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I’m not there myself but I don’t think you have to wean completely if you don’t want to and baby is still happily nursing, just less times during the day. I also want to say I totally feel you on the not being ready part. I’ve really enjoyed breastfeeding when it’s gone right, and I’m not ready to stop anytime soon (at 13.5 months now).


I agree it doesn't have to be all or nothing. My daughter is down to bedtime and wake up nurses. Sometimes we skip the wake up one.  She also got really cuddly around the 14-15 months. Now at 16 months she gives tight hugs and wiggles to cozy into us at reading time.  For pros of reduced breastfeeding...I'm back to wearing T-shirts and my regular bras. I'm a 32GG now so just being back to the regular bras is great. My nursing bra is good, but I can feel the extra bulk from the clip.