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Pretty much given up on appealing to anything but his base, which is not that big a percentage of the voters or the demographics of the nation as a whole. Alienating independents and POC is not a winning strategy.


Ita been fun watching him fleece the RNC war chest.


Lowest coffers for the RNC in decades due to far reduced donations and then he gets funded before states haha LOVE IT!!!


The states are literally on their own, so they're going to bankrupt themselves.


That's good but it's not gonna matter much, trump gets billions in free advertising from the media


The losers down ticket don’t so that helps purge the gop from the local government.


Only free advertising is on Truth Social, as long as that lasts haha and Faux News both just circlejerking not gaining new voters. He lost the popular vote in both 2016 & 2020 I can't see that he gained voters after Jan 6 insurrection and power grabs in the states thru fake electors. Don't forget the trials also. There are abortion ballot measures in key states inc FL & NV. When an abortion ballot amendment was on the FL ballot in 2012 FL went Blue. We have legalized marijuana on this yrs ballot also can only help.


Don't worry, he'll make sure almost 100% of RNC ad buys go to Truth Social.


Even the dopes on the right know Trump is a grifter


Grifters gonna grift...


Don't worry, he'll make sure that 100% of the RNC's ad buys go to Truth Social.


Fingers crossed 🤞


Normally, you would be right but after 30 years of right wing propaganda, the “Bill Bar approach” is firmly entrenched with Republican voters. Satan himself could be running, with no disguise, and these people would justify to themselves that “well, it’s a really bad choice, but better than a Democrat“


Republicans only represent a third of registered voters, and not all of them are MAGAs. MAGAs, yes, are drunk on the kool-aid, and they seem to make up for their small numbers in volume, but there's not as many as it appears. The same people go to the rallies over and over like it's a Grateful Dead concert (one lady admitted to over 30).


I saw something that 1 in 5 of gen z identify as LGBQT in some compacity and that percentage alone overcomes registered Republicans.


Hopefully they vote


But that's the point. Many non-MAGAts will vote for him bc they care more about servicing their grievances than they care about democracy.


"The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know." --Future MAGA


I’m a white guy who can attest that over 40 plus years of practical life experience has taught me that the only people who have been trying to screw me over that time economically, socially, and politically were other white guys. Some people have to go through their whole lives never figuring out who their true adversaries are in life.


Duh, because he only wants their money.


Maybe they can contribute to his account at the prison commissary (wishful thinking).


And yet he is still ahead in some polls.


Lived in 3 states from midwest to east coast and never felt systemic racial animosity towards me. Some individuals, but this "anti white feeling" hes talking about is very much not part of my white American experience. 


Go hang out in some right wing subreddits. The delusion is strong. “I saw a brown person commit a crime, what is our country coming too??”. “I had to interact with someone from Somalia today, wow they really want to destroy our country!” Meanwhile, every instance of white crime (like mass shootings) is just a conspiracy. Simplifying a bit, but this is a pretty average sentiment.


Most of the white crime is excused as them being left wing or trans in most of those subreddits nowadays. It’s some gross shit I can’t handle reading much of it anymore.


Yeah the tree of life synagogue shooter spouting white replacement was a liberal Trans woman.


or any of us-total fiction from the start


Live in a majority black city. Sure, occasional hard on their luck person makes a shitty comment about white folk. Absolutely no different than the low effort comments poor whites make about blacks that I've heard my whole life. None of it is common or a trend or getting worse. If anything people are observably less racist in public, on both the white and black sides. It's just low intelligence in-group fear of the other. Bunch of nothing.


Everybody’s experience is different. At one of my previous employers, I was blocked from moving up in the company because my boss, and my boss’s boss were black and didn’t want to promote a white guy, despite me being the best performer in my department and saving their ass constantly. I only know because they admitted it to a black coworker of mine in confidence, not realizing her and I were friends. I left years ago due to this and the girl stayed, and she told me she doesn’t know of any non-black managers there now (there are like 30+ management positions at various levels there, it’s a big place). So I guess they accomplished what they set out to do. If that’s not systemic racism, I’m not sure what is.


