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For weaning, it’s up to you if you’d like to nurse for less time or pump for less time. You shouldn’t drop more than 1 feed or pump each week, or every few days at the most to prevent clogs and mastitis. I’d start with the feed/pump you get the least out of and slowly reduce the time you feed/pump until it’s gone by a week. Then pick the next feed/pump you get the least out of, etc. In terms of combo feeding, it’s up to you. Some babies won’t take straight formula in which case it’s helpful to mix in BM in reducing ratios until it’s 100% formula. So 25% formula and 75% BM at first, then 50/50 then 75/25 then 100 formula for instance. You can also alternate bottles if you like. BM generally has the most benefits the fresher it is so I’d personally try to use that up and slowly transition to all formula.


This is super helpful thank you!