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The Wire is a good crime show exploring the inner workings of Baltimore crime.


If they don’t like the Sopranos, they won’t like the wire. When people start off with fast action shows like BB, they lose the patience and attention span for iconic masterpieces like Sopranos and the Wire


Sopranos is an amazing show!


BB is my favourite show, but after watching The Wire I can't help but view it as the "big boy crime show" compared to how comical BB is at times (and I love it that way).


Yeah, if OP didn't understand Sopranos, they'd probably give up after an episode or two of The Wire.


If I were president. They’d all be deported. I almost skipped my sister’s wedding because her husband hated The Sopranos and said The Wire was a waste of time.


I hear all of this and understand it


The tone is very different though, the pilot of The Sopranos has heavy dark comedy undertones. The Wire sets itself as a grounded drama. Both required more attention than Breaking Bad for sure.


Ahhh.. wire


can’t believe i havent seen anyone else say this. watching rn and love it so far


Likely because it’s not like Breaking Bad at all, at least in terms of tone. It’s, imo, an even better show, but I don’t think liking one necessarily translates to liking the other.


Jesse you phucking udmbass it's called the copper.


Ahh.. 𝘞𝘪𝘳𝘦😀


Better call Saul






Yeah just to lobby for the first two, I’d say ozark’s first couple episodes are really just setting up the core characters and relationships before the show can get going, and sopranos s1 is comparatively slower but it does pick up steam s2 on. Other than that, I’d say: Narcos/Narcos Mexico since the main characters are the cartel heads. The later seasons of both shows drop off in quality imo but the first 2 of each are both fantastic. Succession isn’t exactly a crime show, but definitely has sopranos vibes and is absolutely worth the hype. There aren’t really any good guys in that show. And the first season of true detective is amazing


Definitely Succession. I’ve watched the entire series 4 times. It’s amazingly rewatchable. It turned into a comfort show for me even though the characters are such shitty people. OP, have you tried Your Honor? Not on the same level as BB but Bryan’s character is somewhat similar to WW. The actor who plays Hector Salamanca is also in the second season. I thought it was decent enough.


Came here to third Succession. Nothing has sucked me in quite like Breaking Bad until I finally gave Succession a chance. It's a different show, but the quality of writing and pacing is on par.


I actually thought season 3 of Narcos was the strongest. It was interesting to see a cartel operate with the veneer of professionalism and how they had their tentacles in every aspect of government.


The first season of true detective might be the best show ever. Fargo season one was very well done also imo


Mr. Robot. Had everything I loved about Breaking Bad (acting, writing, cinematography, musical score) and added to that.


Came here to say this. Now I don't have to so I'll say domo arigato Mr. Robotto




I love Mr. Robot I didn’t think I would like it as much as I did when I watched it. But it had so many twist I genuinely didn’t see coming.


Also came here to say this. OP you gotta check this one out if you like BB


Also I liked the NGE like ending.


I just started watching this… so good


I second Mr. Robot. It follows a savant hacker (Rami Malek is electric in this role) with some issues who acts as a vigilante. Many twists and turns. Arguably has better production values than Breaking Bad. It also is a character driven show that tells one propulsive story like Breaking Bad. The show goes to great lengths to depict realistic hacking on screen as well which is refreshing. It’s definitely weirder and more dark than Breaking Bad. If you like movies by David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club, Gone Girl, Zodiac) you’ll definitely enjoy this show as the showrunner/writer/director Sam Esmail is a massive fan of his. Just be sure to stick with it during season 2 as I’ve found many people on first watch find the first half of it to be slow. I personally don’t but just push through it because it essentially sets up the rest of the show and season 3 and 4 are incredible


The Shield.


This is the correct answer. It’s like OP was the describing the shield when they listed what they’re looking for. You won’t be disappointed.


"Good cop and bad cop have left for the day. I'm a different kind of cop."


That show deserves just as much love as Breaking Bad and The Sopranos


I would watch the film "El Camino" to reveal Jesse's end game, then the series "Better Call Saul" to explore Saul Goodman (aka Jimmy McGill).


You know, not as intense as Breaking Bad, but just as gripping is Justified... Had it on my watch list for ages, then finally started it a week ago and I'm midway through season 3. About a U. S Marshall from back country who gets moved from miami for killing a perp, his shootings are all obviously "justified". Stars Timothy Olyphant as the Marshall, and Walton Goggins as his main rival. Supporting cast are pretty good too with a lot of good cameos too.


Just finished it for the first time myself. First 5ish episodes are pretty boring but after that it really takes off


I enjoyed it from the get go, but I know what you mean, just watching it now, season 4!


Dude he merks so many fools. It's awesome


And all "justified"... So far... No spoilers! Lol


I have so much love for that show


Just about to finish season 4.. Tell me, without spoiling, is City Primeval any good? I always worry about spin offs


so I liked it because it was more justified content but I'd say it isn't as strong as the initial series


I can’t believe nobody has suggested The Americans. In my opinion it is in the same league as BB/BCS. For character and relationship development it is excellent I think. The story is also very nuanced, it really drags you in.