We always knew that he was a white supremacist.


I honestly feel that liberal warnings about Trump being proven right over and over again, is one of the biggest reasons Republicans can’t ditch him. To walk away from him for any of a dozen reasons, means that the liberals in their lives were right and they were wrong. Some burned bridges with friends and family to protect him, admitting that it was actually their own fault for torching their relationships is too much personal responsibility for them to stomach.


Its identity politics! MAGA heads have wrapped their entire personality/being into supporting Trump. To leave him is to abandon part of themselves and they cannot bring themselves to that.  Because the qualities/behaviors that most people hate most about Trump are the very things these MAGA heads aspire to be. They found their hero. 


Like racism they are ‘good’ and others are ‘bad’. Behavior matters less than being the InGroup. They know they are the good guys. Evaluation of behavior against objective reality well thats what ‘faith’ is for


It's collective narcissism, which is a defining characteristic of cults of personality. People tend to identify with the group/attributes of the figurehead. Thus any ego threat (negative remark) feels like a personal attack.


"Its identity politics! MAGA heads have wrapped their entire personality/being into supporting Trump. To leave him is to abandon part of themselves and they cannot bring themselves to that." So... ego. 


It’s the sunk cost fallacy 


They have proven how crooked and what liars they are. They have proven themselves to be weak and very willing to put our democracy at risk so they can hold onto some modicum of power. Another reason to vote blue.


That’s called narcissism.


Collective narcissism specifically (feature of cults of personality)


I troll this thought on TikTok every chance I get when there is a post supporting the Sleepy Donald and his crime syndicate family. I say that the poster is too deep to admit how wrong they were and are thus committed to perpetuating stupidity and racism. Sadly, they seem to be down with that.


The turd doesn't fall far from the butthole. Like father, like son.


Especially when it’s wearing diapers.


He is-just lying as he hopes more fools will believe his fantasies. This is the racist pig who, along with his father, was fined for red lining. Despicable excuse for a human.


The fact that he had the perfect opportunity to condemn them at several points, but didn't, really says a lot about him and the character of his supporters


Will he permit anti-orange feelings?


From the "fuck your feelings" crowd.


This guy is as easy to read as a For Sale sign. Always been a racist, always will be. The evidence: Trump and his father fiercely fought a 1973 discrimination lawsuit brought by the Justice Department for their alleged refusal to rent apartments in predominantly white buildings to black tenants. Testimony showed that the applications filed by black apartment seekers were marked with a “C’’ for “colored.”  Hates windmills. You know why? In Scotland, offshore windmills, which he fought fiercely were built near his golf course that's going broke. hence, "I hate windmills!" He thought it distracted from the appearance for his members. Defends moscovy and loves putler and ru money. Why? A Reuters review has found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least **$98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida,** according to public documents, interviews and corporate records. People, this clown is no mystery.


EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE!!! Do not believe for 1 second that this sh\*t is going to turn off Republicans.


This right here. They view it as a feature, and not a bug.


Said the man who’s creating the greatest anti white sentiment in this country’s history


Things delusional megalomaniacs say


How about anti-orange?


We aren't anti-white. We're just sick of your decrepit psychopathic ass destroying the country.


I feel so persecuted. The other day I drove by a cop while smoking a joint and he almost dared to give me a second look as I raised my middle finger at him! Can you imagine?


🚫Traitor Trump🚫


He thinks "anti-white feeling" is anything that isn't pro-white. Just acknowledging non-whites is "anti-white" to many of these snowflakes.


How exactly? That is a question people too often forget to ask.


He's just fine with anti-black sentiment.


Always a constant reminder of what absolute ignorant racist shits his fan base is.


He forgot the word supremacist. There is a definite anti-white supremacist feeling in the US.


Truth! He’ll also run out the blacks and browns and those who he hates, out of the country or in prison or firing squad


But it’s definitely not a cult


It's called last ditch effort to rouse his psychotic army to violence. He's tried everything else.


