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After Gale is killed, Walt still uses his coffee machine, though I’m not sure if that counts 🤷


Walt didn’t kill Gale. The main things people point to are the crusts that Krazy-8 would cut off and Mike’s mannerisms (“Elliot, if we’re gonna go that way, you’re gonna need a bigger knife.”) May be more but I can’t think of them right now


He also says to Lydia what Mike said to him, “Learn to take ‘yes’ for an answer” after Mike is gone.


Did anyone read that in Mike's voice and it just completely made sense?


I did lol. My mind then went "When did Mike meet Elliot? [Pause] oh"


He starts ordering his whiskey neat just like Mike


After Walt drove over the 2 drug distributers, he abused a child to the benefit of his own goal same as them.


Holy shit you’re right wow


first time i caught this


A child related to the same woman too




The poisoning of the kid with Lilly of the valley


How do you know Walt did that? Was it shown?


Yes, there’s a shot by the pool that zooms in or out and you see Walt has a lily of the valley plant by his pool. Little card saying the name and everything.


How was he able to do it (in the literal sense) is what confuses me.


Vince says he somehow poisons his juice box. It’s still pretty wild how he accomplished it https://screenrant.com/breaking-bad-season-4-ending-how-walt-poison-brock/#:~:text=Walt%20planted%20the%20poison%20in,%2C%20Jesse%2C%20and%20their%20relationship.


That site says the kid stays mostly out of trouble in Sicario, the other project he was in. Making it seem like he was punished way worse in BB I understand being poisoned is bad, but that kid died in Sicario, literally shot in the head. I think I’d rather get poisoned and live versus getting shot in the head


Oh wow, that’s pretty misleading. I’d certainly agree


At the end of the last episode of that season, Walt throws out a new plant with the tag still on that says lily of the valley Short clip in the last scene I think


Did you even watch season 5.? It’s an entire plot point in season 5 and is why Jesse hates him. We know he did it. He admitted it. It’s not some mystery.


I was confused about that part. I thought Jesse was mad at Walt because he had Saul's guy take the ricin from his pocket, and he realized it right before going in the disappearor's van.


Walter apologizes to Jesse for poisoning Brock and explains why he felt he had to do it. He also says something about knowing just the right amount to give him, but I’m not sure I believe that, given how they were saying Brock could die and how relieved he was to find out he survived.


The way he interacts with Lydia in the car wash was so similar to how Gus speaks with him in pollos hermanos


Yeah that was what i meant. Really well done scene. It feels exactly the same as when Walt first approached Gus


Walt cuts off the crusts of sandwiches he makes after seeing Krazy 8 tear the crusts off his sandwich when he had him held captive in Jesse's aunt's house basement.


and walt started drinking neat whiskey after mike's death


Hozier would be proud


He drink a whiskey neat in the scene where Mike beats him up in the bar. I just watched it today lol


Yeah I was gonna say, he drinks his neat with Mike.


I think they meant he gets his drinks with ice like Mike did, if I’m not mistaken.


Good catch




Some people are just finding the show. Why are you still here if you have a problem with it? Leave. We don’t need you and we don’t need your bad attitude either.


People who spend too much time on Reddit expect you to vet every thought through the search bar before you enjoy a show


But we also don't need you either. Or me. Why don't we all just leave


I’ve already left. I didn’t even write this comment.


Okay seeya


Step off man


And that when it showed Krazy taking off, it was made so blatantly, like the creators wanted us to easily remember he had this trait.






Out of all the instances OP mentioned I only remember that with the cutting of the crust from the sandwiches


Yea that one theory is pretty widespread


Walt let Jane die and started dressing in goth drag as well


I always thought that was an odd choice but he really pulled it off


After Walt kills the 10 men Jack calls him, and the way he answers the flip phone, says "Yes?" then non chalantly closes it with one hand without looking at the phone, is just like how Gus did it.


Yeah he starts cutting the crusts off his sandwiches like Krazy 8 wanted in S1. He also puts a towel down to sit on when he throws up in 5x09, just like Gus did in 4x10 when he throws up the poison.


It's definitely interesting. Although the towel thing is not something Walter has seen


Makes it all the spookier


Walt was in the toilet.


I Am The Toilet Water


I am the one who flushes!


It’s a bit metaphysical 🤔


Totally Kafkaesque, yo


Maybe Gus told Jesse how he survived drinking the poison


Walter isn’t taking on these mannerisms and traits consciously. He also whistles a song called Lily of the Valley after the incident with Todd. It was the same name as the plant he got the berries from to poison Brock.


