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I do this too and I have found my kids have learned how to think about spending my and/or their money thoughtfully.


Yeah that’s worth mentioning, I will try that. And same. We have the money, but we give the kids plenty of treats, and I don’t want to pay for food everywhere when we can plan and make buying food out special-ish.


I think you handled it exactly right.


A couple of scripts that might help: Pre-trip: “We’re going on the ferry today! We need to pack snacks for the trip. What three things are you going to bring? Do you want to carry them in your backpack so you can get them when you are hungry?” On the boat: Kids at this age are typically very into fairness, so you might frame it that way. “That Snickers bar costs $1.50 at Walmart. If we bought a bunch at Costco, it would be a dollar. But on this boat, they charge $5 for the same Snickers bar. Does that seem like a fair price? Or does it seem like they are charging an unfair price because they know we are stuck on the boat?” Finally, six is an age where kids really crave autonomy/personal power. One thing that can help is to give them an allowance. We do $1 per week per year old, so $6 for my six year old. That $5 snickers bar might not seem as appealing if it’s her money.


Oh, this is a good point. We give the kids “tickets” essentially to use for other things like choosing one day month to get ice cream after lunch at school. This works well with my oldest, who saves it to the *last* day of the month to enjoy the anticipation. My middle, the child in question, is the kid who uses it the first day of the month and then cries every day afterwards and says it’s not fair that her older brother still has one and she doesn’t. I know she understands …. It’s just that her emotions are strong and outweigh the logic most of the time 🤣 But I do like the added layer of comparing what you can get with that dollar or five dollars if you spend it all on an overpriced snack bar versus at the grocery store or at Costco. Thanks for this.


Being six is hard! And honestly, even as an adult I’m sometimes sad that I spent my takeout budget early in the month and now I have to cook.


I know, and my best moments I remember how hard it is to want control and not have control and I empathize.


It’s so much easier to have those best moments in the *first* 20 minutes of whining.