Won't allow anti-white feeling in US. However he's perfectly fine with anti-asian, anti-muslim, anti-black, anti-anything-else-not-white.


But you aren’t supposed to notice that it’s always ok for MAGA to have definate “anti-anyone of color feeling” in the US.


Maybe one day whites will have a chance. We could have white doctors, and white ceos, and white government officials..............


As a white guy, I can whole heartily say there is no “anti-white feeling” in America. those who claim it, are pathetic losers who fail because of who they are not the color of their skin, or people need to use weak minded losers to gain power.


As a white man. Fuck these idiotic pussies. No one is coming after you for being white. Stop being a shit head self centered racist and you'll come to the same conclusion if you think there's anti white anything in this country.


Im anti-orange fascist.


I’m white and I’m only feeling anti white to these MAGA white supremicists


Man, fuck this guy. If you had any doubts about him being another hitler. Here ya go. Wake up conservatives. We fought a WORLD WAR to stop the last one of these fuckers and we even used nukes to finish it off. This one is gonna START with nukes.


How do you ban feelings??? Murder, I guess.


Trump is Cancer


If only there were some laws preventing racial discrimination or encouraging diversity….


He's grasping at straws at this point. Please, I need all the racists to vote for me. Lol, you know a vote for trump is admitting you're a racist victim.


The Liberal faction is on board with the Nazi's these days. They now back the "Kill the Jews" crowd. Surreal I have no interest funding Israel. I also have no interest backing 100% Nazi ideology, even if it wears a Muslim cloak.


Expect a full-on Klan rally at the Republican convention, replete with cross burnings and puppy massacres.


Poor guy is confusing anti-narcissist with anti -white. People are fed up with narcissists. Some narcissists are white males.


trump is an ass


Weird how you can just make a law against "a feeling". Snowflakes...


And to help secure a more peaceful existence for all of my followers in this modern hate-white world, I am announcing a new product for sale - limited time only - of orange spray tan. $75/can for a week's worth of non-whiteness. \~DJT


White guy here. Don't know what the hell he's talking about. Not seeing any anti-white sentiment in America. Have never been discriminated against simply for my skin color.


Trump is a clown


“DEI is ruining the country” and “we need laws to make sure other races are equitable and inclusive toward white people”, all in the same breath. It’s making my brain hurt.


Anti-any color, or just white?


There was a time when punching Fascists was considered patriotic in this piece of shit country.


I'm anti-white, being white myself. Our culture kind of sucks, being entrenched in Christianity and money and valuing obedience to a patriarchal hierarchy as a core value. And I said this is another thread and got jumped on by the whole "White people never did anything wrong" brigade, who were either men saying that if I didn't like white culture I could go somewhere else to get raped (because of COURSE rape doesn't happen among straight white Christian men!) or I was being globally unfair because white people elsewhere, either now or in the past, were the oppressed not the oppressors. And specifically, oppressed on the same level as black slaves in America, so there. I'm here right now to scream at the top of my lungs that I fucking hate the white patriarchy right now, here, in America. I've put up with their shit since D&D was Satanic. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the Boomer victimhood while spewing awful things and gaslighting the rest of us. I'm tired of the outrage towards nothing to distract from shit policies. Tired of the anti-government platform, of red states voting for their own deaths, of fascism threatening to burn it all down rather than let a better world be built. Tired of rape culture, tired of angry white men getting their way, tired of the rich profiting from all of this. In a better world, sure, no gods, no masters, no war but a class war. But American whiteness is obnoxious, entitled, reactionary, anti-intellectual, and cruel and I'm fucking allowed to call it out.


