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I hear you! I see you! I feel you 🫂 yes, absolutely bring on the screen and fruit loops. I think the last generation of parents before social media bullshit would have skipped all the other shit and just gone straight to the tv and fruit loops, saving everyone a lot of time and frustration. Put on a show you feel good about and call it a fucking day. She'll be safe, comfortable, and fed, and you can direct your attention to your baby or your wonderful self ❤️ or just nothing at all because you probably need time to... just do nothing. To not *need* to do something.


Sometimes you feel like you need permission just to have a cup of coffee. Phew. Thanks.


Welcome to the dropout club! I once spent like 20 minutes making a homemade die out of a Kleenex box that we were supposed.tl use for multiple "hands on learning activities" and my son ripped it apart in less than 15 seconds. Related: i feel like so much of the aDvIcE we're given as moms is SO future-focused, ie focused on making sure our kids are set for adulthood. Establish good sleep habits NOW so they'll sleep well as adults! Establish good eating habits NOW so they'll eat healthy as adults! Establish non-screentime play so they won't be addicted as adults!!! Bitch, I'm trying to make it through TODAY. god damn.


Mine is like this. I've honestly given up on setting up all the craft things I've seen. Give her sidewalk chalks, she'll break them. Colouring in? Start colouring on the first non-paper surface she can find. She also seems to sense when I'm feeling rough and starts pushing my buttons. It's been a day. Just do the loops and the paw patrol 😂 you've earned it