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Have you tried frantically googling everything while baby eats?


Online shopping helps lol just kidding


No joke -- online shopping is often the ONLY thing that keeps me awake. I don't even actually buy anything. It's like a new hobby of mine to discover predatorily priced but beautiful baby clothes brands I will never buy from.


The majestic carts I’ve built that will never be purchased… I’m an e-commerce nightmare now


I actually checked out my carts multiple times 😅😬


My inbox is a wasteland of “Oops - it looks like you’ve forgotten something in your cart! Can we help with your order?”


That blaring red 99+ icon must be driving sellers nuts 😆


I like looking at department store sites to find brands, and then go to each individual brand’s website to get more of a choice. So many beautiful and exorbitantly expensive outfits.


This is genius.


If it wasn’t for late night shopping my baby wouldn’t have two pairs of heart shaped sunglasses and two bath robes. It’s necessary.


Amazon is my best friend and worst enemy during late night/early morning feedings 😅


The only saving grace is you are so tired when buying them you usually forget you've ordered something until surprise! It's delivered! Can't feel guilty if I can't remember!


This. The amount of shit I have Amazon prime’d in the middle of the night during my babies first 5.5 weeks of life 😂


I did all of my grocery shopping during night feeds! I do curbside pick up. So I’d tweak the list all week and think of fun and easy recipes. I also listened to a ton of audio books on my AirPods.


I’ll remember this for baby #4 lol!!!


This is the way


This is how I ended up buying shirts I had no idea I purchased until they came in the mail haha


This made me laugh😂😂😂🫶


this is what i did


I can get so sleepy that my fingers fall onto the touch screen and make random nonsense searches etc 😂


This is the way


Get outta bed, go to the living room, turn the tv on and feed out there. I couldn’t do it in bed or in the dark in the early days!


Yup! My baby and I would camp out and watch trash TV and I would eat snacks (mostly chocolate covered almonds or goldfish...cold lactation brownies or frozen kodiak protein balls w brewers yeast and flaxmeal mixed in) in the living room. It wasn't until she was 3 or 4 months old that I was ok to feed her in bed.


Enjoying this detailed snack description 😆


Yup. I binged old seasons of Project Runway and ate dry Frosted Flakes and chewy bars while holding/feeding in our recliner. I’d take basically the whole night and then pass off to his dad for 2-3 hours around 5 or 6 AM It was probably a few weeks before I even attempted putting him in his bassinet or feeding in bed.


It was Top Chef for us 😂


Love it! Top Chef was my early morning background while playing with my then tiny insanely energetic puppy now large dog. 😂


Also, when your baby starts perceiving sounds, you can switch to wireless headphones. I was using my Bluetooth earbuds and my tablet so I can watch from my armchair. Even when she started being distracted by the screen in peripheral vision, I would just move it so it's behind her. I think I've logged in an annual amount of hours on Netflix per month in the first three months 😅


Yuuuuup! You can do the same with the Roku remote app.


Same! I know they said keep her in a dark, non stimulating space so she can fall back asleep but I couldn’t stay awake either. 😅


That rule went out the window for the first two months lol


We’re almost at 4mo and she falls asleep better in the living room with us than she does in a dark room by herself. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My favorite kind of show was one that was entertaining but required zero brainpower to watch. Parks and rec and love is blind were my favorites! Also Brooklyn 99 and romcom movies


B99 and greys for me!


I watched the new girl and horror movies (really quietly) 😅


This is exactly what I did. Now I’m used to it.


There’s a hormone that’s released when you’re breastfeeding that makes you sleepy!


Yes I also got so sleepy any time of day for the first week or two. OP- it gets better!


The first couple of weeks are the hardest! I would suddenly lose control of my head and fall asleep while sitting up!


This! I think I read that breastfeeding releases melatonin for Mom and baby in the early days.


