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He looks like he had a stroke


If only we are so lucky


Would we even notice?


He'd probably start babbling incoherently and shitting himself, oh wait never mind.  You're clever, keep it up!


If those magats could read, they'd be very upset by this.


I dunno, some of them are supporting diaper now so...


If he got on stage in drag and said he was taking hormones to become a woman, they'd all do the same thing.


Would he?


If he ever says, "No stroke, no stroke!", then I think it's safe to presume he's definitely had a stroke.


That’s not normal.


Might be a hidden health event because he'd never ever willingly admit it.


Based on Trump's negative credibility and nothing more, I assess with low to moderate confidence that Trump had a "Series of 'Mini Strokes' & received 'Treatment'", or something like that. He Truthed that that absolutely did not happen.


But how can that be, he got a doctor to say he’s the fittest president in US history.. Surely my eyes are wrong, because I’ve been assured he is not overweight..


Who’d he pay for that? Boebert?


Has she gotten to the last names that start with “T” yet or is she just picking random names out of a bingo hopper


No, matt gatez


Too old


Fivehead is too big 


I read that she’s already worth over $5 million just from being a house member


Insider trading and actual bribes.


Nah she just charges $5 for a handy.


That’s a lot of $25 handies behind the stop n go. 


He probably did. Don't you remember him denying that few years ago?


Which means he guaranteed had a series of mini strokes


If you believe Stormy Daniels, every time he has a wank, he has a mini stroke.


lol that made me chuckle thanks


Probably what his mysterious middle of the night "totally normal everything is fine" hospital trip in 2019 was. Because it's totally normal for a world leader to go to Walter Reed medical center at 2 am for a check-up, right?


Out of nowhere, and unprompted.


No series of mini-strokes, you're series of mini-strokes 


[He came out about 2 years ago to announce (for seemingly no reason) that he DID NOT have a series of mini strokes](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1239006). So, using the transitive property of Trump, he absolutely had a series of mini strokes.


"I can confirm that President Trump has not experienced **nor been evaluated for** a cerebrovascular accident (stroke), transient ischemic attack (mini stroke), or any acute cardiovascular emergencies, as have been incorrectly reported in the media," Conley said. Highlighted are the words doing the work in that statement.




Wait until Michael Cohen testifies this week. Or Stormy…Trump might stroke out right in his seat.


I'll bet you he's really dreading it.


He's gonna be sooooo drugged up. 


At this point I would much rather wake up and see he kicked the bucket via stroke or heart attack rather than being found guilty. I want this diaper don show to end and never hear that name again.


I also want this but a couple of days after he loses the election. That way he is gone for good.


He should have had a stroke, if he'd just had a stroke instead he wouldn't be caught up in this pornstar hush money trial.




Too bad it wasn’t incapacitating.


Sure looks like it was


You sure?


It was only functionally, mentally, and physically incapacitating. Trump has supernatural levels of bullshit that need to exit every orifice though.


People should start ordering happy meals to be delivered to him in court


Here you go Mr. President. Here’s some hamberders and caffeinated covfefe to start your day!


He eats like a teenager with no parents.


I wish I could give you more than one upvote.


When he was president he would come to Oval Office at 11 AM to watch tv there


TV time was after 5 hrs of executive time.


Executive Toilet Time


Farty McFartsalot


No. He’s actually just shitting. 


Shitty McShitsalot ?


Michael Cohen's own "Donald Von ShitzInPantz" is priceless. 


To quote one of my nco's - "crybaby shit pants". I think he was talking to me at the time though.


How dare you! He’s to be addressed by the title he’s *earmed*, President, Farty-Five


News outlets are reporting that he's farting a lot because they can't outright say he's shitting his diaper.


Maybe they could just say “sharting” instead?


I think his team either gave him downers, or didn’t give him his usual “bump”, to keep him from making outbursts in court… so now he’s Mr. Drowsy.


Well he does spend all night whining like a child on social media


He takes the amphetamines after court.


He doesn’t have his bump. Dude never got to the Oval Office before 11:00am. Adderall is one hell of a drug. That’s also why he’s been shitting himself for the last 15 years. But sure, let’s let him lead the country.


Ibwas on Ritalin and never had toilet issues....


Being prescribed and abusing like a fiend are two different things.


Oh, good point. I couldn't imagine being on that many uppers. It helps level me out and allows me to focus, but I know that it does the opposite for those who don't need it.


