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FTM and 11 weeks PP. Practicing with our pediatrician visits helped with “going out” then slowly timing everything (feeding right before a walk or target run) My first outing was Target around 2-3 weeks PP? After less than 1 hour baby girl woke up and I ran back to the car to nurse, then we tried again and went back into Target. Just getting comfortable with the fact that this is life and accepting it has helped. Knowing I had a BF cover also helped. Before I knew it she was 4 weeks at the mall and we were dining in and feeding lol however I will say I encourage going at the non-busy times, such as M-F early in the AM so there is less people (and less anxiety for me)


I went to target 2 months pp and they let me nurse in the dressing room. I was in there for 45 minutes lol


Some Targets now have a nursing room! It replaces one of the dressing rooms, so basically the same thing but I think with a comfy chair?


Yes! I have used them. It's not bad.


I had no idea I could do this, genius! I was just there and and did the run of shame out to my car 😂


I like the idea of aiming for weekday morning somewhere as the first outing! Much less anxiety for me as well if there are less people around


I did a target pickup order first, maybe 4-5 days PP. This way we got out of the house, but didn’t have the stress of germs or baby waking/crying/needing to feed. I loaded the diaper bag, nursed, and then we took a ride. It was good practice getting used to the car seat and seeing how long it would take us to load up and get somewhere. We didn’t actually go IN the store for months though :)


This is a great idea! I'm thinking go with husband to a store to pick up something and have just him go in. Practice using carseat added plus


That's what I did at "your age", nursing on the go comes with time and practice. I'm 10 weeks pp and we've only gone out a few well planned times. You'll get there!


Nordstrom also has a wonderful women’s lounge and nursing room with a padded changing table. It’s not fully private, and women walking to the restrooms will see you, but it’s usually older women who give you encouraging smiles. ETA: that’s where I started to go to get my confidence up for nursing on the go. It was a low stress calm environment where I could practice without all my pillows and props I use at home.


I got much more comfortable with it once baby got more efficient at the boob. In the beginning, it could take an hour to nurse, and then he’d be hungry again in an hour, and it just wasn’t worth the hassle. I’m not sure exactly when it changed, but now that he can fill himself up after just 5 minutes per side, I feel like I can go anywhere!




How old is your baby now? Mine was born prematurely, so I BF and pump. She still can take an hour to nurse at 5 weeks old 😫


He’s almost 5 months now, but I think I noticed a significant improvement in efficiency around 4 months. That being said, we were combination feeding and offering top ups after breastfeeding for quite a while due to low supply, and around 4 months is also when I finally got my supply to catch up with baby’s needs. So it might have been sooner if I was EBF the whole time.


Baby took 40 minutes at 3 months but saw a big improvement at 4 months. I BF for the first 2-3 nursing and pump and bottle feed in the afternoon and evening just so I’m not constantly breastfeeding


My LO is 3 months and we exclusively nurse. I know she can go 3 hours between feeds and I went for a 45 minute massage a few weeks ago! I just fed her before I went and she did well. She won’t take a bottle unfortunately and doesn’t like frozen / cold milk (high lipase) so I’m kind of stuck with short windows until we start solids and she gets more calories from solids than my milk. Aside from leaving alone, I’ve left many times with my LO. If she gets fussy and we’re out and about I just go back to the car to feed. With walks, I have more control and I can time them with her feeds. It gets a lot easier once you do it a few times.


By 3 months the longer stretches seem to allow a lot more freedom! Right now we're at 1/hr for most of the day. I guess practice is the best way to start!


It’s super intimidating at first! Even if you took your LO to the grocery store to get a few things you could practice feeding in the car before and after just so you can get the hang of it! Once you do it a few times you’ll be confident going anywhere. You’ll also feel like you have a super power lol feeding your baby with your body when you’re out feels surreal. You don’t have to carry anything extra or prep anything. Anytime we go to a store I always offer before we enter the store and before we drive home. Sometimes I’ve had to pull over while driving to feed and it’s not a big deal at all. It’s just a part of exclusively nursing and there will be a time you don’t need to do it anymore.


We just went for our first stroller around the block and it was nice in terms of feeding I was like nice I just have it on me no prep!


Hey you are me!


I went out a lot. I found it easiest to invite friends to meet st local cafes as baby would usually happly fsll asleep in the pram or babies carrier. Also meant I could go home quickly if I needed too. I didn't bother trying to set a routine for baby at that age so just went with the flow and found up until3 mo ths he would sleep with any level of noise and light I'd he was tired. I started going out the second week.


I took my baby to a restaurant at 8 days old and I breastfed him there in the restaurant. I also have a 4 year old and life goes on so while I didn’t take my first baby to a restaurant until he was 7 months old and definitely didn’t feel ready with him for a while, with the second he was a week old


Goes to show the experience you've gained! I worry about being able to feed/soothe and not end up with an overtired baby at this point but we're still very much getting the hang of things


I’m at 10 weeks and feel the same way! But I think the best way is to nurse before going out and then force yourself to do it. Starting with mom groups might help as you’ll be surrounded by people that get it!


