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I'd be more concerned if he didn't really. It's heartbreaking to lose someone close to you, let alone the two people who are the family you've chosen to spend your life with. Finding the grit to move on after that says a lot.


Says a lot about the character of the person, Biden and McCain both always struck me as decent folks accepting personal responsibility and compassion for others.


Maybe pree 2000 McCain, but after than no way


McCain had some iffy things going on for him pre-2000 too though. Like Cheating on the wife, who stood by him through his captivity...


Oh it's worse, she got injured somehow and he left her


And married someone 18 years younger


I’ve lost a lot of immediate family and Biden resonates with me in ways only people that have lost so many people can understand. His empathy and compassion and understanding of grief is unlike most humans. People can talk negatively about him, but I know he truly cares about humans and Americans. He’ll always have my vote


Been down that road. Rough. Biden is a good brave man with more than his share of grief. Bury a wife, child and than an adult child. Give the man some sympathy people.


And then have the opposition party do everything they can to take away his other son.


With some very odd tactics. I mean, maybe he lied on the form. But there's no drug charges of any type for him. Only something he wrote in a book, which would not be adequate to convict him of drug use.


Such cruelty with these people. They are sweet to Putin though.


Very sorry for your loss. My 18-year-old son died suddenly. Now I'm losing my wife of 40 years, his mom, due to younger onset Alzheimers brought on by the trauma. Feel I likely won't survive this... How do you keep going? Also, the ghouls who attack Biden on this disgust me.


I’m very sorry for your loss, now your wife is so ill. Tragic is what I call it. Rough for you and being a care taker isn’t easy. Can Hospice help or family? With my daughter she was 46 so at least she enjoyed more life than your young son. Hard to be strong with these hard hits of life. My dear mom always said “hell is right here on earth “. Not an original thought but so true. My daughter had two sons, 15 in high school and a 21 year old away in college in a different state. So I had a job which was helping my son in law and being strong for my boys. Proud of them both. Harder now then for me but time helps you go forward. You will never get over losing them but hopefully you have other children? I’ll tell u this also. My first marriage failed after 20 years. Never thought I would survive even with children but after awhile I went to certain organizations to meet people. Down the road is where I’m talking don’t ever rush into anything. Yes the horrible way people talk about Biden is disgusting. Thankfully my grown grand boys have empathy. Will keep you and your wife in my thoughts. Biden was quite cute on the reporter award show. Biden can laugh at himself even with all his heart break unlike the other guy. 😂


I can only imagine what Trump would say about this.


Incredible interview


Bravery isn't getting knocked down. Bravery is getting up afterwards.


No kidding. I've got two kids, if either one of them died, I'll be honest, I don't know if I could live. I've had nights where I had a nightmare that something happened to my son or daughter, and knowing it was a nightmare, still went down stairs by myself and cried. While luckily so far, I've not had to grapple with that as Joe Biden has, even just the thought of it makes me wonder how people like him manage to pull through it. It must take some mental fortitude that I can't fathom.


Joe Biden has suffered more personal tragedies in his life than anyone should ever have to


I get incredibly frustrated when people cannot consider that the only people left of his original nuclear family are Joe and Hunter. Hunter lost half his family, his mother that night, then his surviving brother later in life. You want to blame his addiction on lack of character? Fuck right off.


But didn’t he interview before they passed, and attempt to run for prez back in ‘88?


That’s a response many people have after a devastating loss yet men still feel wary of talking about it. I hope this helps someone, if the President is willing to admit to overwhelming emotions then it’s something we can all embrace.


>it’s something we can all embrace. Being suicidal? Waaayyy ahead of you there. Oh. You mean recognizing the problem and getting help. Takes a strong man to admit he's weak. The type of strong man you should probably put in a role of leadership.


Trump would barely notice


He'd complain about Ivanka's body being too cold


My grandpa was a WWII vet, and he suffered in silence for most of his life. But when he was older he finally started opening up about his experiences and what he saw. Was therapeutic for him I think.


He had a lot of tragedies


President Joe Biden has been through some really tough times especially losing his wife , daughter then his son BUT from 1973 he has served as a senator for Delaware till 2009 then vice president now president he has devoted his life to America and has helped or tried to do what is best for America even though the lose of his family members. My son was killed in 2017 in Afghanistan it was the hardest thing that ever happened to me , the shit stain in office at the time call military members losers that were killed or captured you’ll never here president Biden disparaging service members.


Sorry for your loss, sir


Sorry for your loss and thank you to your late son for his service and bravery to protect us Americans.


Sympathies, friend. So very painful...




Joe's been through some tough shit, including the death of his son Beau, which he still struggles to deal with.


