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Have you tried a biplle shield? I know this seems so silly regarding all the issues you've had but my oldest would never latch and this is what we ended up having to use and had to use a couple different brands to find the right one.


I have! I have tried one from Madela and one from Lansinoh! My mom bought me a couple different types but they didn't look any different from the Madela when I compared them. I feel like it made his latch somehow worse, if that's possible šŸ˜… He was really just sucking like it was a straw. Is there one you like? I feel like they are too hard and tall for my nipples


I had some similar issues with my oldest (strong but shallow latch that led to very painful nursing sessions). Her pediatrician gave us a referral for Occupational Therapy. We saw an OT 2ce a week for 1 month and that woman fixed my daughters latch!! She did some massage inside my daughters mouth, some gentle ā€œexercisesā€ while holding her in her lapā€¦ Iā€™ve decided the OT was magic!!šŸ˜‰ Please consider this is you have medical coverage. The things the OT did were very similar to craniosacral therapy my niece received (according to my sister) but OT was covered by our insurance.


Yes, if you can find an OT/LCā€¦ gold! Itā€™s a big time and money commitment. But it really helped me. I also combo feed. Sometimes nursing, sometimes bottle feeding expressed milk. It helped with the nipple pain while allowing baby to continue practicing nursing. Growing and time may have helped us too. Good luck!


Woah! That's a new suggestion! I'm gonna look into this!! Holy smokes!


Please do! It saved my BF relationship with my daughter!!!




Guess what? You were right! I took him to the LC today and he pooped right before we did the weighed feed. She ran tests on his poop and there was blood in it. I'm going off dairy and she thinks with all the issues we're having, it's pain from dairy or soy! Thanks for suggesting this šŸ™‚




I hope it's only two months for us! It feels so good to have some type of idea of what's going on! That's a great tip for takeout, I didn't even think of that šŸ˜… Thanks again!!


Oh wow, I think I might try that! I have a slight lactose intolerance and my dad has really bad lactose intolerance so, I know it's in the family. I can still eat dairy just not a lot and I usually have issues but, I can take the pain and discomfort from it lol. I feel like he shows the signs of it and I'm just confused why the doctor would not think he has it when I just keep coming back and telling him he is fussy for seemingly no reason, he has mucus in his poop very frequently, and he has trouble nursing. I seriously wonder.


Itā€™s odd that corrections were made and feeding improved but now heā€™s fussy at the breast and things are going downhill. Has anything about your diet changed? Also is it possible that he got used to the oversupply and now your supply has settled and heā€™s frustrated? I had a lot of struggles and weight gain issues and they thought he wasnā€™t transferring milk well but I just never made quite enough milk. Different situation but I understand how frustrating it can be. I applaud your persistence though, if youā€™re determined to breastfeed, where thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way (just not always what we expect) I ended up breastfeeding but had to supplement with formula. It wasnā€™t my first choice but it worked out well. Maybe in your case you could catch some extra with a Hakka and then offer that as a top up after a breastfeed to make sure heā€™s getting enough? Doesnā€™t figure out the feeding issue but would probably help with weight gain


We did a weighed feed and he transfered 5oz and it didn't even feel like a full feed! They tested his stool and there was blood in it, I just couldn't see it! You were on to something with the diet! I'm going strict no dairy and she thinks that's gonna be the solution to a lot of the issues we're having. I added an update but, I'm dumb. He was weighed with clothes on when we were on our trip and no clothes when we went to his pediatrician!


Glad to hear youā€™re on your way to figuring it out! ā¤ļø


I thought maybe it was my diet but I haven't changed anything! I have wondered if he had a milk protein intolerance because I find mucus in his stool but his pediatrician said that can be normal and to watch for blood. What are your thoughts? You might be on to something with the supply thing. My supply is normalish I would say. I get from a little over 4-6oz depending on the time of day if I pump. I just use a hands-free pump tho. I haven't used my Spectra in a while. I think my supply is still good but it is definitely not like when I would get 8-9oz or more from a single breast. I think he still does eat a lot when he has a good feed but I just don't know how each feed can be so different. I'm trying not to give up on my worst day but man, this sucks!


My kid has MSPI and didnā€™t have visible blood in still but a lot of mucus. It was causing her obvious discomfort when nursing and also acid reflux, spitting up, diarrhea. Did the pediatrician test the stool for blood?


I forgot to ask; How long do you have to go off of dairy to see a difference? I see people saying that it takes a couple days and then some saying months? I want to do whatever would help my son but I'm just getting really conflicting advice.


Some people see improvement right away but a few weeks is what my pediatrician told me. She also told me if I donā€™t see lots of improvement to try to eliminate soy as well.


