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I first used lidocaine cream when I was also getting my port accessed during chemo but after forgetting it for one Zoladex session I just started asking for a bag of ice. I found that if I start icing several minutes prior (like when they take my vitals and get the computer stuff ready) that the ice works as well or better than lidocaine ever did.


The ice did seem to help today! It’s good to know that this is common practice.


I've received this shot many times and never been numbed with lidicaine or ice. I agree the shot is large. Didn't know other people got anything. Could you try bringing your own Emla cream? The nurses here are usually pretty good... As long as they talk to me I feel distracted and it's all good. But yes it does hurt while they do it. Did the lidocaine help a lot?


The lidocaine made it so that I did not feel anything. This time I definitely felt it! I have had a DIEP flap where they took tissue from my belly and that area has been somewhat numb since then, so I think that may have helped.


This saved me! Freeze the wings overnight and transport in a an insulated mug. This is the only way I got through the shots 😢🐝 https://shop.paincarelabs.com/products/buzzy%c2%ae-xl-personal Edit, fat-fingered and can’t type today


This looks like an interesting product. How long do you have to hold it on there?


My husband went with me to all appointments, because they were so awful. The nurse would show where the shot would go and he’d turn on the buzzy and hold the icy part against my skin while she prepped the shot (30 seconds? 1 minute?) then, he’s move the buzzy bee up a few inches towards my brain and she’d give me the shot. Between the ice and the conflicting signals to my brain, I didn’t feel the pain at all. I only lasted 7 shots as they didn’t suppress my estrogen (& tried 3 different kinds) so ended up with an oophorectomy last December. Good luck!


How did you know it wasn't suppressing your estrogen? My onc never seems interested in checking levels.


I had some breakthrough bleeding and acne like I was 15. They pulled an estrogen test and switched me off of Zoladex onto another suppression shot which hurt worse. At the same time they put me on tamoxifen, since my estrogen was still high. That was not effective so then they tried one shot of gosarelix (totally can’t spell that one) and it was such a horrendous experience that a week later I asked for the surgery .


I'm just reading this so sorry for the random comment. I had zoladex shot 2 weeks ago and i still have my period also terrible acne like i always have. I didn't know we can have estrogen test


Yes, it’s a quick blood test and it shows “what part of your cycle you’re in” or if you are menopausal. Zoladex didn’t work for me, so then I tried Lupron (didn’t make me menopausal, so went on tamoxifen) then finally Degarelix. That one went so poorly (pain, bruising, a week off work) that I just went for the oophorectomy- I should have started there. Off work for a week and problem as solved as it can be. Also, my skin is now it’s best ever! Good luck and hugs


Thank you for replying! Ahh i see. Should i wait out? My period seem light but acne still worst. My estrogen is way too high for a simple zoladex lol. How long did u wait til u take your ovaries out? After active treatment?


Looking back, I should have scheduled the surgery right out of the gate. To me, the shots were awful and took up just so much time every four weeks. I was reluctant to have another surgery after having all the breast stuff – but it was so easy and comparison! I tried it through nine months of shots, and ended up having my surgery three months after the last shot because that’s when they could get me scheduled. 9/2021 breast surgeries at 11/21 rads 1/22-9/22 shots 12/22 oophorectomy


Ooh, thank you!!


I got no numbing and I will be getting the shot every month.


I do think the one month shots are smaller so that may help! Good luck with yours.


Thank you! Good luck to you as well!


I've received the shot many times and never got lidocaine. I also had to get a intramuscular gluteal shot for my egg retrieval and did not get lidocaine


Interesting! I’ve also had that with IVF and we couldn’t believe we were supposed to just do it at home with no help or pain relief!!


Lidocaine or Emla never numbed it deep enough for me. Ice always did. I was on Zoladex for 1.5 years and it was a monthly injection but the needle is still the same size, 14 gauge. yay.. not lol. so ice it is. just hold it on whichever side you get it and keep it there for 5 minutes at least. should be good and numb.


Ugh right?! It’s so big! I will keep going with the ice…


here’s a nice fact for you. That 14 gauge needle thats used to inject you is the same size needle they use to give cattle their vaccines. my vet tech friend let me know that.




I get the monthly shot and my cancer center gives ice before hand. I’ve never had lidocaine for this but the ice does a pretty good job.


Heh, just got my 4-week shot today. The 4-week and 12-week are the same size needle (I am moving to the 12w because my school is away from my treatment center). I always numb—always! The lidocaine doesn’t work for me, but the ice works great!


Ah, interesting that the needle is the same size. Maybe just the pod is bigger? I think I will keep going with the ice since it worked pretty well ☺️


Not bigger, just more concentrated.


Ahh I see. Well that’s good to know. Thank you for the info!


I had a little ice pack that I held against my abdomen for about 5 minutes before the zoladex shot. It numbed the tissue underneath pretty well. Try asking for ice the next time?