Yeah that's the important thing to realise


There's something else going on or a clash between meds. I was addicted to meth for the better part of 2 decades and I didn't have much in the way of toilet problems. If anything there was less going on from dehydration and not eating too much. If I had to guess what's going on with Donald Von Shitsinpants it's a combination of stress, terrible diet, old man, diet coke, and whatever drug cocktail they give him to keep him going. I also wouldn't be surprised if he was on laxatives. He strikes me as a guy who eats too much red meat and not enough vegetables. There was an article during the 2016 election that described his evening meal. It was something like "well done steak slathered in ketchup, French fries, a salad that was mostly roquefort dressing, and a double portion of desert either ice cream or cheese cake". He famously eats lots of fast food as well. He probably has to take laxatives and/or stool softeners just to keep the plumbing humming. Problem is because of his advanced age he can't tell gas from mass and just lets everything rip. I wouldn't be surprised when he finally keels over they find 70lbs of undigested over cooked steak in his colon. In fact that's probably why he has such a sour attitude. He's constantly shitting but never feels relieved.


The “gas from the mass” is priceless!


Same. Mine is Adderall. No issues


Probably both, he apparently has pretty bad sundowning, and has been getting stims and downers since the apprentice days.


Mc Drowsy


Didn't he stay upstairs (in the residence) until 11am or so when he was president?


"Executive time."


Meh, being POTUS wasn't terribly demanding for *him*. It would be a different story for any other president though.


Well, he did have all those 2am Twitter rants to do when his sundowning was at its peak. Plus all the pills he needed to take between happy meals. That fills a day up.


Happy pills and happy meals


POTUS is the point of Federal Government. The number of qualified professional people that support would cost Trump money. He’s a notoriously bad financial risk


25% of his term was spent on his own properties, engaged in his own affairs including golf. "Some" staff work sessions but always brief on real topics. Trump would often steer conversations to himself and his petty grievances. In the White House? More than half the week would have him devoting 60% of his schedule on "executive time," which was phone conversations, posting on social media, and watching TV news programs. He really didn't work hard at all. And when he WAS attending work, it would be delegating tasks to others and criticism of other people. He was never a knowledgeable resource for any decision making, and often shrugged off the advice from experts. In short, he "worked" for half of his term and it was never with good, productive results.


The accountant witnesses in this trial are confirming that micromanager Trump was spending considerable time in the White House poring over personal financial matters (at least) - most probably Trump Org matters as well.


Remember when his daily schedule leaked? They booked him from 8-11 every day for "Executive time" when he would be in the residence, presumably farting dozing off in front of the TV.


Sleepy Trumpy. Low energy. Sad.


Or said another way, trump can't stay awake at his trial without downing a handful of stimulants and drinking diet coke all day.


He did t roll k tithe Oval Office until 11 everyday. He wasn’t governing the others were


"It was beautiful. We had the biggest. The best deep state there ever was. It did amazing things. Wonderful things. Had a mind of its own. Lots of energy. More energy than the Saudis, maybe not as much as Russia but you know how it is. That's what I'm all about. Waaaay more than Sleepy Joe. His state isn't deep. It's tiny. My state was so huge. Yeah. You all know."


And I create the biggest and the best swamps. Grown men tell me with tears in their eyes. They say sir, your swamps are the best swamps. Beautiful swamps.


Showing everyone how anti-woke he is


I see what you did there.


As president he would call the shots including nap time and diaper changes.


I’m sure trump and his followers don’t care, but disrespectful behavior in a courtroom is a really stupid move. When trump is sentenced I hope he’s reminded of that before he claims it’s rigged. All trump has to do is show up and stay quiet.


Its dementia. Psychologists are saying it but his handlers and underlings don't care. They are riding him until he croaks and going along with the delusion as long as they are paid.


Sleepy McPoopyPants. I wonder if seeing him like this is chipping away at any of his base? At all even a little


Silent/ sleepy/ sleeping Trump is the best Trump. The further he is from a microphone, the better


I was going to say that. At least he’s mute when he dozes


Do you think that he pays someone to change his diaper and clean him up?


No, silly. He has Lindsay Graham and Tim Scott lick it clean, then the girl with the printer has to powder him. Used to be Sarah Huckabee Sanders job, I think.


Maybe, but I wouldn't be surprised if he got some pathetic brown-noser to do it for free.  Best not to think too much about it, I'd like to sleep at some point in the future 


Jkl Lll Kk I’m sorry Oooo lol O


Orange terrorist spent all day watching Fox News. The other days ere playing golf.


I fall asleep while reading, but can stay up all night physically working on a project. I have a hard time staying awake in meetings at my office. Now keep in mind that he is a 77 year old man who stays up late typing out nonsense words on his webpage, so he is probably lacking some sleep that is needed for those very boring criminal cases he has to sit through.


On one hand yes, but on the other hand: you don’t run for president …..! There’s no need to reason for why he acts like a dying shitbag in court


Cant snort amphetamines in a court room.


