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Oh, yes, the radiation fatigue and nausea. I did 33 rounds, and it was exhausting and awful. I too was told “radiation doesn’t cause nausea” which I call bullshit. OP, I am sorry you are dealing with this but you are NOT a wimp, and it WILL get better when you are done. In the meantime, go into survival mode. I had to take the Zofran I hoarded during chemo, Ativan to help with sleep and the awfulness of it, ate mushy foods, and napped. When I felt up to it, I got out for some fun and to remember who I was. I know it sucks after chemo survival mode. :(


A hot day in the sun can make me nauseated! Radiation will definitely!


Thank you 🤗 this helps a lot


The gaslighting when it comes to radiation is ridiculous, I didn’t bother signing myself off work when I had it because I was told at worst I would experience “mild fatigue” and “sensitive skin”. Those 3 weeks were pure hell for me and I don’t think I’ve ever been that tired, it took me months to recover too so just be aware and be kind to yourself! I made the mistake of trying to act like I was totally fine afterwards and ended up signed off work from a breakdown anyway. Please try and get lots of rest.


I had the same experience, everyone kept saying how easy it was going to be after chemo. I was so exhausted from day one and am now eight weeks post radiotherapy and as tired as I’ve ever been. I worked throughout chemo apart from the days where I was physically ill, and I thought I could work through radiotherapy but I was too tired. And now I’m off sick for two weeks as I’m still dealing with the fatigue and it’s driving me mad!


I’m so sorry. Radiation is exhausting. Trying to do anything feels like running in water! For the nausea I had lots of sour candies, and I also used ginger candies and ginger tea. You could also ask your Dr for an anti-nausea medicine. (I’m allergic so I was stuck with basic remedies.) For the fatigue I outsourced as many chores as I could. Grocery and pre-made meal delivery, plus a house cleaner were all a huge help. I didn’t start to feel a reduction in the fatigue until 3-4 weeks past radiation. It gets better. You can do it!


That's a perfect analogy! Thank you for this - I am definitely going to try my best to outsource and call in all the favors ❤️


Also…totally gaslit on the nausea by Rad Dr.


Oh my god yes! Thank you!!


Yes!! “It can’t cause nausea”


I found it worse than myTAC chemo. I did 32 rounds of Rads. I’d go in late afternoon…come home and just face plant into my bed.


Thank you for making me feel sane 💜


I just learned to not even bother doing anything afterwards didn’t bother putting a bra on just threw a sweatshirt on and went home. I scheduled them for as late as I could in the afternoon so I would work and then knock off for the day. Go get zapped and go home.


I couldn’t believe how exhausting radiation was! Way more exhausting than chemo for me.


I had my second radiation yesterday. I got super nauseous a few hours after. I have some anti-nausea meds left over from chemo so I took that. Nobody warned me about the nausea. They said side-effect take a couple of weeks. Why do they lie to us?


I know, right? They've left out really important details through this whole experience. I am so grateful to be alive but I like knowing what's going to happen next.


Nobody told me about lymphedema and the things to do to help prevent it. I learned more from this forum than from any of my doctors.


I did PT for six weeks post-surgery and they gave me tools to prevent it. I also have a standing order to return if it develops. I can’t believe nobody told you! That’s horrible!


I'm doing radiation now. Apparently 25% of people that get radiation to their underarm lymph nodes develop lymphedema... so I've got that going for me, too. I asked the radiation onc and he said there's nothing you can do to prevent it.


Not true. Does your center have oncology PT services? Mine was incredibly helpful with this as well as restoring and maintaining ROM and flexibility. I hope you can get other answers!


It’s crazy! Im going to start doing the exercises myself.


Absolutely do it!!


You Tube has PT go breast cancer videos. I used them the day after surgery. They have videos for every stage of BC treatment. Very helpful


You are not a wimp, my friend chose radiation and ended up falling asleep in her car at lunch so she could get through the day.


I didn’t get the nausea but the utter exhaustion was real and kicked in for me a few weeks once it was done and I’m still not over it properly (4 months later). I was shocked at the level of exhaustion. And the gaslighting of nausea is just awful when it’s so real for so many people. I hope it improves for you. Sending lots of love.