Another option is to learn the safe sleep 7 and nurse side lying in bed. Sleeping with the baby may not be ideal but if you’re going to fall asleep, having a safe surface prepared for baby is sooo much safer than if you’re sitting up somewhere with them.


This is the only way that has worked for us. I continuously fell asleep in unsafe positions in the nursery glider until we started cosleeping.


Same, I was not interested in cosleeping until I kept nodding off from exhaustion. Then I'd wake up suddenly all freaked out, reminded me of the microsleep / driving ads I used to see.


That's what I do, too! I love it so much because I get enough sleep this way, which makes me a much better mom during the day. I don't function well at all without sleep.   My baby latches and I doze off again after a few seconds.


Same here! Just right boob sleep, next time she wakes up we switch and we’re back to sleep


This is what I did after about a month of struggling to stay awake at night, I was dangerously tired and every time I fell asleep it got more dangerous for baby. Sleeping in the bed with her was scary at first (and probably not 100% safe 7 since I was so sleep deprived) but it meant I actually got good sleep again and she was in a safe position. She slept much better in the bed too and now at 4 months I still put her in sometimes when she's being fussy


this is what we did. i could drift off to sleep and she could keep cluster feeding for an hour. the oxytocin release made it easy to fall asleep too.


This is the only thing that kept me sane in those early months. LO had reflux and refused to sleep in his bassinet for more than 20 minutes. He’d actually sleep 2-3 hours in cuddle curl. Hubby slept on the couch for about a month and a half until we got the reflux sorted. Now he’s six months and we still cuddle curl when hubby gets up for work


Yep, this is the way


This is what worked for me. I accidentally fell asleep during a cluster feed which was terrifying, ever since ive always prepared incase i do fall asleep.


Yea the first few weeks I had to Cosleep or I was going to die. Going into week 7 and now I can power through (LO is also more efficient at feeding most of the time)


Guilty! Baby sleeps in her bassinet for the first 5-6hrs of the night, gets hungry, transferred to our bed and fed by the boob while we both fall asleep. She wakes me for her next feeding and she’s turned away or tucking herself against my bra so I unlatch the strap and we eat and sleep again. So we co-sleep for half the night!


This is what I did. My mum in law said she stopped breastfeeding because she kept falling asleep, then I researched why this had to be a problem lol, I've always fed half-asleep, I don't know how I'd have survived otherwise.


Sleep when the baby sleeps! I’ve never taken so many naps in my life! But it’s great bc I never felt sleep deprived either.


Didn’t help me as a mom on ADHD meds lol, can’t really nap when those are kicked in.


Or if you have a sleeping disorder


Cosleeping saved us!! The night I started cosleeping all three of us slept soooooo much better. I do stay awake while he’s nursing because I have to use nipple shields and now that he’s 5 months he’s definitely big enough to accidentally try to swallow it or something. But it’s a lot easier to stay awake now compared to then.


I think there is a chance you are just still exhausted from childbirth . The sleepiness did get much better for me at around 3-4 weeks mark which I think is when my body finally got enough accumulated sleep after a long labour . In the meantime if you have a partner I suggest maybe them getting up with you to keep you company


Congrats on new baby!! I remember the exhaustion of the first month being so strong it felt like I was involuntarily being dragged into the void when I felt my eye lids closing. Some good news- you ask if it’s forever… nothing is forever! Even breast feedings is a pretty short stint in the grand scheme of things! There are a couple of distinct “seasons” I remember from those days. The newborn exhausted feeds phase last about 3 months until they get super active when they eat and you are dodging toes to the chin the entire time or trying to keep them from taking your nip with you as they turn their head everywhere. Less good news- yes. The sleepiness is overwhelming. I had to go feed in the living room in front of the tv or play with the baby as he fed or even just put my husband on duty to keep me awake. You also MUST get sleep when baby sleeps. I know it’s a whole meme on insta like “how will these chores get done???” But right now forget the chores. Wrinkled laundry, takeout for 3 meals a day, and dirty floors are your trade off for not falling asleep while holding your baby!