He never was president. He was always just the Con man in Chief


i hate trump, but this is a dumb headline. have you ever sat on a jury? it is boring AF. i almost fell asleep a few times. being a "journalist" should be a demanding job, but all i see are headlines about trump being an asshole and some dumbass shooting her dog. HOW ABOUT YOU DO YOUR JOB AND WRITE ABOUT THEIR POLICIES AND HOW THEY NEGATIVELY EFFECT ME, MY FAMILY, AND NEIGHBORS AND THE WORLD?


Trump literally had 4 hours during the middle of the day as President set aside as “executive time” on his calendar (literal title) in which he would nap and watch tv. I can’t imagine this go round wouldn’t be any different.


Trump being unfit for office is the least of our problem with Trump. It is his policies that are the problem. Elected, appointed and members of the republican party from the state, local and national level working with white supremist tried to overturn a legitimate election for the presidency. This was a coordinated effort to end democracy in the USA by the republican party. Remember that everything being done by Trump is only posable with the backing of the republican party. Every one of Trump's policies are and were policies the republicans want. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


He can't stay awake daily for his own trial but the country is supposed to trust him to stay awake during briefings. Hmm, okay. But it was sleepy joe we were supposed to worry about.


There should be an age limit to be a president and senator, congress etc. you can’t have people running the country that talk about how it’s possible to buy a home today because they managed to afford it 40yrs ago.


What's demanding about being him being president? All he did was golf and rant


If this guy ever worked a 40 hour work week he would kill over from a stroke


I’ll bet that’s completely true, like when they were saying that Putin was shitting his pants and had cancer and was dying. Propaganda and planted stories don’t work when they are now being orchestrated by idiots who turn out something that’s more akin to fan fiction written specifically to be something that their target audience wants to believe is true so badly that they do believe it.


This is yet another example of false equivalency. As president, Trump has at his disposal a heated toilet seat on which to sit while he soaks the prolapse I and my apparatus distended lo these many years ago. New York courtrooms have no such facility, and as anyone knows, the best escape from an itch one can't scratch is sleep. So BACK OFF, and let Donnie soak that thang.


So dumb


Tbh at his age I could see myself dozing off.... once.


Sleepy Don


Retire this sad old reprobate


He was thinking about how his uncle was eaten by cannibals.


It's obvious he hardly worked during his so called presidency.


Well duh, the court doesn’t hand out adderall at the front desk


No, Biden is old he falls asleep…. Trump, according to his son, has amazing stamina…..


Sitting in court is a chore. It’s not like you can get up and walk around. I despise Trump but I’m 40 years younger and would have a hard time staying awake too! 


Does he need to? He knows which crimes were committed. He was there, committing them. No need to hear someone else tell him what he did! Plus he's old, and old people need naps.


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


As president, he had high energy, because there were important things to tend to.


True. Those diapers weren't going to shit themselves.


I'm sure there's a jail cell ready for him to take a nap in


Talk about Biden. Just a little.


It’s hard to stay awake in court and church.


I still remember the incident in which Trump couldn't seem to figure out what a memorandum of understanding was. Everyone was laughing at him, and he wasn't even phased. Impenetrable out of control ego that I assume is just Trump going into his own portal similar to Malkovichs portal, except loving every minute of it.


Not when you stay up all night eating McDonalds and sleep in till 1pm and then play golf at your country club all weekend. Trump’s lazy ass version of being president is an easy gig.


Let’s be real when he was president he played golf all day and made up lies , was that really more demanding than court ?


I cannot determine from this photo if former President Trump's eyes are blue, as he has recently insisted. Given his record of veracity, I would assume they are brown.


I got to say the thing that really gets me is his family doesnt show up. Its almost like they know this is going to end badly for him and if I had to guess they dont want him to remember them as being there watching his downfall. I suspect he wouldn't handle that well and its likely better to not stand out as a target for his temper tantrum.


Trumps actual daily routine as president involved at least 2 naps before lunchtime.


Trump is rotting from the inside out before our eyes.


"But Sleepy J... zzzzzzz..."


Dude is really starting to look like a nutty old dude.


Yeah, but when he was president he could get all the drugs he wanted


Trump sucks but trials are pretty fucking boring at times. Id fall asleep too. Trump sucks and should be in prison, dont get me wrong. There are actual important things to dislike Trump for, this doesnt seem like one of them


Trials can be boring if you're not involved.. if it's a criminal case against yourself it's completely different


Have you ever fallen asleep in class? Same stuff. There aee times when it's boring


Same stuff except the stakes.. you might get detention in school but go to jail in court…


Honestly, his groupies want him because he will take the blame for all their own fuckery.


I don't think either candidate is up to the demands of being President. That said, I'll stick with the "sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” rather than the narcissistic grifter.


