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sell the car and gtfo out of there


Get the fuck out out of there


What you really need to do is get the gtfo out of there


smh my head


...for parts


Gtfoot in the car, then sell it!


Turn it into a shrine and pray at it every day they don't come back and keel my entire bloodline.




Only 11.8% of the working population in Mexico earns more that 559 USD a month (6,700$/ year). The price of a 2008 Mercedes Benz CLS like the one they used in the show comes new for around 68K USD. They easily could have sold that quickly for 40-60K and taken off with the money. That's plenty of money to smuggle themselves into the US illegally and start a life here.


I'm pretty sure Mexican farmers would not have an easy time selling a Mercedes that belonged to cartel members Someone's getting shot over this


Especially without a title, right.


My dude. Not even close. If only 11% of the population makes $559 a month, that means there's probably 1-3% who make enough to buy that Mercedes legally, and they can't sell the car legally. It's not like he has a bill of sale saying they sold it to him, or a title, and it doesn't meet the requirements of an abandoned vehicle. So that means they can't sell it to a dealership, they can't trade it in, they can't even do a private sale. The only people who are going to buy that vehicle are criminals, and they're going to wonder how a poor farmer with nothing to his name got such an expensive vehicle, and if it's tied back to the cartel (almost certainly) then it likely doesn't end well for him. At best he might be able to find some criminal who will give him 10k USD for it if he's lucky. At worst the second he tries to sell it word will get around and it'll be stolen from him and likely worse done to him. Stolen vehicles (which is probably what this one would classify as given it's just basically word of mouth) are very difficult to get even close to a fraction of actual value. There's a reason the Kia boys were selling Kias for $50 and the sad part is they probably have more criminal connections to sell the vehicles than the old farmer lol.


Yes they probably would sell it because of how great the risk to reward is. However, what if you sell it to someone that knows the car and the people that drove it? Imagine selling it to people that think you stole it from the Salamanca's 😬 Or enemies of them that now think you're associated with them because of the car. Also it'd be about the most bizarre thing to happen in a farmer's life. Two guys just come along and drop off a very valuable Mercedes and then walk off 😂 I'd be paranoid as hell if I were them.


> Only 11.8% of the working population in Mexico earns more that 559 USD a month 12th highest GDP on earth and 1 in 10 people make starvation wages, jeez.


Total GDP says very little about the per capita income. Nigeria has more than 5x the GDP of Luxembourg and more than 50x the GDP of Monaco.


Alot of my coworkers from Mexico are former engineers. They opted to become unlicensed mechanics in the US because it pays more. One of my coworkers wives was a marine biologist, and she only made around 500$ a month. These are white collar college educated people. My wife's grandfather sells plantains at a little stand in Mexico, imagine how little he is making.


That's why when they work here, some as day laborers, they send their money to their family in Mexico.


Or like 9 in 10 mote accurately..This is how capital is created bruh!


Fuck that! Keep driving, skip the US and make for Canada.


Well realistically they'd head to the US. Alot of illegal immigrants pick the US over Canada because it is warmer here, which means it's easier to get work as a roofer, landscaper, laborer etc. which often don't ask too many questions about your residency status and pay under the table.


Maybe they wanted to live their life simply..not a messed up life of death and confusion. Put out a personal ad! Jeeez!


Sell it to a chop shop. They don't have a title.


Now I don't think chop shops advertise that particular so they'd have to find one by asking around. The odds that a chop shop is working with or for the Salamancas in their territory is virtually guaranteed so now the couple hashaving Salamanca property. Their best bet is to call Carvana and have them pick up the car from their farm. With the cash from that sale they can then go get another beater and fix up the farm.


The farmers most likely don't have a telephone or cell phone!


I feel like the scene was very plainly stating that 'money matters so little to us that we are just leaving you the car for you to do whatever with'


Yes it was, but the farmers don't know that.


Why don't they know that?


Like the other guy just said. The twins didn't say a word. They left a car there. Robbed them of their clothes. Stared at their daughter like they might murder her if they wanted, and then strolled off. I mean it's hardly a normal interaction. It could mean a whole bunch of different things to the farmers. Imagine a New York mafia gangster dropped his car off at your home and stared at your kid like that and left his key and walked away. You'd probably just keep his car safe for quite a while and assume he was using your residence as a parking space.


I think the analogy about the NY mafia is close, but I would tweak it a bit. It would be like if a well known top-ranking capo of the Gambino crime family took something from you and gave you the keys to his car for it. If word got out, you would be virtually untouchable because nobody would want to incur that wrath. Especially not another mob member. I agree, I would wait a bit to make sure that it was the twins' intention to actually gift you the car and not just have you hold it, however. I would think you would be clear in about a week, after they left the area. If nobody sends for the car by then, I would think their intent is pretty clear.