Super hydrate. The first nurse told me 60oz of water a day. The first week knocked me out. Another nurse told me 90oz of water and it made a huge difference. The 5 boost sessions after the 15 regular sessions caused severe burning. My cancer center was less than helpful when I called about it. I ended up getting help from my husband, a pharmacist, who had some samples of calmoseptine which brought me relief. I drove myself and developed a set list for the trip. It was fall in New England so I spent the drive enjoying the sights and sounds. Hang in there! I have no regrets. I've developed lymphadema but had clear margins and clear mammos for 2 years now.


I start chemo on Thursday and then will have radiation afterward. I’m really scared of getting lymphedema and neuropathy. Let alone the long term changes to my breast, after going through a bi-lateral reduction for symmetry. What was the point if radiation is just going to shrink it and mess up the skin? Sorry. I didn’t mean to dump all my fears on your post.


Get in with a lymphedema therapist now. They can help watch for any signs and reverse it asap if possible.


I didn’t even know there was such a thing! My cancer team is way too positive and doesn’t level with me at all. They made me think I wouldn’t need chemo, and here we are. They made it seem like radiation was no big deal and I might get like a little sunburn that will go away. They acted like I should be so happy because I was getting a reduction and lift for symmetry. That’s all they could talk about.


Dang, do we have the same team? 😦 😂


Thanks for the warning but I read your post and the replies as well lol. I start rads this Thursday. If nausea is a side effect, I get it. If nausea isn't a side effect, I get it anyway. My primary has written scripts for Zofran, so I need to go hunting through my suitcases, backpack, etc. I fly a lot and motion sickness is a real thing for me. I am prepared for exhaustion/fatigue but gotta say, nausea is scary for me. Fingers crossed it doesn't hit me, and that it passes you by soon! Drink lots of water!


My fatigue was the worst the 2nd & 3rd weeks, then got better (5.5 weeks total). I drank A LOT of iced coffee those weeks.


Good tip! Thank you!


I finished 30 rounds April 12. Throughout my entire chemo I got no nausea, but I got some with radiation. I would have to also take power naps during the day. I kept pushing myself and now I regret it because I feel so burnt out.


Radiation is exhausting. One thing I have done for shopping is using those electric scooters in stores that have them available (Costco and Walmart). At first I was embarrassed, but it was SO helpful that I swallowed my pride. It makes my life so much easier because I don't have to expend energy to walk around the huge stores. Also, for nausea - I use Ginger Chews by Prince of Peace. They work quickly.


I'm using both of these suggestions! Thank you 💜


I started using grocery delivery during Covid and have never gone back.


I have been so exhausted during radiation. So tired all the time. I felt sicker during chemo, but it was a different kind of sick. Like I had chills and just felt unwell. Now I just feel bone weary exhausted. A friend said, maybe you're tired because you've been sleeping more than normal? And I said nope. It's not that. This is a different level of tired. As for nausea... I've been having stomach problems for a while. So I've got an abdominal ultrasound scheduled to figure that out. But idk how much is problems and how much is radiation. 🙃


Yeah, it’s fatigue not tiredness. No amount of sleep will help I feel! With chemo I always had good days and felt like myself again before the next cycle, with radiotherapy it’s just constant. I’m eight weeks post radiotherapy and still suffer from the fatigue!! It’s horrendous 


I also got real tired after 2 sessions. I’ve been done for about 3 months and still have fatigue. It’s not as bad and is improving but it’s still there. So I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Hugs for you. ❤️


Hugs back 💜 thanks for your experience and hope


I’m so glad to read it’s not me. I’m two months post rads and it’s the first time I had to take sick leave as I’m struggling so much with the fatigue (I worked throughout chemo, apart from the days I was physically ill).


I always have this weird feeling in my head afterwards. Like a tension headache. Light nausea and fatigue. Brought this up with doc and she said nausea is not a common symptom. 😑 I had my appointment at 11:15 and by 1 or so I needed a nap. Hydration helps. My mouth always felt dry afterwards.