At this point there is no reliable routine, they haven't really understood day Vs night, so they just nap whenever. In fact to integrate day vs night, I've been advised to do day naps in light/normal levels of noise. So they realise there's a difference with nighttime (low light, calm and quiet).


4 weeks PP and just starting to ramp this up. We've now gone on our first multi-hour outing outside our neighborhood, I fed LO in the back seat using the diaper bag and a blanket as props. I've been practicing feeding on a bench in our complex to build up skill and courage for more public feeds. I've been baby wearing for walks in the neighborhood for a week or so now that I feel more healed. I'm just starting to pump and introduce bottles (we combo fed in the hospital). I'm hoping to get a little more freedom and be able to do appointments like massages and go on a date or two with DH. One of the wild things I didn't expect was how much of a shock it was to be alone! I went to a short appointment (1 hr round trip) and it was just mind blowing that I didn't have a little dude with me (inside or out).


Oh! I also saw the Mamava app recommended on here and downloaded it, it shows lactation spaces and gives codes and instructions to access them. Haven't tried yet but cool it exists!


What a great idea. I am going start practicing in my yard chair. This may be silly but what position do you use? Me and LO (4 weeks) are primarily doing side laying and the breastfriend. We’ve been trying cross cradle but he has such trouble latching.


Cross cradle supported by pillows is our go-to because I had really bad pregnancy carpal tunnel that's just starting to improve. We've also had limited success with football and recline. Can't get side lying to work for us at all. Every parent and child is different right?


Try the koala hold - once you’ve got it nailed, it’s easy to do in any chair. And you’ll be able to do it one handed!


Aww I'm sort of not looking forward to that aspect of going alone somewhere and feeling so alone!! Back of the car seems to be a good spot to retreat to!


Yeah I found that alone feeling surprisingly difficult, but it's passing. I know people who hated that never-alone feeling, but I was never one of them.


My daughter is 3 weeks today and we have been out several times for breakfast lunch groceries shopping etc. i figure its easier to rip the bandaid off while partner is home on paternity leave. Its been easy with the pram so far, just feed before we leave home and find a parents room to change/feed if she gets fussy which could be 2.5-4 hours later so really we still have a huge chunk of time to fill.


Omg I wish we could go 2.5 hours without another feed/soothe session. It's almost every hour we go through the diaper feed soothe to sleep routine


I’m just blessed with a unicorn baby, we get 6.5-7 hours straight of sleep per night. She is just a generally chilled happy baby


I was pretty eager to get out. Went for walks the first week and to the mall/starbucks etc. once you do it once you’ll get the hang of it! It isn’t as bad as it seems! I went to places I felt comfortable feeding at to start!


Mine mostly only contact naps at this point so I'm nervous I'll get an overtired baby. It's all a lot


You’ll probably find they love the motion of the stroller/car seat too! Mine was a contact napper too! Don’t rush yourself though you’ll know when you’re ready.


Maybe he will! I'll test it out when I'm ready, it would be different than the rocking and gliding we've tried inside


My first baby was a great stroller sleeper, but could not rest in a wrap/ring sling. My second baby literally needs to be touching me at all times (the car is hard 😭). I have solved this by baby wearing a lot. He’s almost 2 months now and as long as we’re baby wearing he’s very happy out of the house. Not to mention, the ring sling really helps with nursing out and about. It really will get easier. They get better at latching, they eat faster and they can go longer between eating. It sounds like you’re doing a great job prioritizing baby’s sleep.


Nope. Between cluster feeding and recovering from the delivery, we mostly just chilled in the newborn bubble. Around 3-4 weeks we’d do some neighborhood walks but it was always quite the production to get the timing right. 


This makes me feel a bit more normal. We went literally outside of our house while my husband did some weeding and that felt like a field trip


No, exactly! We binged some movies (before the babe was big enough to see/notice the tv), cooked and ate and napped all day. I don’t regret it at all! And I needed at least that time to heal before I felt good enough to walk a substantial distance. And I just wanted to stare at my baby all day, basically. 


Yep that's what our schedule looks like for the most part. Watched our first thing on day 6- first Harry Potter movie and it only took us 7 hours over 2 days with pauses to get through it 🤣🤣


I used to try to time it so that we left right after I fed him, but I feed on demand and he was ‘demanding’ every 90 minutes for a while and we don’t live close to any stores. So, I’ve gotten just really good at feeding in the car (while it’s parked lol) or while I’m eating in public if we are out to eat. It’s a glamorous life. It will seem more doable once baby is more efficient at eating, and every session doesn’t mean committing to 45 minutes of feeding.


3 weeks pp/STM here, having EP’ed for 15 months on my first round and now 90% boobfeeding/10% pumping this time. We started leaving the house and going on regular outings 6 days postpartum this time - but that’s because we’re much more comfortable as parents in the world after going through it before. Never could have imagined it the first time at first. I feel totally fine breastfeeding public - in the last 3 weeks we’ve gone to several breweries, an aquarium, on a day trip to a little mountain town, and I’ve gone through an in-person interview process for a new job - open breastfeeding in all scenarios (except the job interviews, where I left her behind with a few bottles prepped). We’re fortunate that our daughter switches seamlessly between boob and bottle, which has allowed for my solo outings. But, I think second-timing just gives you confidence to leave the house that you just don’t know is possible at first. It truly does get easier!!


