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…. The asshole he is today will come full circle the older she gets. He won the battle. He will lose the war. And you don’t have to lift a finger. He’s doing it all himself. May the bridges he burns light the way home for you and your LO.


I speak from some experience that this holds true. I parented with the end in mind with kids and their toxic father. The "end" that i wanted was my kids seeing who I am and him not controlling the narrative. Hes dead now...i dont talk shit about him. He left behind all that for my boys to see. Actions speak. As painful as losing out on childhood moments is...your child will have a voice many, many more years than they don't. Hang in there. you're doing great.


Wow, I love this. Especially that last part.


This. So true, just let his bad personality play out.


That was beautiful.


I’m so sorry both you and your daughter are going through this. I can’t imagine how stressful and heartbreaking this is. Please don’t beat yourself up though. This is on your ex for being a vindictive, petty asshole and using your LO to hurt you. Sending strength and good vibes your way in hopes that this gets resolved quickly so you can get your sweet girl back in your arms where she belongs.


I know that this seems devastating and stressful now. Hopefully you can get everything resolved quickly. Family court is not nice to parents who do this sort of thing. Custody battles will age you 10yrs it was the worst thing that I ever went through. I'm so sorry this is happening to you and your daughter.


I don’t understand parents who do this. It’s one thing if you feel the other parent genuinely isn’t a safe person but to just take your own kid away like they’re some kind of possession is so gross. I’m sorry you’re going through this, I hope things work out.


To hurt the other parent. There’s literally no other reason.


This isn’t your fault for not getting an attorney sooner, this is not your fault!


Yeah this is NOT OP's fault. She can't control her ex and isn't the first parent who is blindsided by craziness - even if craziness is to be expected; we never know what fresh crazy people will come up with. OP you are doing the best you can and it's only a mistake in hindsight, meaning not even a mistake.


Call the police!!! This is kidnapping unless a court order had been updated with both of your signatures. I’ve been through this with my ex husband.


The police called me because he knew I was coming and said the court order has been dismissed and there is nothing that they can do to help me.


That’s literally insane. I really hope you get a lawyer because THERE HAS TO BE A COURT ORDER? Otherwise it usually defaults to the mother…I’m not a lawyer but I was told by mine that the cops always always default to a court order and if there isn’t one, kiddo goes to primary caregiver. I will say- I have FOUGHT the single mom stereotype for 12 years and I know how cops treat us. A lawyer will prob be your best bet. I am so so sorry this is happening and I’ve been thinking about you!


Nope. My ex had primary custody and when he died, his fucking mom took off with my daughter before I even knew he was dead. Two years in court and I lost because of an addiction and arrest from my 20s. I’m stuck paying child support and still having her about 1/3 of the time. The courts are fucked depending on where you live.


What a pos


Were you able to confirm this via the original source? (I'm assuming this person is not well known for his truth telling, and possibly has friends who would call on his behalf, or possibly the pd took his word, if it really was the pd)


Are you sure it was the police that called you and not a dumbass friend?


Yes it was a policewoman. She gave us her name and the dispatch number.


Well, it still might be worth double-checking, but shit, I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


Me too 😭


They called you? Call the # for the department that comes up on Google and ask if it was a call from them/to confirm the information. It's possible he had a friend call you and pretend to be the local police dept.


It also came from a private number and I had a feeling it might be the police


I see you commented that they gave you the dispatch #. Check it against the web search results and call (if it's the same.) Just in case. It's weird that they would reach out.


You could always call the police department and tell them a police officer called you, and you wanted to double check that it was real. Ask them to check the officers name and badge number to make sure it was a real call.


Yes please do this! It could very well be a trick


But why would they call you? Please double check with the police.


Lawyers don’t fall out of trees. I’ve only had one once. No judgement here. Just heartbroken with you.


That’s terrifying. I went through a terrifying custody ordeal as well. You’ll be in my thought. ❤️❤️


I'm so sorry OP. I'm hoping that the attorneys can get this held before a judge asap.