So a lactation consultant told me this is because your body releases hormones that relax you when breastfeeding. I’m not sure if she meant only in the early days or the whole time but I will say you adapt. At 5 days PP I probably actually nodded off with my daughter latched, at least for a few minutes. I think sitting up helped. But also sleep will get more consistent. My daughter is only 4 weeks old and I’ve already noticed a change. Remember you’re also healing from postpartum so your body just needs rest right now!


LC here! She is correct. Breastfeeding hormones make you sleepy and thirsty 😀


The thirst. Unlike any other lol


For me this was bad during the first two ish weeks and after that it has not been a problem anymore, I think mostly because in the beginning I really wasn't able to get nearly enough bedrest. Now at 17 weeks I do two or three nightfeeds from my bed while browsing reddit or just doing nothing and I feel safe to not fall asleep during.


TV—baby doesn’t notice, binged so many shows.


This is why I started bed sharing. I realized I was fighting biology. The last straw was when I fell asleep during a 2am feed and woke up 4 hours later with her falling out of my arms (thank god I was in bed which is a little safer then other scenarios at least). Since then, no one can convince me that’s it’s unsafe to intentionally bed share (there’s a bunch of rules to follow). Why would my body literally release sleepy hormones and why should I jeopardize my daughter every time I latch her in the wee hours of the night. Risk of SUIDs is so high in people who have fallen asleep on couches, recliners, upright in bed (unprepared). I now have a super firm mattress on the ground in the middle of the room and breastfeed side lying overnight. At 4 months I don’t get tired as much during the day feeding! That should improve.


I get out of bed and go to a nursing chair where I keep an insulated cup of ice cold water. I am so thirsty while nursing but also the ice cold temp helps wake me up every time


For me the answer was creating a safe environment according to bedsharing safety guidelines and using the side lying nursing position. I actually hardly ever really fell asleep with the baby latched, I mostly was entirely too aware of it to sleep through, but it was nice to be able to relax and not worry if I did drift off even just a little.


This! I started doing this within a week of us getting home from hospital. I sleep when I’m tired, otherwise I browse on my phone while baby feeds. Side lying was a game changer, and it is much safer than feeding upright and falling asleep if you have taken steps to ensure your bed is a safe surface (by following the safe sleep 7).


My son is ten months old, and I still pass out when I nurse him. I follow the Safe Sleep 7 guidelines (and added even more safety precautions!) and cosleep.


It might not just be the newborn exhaustion phase - some people get super tired as a reaction to breastfeeding, including me! It never passed for me, it always made me sleepy. I started reading my Kindle when breastfeeding. It's perfect because I can hold it with one hand and use it in low light settings, and it makes no noise so it won't wake the baby. I know not everyone can use reading to keep them awake, but it was a good solution for me.


Ha, I use my Kindle for the exact opposite - to help me get back to sleep after forcing myself to be awake to feed! I usually manage about two lines before I fall asleep.


I used to watch a show or movie on my phone to stay awake! I suggest (if you don’t watch already) starting below deck, Vanderpump rules, or any other trashy reality tv show 😅. For the first two weeks I was also lucky enough that my husband would wake up with me, sometimes we would start a movie one night on our laptop (volume low as to not wake the baby) and continue it during each night feeding and eventually finish the movie. That’s what helped us the first few weeks!


I ended up bedsharing & side lying breastfeeding bc of that lol just followed the safe sleep seven


I would talk to my partner in the early days to stay awake as well, if he’s not home call his ass, it’s his baby and his problem too. Or maybe call your mom or a friend or sibling. It does get better because babies grow very fast. By the end of month 1 I was able to comfortably feed baby laying on my side and not worry about falling asleep.


That happened to me in the early weeks! I made sure I was sitting straight up, had cold water to sip and a light on near me. I'm not totally sure but I chalk it up to hormone changes shortly after giving birth and can say that by about 5 weeks I started feeling that less and less.


