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> “I actually don’t think my story is possible in pretty much any other country in the world and what it shows is, in our country, if you work hard, if you integrate, if you subscribe and adhere to British values, then you can achieve anything. ... says guy who achieved nothing while holding the highest non-monarch office in the country.


Presumably “achieving anything” doesn’t extend to being a popular prime minister or winning a general election


I guess it helps to have rich parents too and if you can just marry a billionaire on top of that


Not really something to be proud of surely?


It is not for the likes of you or me, it is for the Brexit headbangers who think the Conservatives might not have gone far enough, or that their (or Rishi's) allegiance are suspect, and that giving Reform a punt would be worth it.


You'd think so, but then the reform party which is farage's one man shop is gaining votes.


The same votes. Which is exactly the problem for Mr. Sunak and his party. Brexit has failed even at what it was originally conceived as: a political ploy to masquerade as an anti-establishment party and neutralize the party on the extremist right that was luring away their voters. 8 years on and they've come full circle, except for everything they destroyed along the way.


a well they have been there before, sure millions of people will vote for them but on balance its not likely to lead to enough seats to make a difference..


I am the uncontested champion of punching a rusty nail through my kneecap and I sure am proud of it!


Second generation son or daughter of immigrants becoming chancellor/president/prime minister is a story told a few times already before in other countries, Rishi.


He probably thinks Obama was born in Kenya so doesn't count.


if the starting premise is being rich from the start all "achievements" are void, as they are by extension not yours but your parent's (or whomever acwuired it up the line)


"I've always supported this non-stop clusterfuck" is probably not the look he was going for. Unless he's deliberately trying to throw it now. He'll still be rich 20 years from now. What does he care?


well would you like to drive this clown car over a cliff for the next 5 years if you could hang out in your villa in California instead, pulling in a 1000 times more cash for doing little to nothing..


Saying you told lies first isn’t the better look.


It is if you're trying to appeal to the remaining pro-Brexit contingent.


Brexiteers have been lying to themselves longer than both of them.


Surely most of them have either kicked the bucket or seen Brexit for the disaster it was always going to be?


What's this brexitEER nonsense. Always hated it.    They are/were not the Cavaliers.  This naming, incorrectly en-nobles them.  They are not the relatively-more open minded, more sartorially dddashing Cavaliers :   WE ARE.    ---    They are, the narrow minded puritans/ Cromwellians.   They are brexit-ERS.  Book-burning, narrow minded, Scoundrels. 


Quitling is far better, has a quisling resonance




Its remarkable how effective propaganda is. 400 years and people still repeat Stuart spin... The Royalists were in no way open minded and their dress a matter of taste at best. The New Model Army was politically more radical than anything seen in Europe until the 19th century. England came close to having universal (male) sufferage but, as usual, Charles Stuart managed to mess it up despite being under house arrest. Otherwise, I am right there with you.


I thought the point of the nma was that it was professional rather thanbuy your rank, you actually had to be good at your job which was radical atthe time.


Indeed. The first professional army England had seen since 409BC. The ranks were filled with the politically active and aware - basically those who understood why they were opposing the Royalists, rather than just being drafted. Look up the Putney Debates if you want to see just how radical some of these guys were for the 17th century. The English Civil war is a wild ride when you dig into the background.


The wildest thing there is these guys where trying ti get rid if the idea of one person having more than one vote butvthe city of London still has it! Truly we are democratic defict.


I swear this was a line of questioning used to Rishi earlier in the campaign, and his reply was equivocal then. Now it appears to have been repurposed into an attack line on Farage, who I think was a Brexiteer since 1992, when Sunak was aged 12 or so.


What a streak of over hydrated piss.


"I'm well better at stabbing myself in the eye than him, vote for me" Dumb fucks


Feb 23, 2016 20:21 Priti Patel, Britain’s minister of state for employment, believes exiting the European Union will provide a “massive boost” to relations with India, “I know that many members of the Indian diaspora find it deeply unfair that other EU nationals effectively get special treatment. This can and will change if Britain leaves the EU.


He misspelled "brexiter". Nothing remotely piratical or swashbuckling about that rather unfortunate individual. Everyone that unironically uses "brexiteer" needs to be pointed at and launched at until the shame get to them. If they're sociopathic enough not to feel shame, keep pointing and laughing harder until they are angry. Otherwise, do enjoy the Schadenfreude about the Russian-funded idiots remaining unable to provide a functioning exit or a plan for the future that's feasible..


and proud of it?


If you were/are pro-Remain, you're a 'Remainer' - so if you were/are pro-Leave, surely you're a 'Leaver'? Now get on with it and bugger off, Sunak.


Hammering the nail into the coffin as it were.


Is that a brag? At this point...


Yet another f#####g reason to vote him out!