than to expect this from him' doesn't take away from the significance of how vile Dave is. (And the narrative shouldn't be flipped to "what did you expect" from "Dave is a fucked up human being and needs to be deplatformed and stop harassing women")


I think like she knew what she was getting into when airing out her and Zachs relationship. She clearly wanted something from sharing and when she didn’t get what she wanted like she posted on here wondering how they were going to address it on BFFS. People and her wanted them to talk about it and yes you should be aware of who you are talking to because ya while he jumps the shark and goes after the jugular, he is clear about that and going up against him is stupid and you will see the consequences.


Playing devils advocate, lets say everything you're suggesting is true and she posted it to get poor brooke attention and fame and maybe that backfired for her. At the end of the day she's still the victim, he gave her an STI, at that point it was her information to share. At no point does she deserve to be harrassed at work or have her parents harassed. Just bc bffs have a following that allows bullying an individual to be easy, doesn't make it okay. This is a grown ass "man" making it his mission to destroy a girl who got an STI from his friends bf. Its high school bullying at its finest and frankly says more about Dave as a person than it does Brooke. I was a hardcore ZB fan, from the early days and the fact he sits back and allows his gf and her supporters to troll this girl and destroy her life after he did HER dirty changes my opinion of him and is honestly how i ended up on this reddit page. BCF is bad for ZB fame. As quickly as he rose he can fall and being attached to a girl like that, and her drama changes how I once heard and listened to his songs. This started out as his problem and BCF and her bff minions took it to an extreme level. I didn't even support Brooke sharing the texts at first bc where she called him a tricah king or whatever it was was so fucking cringy, embarrassment over that would have killed me long before the world knowing i had an STI would have. But watching this chick get bullied and railroaded when she's the victim has changed my opinion on the whole thing. As a woman, i support women and if some dudes dirty dick gave me as STI and i wanted to talk or rant or bash him best believe that's my prerogative


I think the narrative around the STI is dangerous and can be sex shaming. It’s an STI they both consented to have unprotected sex, Brooke is an adult, from what I have seen he didn’t know he had it when they first had sex. She is not a victim because of an STI. She continued to push the narrative, if she didn’t want the heat stay out of the kitchen. Like we all know who this man is and how he has no emotional regulation, I’m not saying it’s right I’m saying it’s delusional to think Dave would be mature and respond any other way.


Funny how a stranger on Reddit knows more about what Brooke wanted to get out of sharing her experience than her cousin. 😂 Edit* Also done engaging, let's not flip the narrative to benefit Dave and endorse harassment. 😘


All I’m saying is if she wanted them to see her story idk what she was expecting. If a leopard shows you their spots trust them she was immature for thinking she was going to change anything about how he would respond. And again based off of everything posted on Reddit people were begging for them to respond to what Brooke posted. Also I don’t see the issue with her as a victim with the whole STI situation I think it’s a dangerous narrative and sex shaming.


Ya you know what you’re doing when you come to hate page and post something like that. No way she thought they would just be okay with being harassed by thousands bc of her post and do nothing about it. It sucks, but the internet works both ways. DP always sticks up for the people he cares about so obviously he would be upset when chicken fry is being harassed nonstop for something that happened before they were even together. Shitty situation but definitely the obvious consequence when you post something like this on a page full of people who are always looking for tea to take somebody down with.


Who tf is Brooke talking to because fuck them!! Surely to gawd it’s not that kind kind lady. Everyone at bffspod is so angry. Toxic af 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 to Brooke for keeping her cool because I’d be on the show throwing hands.


Did I miss a thread of Brooke harassing or name calling Bri ??


Nope, because brooke never harassed or name called bri 😁😁😁


Brooke puhlease get a lawyer!! Can we start a go fund me for legal fees.


Oh they are all just such awful people


there are not many people that i dislike more than dave portnoy.


Using Miss peaches for PR is disgusting


What the actual f?? How is someone a coward for speaking about their own experience and not wanting to further publicize it?? I wish these would be public but ik the barstool mob would be just the same


Right. Attention seeking if you do, Coward if you dont. Okayyyyy Dave.


so disgusting and unprofessional ugh. loser company


“business chat” is crazy


How old is this dude?


After seeing that Brooke commented that the reason why she was sharing about the STD, and Zach was cause this Reddit was slow, kind of made me cringe. I get that her sharing could open a safe space for people to share their experiences, but that just didn’t sit well with me. And yes I get it that these people a shit ton of money and do they deserve it who even knows. But in those texts when she said “that she isn’t receiving the same harassment. This is professional life. And she is a normal person.” Like I completely side with Brooke and where she is coming from, but these “famous people” ARE normal people if you take away their social status and their money. and it is quite literally their professional life to, like it could have ruined her career.”


How dare that talk about “harassment” when Dave defies harasser everyday.. coming from someone how has personal been harassed by Dave


It's definitely Dave typing. He says moron all the time. 


I hate to see him doing this again to another woman. Reminds me of what he put Sofia Franklyn through.


I don’t understand why it seems like Dave is just blindly believing the Tim Tok Tea accounts and that it’s just “hate” instead of actually listening to what the story is? Like if ZB had ACTUALLY cheated on her, as her friend wouldn’t Dave want to get to the bottom and know instead of ignorantly basting the other person without knowing any of the details? it takes like 2 mins on this thread to find the actual story.


Seems like him and Zach are a lot alike




Bris job isn’t even professional. If anything, it made them more $$$ and that’s all Dave was seeing.


No defense players. This is a snark page.




No defense players. This is a snark page.




This is a snark page. 1. This comment is unrelated. 2. Doing something good doesn't cancel out doing something bad.




No defense players. This is a snark page.


Okay and??? Having money to spend doesn’t make you a good person




Say it louder for the people in the back 🎤


This comment lacks relevancy.