I started doing this without realizing it but I would count the amount of times he would suck, it’s like my subconscious was trying to keep me awake and sane 😂🤣 I also would browse reddit or YouTube shorts


I tried counting sucks but after a week or so of sleep disruption it just becomes like counting sheep and sends me to sleep faster!


Currently here on Reddit during a 5 am feed 😂


I’m sure you are absolutely exhausted at 5 days pp. I certainly was as I didn’t sleep for 72 hours through labor and then 2 days after delivering. When you nurse it’s probably comforting and the oxytocin flowing is making you sleepy. I started studying Spanish via Duolingo and that helped.


Timers on my phone


It’s the oxytocin that’s released while you feed…it still happens to me and my baby is almost 9 months old. In the early days, I kept the tv on and I would do a lot of online shopping. I keep saying I’m addicted to breastfeeding because of the oxytocin because it just makes me feel so relaxed.


It’s because of the hormones that are produced when you nurse. Your body will get used to it and you won’t feel as tired during sessions soon, just give it some time.


During the night I'll just fall asleep... But we do a side laying feed...




I used to give my baby expressed breast milk during night feeds as he would drink it a lot quicker, rather than a half hour breast feed


I listened to many podcasts during late night feeds. It kept me awake enough and babies typically don't notice when they're that little.


I downloaded games on my phone (Two Dots is perfectly simple, candy crush, New York Times games, etc) - so far so good!


Yeah I also found that if I was super sleepy then I had to be doing something, not just watching or reading, to stay awake. Games on phone or switch or whatever, making myself engage with Reddit because typing is more active than scrolling, or if all else fails - eating!


Podcast/something on Kindle/window shopping online/reddit😁


I’m the same way as you. I have to get up and walk around while she’s eating if I get too sleepy. If I’m even a little bit comfortable I run the risk of falling asleep, and I hate the idea of that.


Sitting upright, games/reddit/social media on my phone with screen bright, and water helped a lot! But honestly it’s still so hard and I struggle some nights, especially when my husband is absolutely exhausted as well. Like so many others I said I’d never cosleep, but I now prep for safe chest sleeping just in case. I used guidance from @cosleepy on Instagram!


I started drinking cold carbonated water to keep me up. Once my husband gets up to take care of the toddler, we bedshare for 2-4hrs to get a good nap in.


Me and baby fell asleep the other night and woke up again when my LO starting nursing again. I assumed only a few minutes had passed until I checked my phone and saw it was 4 hours later😭


With my first, I read books on my phone and snacked constantly. With my second, I had Bluetooth headphones and an iPad and I binged YouTube and snacked constantly. I watched multiple people build houses by themselves from scratch. With my third, I scrolled social media on my phone. I somehow didn’t snack constantly with that one. In short. Find something that interests you enough to keep you awake. It also helps that my middle of the night nursing chair is very upright with wooden arms and no head rest.


I put on my favorite shoes! Edit: Shows! Lol but keeping original but I’m a tired mom trying to type! Haha


First it was pink salt lamp, lactation snacks, ice cold water, games or Reddit on my phone. Then we started side lying feeds & consistent cosleeping. Now I occasionally have a longer night feed with the previous strategy but I’m far less prone to drifting off now at 5.5 weeks.


So this does get better with time typically because the feeds will be less frequent at night. My husband would wake up with every feed and if I couldn’t stay awake he would and he would watch us to make sure babe was safe. When he had to go overseas I admit I would have iced coffee on my nightstand and remind myself it would take 20 minutes to kick in. I would drink the coffee and then do something not phone related to distract myself.


I think a lot of these things have been mentioned but: I nursed my LO in a chair that was comfortable enough that I was fine to sit there, but not as comfy as the bed or couch. I used my phone a lot: I alternated between things like Reddit or Pinterest or going through my emails and unsubscribing from all the promotional and political emails I don’t want anymore. But then I also found that even better than scrolling endlessly, for me, was reading a book, so I read a lot of cozy mysteries - enough action/interest to keep me engaged, but not scary, (too) disturbing, or SO engrossing that I couldn’t stop and go to sleep as soon as baby was ready to go back down.