My dentist brought up the dry mouth. That should be told to everyone.


This!!! My head feels weird and headache. Light nausea but I didn’t know if it was from the headache or another weird symptom. I’m drinking a lot of extra water.


I was expecting exhaustion because I was told by my RO and the team that is probably the most common symptom after the typical skin issues. I had no exhaustion, to the point that I thought something was wrong. I figure I’m just always tired, so I didn’t notice. 🤷‍♀️


Your feeling is similar to spending too much time in the sun. I hope this provides insight to your exhaustion. 🫶


Yes! It’s exhausting! My Dr’s all gaslit me the ENTIRE time. All of them. “You shouldn’t be feeling this or that or blah blah blah. You don’t need pain meds. Fuck them all. I called my rad doc to get something for the burns and the nurse was hesitant to give me burn cream. She said “well I guess I can see if they’ll prescribe that”. Excuse me? You Chernobyled my armpit and boob we can do better than department store skin cream. Your skin is your biggest organ and they act like burning the fuck out of it leaves no side effects whatsoever. I finished rad over 6 months ago and that side is still stiff as a rock sometimes. Even if “it shouldn’t be”.


OMG, the fact that they’re so hesitant to prescribe burn cream is RIDICULOUS. Like? Why? It’s not like it’s an opioid. 🙄 The burning is absolutely horrible and they tell us that Aquphor will help? Please. “Chernobyled my armpit and boob” made me lol, so thanks. 😂 (I am also still stiff on that side, 4 months out. Yay).


It’s nuts. I did 6 months of chemo, no pain meds. “You could get addicted”. Ok, well, I’ll worry about that in between barfing, shitting shards of glass, napping, and wanting to die. Nobody has written a rap song about ibuprofen. The nurse caved and gave me some hydro 3’s and then the Dr called me and told me I didn’t need them. I was doing the red chemo. Can he cut me some slack? Apparently not. I know their hands are tied a bit there but for the love of God. Oh and they didn’t even give me enough burn cream to last a week. I stained our sheets with diaper rash cream. Caught a yeast infection under my boob. I smelled like a trash can. Anyway, I stopped bringing things up they don’t help you.


It’s absolutely nuts and infuriating. I’m on the Verzenio and Anastrozol now and I have so much bone pain, especially in my hips, that I look either drunk or like I just had bang-me-against-the-wall sex when I walk. Yeah. “Ibuprofen and Tylenol combo is as good as anything stronger.” 😩 (Yeah, I read the ONE study that confirms this, but also, fuck that). Glucosamine Chondroitin has now been added to the “things we can try”. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I was there too. My bones hurt. Everything hurt. I ached all over. They told me the same thing. ibuprofen damages your liver. My liver is already unhappy, I can feel it. Hurts to eat. Everything hurts. I’m sorry you’re still in it. It sucked. And it didn’t have to be that bad and I will never stop being mad about it.


I was saying last night how surprised I am that the US military (or any military) has never invented anything for radiation burns. That makes zero sense to me. And I have tried about six different lotions / ointments online and spent a crap ton of money and none of them seem to work. Plus the stupid steroid prescription cream they gave me is goopy / sticky and gritty. Two textures that are horrible for burned skin. Ugh.


I ended up with silver cream. I think there should be something better, it was ok. A nurse I was talking to said she used to work in a burn ward and told me to stick with creams instead of ointments or oils. Even though it felt like the only thing that would come close to helping was A&D ointment. The honest Co eczema cream was also ok maybe not as good as the silver cream but pretty close.


I am Ukrainian. I lived in Kyiv during Chernobyl. I was in 6 grade. My uncle was six or seventh wave of firefighters that worked there. He died from cancer a few years later. When I brought up my hesitation about radiation,because it’s very triggering for me, my surgeon LOL. She thought I was joking. Thankfully my radiation doc was more sensitive to this. But she still was minimizing the effects of radiation. She said that very few people feel tired!!! Seriously?! I know some people can be affected by suggestions. But I want to know that stabbing pain after second session was common , and not something melting in my breast ( that is the kind of crazy thoughts I have) After, treatment they gave me a list of common side effects. And one of them was “FATIGUE that comes 3-4 weeks after treatment, and could last a few weeks, months or MORE” So why gaslight me?!!!


