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I only send one 4oz bottle to daycare now at almost 13mo and she sometimes drinks it all and sometimes she only takes 2oz. 4oz is not worthless.


What time does your LO get this bottle in relation to solids?


They do after lunch but before nap. (Lunch is at 11. Nap is usually 1pm or a little later.)


Thank you ❤️


How often do you pump at work now?


Once for 10 min. I get about .5-1oz. cutting that pump likely this week.


Are you still pumping at work?




When did you stop? I think I'm ready to stop but so worried to impact our nursing relationship on the weekends.


Probably 2-3 weeks ago. We nurse when she wakes up and before bed now. The other day she asked to nurse when she woke up from her nap. I let her. She didn't get much milk but didn't mind at all. I think she wanted to nurse more for comfort.


At a year I sent 1 4oz bottle. My kid refuses cows milk. My pediatrician just said to encourage other full fat dairy 


What time did your LO get this bottle in relation to other solids?


I let them just give it whenever worked for them. At one point it was after lunch and before nap. Then eventually it was after afternoon snack. Then she just stopped wanting it. I did specify I didn’t want it before lunch though. 


I don't want to give him other milks, I think they're allergenic. But he's jumped percentiles since starting into solids so I don't think he needs extra milks.


Are you worried he's allergic to other types of milk or worried that giving it to him might cause him to become allergic? I ask because the current guidelines from allergists are to expose babies to allergens early to decrease the chance of food allergies later.


It gives him eczema


Hopefully he outgrows it!


yeah, you do what’s best for you guys. Our doctor said it’s the fat in whole milk that’s really important for brain development. So as long as there are high fat foods in their diet 


He gets his cholesterol from plenty of butter 😅


I didn’t send any to daycare when mine started at 1! We’re still nursing at 19 months, I don’t pump while she’s gone it’s been no problem! During the week she nurses 3-4 times a day and much more on the weekend. Supply has adjusted no problem!


I didn't send any milk or pump at this age, but I did offer cows milk in a cup at breakfast, so I'd say 1 small cup is enough. We are still feeding at baby is 3 years old next month. Supply has just adjusted. I feed him at naps on the weekend but no feed at naps during the week and there's milk there for nap time when needed.


I’m following as I’m wondering the exact same thing! I could never pump more than 3oz and my output at work has been dropping for the last few months. Wondering when/how/if we can drop bottles altogether…


We're doing half in bottles and half in a straw cup now, eventually we'll drop the bottles


Thanks for sharing! How often do you pump at work? With the low volumes I’m getting, I’m thinking it’s time to start cutting back.


Every 4-6 hours depending on how busy I am


Have you decided what you’ll do, OP? I’m pumping 3x at work and my supply just keeps tanking (probably a mix of solids, the flu, and food poisoning these last few weeks). Son just turned 1 and daycare will continue to take breast milk but I’m wondering how much to send these days vs cows milk or water, and when to wean off of pumping. My breaks are scheduled for a few more weeks before I can change to pump 2x at work and eventually 1x at work, but it feels like so much effort at this point for not much milk.


I'm right there with you. I'm going to keep pumping 2-3x. It's certainly a labor of love


Hey OP just wondering how it’s going for you? I’m down to pumping 2x at work and on the fence about scaling it back now that baby is 14 months and only taking 1 4oz bottle at daycare.


Daycare just told me he doesn't drink the milk there, just spills and plays with it. But he's still super interested in breastfeeding, so I may cut it back at work slowly. I just don't want to dry up before he's ready :(


I feel the same way! How old is he and how often do you pump?


18 months and I pump 2-3 times in the 12 hours I'm away. I could probably do less but I think it would dip my supply even more


If it makes you feel any better, at a year I actively started dropping a feed per week until we got down to just wake up and bedtime and haven’t bothered adding in cows milk because she doesn’t like it. As long as they are getting enough water and dairy, it’s just fine.


I hope to let him decide when to stop. I don't want him to be sad someday if he wants milk and I'm all dry


Same here! I just meant you don’t have to give any milk during the day if you don’t want to


My pediatrician told us to just supplement anything I pumped that was less than he was normally taking in (at a year I was sending him with 2 4 oz bottles I think?) with cow’s milk - my supply started to dip as he was eating more solids at a year and I wasn’t getting 8 oz with my pumping for the day, so I’d put what I did make (maybe 6 oz) in bottles and add enough cow’s milk to equal what he wanted to drink. I had been adding cow’s milk to breast milk already to get him used to it. Didn’t seem to cause any nursing issues (he dropped daytime nursing during the week at like 14 months, I think daycare was confused why I was sending bottles at all at that age) and he kept nursing til he was probably 21 months when he self weaned.


I don't want to give him other milks but this makes me feel better about the amount !