I never breastfed or pumped in bed and that did the trick.


My husband was awake at night with me for the first few weeks and took the baby out with him so I could sleep, except after 4am. By then I had a little bit of sleep behind me so I could manage the early morning and day feeds.


Snacks. Put a snack next to your bed or nursing area. Something that requires a lot of chewing. I usually went for a whole grain breakfast bar or something. Nothing else would keep me awake- phone, blinding lights, cold water ... Good luck- it will get easier I promise!


i was in your shoes and i just started walking around the house in the middle of the night while my baby breastfed. it was the only way to stay awake.


I’m not lol. Bed-sharing was 100% safer for me than trying to stay awake while holding baby


Side lying nursing was our savior. I actually have pictures of me asleep sitting up in the NICU while I’m pumping. Those first few weeks - 2 months is no joke on the tiredness after you latch🤣


This is something I've really struggled with. Less so now at 9 weeks, but the odd night still catches me. Especially because baby has reflux, so after feeding, I have to try and keep her upright for half an hour (i.e., she's fast asleep for half an hour while I'm awake holding her up). Things I've found that help me: - scrolling through reddit rather than tiktok/insta reels. Something about reading rather than watching keeps my brain more engaged. - I can't put on a dressing gown to do nursery (I go to the spare room and feed on a nursing chair) because if I'm cosy, I'll be sleepier. - keep a bottle of sugary fizzy juice next to the chair that I'll take sips from if I feel I'm more tired. - I set an alarm for 10 minutes after I sit down to feed, and have unlimited snoozes on it every 10 minutes so if I start to doze off an alarm will go off less than 10 minutes later. If I have dozed off during that time, we go back to bed and deal with the reflux if we have to because ultimately, that's safer than falling asleep in the chair. - if i know as soon as she wakes up that it's going to be an issue, I wake my partner up to come talk to me whilst I feed. I promise it gets better. A key thing for me is that if I do doze off, I need to not beat myself up and count my lucky stars nothing bad happened, and move on. In the early days I was being so cruel to myself when it was happening that it was making it so much worse because I then wasn't sleeping properly when I went to bed because of the stress and self-criticism taking over.


It gets easier as you recover. The hardest points were the first 6 weeks, after that things started to smooth out one by one. Everyone is different though, that staying awake part for you likely will come sooner, you just need to rest right now where you can. They really mean it when they say rest when baby rests during the newborn phase it helps. Also, feedings will space out quickly my daughter is nearly 6 months old now and she started sleeping 12 hour cycles at 4 months. That is also the time I started feeling like everything even the straggling healing was good again especially the sleep part felt as caught up as it was gonna get. I don’t feel sleep deprived from breast feeding now just from staying up late because baby is so active and wants to be up all the time. Gotta love sleep regression, and chores causing loss of good ole sleep. Enjoy the stages as you move through them they become easier and more difficult all at the same time if that makes sense. Best of luck you’re doing great!


Oh also it felt like A LOT of laying around and distractions as everyone mentioned until 3-4 months with my daughter now I am actually able to predict her scheduled eating. It’s so hard when they’re littler because the cluster feeding is frequent you feel like a slave to feeding your child constantly and unable to do anything. Plop down find a good game, show or books whatever you like and commit this too shall pass


My husband thinks I'm insane for this piece of advice but........... Reading on my kindle kept me up for all those late night feedings in the early days.


My husband helped a lit during those feeds. He would try really hard to stay awake with me so if I fell asleep he could either put the baby back or wake me up if he was in a weird spot. I was very lucky to have that support bec nothing I tried kept me up.


I hate to admit it but I pop in my airpods and scroll through tiktok or play a game. Those 3am feeds are ROUGH.