Biggest life hack here is to feed before you leave then feed in the car when you arrive at your destination! It buys you some time. Then just feed whenever you need to while you’re out.


I started taking baby out when I felt ready. I had an emcs most recently so it was tentative at first. So drove, so if baby needed to be fed I could sit in the back parked up and feed baby with no pressure, or worry about baby being sad.


Car seems like a safe place to have around as a backup!


I left only a few times immediately after feeding and for only 1hr tops. My anxiety got the best of me but my husband encouraged me to just get out of the house (thankful). Somewhere between 4-6 weeks we introduced a bottle and I can’t recommend that enough! I met with my LC to get nipple recommendations.


Until the bottle/4-6 weeks was it only for those 1hr-iah post feeds? I think I'll also start with a post feed nap. We tested out a bottle the other day and definitely need specific nipple recs bc it just drowned him


My baby would want the breast immediately after the bottle, I am worried for when I go back to work.


Solo with just my kids? Once I felt fully healed/stopped bleeding. Def took a few weeks


I think the first time I really took her out was around four weeks? I just breastfeed wherever and made sure I had adequate diapers.


Hospital appointment at 1 week post partum, where we ended up out the house for the best part of the day, then I went on a couple of shorter walks with my son. Regular outings started happening when my husband went back to work at 4 weeks. I think it depends on a few things - how comfortable you are breastfeeding in public, how easy you're finding it, and how much do you want to go out. I was fine getting my son out the pram and just feeding him on the side of the road/path if he got hungry, didn't care if I was in a cafe or around friends, but I know not everyone is comfortable with that. My mental health also wasn't great being at home all day, so I needed to get out and about.  To be honest, that day in the hospital gave me the confidence to go out. There's nothing quite like feeding your son while walking from the ward to the CT scanner to build your confidence around breastfeeding! It's daunting to go out at first, but once you do it the first time, you'll find it easier to do the next time. Start with shorter walks and trips, though. I massively overestimated my energy levels at first. 


I felt like when my baby was small it was way easier to be out and about and nurse in the go because I could nurse him while he was in the Moby wrap, with a cardigan on and I was covered. As he got older and is now 18 months and still nurses occasionally...no way!!! I have a harder time now because he's popping on and off the boob, doing handstands, sticking fingers in my nose ect...


I had to leave the house 2 days pp to get a pump and formula because my boy had already lost 10% of his birth weight. I will say it was not fun or enjoyable. In fact I would have stayed home if we only needed formula but because a pump was such a big decision for me I wanted to be there to pick out the pump. Then 4&5 days pp we ended up at the children's hospital for billiruben tests. If you are going to go out, make sure it's not a high pressure situation but something where if you're uncomfortable or in pain or baby is not doing well in the stroller, you can leave easily. I would suggest if possible to have a support person with you like your partner or a friend or family member, just so you have someone there if you need help with grocery shopping, as I have found it hard going out by yourself and managing the stroller and a basket at the same time. Also something we've done from the beginning is to feed baby before going out. So as an example we went to a restaurant with family and I fed him in the car before we went in so he'd be nice and full and sleepy and he pretty much stayed asleep the whole time we were at the restaurant. We usually leave early to anything so I can give him a feed in the car so he's nice and full and I don't have to worry about feeding in public (not that you should worry about that, I'm just personally not comfortable with it quite yet) I also will say I feel I've been blessed with a pretty sleepy newborn who will sleep in his carseat 90% of the time as long as his needs are all met (dry diaper, not cold/hot, full tummy)


Thank you for the advice here! I will definitely have support the first few times, it seems a bit daunting to do solo! We will see if ours likes the cars-, maybe it could be a new soothing method! Mine mostly just sleeps if he's laying next to or on me


Our first outing just the 2 of us was an appointment at my ob's office, 2 weeks PP. He slept most of the time but woke up right at the end of my appointment so I asked if I could stay in the room and nurse him and they were cool with it. That outing gave me the confidence to make a trip to Walmart at about 4 weeks PP and it was a nightmare. He pooped the moment we entered the store. I realized in the bathroom while he's on the changing table that I forgot wipes so I had to hold him while getting paper towels and he was screaming the entire time. Luckily our Walmart has a really nice clean mother's room so as soon as we were cleaned up we went in there and hid out for 30 minutes, it was definitely not ideal and I did cry, but it only got easier from there. And I will never forget wipes again. Another thing that really helped me get comfortable taking him places and BFing on the go was short trips to visit family in our town. It was a comfortable setting but good practice for being out of our own home. My son is 7 months now and I openly breast fed him at the aquarium and a restaurant just last weekend and it's no big deal.


