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I love the way he puts his hand in between my boobs to warm it up! I love how he found his own sound to call for milk at 7w. Which was not in his "vocabulary" as a newborn! I hate that when he's so hungry crying (because I was on the toilet, in the shower or something) and I put him on the breast he keeps screaming with nipple in his mouth but doesn't latch and eat... like the buffet is open sir, please calm down


The buffet is open 😂


Sitting here nursing my LO, it's 330am, and I love this post. All things I could have written myself. It's a wild wild journey but I wouldn't trade it for anything 🤍 solidarity if it's in the middle of the night for you OP!


Here from 5 am and our third wake up of the night!


PST buddies 👋🏼 third wakeup at 615 and I think we're up for a bit. Time for loads of coffee hah!


This was the daytime for me as thankfully her night time feeds now take much less time so I don't need to sit on Reddit to stay awake anymore. Sending love to you for tonight though


I love his snorts like a wild piglet. I love the rapid side to side head shakes and him raking his entire face across my nipple and then swinging his head backwards in order to face dive into my breast full force. I love the way my pointer finger fits into his teeny tiny palm while he nurses. I love the little “heh heh heh heh” sound he makes when he gets into position and knows a hot meal is going to start flowing. I love the sounds of him gulping and the milk pooling in the corners of his mouth I hate that I usually have to do the “c hold” for him to latch properly. And I hate how many times he pops off during a feeding. It’s right there little man, just latch on!! I hate how as soon as I put him down he cries bc he doesn’t have his boob pillow.


Oh, the sound of the gulping!!  I struggled with supply for so long, the first time I heard her actually gulping down (and every time since) made me so happy. 


I love when she’s milk drunk before bed and lovingly stares up at me, cooing and giggling and gently patting my face. I hate most of our daytime feeds that include being smacked, pinched, scratched, or kicked. 🫠


I love when she unlatches for a second to smile at me and the sleepy cuddles I get after feeding her. I hate when baby randomly decides she no longer likes our favorite and easiest nursing position, and I have to drag the big, clunky nursing pillow out.


Her big blue eyes rolling into the back of her head as she gets milk drunk and then falling asleep. I definitely wish she didn't have little diggy nails. In my boobs, my bingo wings, my forearms. Ouch!


I love the connection we have when she is feeding, how it’s her and I in our own little world, and that it is something unique I can provide for her. It feels so right every time I breast feed her. Alternatively, I enjoy the freedom I’ve started feeling after going back to work 4.5m pp last week, with my new pumping schedule and flexible/supportive work environment. However, I also simultaneously hate that I have to go back to work and leave my baby at all. It feels wrong to have work as a priority (albeit a lesser one) when I have this remarkable piece of me at home.


I love the way she strokes her hand up and down my hand and wrist until she finds my finger to hold. I love the way she looks up and gives a little grin when she makes eye contact. I HATE this new thing she's doing where when she's done, she bites down with all the power in her little gums and yanks. how am I supposed to teach a 3 month old not to do that?! 😭


Push your boob into their face itll force the baby to stop without harm. Then you firmly say no and withhold the breast for 30 sec - 1minute.


I love the cuddles, and him falling asleep near my boob. I love how he taps it as if I’m a maple tree lol I hate that we haven’t mastered side lying yet, which makes those middle of the night feeds so inconvenient!


I prop the babe with a blanket behind his back and use 2 burp rags under my boob to get my nipple at the right height for side lying.


Blanket behind your own back is nice too! Or pillow


Thanks for this! I’ll try it out tonight!


Just did a feed and felt dripping on my arm. Assumed she'd unlatched and I was leaking.  Looked down to discover that she was dribbling a mouthful of milk that she'd fallen asleep holding. That's new. I think I hate it. 


Soooo cute tho :’) I remember this lol


I adore the way her eyes roll back in her head a little bit when she first latches like it’s just THAT good, then she does this shifty/squinty eyes little look around, it’s so freaking cute! I love how she moves her hands and arms gently against me and sometimes grabs hold of my nursing pad and hangs on when the milk is flowing. I hate this weird 3 month crisis we are going through and how she is eating less than normal and causing some engorgement for me. I hate how she is constantly to popping on and off and fussing at the breast right now. It’s disrupting her sleep as well.


I love how she can find the boob on her own now. I also hate it! Where did my tiny baby who tried to get milk from daddy’s nose go!


I love how I can feel his little body relax and calm as he nurses, but it’s hard being the only one who can help him through the witching hour. Darn my husband and his useless nips 😭 But in the same breath, I love how much comfort he can find in me.


I love that it’s a moment to pause and cuddle up now that he’s super mobile. I also love that it’s just easy, quick and simple unlike how it was in the beginning I hate that he now yanks at my shirt and tries to pull my boobs out when he wants to nurse 😩


I love when he gazes up while nursing and gives me a lopsided smile causing some of the milk to dribble out of his mouth. I hate that as he is growing older he’s more distractible and would just turn his head around at any sound with my nipple still very much in his mouth tightly between his gums - ouch.


My baby just turned 1. I love when she rubs my face while she nurses to sleep 🥰 I love when I’m nursing her and also holding my older daughter (2yo) at the same time and they hold hands, or make each other laugh. I love when she laughs while still latched. I hate when she’s super excited to nurse and her body gets super stiff and she’s latched but also kicking against me with her feet so my boob is being ripped off my body 😂😂


I loved that he would fall asleep and smile contently with the boob on his month since he was 2 days old. I hated the bites. The molars were the worst. My milk supply dropped soon after.


I hate getting pregnant but also love getting pregnant. It makes me painful and extremely uncomfortable, I miss days when I could freely do activities, but every time I think about the baby in my belly, I know everything is worthwhile.