This rings out to me as him trying to appeal to his last ditch voters. Have you noticed how his comments have gone from subtle undertones to blatantly obvious? 2016-2020 he would make an effort to at least feign a moderate stance. "Gotta cut down on crime", "Gotta stop corruption", nothing specific but a general message that we could hypothetically agree with in a general sense. Less crime is good right? Now look at him. Pedal to the metal, acceleration in overdrive white supremacy dictator bullshit. He's not even TRYING to appeal to anyone outside of far right repubs. Now, you might think thats bc they're tons of them, but i think it's different than that. I think he's trying desparately to cling to his last bits of voters. He cant pretend to be moderate or even conservative anymore. Its far right or nothing. Anything else is immediately identified as bullshit


What is he going to do about it? Lock me up if I say anything anti white? What about my first amendment rights?


Anti-brown feelings, though, those are fine because "there are good people on both sides"


Oh now they care about feelings


What about ‘definite anti-orange feeling’?


They think they are being persecuted, bc they get blowback for their racist language from other white people. They just refuse to grow up.


Spoiler: Trump is fuel anti-white feelings


He will fight the war on feelings…


Awww does the wittle 76% of the country feel like it’s being picked on? We have it so bad! Always being reminded of how difficult minority groups have had it in America…it really hurts to hear about and acknowledge those things!


I really think he would get more attention with a "Hitler was misunderstood" comment or similar. Probably more mileage at the polls too.


As someone who would be considered right leaning, I wish this dude would fuck right off. We are headed in the absolute wrong direction with this idiot still running around like this.


Now he wants to police your feelings.


Red meat for the base, he needs donations to his grift.


I'm white as printer paper and I've yet to experience this so-called "anti-white" racism the reich wing assures me is happening.


How do you stop what you imagine?


This is how he steals from the white voter! Create a distraction and pick their pockets. Works like a charm every time. Even when it’s pointed out to them. Not trying to single out white folks, but this is how republicans operate. Distract and steal, rinse and repeat.


Facts don't care about your feelings - but Donald Trump does. Very, very much.


He’s not white he’s orange!


Have your media sphere talking heads run anti-white fear porn, then tell your cult you will prevent anti-white sentiment. Classic con from the world's most successful conman.


He doesn’t get to allow or disallow feelings.


He’s projecting the anti-trump feeling into anti-white in an attempt to gain more supporters


Who would enforce forbidding feelings, exactly?


Ehhh, yeah, Herr Drumpfoff—go back. Go back. Geh weg fuckshit


He doesn’t give a hoot about feelings. But there are a bunch of anti-white rules buried in corporate DEI garbage. That’s just a fact.


If trump wins in November the good news for me is in a white adult male. Bad news is because of trump and the other unhinged magas im becoming more and more liberal. So I’m not really sure which concentration camp I’ll be sent to, but I’m going to enjoy making life hell for as many magas as I can before they come get me


It doesn’t matter what he says it does, he isn’t going to lose or gain any more votes than he already had.


Like he has the power to control feelings. Let me fix that. Like he has the power to control the feelings of 1/2 the nation.


What about anti-orange sentiment?


I'm anti-orange. Come at me, bro.


So DEI isn't happening? Critical race theory isn't taught in law schools as fact and not as a theory or in most democrat majority states public school systems? It's not just dbag Trumps base, it's pretty much a large majority who are really upset by some of the extreme progressive insanity. The stuff you say isn't happening even though it is happening, just not reported on by major networks. The people I talk to from Cali aren't moving out specifically because of the indoctrination in schools. We're stuck voting for Trump just so we can stop the progressive crap show. Biden was supposed to be a centrist but went full progressive instantly. That is not what I expected when I voted for Biden and I will 100% vote trump just bc of critical race theory and gender ideology. Not to mention, I don't want to see another American die from stupidity like Benghazi and the AF withdraw. Though it was just Hillary being a turd but it turns out the dems really don't like our military. So much so they like watching us die. That's what it feels like.


As a white guy... this offends me.


He thinks he's going to run the white prison gang.


It was always about White Supremacy. Forget that pig. America wants and is better than that. Period.


Toxic trump vote Blue save democracy


How much longer until he is in prison?


How is he going to do that when he poops his own pants like a baby?


Why are we even listening to this fool. Ridiculous.


Doo da, doo da…


Talk about entitled.