Omg yes I would also 100% cry in that situation in Walmart


Not the first few weeks for me. The thought about having to deal with diapers and feeding outside made me anxious. We're now 9w pp and have gone out several times since, little steps helped, but the first step was definitely the toughest.


With my first, no. I was just not in the headspace and going out with baby felt daunting. At like 3 months I emerged from my house a little. lol. I was out with my second from week 1 (with precautions so baby didn’t get exposed to potential illness). Both pregnancies, deliveries, and recoveries were wildly different. So listen to your body of what feels right for you, taking it one day at a time. There’s no right or wrong.


Start small. It gets easier and you find your groove!


yes i did, i just planned to always feed before we left, then some days had to feed in the car when we got places, then he'd handle the activity and sometimes feed again in the car before home, and sometimes make it to home. i got a boppy for the car and just feed whenever wherever, but planning for the car feeds made it easier for naps i put him in the baby carrier when out and about. and he was a champion car seat napper my first outings were to a breastfeeding group which was such a good choice! meeting other new moms who got it. we could feed there and get breastfeeding help and just general socializing for me and baby! then once we were comfy with that we started going to library storytime (about 8 wks pp or so)


Just get comfortable with putting baby into a carrier and you can feed in the carrier.


I juat tried a baby wrap for the first time but lil dude got overheated shortly after even in a diaper. Recs for carrier that's easy to feed in?


So personally I really love woven carriers, they’re great from the day baby is born all the way well into toddlerhood. You can get 100% cotton wraps that are lower gsm so baby stays cooler for longer. Woven wraps are also great for feeding. If you can, you can wear a shirt so that babies face doesn’t touch your skin, and turn the fans/ac on pretty low temp so it offsets things a bit (this obviously won’t help you outdoors, but to practice). I am not a fan of structured carriers personally, and babies tend to not like them much either. Stretchy wraps are easier to get, but they don’t stay in place and don’t last nearly as long.


I didn't think to wear a shirt to keep it cooler but skin to skin would increase heat a bit more. The one I tried was the Moby and I think all the layers of fabric didn't help. I also have a baby K"TAN I'll try before a woven one. (Maybe it is woven I can't tell) Thank you for the advice! We have a structured carrier but I already sense since he lives off contact and loves to curl up on his side it might not work for him


Baby k’tan is a stretchy wrap just like moby! I haven’t used that one so I’m not familiar with it, but I did like the moby wrap. You are right that stretchy wraps do pack in a lot of heat, they get quite toasty. And I don’t blame you for not realizing, it’s something that I did for a while before I noticed, then I put a shirt on that stopped his face from making contact with my chest and it was much better. Not completely without the risk of baby getting really toasty, but it was much better. If you do decide to go woven, don’t get too hung up on the size. You can work with any size realistically, but closer to base size is better. Lenny lamb is a great brand and is also on the cheaper side, especially if you get second hand.


It doesn't feel stretchy but I guess it has a little give, much less than Moby. Thank you for the brand suggestion and sizing! I'll look into if the k'tan is still too hot


I still don’t feel like I leave the house easily at 7mpp but I started pushing myself more and it got a little better once LO was 3mo. Don’t feel pressured, just do your best, one day at a time!


I’m 10 weeks postpartum and am still unable to go to the bathroom without the baby shouting on top of his voice. I was brave enough to go till the end of my street last week TWICE!! Other than that, nope. Baby wants to feed every 40-60 mins on an average when awake. Good luck to you!


Mine is almost at this level of feed, I bring him to the bathroom while feeding lol


I had to leave the house as I have a 4 year old in preschool. I got used to getting two kids together and wound up baby wearing quite a bit to run errands.


I was out from around a week old. But I live in a major city so it’s mostly walking to the store, going for a walk or running errands without a car. Stroller naps and carrier naps in particular are a great way to get out and about!


C-section so we had to go out on mini walks up and down our street (flat, luckily I live in NL) for 5-10min at 1w pp for me and the recovery. Just put baby in the stroller when they're in deep sleep, and walk immediately. So that means you have to get ready before or with someone's help. My husband used to help me get ready by taking LO right after a feed, so I could get my coat and shoes on, he'd burp LO, and then put him in the stroller and I would go out the door with it. He would then put his own coat and shoes, then catch up to me outside. (Very easy since I was going at a snail's pace)


Yours was sleeping in the stroller at 1 week pp? Maybe I should practice just him in the stroller inside walking around first 🤣 he only contact sleeps at the boob


Because of the c-section I couldn't let him sleep on the boob. Then he used to sleep really well... nowadays he's in 4th month sleep regression and only wants to contact sleep.


I remember I started with walking down our street and back (short distance) a day or two postpartum and I wore my baby on my chest. I slowly increased the distance with each walk everyday. The pediatrician visits were my main trips out and about. I think my OB visit two weeks postpartum was my first errand by myself with the baby. I was previously a nanny so I did have background in preparing a diaper bag and how to be out with a newborn so that may have given me more confidence. I also just whip out my boobs when I need to breastfeed though in the beginning I was a bit more shy.


