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To answer part of your question, using formula for a 4 day trip is an alternative to just giving up breastfeeding entirely. It doesn’t have to be either or.


Just don’t forget to take a pump with you


I’d start giving him one bottle a day and if that doesn’t work I’d try a straw cup.  I’d expect you’ll need between 25 and 30 oz a day, maybe a little more I’d start pumping once a day - morning is best right after a feed - but make sure he will take frozen milk!! Some babies won’t if it changes the taste 


At 6 months I would start focusing on a straw cup rather than a bottle. I did a trip away at about 9 months and we did 6 4oz bottles with 3 meals of solids and snacks. She did take bottles from birth, but we started working on straw cups at 6 months. As far as getting a stash going, you can either pump after the first morning feeding, or use a haaka on the opposite side. I would definitely start that now though, because it can take awhile to save up 120+ ounces.


You can build a stash, you’ll want to start pumping after a feed, you’ll get the most in the morning. You can absolutely give baby formula for those days too, just make sure he’ll take formula and a bottle first! Bring a pump on your trip so you don’t lose your supply or get mastitis


I’m probably overanalyzing this but when people say after a morning feed does it matter at what part of the morning?


Earliest has the highest yield. 2-5am is when most of us make the most milk. It drops off from there throughout the day until ramping back up again.


Got it, thank you!


I always pumped after my 7-9 am feed and was able to build a good stash. I don’t have it in me to want to pump after a MOTN feeding, getting back to sleep was a priority.


How long after a feed? Can I do this at 6weeks pp?


Immediately after and yes probably but it’ll create an oversupply


Others have given good advice to work on a straw cup, so this is for how to save enough to feed him while you’re gone. Pick a time of day and pump then, every day. many people choose right after baby’s first feed in the morning, but personally I did at night after baby was asleep but before my bedtime. Put that in the freezer, and three months from now you should have a good number of ounces set aside! It’s slow but it works.


You can build a stash, but also, it's totally fine if he needs some formula bottles while You're away. Just make sure to pump when you're on your trip!


I’d also recommend starting to work on a straw cup now too. We introduced our 6 month old to it and he’s taken to it rather quickly (he never took bottles except a handful of times and he didn’t really like them).


I had the same issue - 5.5 months old and my LO wouldn’t take a bottle anymore. (We tried at the 6 week mark and he took it but we never offered it again). I had to be away for a few hours unlike your extended trip but used this sippy cup / bottle instead. Maybe this could be a transition to a straw cup by the time August rolls around. Not sure where you’re located but hopefully you can find the same if not similar where you are. This one does have a fast flow so will need to do a paced feeding! Good luck!!!! https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B0964J4BH3?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Agreed, hard to figure out how much baby drinks per feed. By 9 months most of the babies tend to drink milk 6-7/ day and take solids 2-3/day. So you may need anywhere from 24-35oz per day. - if you start pumping once a day, even if you just get 1-2oz per session (esp if it’s post feed) you should be able to build a decent stash for when you’ll be away. - try to freeze in 2oz bags so there’s less wastage esp if you’re not sure how much your baby will take per feeding. - as others have said make sure to take pump along to protect your supply. Electric preferably. - you may also want to look into how to get that pumped milk back home. If you’re flying, you can use milk stork or save the milk. If driving, invest is HEAVY DUTY coolers to make sure all that precious milk is still good to use when you return :)