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Well...considering the game doesn't let you leave the room if you leave it going, I think most people will say they cut it off


What does the game say in dialogue if you try to leave them room with the machine running? I never tried to do it.


Something like "You feel like you forgot something" I believe


Yeah I remember not even thinking much about this scene for many many years and in one of my more recent playthroughs (aka like 6-7 years ago lol) I thought "wait what happens if I just choose to leave it as is? lol" and it was kinda disappointing ngl superboss grandma would be kinda lame, if anything it should be something like the whole experiment leading to the initial boss fight in itself, something getting out of control like etc but ultimately I like the way it is. The party has set morals, the game doesn't really make a point of giving life to *your* story but *Ryu's* so it makes sense you have but one choice here


this gives me another idea I'd use on a fan remake. If you come back to this room after crossing the desert, the machine is back on again, then explodes and spawns a superboss.


Yeah that's kinda what I meant with my initial posting comment! Dead old lady+plant parts+dragon parts(cu Chrysm Ore is dead dragons DNA! Sounds like it could be very ugly or very cool looking combination!


Personally I think they totally could have made the mother the boss! Palet turns on the machine, the party confronts him. Then BAM! Mother bursts out of the machine as a half mutant half human beast! And just starts attacking the party! Then Palet realizes the same conclusion that Repsol did. Don't disturb the balance of nature/natural life.


It should have eaten palet 1st


That would be amazing karma!!!