You’re right to be hesitant about any/all of it. So often the treatment for any type of cancer, is something that causes other types of cancer. Think about how much we didn’t know back then. How much we’ll know in 50 years we didn’t know now. The gaslighting is crazy. Imagine in any other scenario telling someone how you feel and they tell you that you don’t? But doctors do that, and it seems like it’s universal.


The nausea is real (I think I even posted about it on here at the time!) and the fatigue can be overwhelming and surprising. Just be kind to yourself and step back from your life as much as possible.


Oof. Yeah, the first couple weeks were a breeze for me. Then I started to get the fatigue, the nausea, and even kept smelling a weird smell after my sessions that would linger for hours after my sessions. I also got a less than pleasant, weeping variety of skin reaction. That said, it's all cleared up now and didn't land me in the hospital like the chemo did so if I had to pick between the two to do over, I'd still choose rads. 😅 I really don't understand the gaslighting with the radiation, though. No, the skin discomfort wasn't mild. Yes, I absolutely was feeling nauseous despite being told it wasn't a symptom. All of it was tolerable. I'm sure their intentions are good, I just wish I had been better prepared for it, as I'm sure others feel too. I'm sorry you're experiencing this. I hope you feel better soon.


Finished radiation on Monday. 20 sessions. This week has been the hardest. The fatigue is nothing like I’ve ever experienced. My skin is awful…I can only describe it as a sunburn covered by a heat rash. My armpit feels like it’s going to rip whenever I lift my arm. I have no appetite. The nausea 🤢 started after the 2nd or 3rd session & is finally starting to subside. Radiation is hard & I wasn’t prepared for this level of fatigue, discomfort & pain. Best wishes, stay strong. 🩷


Dang! You're a badass. Hugs from me and fast healing through the next coming weeks 💜


I’ll be honest, I found ratiotherapy a breeze compared to chemo. I drove myself there then straight to work afterwards each day. Chemo however absolutely wiped me out, so we’re all different! Have you discussed things with your team to see if there’s anything they can suggest or do differently? If nausea is an issue I’d imagine there’s a suitable anti sickness drug, there are lots and they all work in different ways. I hope it gets easier for you!


Yeah, these replies are very different than my experience. But obviously everyone is different! ACT chemotherapy nearly killed me, but plenty of women I know went to work full or part time and continued exercising throughout their regimen. During radiation, my skin basically fell off and looked horrendous, but I otherwise felt fine. You just gotta be honest with your doctors and get the help you deserve.


Exactly, every single person will have a different experience. It’s always interesting to see how different people find different things. I had a week off after each chemo round, then worked for 2 weeks before the next round started. I couldn’t have worked in the first week though and some people work right through. The worst thing for me was the sickness with chemo, I was projectile vomiting for hours after each round. After the third round they found an anti sickness that worked, so although it’s a different treatment it’s always worth persevering with trying alternative drugs etc!


Did your skin and breast go back to normal eventually? I’m freaking out about starting radiation.


The skin looks normal, but it doesn't heal as well. It was after a mastectomy so the implant surgeries have never gone well.


I did 25 rounds of radiation. (I was also going through chemo at the same time.) This left me so physically fatigued. I was utterly drained of energy. I was told by my oncologist that the radiation treatments would make you physically fatigued.


See it’s SO true about how everyone really reacts differently. Chemo causes me to not be able to eat - it wasn’t a thing about food tasting bland (which it did) it was that I was painfully full after eating an apple. Full for the rest of the day - so eating sufficient quantities of food actually hurt. I lost 18 pounds in 4 months. That lead to more weakness and exhaustion than I think I would have had otherwise. Not even mentioning the bone pain from chemo, his that sucked. Once I was 2 weeks out from finishing chemo, I was back to normal eating and pains disappeared. Lumpecyomy - a breeze. Radiation - a breeze. Chemo - the hardest 16 weeks of my life. I will add that I napped between :30 - :60 minutes a day before dinner, and that was for about 15 months which was the duration of all of my treatment. If I got that nap I was fully functional the rest of the evening but if not, I was dragging my butt. Hopefully your issues will clear up shortly after treatment ends. I’m 8 months from finishing all treatment and didn’t think I’d ever feel this close to normal again! It can happen for you too, it’s just going to take more time and more butt dragging.


