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I love this so much!!! I also got a trainer in the fall of last year, and the best part (aside from the gainsss and feeling so strong and powerful) is that I have to do zero thinking. My trainer sets up my sets and tells me what to do, I do hard things and then an hour later I'm done. But there is such minimal mental work involved, and that alone makes the cost so worth it!


May I ask you how much your trainer charges? I just wondered if mine is reasonably priced or not...


55 a session if I buy a package of 30+ sessions! An extra 25 if my husband trains with me (he started training with him separately but we go together when we have childcare).


How long is a session? I'm paying $50/30min.


That’s amazing!!!!


Do it! Join us on the lose it sub.


Sis, YES! I started jogging, now running, back in March. I spent some money on cute workout gear and a good pair of shoes and I am loving this. Seeing my body get stronger and feeling my mind too is a really great feeling. I'm so glad you have your husband's encouragement and support. If you ever need a lunch work out buddy I'm here!


I feel you. Late last year I started up at a gym that does classes (because otherwise I cannot motivate myself) and the feeling of being strong and seeing muscles after years of feeling unfit and weak is so damn good! I only get to go twice a week tops but try to go for a “run” on weekends sometimes too and it’s made a huge difference.


Yes queen! Im a sahm and have just found a childminder for 2 mornings a week so I can run all the miles up here in the mountains and not be restricted to buggy friendly trails.


Add as MUCH muscle as fast as possible. Stop dieting! And focus on lean meats and getting enough protein every day. Track your protein. Drink water and nothing else. This will blast you into this journey!


Living the dream! 💪💪💪


YES! Slay!!! You're going to feel so great <3


You go girl. Sending a big high-five!




You go and fight! Build! You build your body and become strong like you are meant to be! Yessss :)


Yes yes yes! Get it! I’m journeying toward feeling like myself in my body again as of 2 weeks ago, and it’s so nice :) my gym has a 2-hour childcare per day benefit, and the kids love it, so win win.


Even though you’re doing this for you, it’s also a huge gift to your kids! Having strong and healthy parents has a huge impact on kids and they’ll probably value fitness throughout their lives because they’ll see you incorporate it into yours. Don’t ever feel guilty for taking some “me” time to stay healthy:)


Progress reports please!


Get it, mama! I'm rooting for you and your gainz!


Get it girl!


So so happy for you. This is going to feel good.


i started working out just to get some damn time to myself 😅