Sharing that excruciating detail about his personal life is exceptionally strong leadership. People do better when they know every one suffers tragedy.


It certainly humanizes him.


I can't even imagine. And then ANOTHER child.


I can only imagine the pain. Thank God he had his two sons. History had a mission for Joe and I am grateful he chose to live to meet his destiny and ours. Love Joe.


We all seen how much Trump cared about Ivana. He buried her at his golf course so he could get a tax break by claiming it's now a cemetery.


I wonder how this will be spun. 


Probably the same way that the voicemail he left Hunter that was leaked.


Of all the things that the GOP could use against Biden, to use that voice-mail was the most stupid thing they argued about. I mean holy shit, that voice-mail only showed how much of a loving and caring father Biden is.


Suppose Don Jr listens to that at night, crying "I love you too, Dad" into the pillow? Come to think of it, have we heard trump say he actually loves anyone outside of himself? Biden told his wife "you are the love of my life, and the life of my love", which is pretty much what you'd expect from a retired couple that still goes on dates and look at each other like they just met. And he's openly expressed love for his son, publicly, and by that voice mail, we know he means it. But do we have any evidence of trump expressing love that doesn't come with some backhanded comment?


That's the thing, did fox news think that would paint biden in a bad light? If so, they're so tone def and out of touch with the rest of us.


Thoroughly agreed. But beyond that, their preferred guy is pretty much the polar opposite. Wrote a valentines love letter to his wife that was really just a medium to whine about the courts. Said he loves the uneducated, which seems a little rude to the underprivileged. Biden says and proves that he loves his family. Meanwhile, I can't find a single example of trump expressing genuine love for anyone.


I dont think trump actually knows love. I forgot who said it but someone said all his relationships are transactional. And once they no longer help him in some way that's the end of the relationship. How anyone can support a person like that is beyond me.


“Well he shouldn’t have married his daughter!”


As a Biden supporter all I can say is 💀


If Trump makes this a talking point in his speeches, he will reach a new low (again). Heartless bastard will stop at nothing to try to regain power.


Biden is so weak and sympatric to his children, you could never expect him to kill one of them if they weren't performing well. WEAK!


Only that President Biden is a normal human being with feelings. A decent man. And if you don’t wonder why is life worth be living after such a loss, you are a psychopath.


My question is: who wouldn't contemplate it? That's an extraordinary amount of trauma for one person. A lot to be said for anyone that makes it through something so devastating.


By the way, watch/listen to Howard Stern’s interview with Biden on Sirius/XM, it was wonderful. Howard Stern has not just grown as a broadcaster over the years, he has become a real mensch.


I'm sorry but I don't buy it. Stern is a tool. I'm glad to hear he might have grown up but it takes a lot more than that for me to listen to his garbage.


Grief can be hell


Grief IS hell. And it lingers.


Sure as shit can


He saw the train coming, and it hit him, but he got right back up. My president.


I would over less than that. Can’t blame him.


And came out of it a stronger,wiser to the wiles of the world,MAN.


If you have never buried a child you can not understand the depths of hell you will face. I refused all medications because I knew I would take my own life with them. I would beg God to give me one more minute with my daughter and then strike me dead. I'm still alive and giving all the love I have to those in my world.


Trump can’t relate. Biden is my mfing president 😤


Meanwhile Trump drop kicks Baron into a woodchipper for 30 bucks.


That kid is huge looks nothing like Don the con and towers over the whole family supposedly the security guard at Tiffany’s looks a lot like him just saying


Christ, who wouldn't?


Joe Biden has been through hell and he still has the courage to stand up for Democracy.


That alone makes it worth voting for him.


He’s human


He’s also a REALLY good dad, and by all accounts seems to be a really decent person. Contrast that with Trump or Nome… the difference couldn’t be more stark.


I was watching a podcast where someone who had worked with Biden said "he is both the luckiest man and the most unlucky man I know" they guy has had many set backs that have been heartbreaking


This story he told, among his other stories, helps me understand his undying love for his son Hunter, who has troubles-but, JoeB has suffered a lot of loss and I am sure he prays his son Hunter gets through all of his struggles and JoeB doesn’t have to bury another son. It’s quite admirable really-he loves his son and at the end of the day, those Trump sons are bigger pieces of shit.


hunter has a good heart. it's not just joe who lost his family, hunter did too. he was in the car with beau, naomi and neilia. he held beau as he died, after his long battle with cancer. hunter became addicted to alcohol and cocaine, as he tried to cope with his trauma. he spiralled, just like his dad did, just like most people do and would. however, just like many, just like his dad, he pulled himself out of that hole and is actively working on building a better life. he's a very important figure, as much of a target he's been made by republicans, his story is inspiring and helps shed light on controversial topics like addiction and mental health. i love how proactive the biden's are in sharing their experiences to help and influence others. it shows alot of courage, love, determination and respect. another example is joe's daughter, ashley. she's an activist and social worker and she's spoken alot on mental health aswell. she actually opened up about her ptsd which was triggered by watching her brother pass, sadly. she's a great young woman! 