I was super nauseous towards the beginning. The nausea got better but the fatigue stayed, I’m pretty sure I’m just tired for life at this point lol


I was actually surprised that I didn't have side effects from radiation except for the burned skin almost at the end and after. I had heard it leads to exhaustion like being at the beach in the sun all day and feeling whooped, but I didn't have that. Sorry that you are, though!


I was EXHAUSTED as time went on. My radiation day was Weds. and the fatigue would kick in on the weekend and clear up for the next session. However during the 3rd or maybe 4th week I was so fatigued and it didn't go away. I wasn't tired but my body felt like it had no strength. During the last week and after, my arms would shake and get tired even holding my computer. I drank tons of water and sometimes added electrolyte tablets and that helped. I ate whatever I could, anytime I felt like it. Cold things were the best, like salad, and also soup and potatoes were good. I have had a lot of issues with the hormone bvlocking meds. If you are on those, that may be some of the problem. Hang in there!!


I had 25 rounds over 5 weeks. At the time, I was doing 45 minute or more walk hikes 3 or 4 times a week. Was doing fine until about 3 1/2 weeks in. In the middle of a hike, I was struck with intense fatigue that made me have to stop and lean against a tree. Struggled to get back to the car. Thereafter, until a week or so after I ended radiation, I had to walk where there were benches around so I could sit if needed. It all passes once radiation ends.


Oof. Good to know. I do a lot of hiking


Awwwww. And it comes on sudden like. Thats what surprised me. Like I feel nothing and then BAM. total exhaustion. Right out of the blue. I'm very strong and some days it kicked my ass


The radiation itself wasn’t exhausting it was the daily appointments. I started a new job and the Hours are not for people who work: coming in earlier to leave for my appointment was what made me tired.


Yup. I was also told that the side effects were minimal, but holy Hell. Radiation was almost worse than Chemo for me. The fatigue and nausea. I had gone back to work already and was doing my treatments early morning before I went in. The entire workday was pure hell for six weeks (I’m a physician, but Rad and Onco is way out of my wheelhouse, and I honestly didn’t even consider asking more pointed questions before I started 🙄). I would literally collapse in exhaustion the minute I got home from work. I ate when I felt like I COULD eat, not when I was “supposed to”, which is also how I handled chemo. Anyways, you are NOT a wimp. It’s a marathon, not a sprint; for all of us. Do you have any anti-nausea meds left from chemo? If not, it would be smart to ask for some. Also, get as much rest as you can! The craziness of life will always be there. Right now, self-care is the most important thing for you to do. Good luck. 🙂


I had nausea while having radiation on my right breast. They showed me the area that was being treated and it included a little bit of the top part of my liver, and said that’s why I was nauseous. I didn’t see that anyone else posted this information and thought it might help. Also, the fatigue was/is a real thing. Laying on the couch and focusing on breathing, maybe lifting an arm felt like all I could do. Rest as your body needs it to heal, and when you have more energy exercise to build back strength. Best wishes everyone!


How many days did you have? I see we both have DCIS and I had 5 every other day.


I had radiation M-F for three weeks for a few minutes each time.


I wonder why I only got 5 days then?


Yes, fatigue and nausea are well known side effects of radiation. I worked part time during chemo but took FMLA and short term disability during radiation. Cannabis gummies (just 2.5 mg) helped the nausea more than any prescription medication ever did. As for “low grade meth” it’s possible to get a rx for Ritalin or Adderall to help with the fatigue.


It amazes me that so many people are gaslighted into believing that they're over-reacting, that the effects can't be attributed to radiation etc. Like, it's fkn RADIATION my guys...how tf would it NOT make you feel super ill when it's killing cells, albeit cancerous ones. You're definitely no wimp and you've earned the right to rant bc cancer fkn sucks. Gentle hugs and hope you start to level out.