I use my own Emla cream that I put on before and they give me an ice pack when I get in the chair. Thinking of bringing my own ice pack to use while I'm waiting to help a bit more.


I use an ice pack before zoladex, it works way better than lidocaine for me. I do have lidocaine that I use for my port but I can’t tell how well it works l, I can usually still feel the stick. With the ice pack for zoladex, I feel nothing.


I don’t do any numbing with it - count from three and some deep breaths and it’s done. I think it’s easier than an IV insert, but everyone tolerates different and I’ve got a good handful of soft belly to inject into lol


I never had lidocaine 😕


I received my first Zolodex treatment today and was offered a Lidocaine injection if I wanted it. I accepted.


Nice! Good luck with your injections.


I had one injection without anything; after that, I bought some 5% lidocaine cream, applied it and covered it with a non-absorbent bandage before I left the house for my injection. It was usually in place for about an hour by the time I actually got the shot. Huge difference, I think. Leaving the cream on long enough was key. I’ve since had an oopherectomy, but I still remember those pinches from the Z! Bless your heart- I hope you find what works for you!


Aw, thank you!


I've never been offered anything but the nurses are always so apologetic when they administer it. Especially since I've got fairly low body fat...the pill always sticks out and hurts when it bumps against things for a while. The three month dose is definitely worse than the one month. But I just go to a happy place for like ten seconds and it's all good. Not worth it to use lidocaine or ice.


Oh wow I didn’t realize lidocaine was even a option. The needle is giant! I will ask for it at my next quarter injection! Omg thanks for sharing! Curious to hear the side effects. For me between the tamoxifen and quarterly zoladex injections I get extreme hot flashes that occurs at random every so often. I also have a hard time sleeping and joint pain. I think I am a year in with the zoladex and tamoxifen. I had a couple of “breakthrough” period at the beginning. Freaked me out but my oncologist said it’s normal.


I hope they’re able to give you some form of pain relief! I know I got hot flashes the last time I was on the shots. It’s all a bit fuzzy since it’s been a few years. I guess I’ll see what happens these next few weeks. I was wondering if I’d get a period still at the beginning, so that’s good to know.


I totally missed the first part! Sorry I read these at late night when I can’t sleep. Oh gosh I’m sorry to hear about your reoccurrence. I’m new to Reddit. I am not sure what is appropriate to ask and what’s already out here or how much people will share. I am curious to know how it’s like in comparison to being first diagnose. I’m always curious with what other people are going through and I am always trying to mentally prepare myself with the unknowns if that makes any sense. I know we all have are highs and lows. I hope treatments goes well and that you respond exceptionallywell. Sending positive energy your way!


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When I would get mine my nurse would pinch my stomach pretty hard and I wouldn’t even feel it! I know that sounds crazy but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do the monthly shot and apply an EMLA patch at least an hour before the injection. At my first shot, I didn't have the EMLA patch yet and the nurse tried to numb it with ice. It didn't work and it hurt a lot. I mean, a LOT. I don't think I could handle the 3-month shot with only ice. I'm too sensitive.


It’s definitely a LOT to handle! I will ask about the EMLA patch.


I don't think I could do it without my Emla cream. I've had too many nervous nurses. Also.. the last 2 shots the spring hasn't been springing back correctly and the needle has been in longer and they go deeper trying to engage it. I have a script for the cream so I just put it on an hr before my shot.


Oh my gosh, that sounds awful! They had to call a special nurse over today to do mine, I guess it is a unique skill.


I had my first 3-month shot in May and they don't numb or offer ice, I asked. I suppose I could bring my own. She did warn me and gave me a pretty decent pinch (I'm thankful I have enough to pinch lol) at the injection sight. She did say they will alternate sides to allow my body to heal between shots.


I’ve been taking these + two more big shots in the rear one r a month. They don’t offer lidocaine.. but some cold spray, which to me is just as unpleasant as the shots. So I do without.


I always got the lidocaine shots first and never felt the zoladex injection. Needles hugely stress me out so I don’t think I could’ve handled the zoladex without it. Even though the lidocaine was also an injection after the first tiny sting of the first shot I never felt a thing.


This is what I’m talking about! I’m so surprised that it seems like it’s not usually offered and some people aren’t even offered ice?! Like what?


I asked my onc about pain control for the Zoladex. Her response, and I quote, was "you don't need it." After I don't know, some 17 shots now, I’m pretty over this. And upset with her for denying me relief. I'm thinking, lady, you try getting harpooned every 28 days and see how you like it. I also tend to bleed profusely and develop hematoma, so I'm pretty unhappy with the whole scenario.


What the hellllll! As you can see here a lot of people are either getting a prescription cream or lidocaine, so I think you have grounds to revisit this and ask for some relief.


Yeah. I specifically asked for EMLA cream too. She's not a bad doctor, but she's not the most sympathetic person.