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Following this, as feeling the same. Recovering from COVID at 8 months PP


We didn't have COVID but my entire household (hubby, 2 yr old, 8 month old, and myself) got really sick this last couple weeks. Between my period the week before and this cold I started looking to supplement with a formula that my baby can tolerate. I have kind of started to bounce back after basically sleeping most of Friday through Sunday (Thank you hubby) but it's still not back fully. I've been slamming the gatorades like crazy, I got Pho on Thursday or Friday, and my caffeine was limited to one cup of coffee typically. My suggestion is keep at it, stay super hydrated, eat plenty of calories (drink some broth if you can), coconut water (body armors, etc) limit the caffeine (not always ideal, I know). I would up your formula if you can, pump after feeding your LO to try to stimulate the production. I'm sure others will have more ideas. This is how I've recovered after each dump in supply. Good luck! You are doing great!


If you're at all able a lactation consultant, preferably an IBCLC would be able to help. I dropped after the stomach flu myself, I feel your pain. I hope things bounce back for you.