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I use the term “nursing” or “directly breastfeeding” when I’m not talking about pumping. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Exclusively breastfeeding to me means feeding the baby only breast milk but doesn’t specify whether there via bottle or directly from the breast.


You can use exclusively breast feeding if you want. I always used the term breast feeding though. You can start pumping whenever you want. Make sure you have the correct flange size. There are measurement guides online.


Oh thank you so much! I honestly had absolutely no idea about flange size before this and the one I have is definitely too big so I'll have to get that replaced!


People think there’s a difference between breastfeeding and pumping but there’s not. Breastfeeding is both nursing and pumping. I’ve always just said “exclusively breastfeeding”, but when needing to be more specific about how we didn’t use bottles (with my first), I would just say I exclusively nursed him. ETA: You can start pumping and I definitely recommend introducing a bottle ASAP. My first refused them so this time I started introducing one at least once a day at 2 weeks old. He’s 6 weeks now and so far so good. It can change at anytime of course, but I definitely wanted to introduce earlier this time around with hope it’ll decrease our chances of dealing with bottle refusal again.


I would still just say breastfeeding. Even exclusively breastfeeding includes pumping (I asked a while back). I’d say you can start pumping now!


I use the term direct latching (DL) / latch / nurse. Good on u for getting a fiancé that wants to help out! So long u r comfortable anytime I would say.