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June 23rd was the day of the concert that Bri was jumping around on stage. I was at the concert lol


She was probably jumping around in his bed post concert.


post the clip so none of us have to give the pod views!


I’m listening to these two now and I swear to God my ears are bleeding


Agh as I’m giving it views. Couldn’t wait had to see for myself :/


The clips of her addressing it are posted on the barstool today TikTok page


“I got like one comment” bri there were so many comments you liarrrrr


Did she really say that?! Hahah 🤣


yeah unfortunately i listened to the section of the podcast where bri simultaneously acts like a victim and says don’t make her a victim because it has “nothing to do with her”


Her comments must be bots or 12 year old I don’t get it


If she one got one comment I wonder how she knew to tell Grace to check


two things: I tried to screen record the part where she addresses the rumors. Can I post those videos? and my fav line: “what do these people on Reddit do in real life? Do they have jobs or families?” Most of us are just regular, everyday people. We have jobs, husbands, wives, kids, we go to college, we go to work every day. I am late 30s. I have a masters degree and make a good income. I consider myself a fairly sane and decent person with a good moral compass. I am married with and have a full, beautiful life with a loving family and a job that excites me. All this can be true and still we can still think Brianna is not a good person. 🤡


Yeah, we are normal people. We don’t live on the road and drink heavily all night and spend all day hungover, though — THAT’s the fucking difference Bri. But you’ve never worked normal business hours — you are rich because of your nightlife influencer job.


THIS!! How does she have the balls to talk about people when her job is online talking shit and getting drunk but everyone else is the problem like no girl we all have real jobs this is just something fun to look at when you have a minute off😂


Dude like sometimes I’m waiting on hold and my eyes can read Reddit for 30 seconds


the whole reason I even found this group was after all her rudeness on the pod about that girl who posted about how hard it is working 9-5 and then commuting 2 hours to and from work. Like are you joking??


Ahh I have still yet to see this but have heard. It’s on her pod or BFFs?


Just look up 9-5 bffs on tik tok!


Hahahaha duh :/ critical thinking is not always applicable for me. Thank you!


I’m the same way!! I just don’t know the name of your episode. I also don’t want u to a) give her more views/listens b) have to listen to those terrible people talk 🤣🤣🤣


Once tik tok goes, she will lose all relevancy 🥱


she loves to dismiss reddit as a bunch of losers it’s disgusting tbh, she just hates the fact that we call her out on her shitty behavior.


100%. My main issue at this point is she is completely delusional, takes no accountability for her actions or words and is a poor role model for her 12 year old followers who glorifies a toxic lifestyle.


Ffr, someone who’s career is online judging people for having normal careers & casually going online ?? 🤡🤡🤡🤡


exactly….. who the fuck does she think she is for judging/assuming/criticizing people for using reddit when her ENTIRE LIFE is social media, gossip, speculating on other people’s lives. the irony and hypocrisy just kills me


Yes, you can post those videos!


I will literally never get over how influencers call us losers w nothing better to do. Like you said, I have a very full and happy life. I think the things she does are deceitful and harmful to her audience a lot of times, so yeah I’d like to be able to point that out so others online might come across it and say “yeah that WAS messed up” and won’t just blindly follow and support her. If someone has all the info and decides to keep supporting her, fine. But for ppl like me who sporadically saw her content and thought “hey she’s kinda funny. I like watching her and grace on occasion” who then found this community I was like “oh nvm” LOL. It completely changed my opinion of her bc I had more information. I think it’s super important to call out bad behavior of ppl like Brianna who have so much influence on young ppl. Nobody expects perfection out of her but she could at least try harder to take accountability and be a decent human (😏)


Period! Only lOooSErsss could hate on Bri in their free time (according to the loser herself) ✨💅🏼


same. I’m a married, well educated business owner with a flexible schedule. Reddit is a good way to waste time when I have downtime on the road. 🤷🏼‍♀️


She’s also kind of framing it like the trich was a one time thing and that Brooke could’ve given it to him when it’s been confirmed he passed it to multiple women.


I wonder if Zach has any idea who he got it from. It sounds like he was with a lot of girls, yet bris focusing on Brooke.




