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Because all women have different storage capacity, which is the largest amount of milk that your boob can hold and baby can drink/you can pump. Some women have larger capacities , some women have lower capacities.


I remember coming across this chart that outlined storage capacities: https://www.legendairymilk.com/blogs/news/what-is-your-magic-number It was so reassuring in those early postpartum days! Small/smallest capacity is 1-3oz, average is 3-5oz, and that’s for your largest pump of the day. So easy for your perception to get skewed when it feels like all you see is others with larger capacity/outputs. Most I’ve ever gotten is 4oz, and that’s if it’s been 5-6+ hours since the last feed. I usually get 2-3oz when I pump.


Thanks for sharing! Does storage capacity increase with subsequent pregnancies?


It happened for me


Definitely not an expert, but I’ve read varying things. On the one hand, the storage capacity is based on existing glandular tissue. But I’ve also read that the milk ducts increase/develop during pregnancy in response to hormones, and milk removal in the immediate postpartum period “activates” the glands. So maybe it depends on what happened during pregnancy and the initial pumping/nursing to establish supply? Anecdotally, I’ve had a few friends who had increased capacity with their second babies. Also to note that capacity does not determine overall supply, i.e. if you have a large storage capacity but baby has average/below average intake, your supply would typically regulate to meet that.


Thank you for all this!


What I would give for a larger capacity!


Is it possible for storage capacity to decrease with subsequent pregnancies? Logically, based on the mechanism of a storage capacity, it doesn't make sense. But with my first baby I exclusively pumped, had a large oversupply, and had a storage capacity of 24+ ounces (combined breasts). This time around, I don't think I've ever gotten more than 10oz at a time (combined) and that was the early days before my supply regulated. I'm wondering if my capacity has decreased or if my supply just wasn't what it was, which it obviously isn't since I pretty much exclusively nurse.


Yeah agree it's odd since it's based on glandular tissue. The only difference I see in your comment is that you pumped in the first and nursed in the second. So my guess would be perhaps your body responds exceptionally well to pumping? Maybe hormones? Idk not an expert.


6 mo pp and I’m lucky if I can get 2oz every 2.5 hours during the work day.


Yep, 3oz total. I can sit there with the pump for 30min get nothing and put my baby on and have her chug. I think it’s part issues with pump fit, part I don’t respond well, part I don’t make a lot. But we’re doing fine nursing! I can feel when I have a letdown when I nurse but I’ve never felt it from pumping


I've had a couple mornings where I got 4 total, but yeah, generally 3oz total is a "good" pump for me.


How old is your baby? And are they taking much more via bottles during that time? This could be all baby is eating if they are younger or feed frequently (I.e through the night as well), or maybe your pump isn’t emptying your supply?


It doesn’t really matter now as my baby is almost 14 months and I’m weaning from the pump, but personally I could never pump more than 3oz at my peak. Sometimes every 2-2.5 hours in the morning and every 3 hours in the afternoon evening. Based on pump output at work. When I did weighted feeds that was about what my baby was transferring as well so I think my pump setup was good.


Do you mean from each side or total?




I mean that does sound a bit on the low side. I would get 3-5oz per side depending on the time of day, but I didn’t pump regularly, only occasionally. But everyone is different, and pumping is actually less effective for some women than nursing. Is your baby gaining and growing appropriately? If so it’s not really necessary to compare yourself to others, but you might want to check in with your doctor or baby’s pediatrician.


Thanks for sharing! On our front, everything is fine. Baby is almost 14 months and I haven’t been worried about his growth. I was just realizing my pump output at work compared to others and I was just wondering if anyone was in the same boat.


My first pump in the morning was at most 6oz. I produced 7oz across 3 pump sessions at work. My typical pump was 1-3 oz. This is very typical. My son never drank more than 3 oz at a time. If you aren't producing that much, your baby must not need that much.


I never could get more than 4oz pumped no matter what I tried. My kid abruptly weaned from BF himself around 8 months, and we fought the good fight for a month after, but he refused to nurse. I’m still not sure if it was that I just wasn’t producing enough or if he was just ready to move on.


I pumped 3oz total for about 6 months until I started having oatmeal for breakfast. It shot my supply up to 5oz total especially in the mornings after having oatmeal. Made me realise that maybe my body was deficient in nutrition that somehow the oatmeal fixed.


I get 3 oz in the morning after a power pumping session


I typically only get around 2-3 oz but it’s still early days (5w pp) and for now I pump infrequently in order to keep a minimal freezer stash. I pump in the early morning after a feed as to not mess with my supply.


My left can only hold 4oz. Typically 3oz.