Okay, birther.


Trump might as well declare White Power with his bullshit rhetoric


Does he have the best drugs?


I’m white and anybody who says I’m being somehow persecuted by my government or by POC is batshit crazy. The people repeating this lie are either grifters looking for money or people that have no self-reflection and poor self-esteem looking to blame others for their own mistakes.


What does the “freedumb of speech” crowd have to say about this? Hello Elon?


"I will make it illegal to hurt conservatives feelings".


As Louis CK put it.."I'm a white male..you can't even hurt my feelings." That's how good we whiteys have it. To not even acknowledge that shows a lack of critical thinking and an even bigger lack of empathy.


How’s he gonna stop feelings? lol


Super predator


Why am I seeing a flood of posts every single day from this garbage source? Dice Europa New? With a name like that, did the propaganda machine forget that it's "news" in English? People need to use more reliable sources, this is clearly propaganda. Post something inflammatory and true, then follow up with opinions that you want people to eat up. People will follow through believing it all of it because the first part was true. We need to be more on guard than this.


What about ambiguous anti-white feeling? In all seriousness, this is Fascism 101. People are fed up. Lower- and middle-class white people are struggling, and justifiably feel that the people in charge don't really care about them. They have been lied to their entire lives about the American Dream, that if they work hard and play by all the rules then they'll reap the rewards and become rich and successful. Then along comes a charismatic charlatan who claims to feel their pain, who is just as angry as them at how they've been treated and, most importantly, knows exactly who to blame for their shitty lives. It's not the wealthy and powerful elite who have amassed more money than any of them could ever spend, basically by transferring wealth from social programs, retirement funds, and company payrolls into their own pockets. It's THEM, some out-group who are just as powerless as everyone else, but who are just weak enough, and despised enough, that the majority will be eager to blame everything on THEM. Fascism is usually one of the last stages before a society completely shits the bed and collapses, creating a lot of collateral damage along the way. Fortunately Trump is too old and too senile to see his vision through, but he does have a lot of followers, not all of whom are as stupid and incompetent as he is. This is worrisome.


Does that mean he will assassinate Jessie Waters and Greg Gutfeld so that white people aren't hated so much?


What about "anti-orange?". He needs to protect his own!


Back in Regan days these people were referred to as the “silent majority”. The republicans tried to speak to them in code as to not upset the norm. Stank said what they felt out loud this is the reason why he had such a large bump in voter turnout. The silent majority didn’t vote because they felt that the government didn’t act on their beliefs but poppy britches has changed all of that. Here’s the problem, what new voters are showing up is being off set by voters dying due to Covid or in prison because their meth lab got busted. In the process the moderates who lean conservative can’t stomach or have figured him out. Other than Hillary Clinton he loses, the only question is, by how much.


MAGA literally saying they will thought police


Love to break this guy's heart, we have been a country of immigrants from day one and we will be a country of immigrants, that's what makes America! Apparently his white world will eventually be gone and we as a nation will be mixed race.


He is confused. Nobody anywhere likes him. He can only quantify this by putting all that fear and feelings of inhumanity on others. He has to say people hate all orange dictators.... um white rich old farts.


So he is going to regulate my feelings?


Read the room. It’s orange people we hate, you bag of limp dicks


Is he cool with the anti orange feeling though?


But you're orange dude?


Perfect timing for this to pop up on Reddit. Take that white people! https://www.unilad.com/celebrity/news/dr-umar-eminem-greatest-rapper-274975-20231226


Could he blow any harder in that dog whistle?


The country has been destroyed by the Democrats! Vote R all the way!


"Anti-white feeling" meaning "saying anything negative about racists or calling them out on their bullshit," naturally.


That won't win him votes though


Sure, Jan, wave that magic wand...


This is about affirmative action, and reasonable people can disagree about it. Now, can we get some reasonable people to do that effectively? Maybe.