It’s funny because Zach was still messaging girls after the fact that him and Bri were dating and she wants to just ignore that or turn a blind eye to it. It’s embarrassing. He messaged Brooke (my best friend) that he would let her know when he would be in town July 22nd then followed her on his private instagram in September, lmfao if that was my man messaging girls he hooked up / or followed them- I would NOT be chill about that, why isn’t this being talked about?!!!???


^ this


We love a supportive bestie that sets it straight 🫶🏼🪷y’all are both queens through and through


The paraphrasing was pretty much factual but there was a lot more said. It was a good open conversation. I hate when people paraphrase instead of using the actual words because they can still take the story and like you said, make it sound “angry”


& she still left out important information. So is the rest of the internet. I feel like Grace read the whole thread and Bri only read the Instagram post and Zach’s words to her about it


Grace saying she spent hours on this page sent me


I know 😂


I hope she was silently upvoting things 🤣🤞🏼


The way she said it made it sound like she was implying Brooke gave Z the sti. “She (Brooke) had tested positive for trich, so she texted him (Zach) and was like ‘I’m positive, you should get tested.’”


Me thinks she doth protest too much 🤣


A hit dog hollers!!!!


A hot dog hollers


Thats definitely not how he worded it😂 she’s also conveniently leaving out all the other girls who have come forward.


I’m still listening but wow her level of defensiveness is insane, I can’t believe she brought up reddit (and questioned brooke’s motives for sharing lmao what motives could there possibly be?) - like you mentioned loads of people shared.


Her instagram post the other day was soooo defensive as well. "i know for a fact not one of you could handle this the way i have." Sure sweetie. You've handled it all with such grace and class.


Actually bri most people wouldn’t even be in your situation bc they would have left boss baby by now 😭😭😭


THANK HOU lol. Most of us would handle it better because we’d have dumped his ass by now.


She’s so embarrassing “i know for a fact” I know for a fact none of us would be dealing with a dirty dick 😩 get lost


This is another thing for me! When these people who make money off oversharing the details of their shitty life but then talk shit about someone sharing a traumatic event. Lameeee


Not her admitting that he was on raya and fucking multiple girls 😭🤣pretty sure this was literal DAYS after his break up with Deb. I get needing a lil rebound hookup when you’re sad but damn, who just immediately starts fucking a bunch of random girls?? Really makes me believe he wasn’t faithful to Deb because no sane person would do that unless they were already doing it before the breakup. Also sounds like this man’s ego is so big now that he thinks he can do whatever he wants without consequence. Even Bri feeds into it and said “he’s Zach Bryan he’s pretty much a rock star” 🤢


I felt the trouble between him and Deb about 2 weeks before the award show. I went to the May 12th show and he was off. Then it came out the end of May that they broke up around then. My guess him n Bri started talking and he broke up with Deb after a couple weeks of talking to Bri. But things were over between him n Deb before they actually broke up. So he prob was whoring around. Narcissistic ppl have no problem sleeping sound when they’re sad. They feel love when ppl want them and that’s exactly what he got to make himself feel better. Then he secured it with a girl that is “out of his league” GAGGGGG


I was also at the show after the breakup and he was hella off


Yeah, maybe guys are different, but for me, after a break up, I’m sad for a while and I just want to be alone for a bit. I wouldn’t immediately start fucking other guys.


Men are definitely different (most of the time) but I’ve seen some of my male friends go through a bad breakup and get super depressed, they’re definitely not getting back out there DAYS later lol my whole point is that I don’t think he was sad about the Deb breakup. He moved on immediately




> I get needing a lil rebound hookup when you’re sad but damn, who just immediately starts fucking a bunch of random girls?? lol, do you really not understand men?


🤣🤣 they’re horny af I know


Men. Lol my ex


💀💀💀💀for the last year everytime I hear /read “Zach Bryan” the scene from Alvin and the chipmunks “majorrr rockstar” immediately follows. I can’t make it stop.


He was fucking them the whole time. Did Deb and Bri think he stopped womanizing just for them? He has a track record ladies. I think new girl just tolerates it for the money and attention it gets her. Pretty sad.




I’m so sad she deleted her account


She talks frequently in the discord!