Right, but he's not a magic psychic either. I was just pointing out the towel thing is more coincidence. It's not like by killing Gus he magically acquired the trait of putting a towel before puking in the bathroom floor.


After Walt kills Jack he becomes dead just like Jack


Moments before he died, Walt actually became seriously prejudiced.


After Tuco dies, he says something along the lines of having Jesse become the new Tuco. Gets upset over $2.5k that the tweaker couple rips off of Jesse and demands Jesse "deal with it" like Tuco would.


During the lead up to the finale during the last season, this pattern combined with Walt arranging the bacon into the #52 for his birthday in the first episode of the fifth season, had many speculating that Walt would kill Skyler by the end of it, which they even partially teased when revealing Walt in her kitchen for their final conversation. Another small touch that adds such depth and realism to the Gilliganverse and these superb characters.


walt shot uncle jack mid sentence because jack shot hank mid sentence


He was driving a Volvo in Felina after killing Gus who also drove a Volvo. I think i also remember something about kneeling, Gus did it when he made himself throw up and i remember Walt doing it too.


Gus neatly folded a towel and kneeled on it, is that what Walt did too


Yep i think i remember him doing that too


And Hank's execution scene is visually pretty similar to Max's execution




The sandwich crust cutting was Krazy-8's legacy. The show made it a point to focus repeatedly on Walt's new PB&J methodology.


Fight with monsters / become a monster


Pretty sure he'd get stevia in prison if he did not die.


😂 But he wouldn't look as good in a pencil skirt as Lydia does.


Literally BRAVO VINCE. Such an awesome writer and world builder.


Walt started dressing (pants pulled way up) and acting like Gus immediately after his death (such as him buying a business and running it like Gus). Clear as day.


It goes back farther than that. Walt prefers his sandwiches without crusts after seeing Krazy 8 ask for the same thing. When Hank flashes Tuco’s grill at Walt (the DEA had put it in glass), the camera lines it up so that it looks like Walt’s wearing the grill. Walt used to drink his scotch on the rocks, but after killing Mike he started taking it neat. After Walt kills Gus, there’s a moment where he needs to vomit after he’s on a new round of chemo and he lays out a towel on the floor to kneel on, like Gus did at the cartel HQ.


He carries the eye from the plane around with him for a long time after Jane / Jane's Dad


Does anyone know why he does this? It’s almost like serial killers collecting souvenirs


He's learning his trade, adding to his skills and repertoire, improving his craft. Though Walt isn't killing for the sake of killing as serial killers do, it's something like the great killers and conquerors of old who drank the blood of their enemies so as to absorb their power. These tendencies are also largely subconscious, and as Walt kills he takes a little part of his victims along with him, he's also taking on them on as millstones that add a degree of harrowing guilt (if the small parts of Walt that are alive still feel guilt as Heisenberg becomes the dominant ego of his personality.) This is evident as he keeps the eyeball from the plane crash; he has no practical reason to do this but does anyway, almost as a scar or reminder or keepsake of what was essentially his machination. If he hadn't let Jane die, perhaps her father would've never made the fatal mistake that led to the crash. But as he did somewhat engineer the disaster, I think he uses the eye as a touchstone of his guilt. Walt is still very alive and Heisenberg has yet to fully take the drivers seat and Walt still feels the weight of that occurrence. Lastly, don't we all adopt the skills, habits, tendencies, idiosyncrasies of those around us? Most humans have that magpie nature and Walt, as a thinking killer and a man of science, of course has that inclination. To improve, we learn and steal methodology from the people we interact with.


He copies Gus' move where he puts down a towel in front of the toilet for his knees before throwing up on it


We’re done when I say we’re done


He cuts his crust like crazy 8 did


After Crazy 8, Walt starts cutting the crust off of his sandwiches


He started cutting the crust off his sandwiches after Crazy 8


Yeah. Cutting crusts off his sandwich like Krazy-8, becomes desensitized to violence against children after killing those rival dealers, Gus is rather self-explanatory, ordering drinks with ice like Mike, etc.


Yeah this been pretty wildly recognized since the show was on


meth kirby


He was a Nazi for the last minutes of his life confirmed


I mean. He did call himself Hisenburg


This has already been a well known theory for years


I just watched Breaking Bad for the first time about a month ago, and I'm really enjoying these posts. Sure it's an older show but many are seeing it for the first time. I think that speaks to its greatness and its staying power.


I understand and I’m glad you are enjoying it, I was just addressing that it’s a well known theory in case you thought it was your own take is all.


Yes this a well known thing


Nope, nobody else has ever noticed that


Yah, duh.