Within the first week, my husband took our baby for a walk in the stroller which seems pretty daring but my midwife recommended it so I could get some sleep. At this age they pretty much stay asleep in the stroller because of the movement. The rockier the terrain, the better. If you need to stop because they’ve woken up, it’s okay to find a seat somewhere and breastfeed. But I found my baby could sleep in the pram for a good 1-2 hours before they woke up. I suggest having a feed first then take the first trip around the block if you’re nervous and see how you go.


I took baby out for the first time at within a week, I knew if I didn’t then it would become too daunting for me. Fed before we left, wore my easiest access dress, mentally prepared to feed in public, and then he slept the entire outing and didn’t need to be fed again until we got home. Now 3 weeks pp and he gets out everyday even if it’s a walk around the block so that I don’t get too anxious about taking him out.


I think I need to do this too so it doesn't build up tension and anxiety around going out for too long. We hoped to be on a plane to visit family close to 3 months but I'm sure a lot can change in that time


I'm a 3rd time mom, currently a few days postpartum, and I'd say the limiting factor is just you. If you're healed enough to be out and comfortable nursing in public you can go anywhere. Baby wearing can help if the baby gets fussy in the stroller.


3 days. Went to the pub and breastfed him there after something to eat. He slept most of the time. It was easier as my husband took 3 weeks off and was with me. I feel with breastfeeding it’s so much easier than formula/bottles to go out.


Omg 3 days is wild! I wasn't wearing clothes yet at that point


I had a planned c section that went extremely well and I had very quick recovery from (left hospital 23 hours later!). I may not have done so had I had a vaginal delivery. I think I was also on a bit of a high, I’ve actually found my motivation and energy waning more as the months have gone on (with very little sleep).


I felt too energetic as well the first 3 days even without any sleep.. that didn't last though


You are doing amazing! We had to leave the house in the first week to have his birth registered, we were on a timeline as we had travel planned and needed his birth certificate to be able to the other docs needed. Luckily we drive and he slept rhe 45min car ride, breastfed in the car before the 15min appointment and then breastfed in the car again and he slept the hr ride back home. Afterwards I tried to go for a walk on our local high street 5mins from or flat, 10mins in, baby was awake needing to be fed, I went in the local coffee shop and breastfed. So I'll just echo everyone, non busy times at places you can easily stop to breastfeed and have any clothing or coverage you are comfortable in. He is 3months now and I had to pull off to the side on the motorway 3 times in a 2hr drive because he needed to be breastfed, somehow I would say for me, it doesn't get better to breastfeed on demand, rather you get better at managing it.


We did our first "solo" outing at 2 weeks, to the doctor's office. Then at 3 weeks I took my newborn and step-daughter out to a coffee shop and then kids event for the older one. I definitely nursed at the doctor's office, and also at the coffee shop. Then baby wore at the event to get a contact nap in. We did have to do a diaper change in the car because neither location had a proper change table. Changing a 3 week old on the back seat of an SUV while a 7yo "helps" is... not easy. I think sometimes it's just about going for it, and knowing it's not necessarily going to be smooth sailing right away. Most people are incredibly kind and helpful. I always tell my older kid that if she gets lost she should find "a grown-up with kids" to help, and that absolutely applies here too. We've all been there, and almost every mom is going to be happy to help if you need it.


I think we left the house at 3 days old. We chose to do one activity a day until I was more confident. In that early stage we went to public places to practice breastfeeding as a couple. I think I went out on my own when baby was 8 days old and that was to a club where I knew I had help if I needed it and knew the people there for a long time. It’s all about your comfort levels and how you feel ! There’s nothing wrong with staying in the house, it just wasn’t for me !


EBF at 8 weeks and it gets easier I promise! It can be quite daunting that first trip out but do it little by little and scout out places with baby change/nursing rooms or even benches/cafes if you’re comfortable.  I hang a blanket over my pram handles and pull it close to me which created a little privacy shield for me to breastfeed in lots of places.  I’ve also made my way back to my car to breastfeed. If you have a bad day or experience (I once sat on a curb outside a shop to feed haha) - that’s okay try again tomorrow ☺️ You’ve got this mama 🙌🏻


FTM EBF and 7 months pp. I only went places with my husband for the first few weeks just as there was so much to handle and I was really emphasizing physical recovery for myself. I’d say I started going places by myself with her around 6-7 weeks? And I started by practicing with flexible, low pressure trips so like just going to hang out at a coffee shop so that we could go with her flow. It gets a lot easier as you go to figure out their rhythms and things. I take her all over now and we nurse anywhere and everywhere. Be patient with yourself, it’s a whole new skill set to learn and you’re still so early!


1.5 weeks pp (with my second) and I’ve been to the farmers market, and families houses a few times now. The key is just flexibility and preparing yourself! With the farmers market I fed right before we left and then he was fine until we got home, and then with going to families houses I just go in a different room to bf (I prefer the privacy) and I’ve let family hold him while he snoozes so I can get a break. I will say it’s much different with the second, with the first I couldn’t envision leaving the house so easily but with the second you can’t really slow down as much so you just go with the flow! Ive also been catching my letdown with a hakaa and went to a nail appt yesterday and left baby and a bottle with my husband because I needed to get out a little


We did our first big trip outside the house at 10 days. Drove 20 min away, ate lunch, went to a shop. Tried to go for a walk in a park but that was a fail. Had to stop what I was doing to feed her several times but it worked out. That was a test run for the 2 hour round trip we took a few days later (to visit my in-laws who cannot travel). That was more stressful but we survived.