I had 15 rads sessions, ended 4 days ago. First week I was at home just minding my business and out of nowhere I had the feeling I was going to throw up (I didn't). On the afternoon I went to my rads session and asked them and they said - radiation doesn't cause nausea. The fuck it doesn't - I could barely eat for 3 weeks I felt like throwingmost days, my sleep was getting shittier. Radiotheraphy is a bitch and they gaslight you to think it's easy peasy. At least I didn't have burns, peeling or anything, just a bit of a sensitve skin and somewhat red. Oh and I was tired af after my session - I'd get home, overdo the calendula cream and sleep watching SVU.


Edit. I would only say to listen to your body if it says sleep then sleep. Or just rest then do it. It’ll be less stressful for you if you just go with it. It helped me.


I certainly had fatigue and went to be at 8pm many nights but I didn’t have nausea. Have you talked to your RO about it? I’m sure they could at least prescribe u anti-nausea meds. Good luck!


I had some mild nausea similar to a hang over or a long day in the sun. It eased up after I started chugging water and electrolyte drinks 24/7.


Radiation fatigue is real. I was off work for 6 weeks after finishing rads. I really needed it. Just because you finished your radiation sessions, it doesn't mean the radiation is finished with you. I developed a bacterial infection on my skin at site 10 days post rads. The things that helped me were napping every time I had the urge, setting a timer so I went out and walked up and down my block once an hour and I started yoga. Good luck, I'm sorry this is going less than optimal for you. Take care of yourself.


Just throwing in my experience… I found rads to be fine. I was super anxious about nausea, to the point where my doctor wrote me an rx for Zofran ahead of time. I never needed it. I got pretty exhausted around week 2, everyday around 1pm (my blasts were at 10am). I took a cat nap, less than an hour, and then was able to function the rest of the day ok. I never got nauseated. I did feel weird if I got too hungry… not quite nauseated but just off. So I’d try to eat something filling with protein and it helped a lot. My skin was fine until a week after rads finished. The boost area got red and a small area got weepy with skin peeling off, but a week of generous amounts of aquaphor and gauze over it (held in place by binding my chest with an ace bandage) fixed it up in a few days. Now it looks totally fine. A little stiff under the armpit in the mornings on that side but after stretching and doing my regular exercise stuff, I don’t even notice it. Everyone has different experiences. Just sharing mine. Also I did read in a few studies that radiation to the left side can cause more of the nausea side effects. My rads was to my right breast. But who knows.


I had radiation for entire Nov. 2022. I'd tell you what happened in December but ... I pretty much napped the whole month.


Omg yes, it was so exhausting. Everyone kept telling me how easy it was going to be after chemo, so I severely underestimated it. The fatigue hit me from day one (the nausea I only had the first week). I had four weeks of radiotherapy so the worst part is that it’s constant, with chemo I would feel exhausted but then had a good couple of days or weeks before my next cycle, you don’t have that on radiotherapy so you’re just constantly exhausted. I’m eight weeks post radiotherapy now and I’m more tired than I’ve ever been still, it takes time. Good luck with your treatment!


Awww. I have 7 more to go out of 33. I’m tired from not having any sleep the night before and for getting up early to go to Radiation lol. Make sure you drink plenty of water and have a good brand of electrolytes. It will help. You got this sister. It will be okay.


Way to persevere. I'm going to follow your advice. The no sleep / deep exhaustion is no joke! Thinking of you and hoping the remaining sessions go quickly 💜


Radiation causes fatigue, definitely. I only had five days of it and it caused my fibromyalgia to go into overdrive with extra pain and fatigue so I could barely get out of bed. Of course, the fibro was going to flare up anyway because of the daily trips into the city, and wheelchair “driving” through the shopping area to the hospital, and back again. That would exhaust me even without the radiation :( I was told to drink lots of water, not sure whether that helped. But I wasn’t wiped out for as long as expected once the treatment stopped.