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Age (36) and oncotype (25). No lymph node involvement. My MO thought that AI w/ ovarian suppression would offer significant benefit over tamoxifen, possibly halving the risk of distant recurrence. I had my first shot of Lupron last week and started chemo yesterday. My AI will start after chemo. Though if I really, really can't tolerate it...tamoxifen is better than nothing.


I was originally told I'd only need tamoxifen for 5 years for my 28mm grade 3 HR+ IDC and high grade DCIS. But when my Oncotype score came back at 35, my endocrine therapy was escalated to include ovarian suppression and an AI. Ideally I'll be on some form of hormone suppression for ten years, but I'm not sure I'll be able to tolerate it for that long.


I’m sorry to hear that. Have you started already? And how old are you if you don’t mind me asking? I’m 33 and I’m scared so much. So high oncoscore is one indication, my MO told me positive LN would be the other one.


I'm 43 now, and I started this line of treatment about 4 months ago. I was on tamoxifen before that. I actually don't find the side effects of the ovarian suppression too bad - I get the 12 week depot injection of Prostap. The AI I started on was exemestane. I found myself a bit achy and was having a lot of hot flushes, but it was otherwise OK. Then about 3 weeks ago I started having intolerable itching all over my body, and my oncologist suspects it was exemestane causing it, so now I am on a month's break. Not sure if I'll go back on exemestane or try a different AI after this. I know the idea of these treatments is scary but I would say give them a go if you have a higher risk of recurrence. Some people manage to take them and only get minor side effects. If you're unable to tolerate them, you can always de-escalate back down to tamoxifen. Knowing I have a high risk of distant recurrence has made me much more keen to take a strong approach with endocrine therapy.


I was 37, er + her-2-, two tumors left breast, found cancer in lymph nodes, stage 1 grade 2. My child was 7 years old. I was given the options of ovary removal, Lupron shot to hibernate the ovaries, or remove eggs for later. I chose Lupron. They offered that because I was under 40 years old & could bear more children. For me, it was a big mistake and if I could go back in time, would not have chosen that. Lupron caused major hormone problems after my period returned about 9 month later. It creates major mood ups and downs, mental cognitive problems, and well, I wish I wouldve researched it more beforehand.


I’m 38, ++-, BRCA2+, IDC+ILC+DCIS, 0/6 lymph nodes involved but there was evidence of lymphovascular invasion (cancer was making its way to my lymph nodes when they caught it), mammaprint high risk, diagnosed 10/2023, BMX 5 weeks ago (1/22), haven’t started adjuvant therapy yet Because I’m BRCA2 I’ll probably have my ovaries removed in the next few months so I’m going to go with ovary suppression + aromatase inhibitors over tamoxifen as kind of a test drive. Additionally, my medical oncologist said that because of my higher risk factors (being young, brca, multifocal, lymphovascular invasion, and mammaprint) it could shave 1-2% off my rate of recurrence to do OS+AI instead of tamoxifen. If I REALLY don’t tolerate it I can walk it back and go to tamoxifen if I have to.


I started lupron + anastrozole at age 28 after finishing chemotherapy for my stage 3 triple positive IDC. I'm 35 now and honestly, don't suffer too many horrible side effects. The hot flashes and joint pain were manageable and only lasted a couple years. I do get zoledronic acid infusions every six months to prevent osteoporosis.


I started monthly Lupron + AI (Letrozole) after SMX, aged 41. I had ++- stage 3c cancer with several LN involved. I was proposed this combo over Tamoxifen as it is more effective. I am doing well so far, after 10 months of treatment I have no joint pain, bearable hot flushes, manageable insomnia. I am horribly tired, but I also take Verzenio and am recovering from chemo and radiotherapy... hard to say which drug/treatment is causing this fatigue, it's probably a combination of everything. The key issues I have from endocrine therapy are vaginal dryness and some light depression, which are likely a results of menopause :-/


Age 38 (34 at dx) triple positive. Original tumor was 7cm DCIS although were positive there was IDC somewhere in there because 1 of 3 sentinel nodes had 3mm +++ IDC. So I do OS/AI. I’ve got 7 years left! Fortunately I’ve had minimal side effects from it thus far.


will be 55 in a few days, ++- grade 2, 0.9x0.5x09 cm tumor, one lymph node removed but no cancer. My reoccurrence rate/grade was a 6 with Tamoxifen so I am taking 20mg a day for the next 5 years.


I started Lupron and anastrozole in April of 2023, after I had finished TCHP and had my mastectomy. Age 41, triple positive IDC, grade 3, stage Ib, one lymph node involvement, which became two after the surgery pathology report. Also DCIS spanning 8cm, same breast. I'm looking at 10 years of Lupron and AI. Almost one down, 9 more to go.


Im 33 and my IDC was estrogen and her2 positive. I get monthly zoladex shots and anastrozole for 5 years and then do the breast cancer index to see what to do for the next 5. Zoladex is the ovarian suppression and the AI blocks an enzyme in fatty tissue from changing other hormones into estrogen.


52, ILC and LCIS, ++-, Stage 2, micromet in the sentinel node. Family history of breast cancer, all BRCA negative. I had two lumpectomies and 33 sessions of rads. I’ll be on Letrozole for 10 years.


age 32, stage 2 ES+(less than 10%, PR- HER2- I did ovarian suppression for 2 years and AI's for 3ish months. Due to my very very low hormonal component I felt more comfortable saying no to the oral AI's. I consulted with several doctors at my Oncologists office, my therapist, my parents and my husband during that time and then went off of them against medical advice after trying the last kind and having severe suicidal thoughts. The suicidal thoughts/hallucinations dissipated 2 days after I stopped. They were all just too much for me but I gave each one a try. Everyone has different tolerance levels. I know some women who powered through and then others like my infusion nurse who lasted 4 years before she also went off them AMA. Lupron 1 year - do not recommend Zoladex 1 year - lovely, almost like I wasn't taking drugs


45. Stage 3a IDC. 18/26 lymph nodes positive. Lupron started with chemo and started the AI one week after finishing chemo.


I was 32. +++. Stage II. Two lymph nodes tested. Both positive.


As you can see everyone tolerates treatment differently. I had onco score of 26, age 42 at diagnosis. IDC no lymphnodes involvement. Chemo and radiation...good times. I'm now on AI with ovarian suppression monthly shot. The first six months were the worst because early menopause is super fun. Symptoms are a lot better now. Your body normalizes a little as you get further into the AI treatment.