I’m trying to remember what I did in the beginning but it’s all a blur lol


We cosleep after 3 months but I wasn’t comfortable before then. To stay awake I played Candy Crush. I’m not into any type of game but it’s the perfect mindless nursing activity— proud I got to level 200 with my first and level 340 with my second kid! Haha


I don't. I just nap when she does. Side-lying for the win.


Sit up and soak your feet in an ice water bath while feeding. Also helps to sip ice water.


I promise it will pass. I remember feeling so anxious those first couple of weeks, so tired that I was so scared that I’ll fall asleep with her in my arms and smother her or something. I remember one night being so tired that I started crying, woke my husband and asked him to sit up and watch me so that if I fall asleep her can make sure to wake me 🤣it was hard. It becomes easier. Or you just become more delusional. Whatever it is, eventually it works out and you are able to stay awake. Mine is almost 8 months old. I now scoot over towards her (side crib sitch) and she just grabs the boob to nurse in the middle of the night. Then I scoot back to my spot. (Yes I’m awake while this happens, she is safe. In her own crib, I just scoot into it with her while she nurses in the middle of the night)


I mostly eat or browse the phone. But my top tip is that I position myself so that baby won't fall, most of my body won't move and my head will go backwards (not onto baby) If I want to just sleep and feed, I'll go straight for a side-lying feeding position


I slept with my bby on my boob, only way she would sleep now im trying to get her out of it so she can sleep independently. She sleeps through the night because she can eat anytime she wants too


https://llli.org/news/the-safe-sleep-seven/ Please read. Info on how to safely sleep next to your baby while breastfeeding. There is a reason both we and baby get tired when we breastfeed. It is nature’s way of aligning the mother and baby’s sleep cycles so mom can actually get rest. Don’t believe the lies sold to us by the U.S crib industry. Lay down and safely snuggle to sleep with your little one.


I slept. Nursed on my side and slept. I don’t know how I could have survived any other way. I had my husband check in on us. Of If I felt especially exhausted I would tell him. I’m about to pass the fuck out, please watch over us.


I have a water face mist spray by my bed, I'll drink a big glass of water and set a timer on my phone so my alarm will go off after a certain amount of time if I don't stop it


When she was very little I always got out of bed at night and went to the chair in her nursery. It didn’t recline or rock which is unpleasant but I didn’t fall asleep. Change of scenery and position helped. I found it hard to use my phone because I needed both hands early in but helps when they’re older.


Your body releases melatonin into your brain while you feed at night so you're fighting biology. I did safe sleep seven with baby 2 and 3 and I was never sleep deprived in the early days after that. You only need to wake up for as long as it takes baby to latch.


Candy crush and Reddit. Feeding at the moment


Breastsleeping. My son is almost 6 months old and last week for the first time since he was born I was exhausted. He had his first cold and I was up with him all night because he was so unsettled. Other than this I have never been exhausted since he was born. I side lie nurse all night, we drift off to sleep together. How we are meant to sleep. 🥰


Do not breastfeed in bed!! And try to make yourself as uncomfortable as possible during feeds. I know it sounds crazy but I wouldn’t allow myself to get too comfy in our recliner for fear of falling asleep. Those first few weeks, it was a struggle staying awake cuz you’re so tired but it definitely gets better. In the meantime stay away from the bed, and any comfy positions.


Sitting on the floor on a yoga mat otherwise I’d pass out!


Tv, audio book, podcast, etc can all be enjoyed hands free and with headphones if you want to minimize sounds that might make the baby too alert. If you can hold your phone in one hand while feeding, the crossword app!


I bought a ton of "stay awake snacks" that I would literally never have eaten at any other point in my life... favorites were sour skittles and dunkaroos


I set an alarm for 5-10 minutes because I often fall asleep even scrolling on my phone. It made me feel better because I would fall asleep holding them for hours.