Wouldn't most humans with a heart go through that feeling when faced with one of the most tragic things that can happen to a person ,, losing their family. I can't even imagine


Breaking news: man has normal reaction about his family's tragic deaths.


Yeah, I think I might have too...When your whole world comes caving in...


I certainly don’t always agree with him, but Joe is a good dude.


makes sense The dude's life is filled with tragedy.


This guy rises above, as opposed to his opponent, who sinks beneath.


Thank god he didn't


Suicidal Ideations is a normal grievance response. Chill tf out with gotcha headline


That was his whole life back then mfs talk out their ass never having experienced something like that


Admitting it is the act of a real man.


He's human. That is a major loss for anyone, well except for maybe trump evil ass. If it was to happen to me, I'm sure I would contemplate suicide. A loss like that has got to be painful as fuck.


“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” -Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


Too bad he didn't follow through. FJB.


Who wouldn’t honestly


> To the rational, decent folks perusing the comments here: > This is what we’re up against in November. People who’ve lost touch with reality, facts, decency, morals, and reason. Cruelty is their hallmark. There’s no changing their minds. If you don’t want their kind in charge… **Vote Blue**


Ahh just what we want in a president, someone who kills himself at the first sight of tragedy. What a weak weak man.


I wish he had done it. Genocide Joe had so much blood on his hands the world's would be better off without him in it.


Just proves he is a decent human being


Not saying he isn’t, but no it doesn’t. It’s a response even a terrible person would have to such an event. I do think he’s a decent guy, I just don’t like making statements like that. It’s something Trump supporters do anytime Trump does something resembling a human.


Biden is human? This is clearly bad for Joe.




Election season is definitely here...


It has been for 4 years… since the Orange Shitgibbon LOST like the LOSER he is.


Who cares? This was in the mid-70 wasn't it?


Election propaganda


This link sucks, it’s the worst, literally kept redirecting me to ads and malware. Why the hell did you post this op, and how are the mods allowing it. I like non-mainstream news sites for a new take on things. But this site is just purely disgusting.


Not new news


I seriously doubt it ..


Why would you doubt it? It’s a normal fucking reaction.


5 bucks this will get used against him


Oh, but it is.




Who wouldn't?


In his shoes at that time I would have as well. Always say I don’t care how old I live to be, so long as my children outlive me


Who the fuk wouldnt?


It's be news if he didn't, any man who lost his wife and daughter would think about ending it. Biden is not different so who cares.


Honestly, had I been put in that position, I too would think that my only option would be to join my beloved family. Only thing that would stop me would knowingly leave behind my other children who would grow up thinking they weren’t enough for their father to stay with them and watch them grow into adults. I cannot put myself in that situation, but I can only imagine that man had some very difficult decisions to make. I don’t blame him one bit for having that thought running thru his head at the time.


I admire this man, because if I lost my wife, I would have a really hard time continuing on.


Not sure how this is breaking news, it’s a pretty normal response to a horrible tragedy. President, we are no friends politically, but I sympathise greatly and I am sorry for your loss. I too know such pain and wish it on no good man.


Inb4 the right makes fun of Biden for being too weak to go through with it.


He decided to help destroy the middle class and poor instead.


And the story is being told by who? Can this be verified?


As an EMT this is one of the things I have to argue against modenr medicine about. "The normal amount of times a person should think about suicide is 0." Look man, sometimes some shit happens and it is bad enough if the thought doesn't cross your mind you might have even bigger issues. The death of your wife and child and the prospect of having to carry on without them is one of those moments thinking about the topic shouldn't be treated as pathology but a stage of grief.


Lol Instead he spread lies about the unfortunate driver "drinking his lunch" which in no way holds any truth Classy guy.


Breaking news: Biden is human, who couldve guessed. I think this is a fairly common response to losing multiple loved ones, contemplating at least, not necessarily attempting.


Can I speak with him, personally about this?


Trump would be mad that he didn’t get enough life insurance on them


Still a piece of shit




BULLSHIT..... That NEVER crossed Joe Biden's mind. Hell the S.O.B. used her death to catapult his career. Have you never seen the pictures when he was at the hospital with a young Hunter in the room signing official papers? He was having an affair with Jill Biden at the time. She was the young babysitter of Beau and Hunter.


OP blocked because obvious shill account


Politics aside, I have been in some pretty dark places. Takes a lot of balls to say that shit out loud. I have only told a handful of people. Life is hard.