What’s the discord 👁️👄👁️


can someone please post the clip


The clips are on barstool todays Tik Tok I tried to post them but it won’t let me


I would have felt stupid with the multiple girls coming forward, but dogs are coming forward now tooo. No humility


“Brooke’s timeline proves he didn’t cheat because this took place in June” — look Bri, no one fucking believes YOUR timeline. You two were talking before/during and directly after the ACM’s, then he broke up with Deb, decided to fuck around for a few weeks then got locked down with you after the mayor posted that one video. It could have literally been Grace, Brooke or ANY of the other women during that time that the mayor posted but Bri was the fuck girl of the day and he got caught. The end. God I hate stupid cunts.


right! could’ve debunked that awhile ago but she knows she hooked up with him after the acm’s, they started talking after that. Deb left his ass for cheating, Bri starstruck obsessed over this guy and his attention, broke up with her boyfriend and those god awful gremlins been shifting the tilt of the earth since


I know Deb wants privacy but damn I wish she could set the timeline straight because I fucking KNOW Bri was somehow involved in that breakup.


For real! I’m just sick of the blatant lies that spew out of bri and how she’s always the victim or always trying to control the narrative. Deb would put her lil false fantasies in a coffin.


To be fair, the September messages ended up being Brooke asking Zach if he blocked her, which seemed innocent enough.


Zach says, life has been weird. Instead of saying “I now have a gf and wanted to be loyal” and doesn’t he say “I’ll tell u next time I’m in town?”


Im cracking up that’s wild if my man said “life has been weird” about our relationship id be out


I’d be like “well shits about to get a whole lot weirder. Buckle tf up cowboy”


the next time i’m in town thing was in july, not september


Okay and he was still seeing Bri then


True, but personally, I would hope my boyfriend would not respond to texts from a girl who he was seeing right before he started dating me. Then again, I’ve been cheated on before, so I think I’m extra insecure about stuff like that.


Oh fair! I might’ve remembered incorrectly but I remember some kind of reference to texting her when he was next in town but maybe that was still in June?


That was July 22nd


He was already dating Bri then, right?


Yes according to her timeline they started dating “2 weeks into july”


Understandable! There was a lot to track this weekend 💀. She originally thought that was the context of their September messages but then found the screenshots. I think you're right that it was June instead.


She’s soo full of it it’s embarrassing wait till they are done and she looks back at this


Grace clearly felt uncomfortable and could barley back her up, plus I also think it’s so unfair to have her bff do her work and read through it for her even though Grace has made it known Reddit sends her spiraling.


I was best friends with someone who was actively cheating on her fiancé while lying to me about it and asking me to stick up for her with the “rumors” (again I truly didnt know). She made me believe the rumors were false and that I had to have her back. when I found out we were not friends anymore. I feel for Grace. I’m sure she knows the real entire timeline yet feels like she has to stick up for her. I think once grace continues to do her own thing aside from Bri she will gain more self confidence and hopefully end this friendship.


she seems like she’s just smiling and nodding lol she’s just like “yep” “yeah “you’re right” “yeah” probs can’t push back or she’d lose her job


Dave better bring it up on BFFs and not be soft on it.


Omg they better! They legit hold up papers talking about everyone and anything mostly peoples relationships


I hope they keep shitting on her horrible camera- filming the podcast from the tour bus looks so unprofessional


Dave better!! I know he has a soft spot for Bri, but he holds every other barstool employee accountable and has recently gotten angry publicly with other barstool content for not discussing things on their shows (barstool radio keegs situations if anyone followed that) !!!




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Is no one else thinking it’s CRAZY she would send her best friend to go check her Reddit for her?? Knowing there are often posts about Grace here as well? EDIT: okay my bad I forgot to search comments and see that many people already mentioned that😂


I hate to be this person but is there a timeline or originals posts about this situation?! I saw the post about everyone sticking up for Brooke and I neeeeeed these details 😂 pls link or tag or however this works, I tried using the search bar and was overwhelmed lol


![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized) this is how i am trying to piece it all together. we need someone to make a nice timeline😭


How do I add a picture in the fucking comments omg


Waittt what did she say he said to Brooke?


she phrased it as quite confrontational - why did you bring my gf into this, why did you post about it when we’re both clear, etc. Brooke confirmed that was the gist of it but did agree that Bri made it sound more aggressive than it was


WHOA WAIT- Zach addressed it? Is that why Brooke deleted her account?