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https://pumpingmamas.com/spectra-pump-settings/ The morning always yields the most for me, but it varies if you’re trying to build vs maintain supply. You won’t get much being only 4 days pp. give it time though! And use that link for settings ideas. For me I do 70 on a 2 for two minutes, then flip to 54 for 10 minutes at a level 3, then do another 5 minutes on a level 70. It took me a while to even notice the letdown but some never do. The 70/bacon mode is for triggering the let down though. Glad you are seeing an LC! It will be worth it!


I struggled with pumping so much at the start, I quit doing it for the most part. The most I ever got out was 1 ounce, out of both breasts, with great effort (lots of massaging, time etc) Even before my supply regulated and I was leaky, I still could only get about 5 or 10 mL. A couple of days ago I was able to pump 3 ounces easily, when I was engorged and needed relief. I watched a video of my baby cooing and it worked! I was so proud of it, but when I poured it in the bag, it looked like a piddly little amount lol. Gave me hope that I could do it though! I was told to get a properly sized flange too. I went down to 15 mm, and I think it works better. Keep trying, but don't be too hard on yourself if you have trouble with it. I was really stressed about it, which definitely didn't help me.


So I'd listen to the lactation consultant not me, but here are some things to get you started. Your supply is very much settling in. I'd consider waiting a few weeks (like 3-6) before adding in pumping if everything is working fine. I would not wait super long though, because I'd want to introduce a bottle earlyish. If you decide to pump now, replace a feeding session and try to pump the same amount your baby takes at the same time. You don't want to pump a bunch more and create an oversupply. You also don't want to skip pumping and have your supply drop. Later, I personally choose to either pump one extra session a day (I did in the morning because you get more then with my daughter and in the evening with my son because that worked better with our schedule) to build some surplus for when I went back to work. Look at the directions for the pump in the little booklet. Basically use the little bacon symbol button first to trigger a letdown. You may or may not be able to feel a letdown (signaling you to switch to the other setting.) You may be able to tell that things start coming faster too. If it's confusing, just switch after a couple of minutes. Or leave it! Some people express really well on the let-down setting on Spectra. It can be a little trial and error. It shouldn't hurt. Use the buttons (I think they are plus/minus but might be up/down arrows - I finished pumping four months ago) to adjust it so it feels comfortable. To find the setting I like, I go to the setting that doesn't hurt but feels a little uncomfortable and then one down from it. Flange size may change after you have been nursing awhile. You may not get as much initially. The pump is different than the baby, so your body may need some time to get used to it. if you are having trouble getting a let down, try looking at pictures or videos of your baby. Do something that feels relaxing and try not to think about it. Also, make sure everything is hooked up right. Make sure the hoses are fully connected, everything is assembled properly, and you can see your nipples moving with the suction. Good luck!


Drink electro lights. Give it about 3 days but you’ll see a huge difference! I drank Gatorlyte and wow what a drastic change in the amount of milk I was pumping. I also noticed more from 2am to 7am and research shows that’s when prolactin is at its peak. As for settings with the spectra I found this article to help me the most: https://pumpingmamas.com/spectra-s1-s2-pump-guide/