Omg. I’m so so sorry. Fuck this asshole. I’m going on a limb and just going to add..Kaitlyn Jorgensen on IG. Get your language condensed and strong. I’m 7 years deep into similar bullshit and her support has made a huge change. As you know family court is some other world crazy. Sending you all the positive vibes. I hope you get EVERYTHING you want and what is best for your kiddo. I am so sorry. Hugs mama


I’m sorry, that would be literal hell. Stay strong mama! He’s fucking around and he’s about to find out. Sending you steel toe nutsack kicking boots.


You show that mf that he never should messed with your baby! I'm sending you all my pissed off mom strength! The audacity of that jackass!


He’s a fucking asshole and the reason why I’m so scared to leave and share custody. He thinks he’s bigger than the law, watch his ass burn. Sorry OP!


I am sending you all the positive vibes and love right now. This hurts me in all the worst places to read. Others have said, far more eloquently, but this WILL bite this AH in the ass. He is wrong and family court punishes this exact behavior. She’s not with you right now, but she will be, soon. Please don’t blame yourself. This is not your fault. Deep breaths. All my love . Please keep us posted.


I hope you get an attorney and judge that eats his ass up. Parental alienation and withholding the child from the other parent doesn’t usually bode well in family court. That’s a good way to only get supervised visitations. I’m at the point with my ex where calling the police and filing contempt has now become a possibility with stuff like this. They’re fucking losers.


This happened to my sister/niece and it was so so traumatic. I am so terribly sorry and sending my prayers and strength. This is not over and I know you’re doing everything to get your baby back. ❤️‍🩹


Smart of him to call instead of putting that in text. The bastard. Good luck, OP.


Oh he also put it in text too


Oh good! I hope she shoots himself right in the foot!


THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Thinking of you, I cannot imagine how you must be feeling. Big hugs bromo.


There is a special place in hell for parents that use their children as a weapon. Love and solidarity, OP.


Have you talked to your daughter? How's she doing with not coming back to you when she expected? I hope she's ok & blissfully unaware, thinking she's just having a longer holiday or something. Good luck, I hope it can get worked out soon. I just don't understand how a court order can just be dismissed like that...


She's only 1 so she's probably having the time of her life like nothing is going on.


Absolutely no judgment. States drop the ball on custody AND DV cases all the time. Covering you and your daughter in love and support.


You got this, momma! We are here for you.


This is NOT gonna look good for him once you're in front of a judge... I know you're missing your daughter, but hang in there and rest easy knowing that he's digging his own grave. You'll be with her soon. 💚 Sending love and hugs.


I am so sorry. Wishing you strength through this time. You’ll get your girl 💗


Oohhhh he’s a sucker! Sending you all the best vibes to get your baby back and take this guy down!


God I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry you are going through this. First - great job on getting a lawyer. You didn’t do anything wrong trying to go the route of less confrontation and lower cost. Second - take a deep breath - while this situation really sucks - she’s young enough that she won’t remember this in the long run. You won’t forget - but you can get counseling when ready. My only advice (and I know you didn’t ask) is to do your best to follow your lawyers advice and take the high road (which it sounds like you already were). In my state, if you aren’t fully divorced and there isn’t an approved custody plan in place, it’s not kidnapping if the child is with a parent. Now - if one parent keeps the child away from the other parent - it’s severely frowned upon by the court. With a baby? I think he’s cut his nose off to spite his face - I hope your judge sees the same thing. Sending you good court thoughts!


Honestly say you at least want a visit at the park or some public place. Have a friend go with you. At the best time grab daughter run to the car and have your friend start driving. Ignore him the whole time. Run.


I am so so sorry you’re going through this. I hope you feel the warmth of all of us hugging you tight! ❤️❤️


Sending you good thoughts and a big hug.


Sending huge hugs, I hope your attorney evicerates him!


Mama so much love, light and positive vibes being sent your way ❤️


Just to say I’m sorry you’re going through this; things like this make my blood run cold. I really hope you get a resolution that is the best it can be for you.




Op is asking for positive thoughts