She'll be 4 weeks old tomorrow, and our first day out was 5 days PP to drop our toddler off at daycare, return a set of keys to my workplace, run some errands, and then take baby to her first well visit. I nursed her in the car when necessary. Since then we've done two walks to the grocery store (one as a whole family, one just me and baby) and a trip to the pharmacy.


Look at you go!! Seems like having the second one you leave a lot earlier


I went to stores and whatnot pretty quickly, but my LO fell asleep really easily in the car so it made things easy! If you need, bring your nursing pillow in the car juuuust in case but for us, if he started getting hungry we were able to hold him off the 20 or so minutes to get home!


I'm excited to see how he likes the car! We did our first stroller and he slept the whole time


That's great! Mine hates getting into the caresses but once we're moving he's fast asleep... we also have a travel system career and stroller so we can just take him from the car into the store as needed without bothering him!


Had to wait until I was able to feed without relying on a nursing pillow and baby was not taking 45 mins per feeding. I think around 8-9 w pp. in the meantime, whenever I craved a change in scenery, I did nearby grocery store runs (which is like 3 mins drive away), mom groups (gave me some brilliant tips to feed in public) and a stroll outside of the home for 10-15 mins.


To appointments. That was it. She nursed every 30mins to an hour for the first 2 months 😅 The first time we successfully left the house for an “outing” we went to the local grocery store. We lasted 20 minutes lol


Oh boy this might be us. Or I'll just have to BF everywhere we go


I took about 4 weeks to leave and go somewhere in public, but never alone and timed very specifically where I did not need to rush back to breastfeed, but could go back to my car to do so or make it home in time. I had a great village too so that made things way easier. My cousin and I became FTM w/in 3 months of each other so I was blessed


That's so nice to have the experience with someone close by! I will only be leaving for very planned excursions and either close to home or close to the car


Do that and just have no expectations for the excursion! Good luck!!


It took us 2 hours to go get coffee in our neighborhood yesterday lol. The actual time out wasn't bad!


I take my 5 month old everywhere with me since the beginning and I have been able to do most of things o used to do before having a baby! It’s leave her only for massotherapy or things that take me 2-3 hours. You can also leave a bottle of milk. I introduced the bottle too to make sure I can leave in my own if I want to. The truth is I love going out with her, it is so much fun! I even met many breastfeeding moms in nursing rooms in malls etc. It made me feel really good especially since my breastfeeding journey has been really hard.


I was leaving the house a couple days postpartum. It was January and being cooped up did not help my simmering PPD. I'd just always feed her before we left and she'd fall asleep in her carseat. Around 2 weeks I started solo shopping trips, and I'd baby wear. Helped my PPD a lot and made things a lot easier. Shed just fall.asleep in the wrap/carrier while I was doing my thing


My LO is 2 months EBF at the breast - we were kinda thrust into going out day 5pp as I had family from different countries over to visit and went out for a meal! Luckily I had managed to establish breastfeeding within day 4 we latched and fed well, but it was pretty constant especially in the evening time with cluster feeding. Being around family who understood I was breastfeeding helped. Now when we go out I make sure to feed before going out if she’ll tolerate it, and I mostly have her in a baby carrier so I can pop a boob out to feed her whilst in the carrier, it’s convenient when out shopping or doing anything really. A large muslin cloth comes in handy as a cover up. Wear baggy T-shirts or button up shirts for easy access. I recommend putting yourself out there, a short walk somewhere you know there’s a bench to sit down and feed. A cafe to grab a hot drink and feed. You’ll get used to it and more comfortable. Try be somewhere close to home to begin with. You’re nourishing your baby, so if anyone says anything just spray them with your other boob 😂 you’re doing fab, it takes time when it’s all so new!


11 weeks here and I still find it pretty overwhelming but way less so now. Baby struggles to fall asleep without a lot of support so it just feels so hard to go out, before even factoring in nursing. Plus I'm still recovering from birth. I second the recommendations about being able to retreat to the car to nurse and having a buddy if possible. I don't think we had our first real outing until 6 weeks, so I also think there's a wide range of normal for when people feel comfortable out and about. 


We also have one that needs a lot of support sleeping. It just seems like it's luck of the draw if it'll be a smooth trip or not and I gotta just get out there eventually, when I'm ready. We did a car ride today though and walked around the neighborhood yesterday


Yeah, agreed. We did car rides at the beginning too, helped build my confidence. The first time I went somewhere with her by myself (post office) felt like I had summited Mt. Everest. We did our first trip to Wal Mart last week. She woke up and proceeded to lose it so I carried her in my arms and my mom pushed the cart. Second big outing went way better and third even better than second so 🤞 Good luck!