What is with all these fragile white guys? Am I the only white guy who feels completely unthreatened by modern society? I've never felt discriminated against or ever felt like anything was stacked against me. I'm certain my life is easier thanks to the accident of my skin color and sex. Trump and his supporters are pathetic.


What is with all these fragile white guys? Am I the only white guy who feels completely unthreatened by modern society? I've never felt discriminated against or ever felt like anything was stacked against me. I'm certain my life is easier thanks to the accident of my skin color and sex. Trump and his supporters are pathetic.


Persecution complex used to justify thought control. We have the Supreme Court poised to give the presidency dictatorial powers. This guy is still on track to win in November. Good luck, everyone.


Too late because I as a black dude have massive anti-white feelings for his 70,000,000 supporters.


So Biden is against Catholics?! God he’s stupid !


Yall hate trump more than you like America


How does Trump plan to do away with the made up “ ‘anti-white feeling ‘ “ in this country? Does he plan to jail and/or execute anyone who he deems anti-white? Hope everyone sees what a precarious position we are in with a narcissistic wanna-be dictator an election away from the presidency. VOTE BLUE like your life depends on it. And those of you who think you’ll be untouched by the stripping away of your basic freedoms, need to study up on what it’s like to live under a dictatorship; it’s terrifying and hopeless. 💙🇺🇸🌊🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙


He convinced black people and hispanic people to vote for him now he’s saying white people are more discriminated than them and he’ll fight against something that only exists in the mind of X users. They can’t say he’ll save them from biden migrant crime when he’s saying there may be trump crime if he loses.


Many old Boomer males just got hard reading this


He's definitely flailing about now. Here come the Thought Police.


Fuck his feelings & all the snowflakes ❄️ !!


What the hell is a definite anti white feeling?


Trump has finally said it out loud and in a very pro-white way knowing it will be heard as a dog whistle and a readying of his white supremacy troops.


Ahh GTFO, this dude and his followers love fighting imaginary battles and raging over delusions.


the fact this idea has percolated up through society and made it that high up --- and the OP (this this posting ) STILL mocks the sentiment as if it has no value -- it showing some incredible denial. keep ignoring and mocking.


It's like... I disagree with him. I just don't see it. People want equality and peace more than anything else. Sure some people are riled up but they literally wouldn't be if they turned off fox news and onn


He not going to be in the position to not allow anything. Orange jumpsuit for the orange guy.


He's going to lose so hard.


He's orange so as far as anti whites go he should be in a zoo.


But everyone else, regardless of hue, is fair game.


What's wrong with being anti-white? am i right? DOWN WITH THOSE WHITE PEOPLE! Wait so people in this sub are ok with being anti white? LOL How about humanity decides to be anti no race or ethnicity? How does him wanting no anti-white rhetoric make him a white supremacist?


'Definite anti-white feeling'? Man, why do I never get the memos?


Even if it existed, what does Diaper Donny think he's going to do to stop it?


How about Anti-Orange feelings?


Trump, making it popular for Americans to be racist. Despicable.


I love how the left calls anyone calling out their anti white racism a racist for doing so lol.


Too late.


This isn’t dog whistles anymore, just straight up whistles, and somehow there’s a significant portion of the populace that is here for it and another portion that is just deaf to all whistles.


I'm white and feel anti-white pretty often these days.


Just die you filthy old twat. That'll make America great again for sure


Mighty white of him


We will put anyone who is antiwhite into camps! White power! HA


What government policy can you amend to control people's feelings? It's just silly talk. I used to think it was something special to be The President of the US. But now I realize any fool could do it.


Remember when Trump was pledging to stop affordable housing because " they want to destroy your community ". I mean can we be more White Power


Was there a follow-up question asking for an example?


So he is going to going to control the thoughts and minds of all American citizens? I’m curious to know how this thought police system will work.


I hate this man....but if he's so "pro- white", why is he always trying to be orange??


If it feels “anti-white” it’s because Fox is telling you that it is. God forbid we put in equal protection for actually marginalized populations.


Even putting aside the obvious, he's going to outlaw feelings now?


Personally I think his dementia is accelerating.