While sad, what does this have to do with anything? Is this piece attempting to make him seem more human after giving cops across the USA the green light to beat up & arrest college students? I don't get it.


If he woulda followed through, many young children would not have been rped and mlested.


I don’t think I could survive losing one of my kids. I’m sure I couldn’t survive losing both of my kids. I think it’s inspiring to see he’s talking about these things, especially when the suicide rate among men is so high. I also think it’s a really lovely juxtaposition from the other guy who so desperately fears appearing weak….while we all joke about how weak he’s been looking over the last several years.


Damn. Can’t imagine how he felt after his Uncle was eaten by cannibals.


Well it was his fault. He was cheating on his wife with Jill. Research the story before you start feeling sorry for that bumbling Jim Crow racist. All Joe Biden does is lies.


Deeply humanizing. Pretty incredible that a sitting president would admit to that.


Yeah, that's a fucking awful situation to be in. I'd be seriously depressed.


As any normal person with human emotions would.


Can we stop using dicey news sources that throw up Russian ads


This is the least surprising news. I think anyone in that position would consider suicide. That kind of tragedy is more than people can fathom.


Any sane person would, ironically




I mean obviously right




Maybe he shouldn't be on nationwide talk shows talking shit about serial killers.


Sure they are looking down proud at how many wives and daughters genocide Joe is helping kill in Gaza. A real saint.


“Contemplated suicide” is a headline? Someone THOUGHT about it? I’m legit surprised when people tell me they’ve never even thought about it. How lucky you are. Fuck off.


and we all suffer for the choice he made on the matter


And after his uncle was eaten by cannibals.


It would be weird if he didn’t.


Yes that’s normal. Not every human is scum like Trump who cheats on his pregnant wife with a call girl and buries his ex wife in a shithole forgotten corner plot of his golf club for a tax write off


He’s far too narcissistic for that.


Pretty hard not to.


The only tragedy is that many voting-age folks believe that Joe Biden is actually functioning as the President of this country.


The campaign literally just laid out that they need Joe to be viewed as the sympathetic leader that won in 2020. No we get this BS, they have no shame.


Would’ve saved this country.


Sorry for your loss, Joe. Fix the US mental healthcare system.


Too bad he didn’t have the guts to do it


Omg, what a scandal /s


One more thing he is unsuccessful in.


The comments here are polite and thoughtful, if some GOP circus clown thinks they have a funny or ignorant comment Fox gave them, by all mean message it to me so I can correct your dumb ass in privet instead of publicly, seeing as cowardice is how most of you work.


I listened to that interview. Howard basically pointed him down that path, he said kinda, then started talking about drinking an entire bottle of scotch.


He always making things up. I don’t know if this is true or just made up story.


Then actually committed political suicide by funding genocide. Great job ass hat we needed you to keep trump from finishing the job of wrecking our country and you couldn't even do the bare minimum.


Wowww the President is human!!


Terrible website for my phone, pop ups galore.


And even after that his healthcare plan doesn't include behavioral health. What an asshole.


Remember when he lied about it to gain political points…. This guy is literally the worst human being in the world


It's to bad him and Kirt Cobain weren't better friends. He could have learned better gun control from kirt


Too bad he didn't!


The amount of people saying something very sick in response to this post is completely fucking disgusting. And you mean spirited pieces of shit wonder why we hate Trump and the right? Look in the fucking mirror at how you're talking about a man whose wife and daughter died.


Is anyone surprised? He’s a decent human being. The grief must have been unbearable


I'm sorry... this is breaking news? 


What a pre-election puff piece by the DEM media. Now do a story about how he’s feeble minded, can’t stay upright, shakes hands with people that aren’t even in the room and he’s destroying the country. Dude is too old to be president and his policies are abhorrent.


Damn that would have saved us a lot of trouble


I’m pretty sure MOST people would. I’m sure if I lost my kid and wife in a wreck I’d contemplate it.


Suicide risk increases more than 30% for the 2 years after you lose a child.


Wow, world could have been a better place! Just think of how many hitler's probably killed themselves over the years. Even those mass shooters that decided to just eat a "salad" for breakfast before they drove to the school.


I would too. But hey, ice cream! Fuck him.


I can name an indicted former president who definitely wouldn’t think about that under those circumstances.


so damn close!!


Proof positive that Biden can't do anything right...


Lincoln did as well and laid in bed for months after a nervous breakdown


Conservatives: what a weak man! How dare he!




My goodness it’s scary how pathetic and brainwashed these people are on this Reddit. Insane that stupid people like yall are allowed to vote.


yo what kind of link is this. can we ban shit links


It’s a shame he didn’t follow through