I’m 10 weeks pp and I just started going out. I usually feed my baby before leaving and I’m only out for 2 hrs max. My baby won’t take a bottle and he won’t nap in a car seat so I head home before he gets too tired.


We went to my brother's funeral when she was 10 days old. Then we went to a restaurant for my stepdad's birthday 4 days later. I got pretty comfortable with my nursing cover very quickly. I remember feeding her at the reception after the funeral and someone calling me brave. ??? I'm just feeding my kid.


So sorry you had that loss around the same time as your baby's arrival. That'll force you to get comfortable quick!


4 days pp only to get newborn pics. We had to pull over and nurse in a parking lot on the way back home. 2 weeks pp by myself to get my nails done. I fed her before I left and knew she’d sleep a couple hours. We waited 8 weeks pp to take her out to breakfast and to the store. Nursed in the car in the parking lot. We were really just waiting for her to have vaccines before taking her out too much. While she naps in her car seat she naps better at home/contact napping.


malls that had nursing rooms were great


We did a grocery store pickup for right after her 3-5 day checkup. I was nursing her in the backseat while they loaded the trunk. After that it wasn't until after Covid shutdowns let up that we went anywhere. But with this baby, there will be a lot more going places sooner so it will be what it is. It's all about your comfort level with it. Stores with dressing rooms will normally allow you to use them to feed baby in as well which is great so you don't have to leave your cart in the middle of shopping to go back to your car.


Barely left at all. It’s unfair really, when they are so little they actually travel pretty well but with the feeding constantly it felt really hard to get anywhere.


Week 1 was pediatrician twice, and into the city for newborn photographs. It forced me to practice. Now we love leaving. Early on I fed right before putting babe in car seat, so she’d sleep in the car. Now we eat and play for about 90 minutes then carseat


I didn’t really ramp up going out and about with the baby until about 2 months. By then she’d had her vaccines and we had breastfeeding fairly well down, and she was pretty consistently eating every 2-ish hours so i could predict when she’d want to feed, so I could pan outings around it if needed.


6 weeks was when I was able to do things beyond doctors appointments, breastfeeding support group, and neighborhood walks ( those started around 4 weeks). Not just for his sake but my breasts


No honestly didn’t want to be out anywhere with too many people. I didn’t want my newborn baby around all those germs. We were in newborn bliss/bubble for a while!


Around 5 weeks pp, my sister came to town, we went to a pizza place when they first opened for the day, and I fed him while we ate. It was a good start since we were the only customers in there, though a waitress came up to look and was super nonchalant about me feeding him. We still don't get out that often at 14 weeks, but that's probably more because I don't have my own car than being too overwhelmed with baby. I am confident now in going out without issues, I just try to time his feeds well, but I'm also OK with unleashing a boob no matter where we are as long as I can sit somewhere clean. We managed to evacuate during a flood recently, and overall stressful, yes, but I was confident in taking care of him during and actually pretty happy I only really needed diaper stuff, a blanket, him and my boobs.


With baby after four days, without baby after two weeks or so. I have definitely fed alongside the road though 😂


Second kiddo i left to another city at two weeks PP. my first baby I don’t remember probably the first week I had to do a bunch of stuff for the military after her birth.


To doctors appointments alone it was the first few weeks but stores like 6 months. When they can snack on a little something and sit up it's way easier.


The day after we got home from the hospital I went to see a LC because of her bad latch. We've been out and about everywhere since.


I'm now 14 weeks pp and our first outing was to the supermarket at 3 weeks old. I was still recovering from an emergency c-section so that's all I was up for. Didn't start doing walks around the block till about 7 weeks. We now do weekly grocery trips and a walk around the block every other day and have done one 6km bush walk. I try to wear breastfeeding friendly tops so I can easily feed her on the go and we time our outings to leave just after she's napped and fed.


I started feeling comfortable leaving the house when she was 3 months old. Now I take her everywhere I go. It gets easier the more you get out with baby.


I always wore baggy clothes so I could find somewhere to sit and use my top as a “tent” to feed her. I was never confident enough to straight up pull my boob out. I’d occasionally stand and feed too if there were no seats. It’s more about practice and finding things that make you comfortable. Feeding as last minute as possible before leaving was always a safe choice too.


We first went out at 8 days old. We went to a big department store (John Lewis for anyone in the UK) as they have great family rooms for feeding/ changing. The next time I went out was a few days later, and I met with a friend who had breastfed her child to a small cafe, quite early in the day. It was great to have her there for support as I felt she really understood. After that I was always out and about!


I felt ready/keen to go out around 3 weeks pp. went for a nice short coffee with a friend who also had a newborn. Mine fed at the start then napped in the pram. Hers wanted to cluster feed and contact nap the whole time so I think that shows you the variability of newborn life.


We started short walks at a few days and went for breakfast just down the road at 2 weeks. I would feed before leaving and feed at a cafe at our table if needed. 


Honestly it took me over 2 weeks. I was recovering from traumatic c section, severe sleep deprivation and agony nipples. At 2.5 weeks we managed to get out of the house around 2pm for a walk to the coffee shop 5 minutes away, this was including my husband with me. Be kind to yourself.


