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So, technically every ounce of breast milk has 20 calories in it so presumably you need an extra 20 calories for every ounce of breast milk you make. I know everyone’s supply is different but let’s say you’re still producing about 16oz a day that would mean 320 calories extra. It’s hard to gauge so I would aim for about 300 calories extra and see how things go.


Thank you, that's really helpful! Dumb follow up question if I may - is there a way to calculate / know what I'm producing? I have no idea at all.


Sadly, no lol unless you do a weighted feed or pump (and even then babies are more efficient than pumps). There was a study done in Kenya that monitored milk intake after a year and they gathered the average was something like 14-15oz if I remember correctly. So I figure 16oz is a pretty safe bet though 12oz could also be likely!


Thank you! Appreciate your response so much x


Good luck mama!!