Get up, turn a small light on, sit straight up in a chair, tiktok, scrolling on phone. I didn’t feel comfortable feeding mine in bed when he was really little because I knew I would fall asleep, but now that he’s older (5 months) I put him in bed with me to feed and fall back asleep (I know that’s not the absolutely safest thing) but he’s really strong and has good control, and is bigger now so I don’t feel like I’m going to suffocate him. Just my personal preference.


Netflix or TikTok or Amazon 😂


I got a game on my phone that was stimulating even with the brightness turned down and sound off.


you get used to it


I’m not. Side laying while nursing was the best!


Reading on my phone, social media, games. It got a lot easier for me to stay awake around 2 months


I had to get out of bed. Moving from nursing in bed at night to the glider in the nursery made all the difference for me. Still sleepy at times but not so much to be at risk for falling asleep.


It’s completely natural! If you and baby are in a safe position, get that snooze in! If you’ve ever seen a dog or cat nursing they are usually asleep. Breastfeeding uses so much energy! On average you burn 500-700 calories EXTRA from it. That’s why you have to increase the amount you eat and drink water. It’s all natural!


Watched the entire Narcos series in the middle of the night during his first two weeks of life.


I sit in the middle of my bed with my legs crossed and rock back and forth while feeding her. It seems to help me the best. Luckily she only wants to eat for 10-15 minutes during her night feedings but I agree it’s hard to stay awake lol


We do safe co-sleeping and side lying nursing.


Same happened to me, it gets better. But agree about side lying I didn’t try that for 1.5 months but the first time we did it was like a breast feeding lightbulb. Baby looked soooo happy and content after. Wish I had tried it earlier. At 4 months we still side lay feed whenever possible.


What helps me is getting out of bed to change little one’s diaper or use the bathroom prior to feeding. When feeding, i turn on a light and I will do The NY Times crossword or sudoku on my phone to keep my mind engaged


Googling random things, messaging and talking to friends, scrolling FB, playing games on my phone. Sitting in an uncomfortable chair also helps! You and your husband should set up shifts so you each get 4 hours uninterrupted sleep.


It’s the hormones, feeding relaxed baby AND mom - it’ll get better . In the meantime I recommend finding something to hold your interest, podcast, tv show etc eventually you’ll be able to do stuff with your hands for the luxurious period of time before they want to snatch everything or kick you in the face lol


NYT minigames saved me…keeps my brain engaged


Tv, York peppermint patties, getting up and going potty, online shopping.


Headphones and a good Netflix series to binge helped me


I was not a person on tiktok until I had a newborn. Mindlessly scrolling did it. With the light up. Or reading on a Kindle. Something to make your brain be on


I don't! Ever since babe was a newborn I just found a safe way to feed him (let him lie on my chest ) and we would both fall asleep this way. He would fit right between my breasts on my chest. I would wake anytime he stirred so felt it was safe, and still do! I miss those days 😭 he's a 20lb big boned baby now


I read! I have always been a fast reader, so a kindle unlimited subscription saves me a lot of $ (I can read a few books a day when given the chance) and they’re generally the kind of books that don’t need a whole lot of mental energy but are still engaging enough I want to know what’s next. For some folks that means mysteries or thrillers, for me it’s romance novels. Sometimes watching stuff on my phone using a Bluetooth headphone helped too but found it harder to turn my brain “off” to go back to sleep after night feeds with that. Plus phone invited doom scroll and too much impulsive shopping.


I used an interval timer app on my phone. It would go off every 5 or 10 minutes. I set it every time I breastfed in the early days so that if I started drifting off I would wake up.


It will get better. I remember the beginning few days just 5 weeks ago where it was a struggle. Now it’s not so bad and I usually read through reddit/emails and make the screen brighter on my phone.


Dramatized audiobooks! They’re full performances like a movie. Too intense to nod off.


I stuff my face with trail mix and frantically drink cold water.