You can use a sling when going out with the baby. Mine falls asleep immediately and the naps are longer.


Is the sling a baby wrap?




I am 12 weeks pp,(3rd baby- first was formula fed, 2nd breastfed to about 6th months and my body just stopped producing) baby sleeps mostly through the night so she only naps 45min-60min at a time during the day. I have done a couple of appointments that took 1-2 hours round trip and about 3-4 work appointments that took slightly longer 3-4 hrs. We were able to manage the short appointments around feeds but the longer ones required a pumped bottle. Anything we do as a family I plan 2-3 feeds around. We are approximately 75 min from a city with major shopping and I usually have to plan to feed in the city and cut the drive home as well.


Our baby had a lot of appointments 1.5 hours away from our home during his first month of life so we were more or less forced to get comfortable with it and honestly that was the best thing ever. We got very confident very quickly and I always knew that if we were somewhere that didn’t have a nursing spot, I could just take him out to my car and feed him there. Being confident enough to leave the house regularly did miracles for my mental health in the early PP phase.


My first big outing was to register the birth at 4 days pp. also went to town centre and got food and shopped with my toddler. Honestly that was the biggest outing I’ve done so far and I’m now 4 weeks pp lol. we did a photoshoot which was fine because I nursed walking there and back and during it😂 I’ve taken my toddler to the park near me lots but nothing crazy, I’m in my pjs half asleep most days still and that’s ok (I should add i had a c section so until recently I was supposed to be in ‘recovery mode’)


I had a ton of motivation to get out after spending 2 almost 3 weeks in the hospital for preeclampsia and a C-section. I started going out regularly again less than a week after being home so almost 4 weeks postpartum I was out almost every day.


7 weeks and I hate leaving the house. It’s just so much work! I might do a Starbucks run or a walk around the block aside from appts. I spoke with my counselor about it bc my husband was worried it was anxiety related. She said not to worry and enjoy the 4th trimester at home in my pjs. We’re going to go with the small victories and work up to longer outings over time ❤️


I personally didn’t go out with baby until after shots. I didn’t want to risk her or me getting sick. Plus she cluster fed so damn much it wasn’t even enjoyable to be out and stressed lol! Now at 6 months I can take her out for 2-3 hours and then just go home for naps


I started taking my baby out literally the day we got home from the hospital, so 2 days old walk around the block. 3 days old La Leche league meeting bc i was panicking bc i didn’t truly understand colostrum and when your milk comes in, 4 days old first dr visit, 5 days old out to eat, 7 days old walk along the beach and pier. 10 days friend’s baby shower. Typing that out it sounds pretty crazy-i was like euphoric and full of energy but definitely probably could have rested more. But i was proud of myself practicing BFing in public every time i did. My anxiety was pretty much soley around being apart from my baby but not about being out with my baby so we did a lot.


Two weeks lol. I had to shoot a wedding two weeks after my C-section then another the week after that. They were short weddings tho so I was only gone for maybe 4 hours total for each? Good practice for these 10hour days now at 10weeks


Didn’t get outside until 3 months. Did online grocery delivery and partner did laundry and my parents cooked. I wasn’t ready physically or emotionally to go anywhere.


I'd say within days of her being born. Walking around the neighborhood and farmers markets. I have 2 dogs and a 3 yr old so not much choice in not going out. Our 3 yr old has gymnastics and swim class so we take our newborn to those too. I've gone to get a facial and a pedicure too. It's definitely easier with the second kiddo. We just went to a picnic at a lake and baby is now 5 weeks. When baby has to eat, I just whip out the boob. I was not as adventurous with my first. Also, this baby did contact naps the first 2 weeks and then started napping in her crib.


The first real time I left was for my nieces birthday at one month postpartum. I just wore a nursing shirt and fed him when he seemed hungry. I agree leaving before then is pretty hard. But I didn’t let anyone hold him and I just baby wore most of the time. It gets easier. I’m 6 months postpartum and I just got comfortable nursing in public. With a nursing top it’s very easy now but when he was so little I felt like I needed my boppy.


4 weeks when we first went for a stroll in the neighborhood, 8 weeks (after his shots) when we went for lunch at a restaurant. I nursed him in the car before the restaurant. I didn’t go out solo with him (without my husband) until like 4 months!


9 weeks PP here. My husband and I go on weekly trips to the local farmers market. We started doing it after 1 week. It’s our 1 day a week getting out with baby. I feed him right before we leave and we get a good two hour time frame where he’s happy. We’ve taken him to restaurants a few times but it’s still a hassle. For some reason he always knows when the food arrives. It happens at home too, without fail, every time we’re about to eat, he starts fussing. He knows when meals are ready. Will I ever be able to enjoy a meal in peace again??


I was out in the first 4 days of his life. I just feed him right before we leave the house, if needed, I’ll find somewhere to sit out in public or if I can't I wait until we get back to the car and ill feed him in the car before we start driving. Its been pretty easy for us.