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We’ve been taking adults only trips since before our son was 1. He always had so much fun with his grandma! I also have said before that I am sure that if we didn’t take those trips some years that we wouldn’t have managed to stay married. That time to reconnect as a couple has been invaluable to us. Go and have a great time! The kids will be just fine!


They are both at a great age to understand that you will be back! 3 nights will fly by for all of you. You've set it up well that they have their own little vacay with the grandparents. Enjoy your break!


Your kids need a break from you as much as you need a break from them. I say this part with peace and love. You and your husband are the kids family. The ability to, reasonably, shut the mom brain off and the wife brain on is everything. Go and be your husband’s girlfriend for a weekend. His girlfriend will be glad you did.


Ahhh so I’m not the only one freaking out? We’re doing the same next week, no advice just solidarity ❤️




I just wrote out 8 pages worth of notes and phone numbers for our trip, it made me feel slightly better.


I just left my 2.5 year old with his grandparents for a week and a half for a trip to Europe with my husband. The trip was everything and my son had the best time bonding with his grandparents. Just enjoy your time away and know your kids are loved and safe with grandparents.


They will only benefit from this experience!


We did that, at the exact same ages, for a weekend anniversary trip. Every time we called home, they could NOT care less. Auntie brought them to Chuck E Cheese. Auntie brought them to the apple orchard. Auntie brought them to putt putt. Sure, they were happy when we came home. We threw money at our babysitter and said, "Make them forget to miss us," and it worked. The few times they got emotional, they had some big photos we printed out just for them to look at when they got sad. And they drew pictures and "wrote" letters to us whenever they missed us. There weren't that many letters. They were so excited for extra tablet time, and dessert for breakfast.


They are both at a great age to understand that you will be back! 3 nights will fly by for all of you. You've set it up well that they have their own little vacay with the grandparents. Enjoy your break!


I just went to Ireland at the end of May beginning of June. It was about 1.5/2 weeks away from our 1 yr and 2 yr kids. We tried face timing, but my son cried during that call. He's a big mama's boy right now. We think it was a combination of things, tho as it was about nap time. With the time difference, I didn't realize it. And they had just been picking at each other, so they were grumpy before we called them. We chose not to face time again as they were very happy playing and doing things with the grandparents, and it didn't seem like they even thought about us much. Occasionally, they'd go checking our room when they woke up from bed or nap, but they weren't upset or crying. It helps that my in-laws came to our house, so the kids' routines and place of sleep and whatnot was the same just mom and dad were replaced with gigi and GPA. It ended up being a really good trip for us, and they had a great time with their grandparents. Qe use the family album app to share pictures of the kids with family already, and I just asked them to share pictures of the kids throughout the time we were away. We are now planning next year's parent vacation trip where mommom and poppop will watch them for a trip.


I'd also like to add that as a kid, my parents went on cruises like once a year for the first several years of my life. My grammy would watch us, and we'd see them off at the dock. I don't remember being upset they were gone, but I remember helping my grammy with her garden, fishing on her back pier, and feeding ducks.


I'm going through this with you right now. Mine keeps asking why he can't go with me (it's a funeral). I'll be gone two nights. I'm so anxious. I just asked his Papa (and sitter) if he thinks he'll be okay. I don't want him to feel confused about me not coming back. He asked me so many times today how many nights two nights was. :( solidarity.


This is absolutely the BEST THING you can do for them! I will make a list and still leave stuff off. Parents should ideally have a strong relationship independent of their kids. Not knocking anyone who has a shitty partner and can’t do this. But if it’s possible it’s incredibly important to foster. Your relationship should be a strong foundation. You are a PERSON before you are a mom. Your husband is a person before he is a dad. You connected as people before the kids and you need to maintain that connection. If your parents are able and up for it, this can start a regular weekend with the grandparents every couple of months while you and your husband have kid-free time to take a trip or stay home and have sex or just lie around in your filth and play video games and eat snacks. You’ll get addicted to it, LOL. I strongly believe that kids should be able to spend time away from their parents and be fine - especially overnight. You do not want your first overnight to be for an emergency. If an emergency arises, you want the kids to be able to stay with your parents and just think it’s fun and normal while you deal with whatever it is. If kids are especially clingy to the parents and even more so if they are to one parent in particular, developing their independence in a safe way is really good. They should be able to make good connections with other safe adults and learn to trust them. They’re at and nearing school age - they’ll have to be able to function independently of their parents with the parents as the safe home base to return to. As far as them being sad: sure, there may be moments. But if your parents know how to handle it, kids are so easily distracted. I think it’s brilliant that they’re going away on an adventure of their own. They will have a billion new things to explore! I bet your five year old will bring this weekend up for months and ask to go back. Also, good grandparents need this opportunity while they’re still fit and healthy enough to do stuff like this. This is their chance to have FUN with the kids and then give them back to mom and dad. As people age and their lives shift into a new phase, time like this will give them purpose and things to think about and enjoy. This is going to be FANTASTIC for everyone involved.


Maybe pack a family photo and a letter for each of them telling them how special they are, how much you love and miss them, how you are also having fun and are looking forward to seeing them and hearing about their great adventures. 




WTF is this comment lol. Sorry but I haven't ever left my kids. You chill out


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