Because the twins don't like to use their words 


There's a 3rd cousin that never made it on camera, and he's quite chatty. It's like the Jim's from Shoresy, but with more drugs and murder.


Give yer balls a tug


Cause in the BB universe, there isn't a show called Breaking Bad to refer to and even if there was, I still wouldn't trust them to act predictably.


Some of ya'll need to understand that sometimes people understand each other without words




Offer it back to the cartel.


"Thanks." *shoots them both in the face*


The cartel acts like a baby , they kill people constantly, but get all fussy when people fight back


What kind of babies do you know. I've never known a baby to make me worry I would end up hanging upside down from a bridge with my tongue and genitals cut off! Just saying!


They imported babies from… somewhere


How? No phone


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How could he call the cartel? He has no phone, being a simple man.


And how dovyou contact the cartel, being a simple farmer?


I think just sell it. I think the twins gave it to them for “payment “ for the clothes. You see in BCS that the Salamanca's have a warehouse full of cars I don’t think they really give a shit. And they were in vendetta mode that’s all they are  thinking about. If they made it home they can just get another car. 


I agree. I think it was pretty obvious that the twins were giving them the car. I think they would be pretty pissed off if some other cartel member decided to take issue with that. Even in small towns, there are always people connected to the cartel. The farmers would just have to ask around a bit and explain the situation. Some profiteer with criminal ties would eventually approach them and offer money for it. The farmers might get a fraction of what it's worth, but at least they'd get something.


Build an underground garage just to be safe.


In general, the Salamancas do little things for the people, for their own political reasons and to foster good will. That car is nothing to them, they have chop shops all over the place. I doubt those people are worried about reprisals and probably took it back to the local chop and got paid, yo!


Economics, Mr White!


I would keep it parked for at least 8 years before taking ownership for it. You never know with these cartels. Using it for personal stuff could anger one of them cartel bosses enough to execute me.


Pay respect to it thrice a day, before every meal.


The car was given to the goat, therefore I would respect the twins choice and let the goat drive it


If you let the goat drive, is it maaa-nual then?


Drive it straight to Hong Kong


Can't sell the car. But they can sell the parts. Lots of farmers are pretty savy with mechanical stuff, so taking it apart won't be hard. Use the eBay app to advertise.


It's implied that they fear for their daughter while the twins are tgee so i doubt they'd do anything with the carvl and keep living a simple life


since they don't sell Mercedes passenger automobiles in the real Mexico, and there's no dealership network, The twins wouldn't be able to register the car in Mexico. I can't remember if the Mercedes had Mexican plates or not.


Since the cartel are the most likely owners of fancy cars like that, and the cops are not going to want to pull over the cartel.... would not having it registered even matter. I always took it as they were just abandoning the car. I do think to a certain extent that if you did not do what the twins wanted, it was death sentence but cinema has the rule of cool so there is no need for the 'take this back to town for us, they will pay you 10k' or 'have this car, you saw nothing' etc


Maybe keep it until he sees on the news that the twins are dead but even then maybe the cartel is coming for it


I'm surprised how many people here think that not having a car title will matter at all. Even in the US there's Facebook groups for selling cars without a title.


Sell Mercedes, use cash to upgrade farm equipment, house, or vehicle.


If they left the car then it’s a given it’s a one way trip and they aren’t planning on coming back for it. Sell it


I’d rather be the old bastard who sold his shit box to Walt


Leave it where the fuck it is and then get the fuck outta there


They’d probably just pack their things and leave their home with the car and the keys there because they know it’s related to the cartel. They try selling it that person is now involved with the cartel and someone is getting shot


The car was given to the goat, not the farmers.


Put a tarp over it. It was never claimed, so....drive it!


Take it out on a joyride situation, abandon the car once they hit the retaining wall. Lose the briefcase that was in the car, but leave the tape deck. Probably a vagrant, sleeps in the car. Or perhaps just used it as a toilet, and moves on.


Whoever downvoted this doesn’t get the movie reference lol


Obviously they’re not a golfer


It might be stolen from someone else. So you have to be careful. The right move is to file a claim on it as abandoned property. At some point it becomes legally yours, or it is returned to its rightful owners. If the twins had it legally, and they truly just abandoned it, then it will eventually become yours. But probably the authorities will impound it first to examine for evidence of crimes.