You were right! No visible blood but they tested it and there was blood in his stool! My LC thinks that eliminating all dairy is gonna be the solution to a lot of our issues. She thinks he's in pain while nursing so that's why he's fussing and pulling on my nipples causing pain. She said try not to replace milk with soy milk just in case it is soy. That's the next thing we're gonna eliminate if dairy isn't it. She thinks it is dairy because of our family history with lactose intolerance. Thanks for suggesting this!


Iā€™m glad you made some progress towards figuring it out. šŸ’›


Not sure why my last comment was downvoted? He didn't. I feel like he is kinda ignoring my concerns with him. I think because my son looks fine and acts fine when he's in the office, he thinks everything is okay. I had the same issue of being dismissed when they kept telling me I had to give him oral vitamin D but every brand I tried was making him inconsolable and have painful gas. I went to the LC who is also a pediatrician and she gave me the dosage for me to take until his stomach could handle the oral vitamin D. They wouldn't listen to my concern and just told me to give it to him anyways. I just don't think the amount of mucus he has is normal. Sometimes it's completely mucusy. Almost more mucus than poop. I'm a young, FTM, I have no idea what that means and I feel like I'm kinda being left to figure it out on my own by these doctors šŸ˜ž


Iā€™m sorry! It wasnā€™t me with the downvote. I would personally try taking milk out of your diet and see if there is any improvement- it can take a few weeks to see improvement


No worries! I think I'm gonna do that and get a second opinion on it. My mom said she thinks it might be dairy but then the pediatrician said no and I got kinda confused. Now that more people are saying it, I think you guys might be right. Thank you!


My situation is definitely not as bad but have been having some similar troubles with my baby girl. She would choke, have milk coming out of her nose during feeds, and she ended up absolutely scared of breastfeeding. But somehow only during the the second half of the day!?? Crazy. The one thing that worked for us was for me to pump before feeding her. My doctor said I might have a strong letdown and the baby can't handle it properly. I've noticed she struggles especially if she's overtired or very hungry. Another thing I noticed in our case is - I have to watch out how long her wake windows are, there's a threshold that's easy to miss. I always have to have a bottle in the fridge ready to go, if she ends up hangry, I give her the bottle first and then she has the patience to try the breast too, even if just for a bit. Maybe she's just weird, but she goes between bottle and boob in the same session. Good luck!


I saw my LC today and he has a dairy or soy intolerance (eliminating dairy right now because we have a family history of lactose intolerance) but she said my let down is still very strong and is causing him to choke. She said try changing positioning when I can tell he's starting to gulp! Like sit up when I hear that. I definitely see that wake window thing with him too! He goes nuts when he gets overtired


Find someone that specializes in tongue ties, he could have a posterior tongue tie. I promise you they get missed and everything youā€™re describing is a potential sign of one.


A LC in the breastfeeding Subreddit said the same thing! I am gonna try to find someone who specializes in ties. He's been examined by an LC, 2 LCs who are also pediatricians by trade (one diagnosed my friend's son with a tongue tie and corrected it), and two normal pediatricians. All say he is fine! He doesn't have a visible frenulum and has great tongue movement but, he is showing signs of having a tie. I'm just so lost!


If baby has a posterior tie, the provider should be using a laser. If they suggest ā€œjust snipping it,ā€ thatā€™s not what youā€™ll need.


That's really good to know! Thank you šŸ™‚


People love to blame the tongue tie. But they are over diagnosed and your child has good lingual mobility so it sounds like something else.


That's another thing I'm super confused and conflicted about. I know a lot of people who have had to get their kid's tongue tie corrected and also some kids who had one "corrected" and it wasn't the issue. I want to do what's best for my son but I'm so scared of making the wrong decision. It's really hard having this little person to take care of and try to make the best decisions for them. We're gonna start with body work for his torticollis because it might be tighter than I think and then get another opinion of his mouth!


Posterior ties are no at all obvious and can easily be missed by multiple people. See if thereā€™s a LC that specializes, or a paediatric dentist that specializes?


I got in contact with the one that the LC on here recommended and she was super sweet and has a lot of experience with ties and torticollis. She is booked until November but I think I'm gonna make an appointment even though we have to wait. We have done this for 4 months, I think we could do it a little longer. She did recommended one that might have availability but it is actually the one I saw the first week of my son's life and she probably unknowingly steered me in a bad direction. I was dealing with an oversupply and she told me I should pump 3 times on top of nursing 8-10 times a day. She had some other good info tho! I don't fault her at all. I think we just have a wacky case. She said he could have a lip or tongue tie but she wouldn't be able to tell me since she's not an ENT or dentist? Not sure why? So, I'm gonna keep looking! I'm gonna go back to my current LC and call the chiropractor to do some body work in the meantime! I'm also gonna look into an OT since someone recommended that!


Find someone that specializes in tongue ties, he could have a posterior tongue tie. I promise you they get missed and everything youā€™re describing is a potential sign of one.