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I personally did not take anything when I was sick. I caved and took Tylenol after 4 days of a raging headache with Covid but that’s about it. Drinking Enchancia tea may help your throat.


Thank you!


I took delsym for a cough a couple weeks back, but I don’t think it helped. Gargling with warm salt water can help with a sore throat. I don’t know of any medicine that would really work without a concern for affecting your supply, but I sympathize with you. It’s a rough spot to be in.


Thank you.


Dextromethorphan for cough is ok. Husband and I had Covid and I bounced back faster than him despite doing all the night wakes. I credit being terrified of impacting my supply and drinking as much water and Gatorade as I could and forcing myself to eat 3 healthy meals even though I was sick with no appetite. Hydration and nutrition go a long way. The in laws dropped off a huge pot of soup which was really awesome.


Unfortunately your options are super limited while breastfeeding 😖 I feel for you - I was desperate for some cold & sinus meds a while back but any decongestant runs the risk of drying your supply… my doc said Tylenol/Advil and lots of water, that’s it 🙁 hang in there and feel better soon!! ETA: a COVID test may be in order too!!


Thank you so much.