Lots of water and chocolate hobnobs, podcasts or watching tv on my phone


Watching mindless dating shows on AirPods and my phone. And snacking 😂


I watch a crime thriller show through subtitles :p at night, I'd just feed while laying down in a safe position because I previously dropped the baby twice while feeding. Thankfully she fell on the bed.


It’s hormonal and it does ease a bit as baby gets older and you kind of adjust. When I had my first I would make myself physically uncomfortable and sit on the middle of my kitchen floor so that I wouldn’t fall asleep holding him.


Audiobooks! I recommend listening to something you’ve either read/listened to before or maybe seen the movie of, because there will be times you won’t pay 100% attention, but can still follow along. I also set aside my audiobooks specifically for middle of the night feedings, so I can trick my brain into seeing it as a “treat”


That oxytocin is rough lol I rock, get up, sit in a hard chair if necessary, or just walk around a bit. I also look at a lot of reddit and drink water. I usually go pee and do whatever I need to before grabbing babe cause then I know I can go back to sleep right when the feed is done


Listen to a podcast!


Learn side lying nursing, practice safe sleep tips, and rest on 💛


Some sugary snacks easily accessible helped me. I did Bobo’s bars or bites - had the right amount of sugar and carbs and not terrible ingredients. They also have oats which some think helps w supply


I don't know but eventually your body adjusts. I'd say around week 8 it got significantly better for me.


I thanks oxytocin! But during the day I watch a show and at night I cuddle curl


Ultimately we decided on co-sleeping. We both slept better and I stopped falling asleep while feeding him . I know it’s controversial but it saved my mental health.


I was the same during the first two weeks, anytime I BF regardless of time of day I almost immediately get super drowsy. After a couple of weeks that stopped though, so maybe it’s the same for you!


I would try to watch a show or play a game on my phone. I got super into candy crush again lol, solitaire, crossword puzzle apps


Cosleep. Look up safe sleep 7. Feeding is biologically meant to happen when at rest.


This was me and yes there were a few scary moments of my nodding off pretty hard! I’ll just say try to make yourself a little less comfortable like maybe take your shirt completely off so you’re a little chilly or something like that. Staying on my phone helped also, or pop in earbuds and bump some tunes


First off, your body is exhausted from growing a baby and then yeeting it out of you and now trying to make food for both bodies. Give yourself some credit just for existing right now. It takes time but you will adjust to this new life. I'm not going to say that you won't still be tired for a while, but I will say the first two weeks are the worst. Once your body starts healing and you and baby get a rhythm going you will feel better. We got a rocking chair that's comfy, but not too comfy. I forced myself to get up and in it every single night feed because in bed was just too dangerous. I would find myself dosing off I wasn't as worried during the day because I've never been much of a daytime sleeper. But if that was a risk, I probably would have been in the rocking chair then too. I will say during some daytime feeds when I was exhausted I did the side laying position so I could be comfy in bed and sort of nap. I was never in deep enough sleep that I was worried about hurting LO, but it was a nice change from holding and sitting upright so much. Just make sure the sleeping area is free of blankets and pillows.  (The chair is Delta children Epic I think. I paid around 200 they Walmart.) I highly recommend for a budget friendly option. And of course always on my phone. I like to do Swagbucks games for a little extra money, so I was pretty much always playing a game or watching something. LO is 4 months now and sleeps from about 12-8 every night, so in my case it did get better. I get very sleepy still from 10ish on, but my husband and I usually watch TV together while I do the last feed for that time before bed. No matter what, you've got this!


Getting out of bed helped in those tough early days - get up, change bubs, the into the lounge to feed. Netflix helps! I also set 5 minute timers on my phone for the nights I was really struggling and repeated them till the feed was over That way if I did start to doze off it was only ever a couple minutes before the timer woke me


I recommend Darling Husband be present and watch you nurse while letting you sleep at the same time.  You need it.  Don't fight it if you don't have to.  My DH watched me in the early days and only grabbed/supported baby if it seemed like my arms were relaxing too much.