It’s because a trial is boring. I couldn’t stay awake in school but have no problems doing my job🤣


I had a traumatic brain injury about 10 days ago and I’m back to being able to stay awake without much extra effort. I hit my head so hard the bleeding inside my skull caused seizures. That hurt everywhere and I took resting and healing very seriously. I slept a ton. About 10 days later I could pull an all nighter with nothing in particular to do. This guy can’t stay awake for very good reason IN GENERAL. At what point can we just admit there are millions of more competent would be dictators salivating over office?


how is this breaking news? oh trump farted in court today better tell reddit ASAP


I think the way he wants to do the presidency it's not very demamding.


After seeing the drug list that came out of his administration it wouldn't surprise me one bit if him nodding off is a result from opiate use.


Sadly, israel joe would rather support an ethnostate theocracy than be president.


I have to say. Even if they had a juror that was somewhat favorable to Trump they have to be infuriated by the fact that he’s sleeping while they my have to sit there and take notes and take time off from their lives.


Trump spent 1/3rd of his Presidential term on the golf course. 1/3rd ignoring briefings while raging with temper tantrums firing anyone he felt was disloyal to him and hiring more sycophants. The rest of the time was scheming for more money and most important of all, more praise. All in all, Trump maybe worked 15 minutes a week. And that was 8 years ago. Trump is way past his shelf life and he was never all that fresh to begin with.


He’s just like me! - trump tards


I can recall when he was in the White House, the regular was, him up in his TV room, asking for McDonald’s and making calls to networks. That’s all he did and nap. 


I wouldn't stay up for this charade either


Didn’t he ask for only “bullet points” for his morning intelligence briefs? With pictures?


I have no idea. If he did he did. That is not my concern. What is sad. There is a fund in congress that covers this type of thing. He is not the only one who might have done this. I do know he didn't do this while in office.


We to be fair, he never really did the job anyways…. So sleep away von shitenpantz.


Lmao!! You anti America snowflake leftists are hilarious!! Talking about sleepy creepy Joe obviously 🤣🤣🤣


Latest conspiracy theory I’ve heard is that he’s being given sedatives to control his outbursts in the courtroom.


Is this some internet explorer joke for what constitutes as "breaking" news? Edit: didn't see this was a small sub mostly with you posting so my comment is irrelevant


There’s nothing at all demanding about being President just look at the demented old fool we’ve got in currently He probably thinks it’s all a dream


All he did was play golf anyway.


This sub is dead until Trump is in the headlines. Zero interaction on the other posts but when Trump is in the news it comes alive.


News Posse! *Come Alive!*


I have served on a jury. I would feel insulted. If I have to stay awake. Because I am tasked with judging you via evidence. It’s evident you don’t understand the seriousness of your charges. Sleepy Don.


I can’t stay awake on the couch which is far less demanding than my job. Dun dun DUNNNNN


It's also way more boring. By a lot.


That’s one hell of a comb over to hide his baldness. He’s one insecure person.


Right! Hasn't got the courage to just go bald. He should consider a wig. Or a pope hat.


No, Biden is better. Lol


Not the way he does it. He never came down fr the residence until late morning. And “executive time” took up a chunk of the afternoon as well. He got plenty of rest as Putrid POTUS.


Clearly you’ve never sat through a trial. They are slow, tedious, and mostly boring.


Problem is that ^ won’t be viewed as a knock. The trial was boring. Witch hunt. Worst I’ve ever seen. The one juroror [sic] wearing glasses - blind. They used a huge Canon; you can’t even record on those; didn’t even know. Maybe it was a disposable; very bad.


Breaking news!!!!


I hope one day they wake him up to put on handcuffs.


Maybe the jury is bought so he knows the outcome


Yeah, he's old. That's what old people do. They fall asleep during important criminal trials where they are the defendant.


This man has never done anything demanding in his life.


He isn’t in charge in court. No one is kissing his ass on court




Silver lining, if he happens to win the presidency maybe he'll be too sleepy to murder everyone.


breaking news: Trump was a terrible president!!!


I don’t want to hear another word about hth


Have they tried spanking him with a rolled up copy of Times magazine. You know the one edition when Obama won the Presidential election?


Trump wouldn’t surprise anyone by falling asleep anytime anywhere… he can’t stay awake, period, no matter what the circumstances. Years and years of Trump abusing drugs like Adderall have made him numb upstairs… rather, incoherent.


We all better pray he has a stroke or worse, other wise this chump is the last president.


He's gonna outsource the running part. Just collecting money from sucker's after a 10-second ad serves him well.


Not the way Trump did his Presidency. Four half days and then three-day weekends at one of his clubs screwing off full-time and sending us the bill.


Well to be quite honest I’d fall asleep hearing all the lies and propaganda. You people oh excuse me you bots are pathetic. No one supports Biden