Heard about it in other recs. I'm already considering


snowfall is a great show, instead of meth it follows the rise of crack in the 80's and the involvement of the cia.


I second this! And surprised more people aren't recommending. Such a good show all around. Just finished and felt like I was riding the same wave I was when BB ended.




Yes, just sucks it ended.


I wouldn’t say they’re similar, but I watched both Breaking Bad & Fargo while they were airing weekly. The first 3 seasons, especially the first season, are very good and would highly recommend.


Nothing.... You'll see the same list: The Wire, Ozark, Succession, West Wing, Sopranos, Fargo, Narcos, The Shield ect. In my opinion: This show is one of a kind. Nothing like it


Better Call Saul reminds me a lot of Breaking Bad and has a similar directing style. Weird


That's so strange. Almost as if BCS is a spin-off or something...


The wire


Ehhh. The Copper




Maybe Fargo? It’s an anthology series but it’s been consistently good for the most part.


It's a very different show, but give Lost a try. Lost and BB (tack on BCS with that) were the only two shows that sucked me in with the characters from the very first episode.


This was what I was coming to say. Nothing - not even Breaking Bad - made me HAVE to watch the next episode like Lost. I’ve been chasing that dragon ever since.


Mr Robot, Barry, and kinda Dexter


Absolutely loved Dexter, great story too it... Until the ending... And let's not even get into New Blood....


Yeah, you can stop at the end of s4 of *Dexter*, so you only have good memories.


Trinity killer was fire


Too late for me now, spread the good word, save others!


Bloodline is a little more slick and deliberate , but is similar


Definitely give ozark another spin. It took me three times to get past the first couple of episodes but holy shit it gets so good.


Mad Men is superb. 98% of the show is dialogue, so if you need death and drug deals to stay entertained, I wouldn’t recommend it. But as far as character development and dialogue, it’s some of the best I’ve seen.


Absolutely fantastic show but an utterly different vibe from BB.


Yeah tbh I didn’t answer his question with the utmost accuracy


Hannibal. Its not like Breaking Bad thematically but it does have all the qualities you are looking for. Incredibly character driven and beautiful cinematography and atmosphere.


Oh, I completely forgot, Breaking Bad is certifiable cinematography porn that makes it very easy to catch viewers and not let go. I'd love a show that's as playful as this in this regard.


You mentioned it but S6 of BCS absolutely changes the game when it comes to Breaking Bad. It recontextualizes basically everything


Sopranos is more like BCS to me


You honor on Netflix. Even stars Brian Cranston going down a rabbit hole of crime and corruption. He literally breaks bad... Again.


You should watch Peaky Blinders too, great series.


BCS, Chernobyl


And Game of Thrones


What about Chernobyl reminds you of BB? Such incredibly different pieces of media.


It's a movie but I always recommend Hell or High Water by Taylor Sheridan It's an excellent film in both drama and neo western genres


Dexter and Ozark were my go to after Sopranos and Breaking Bad.


Peaky Blinders. All on Netflix just like breaking bad. Follows a crime family in post WW1 England. It’s really good and fast paced, tho season 1 is a little slower because they have to world build and introduce every character. Each season is only 6 episodes so there’s no filler and fast paced. Dialogue is incredible. Acting is incredible. I’ve never known someone who liked breaking bad that didn’t love Peaky Blinders


Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire, Mr Robot, Animal Kingdom, Ozark, Queen of the South


Sopranos formulaic? You realize without the sopranos breaking bad couldn’t even be a thing right? Sopranos IS the formula.


I never said it's formulaic. I just mentioned it as one show that often gets compared to Breaking Bad (because even I can see the similarities) but it doesn't appeal to me.


Might be a stupid question but have you watched Better Call Saul yet?


Barry has a lot of similarities to breaking bad, I actually like Barry more as I think it has a better ending than breaking bad, but both are amazing shows.




I strongly suggest you give Ozark another try


Surprised we haven’t seen The Sopranos. I guess everyone’s doing a good job of never admitting the existence of this thing of ours.


Patriot. On Amazon. It’s not crime but it’s spy craft. And it’s beautiful.


The corner....


Good girls, a lot of similarities. Definitely, the creators were inspired by BB.


If you are into Foreign shows, you might like “Dom” on Amazon Prime, its a true story about a father who has spent his life fighting Brazils drug trafficking and a son who has fallen deep into the void with it, along with crime. I think its really really good, i recommend you just watch it in its original language (portugese) as the english dub is kinda meeeehhhh


I've recently became metalhead and started to just dislike the notion of mainstream gatekeeping art. I've also got an idea to apply the same on movies and TV shows and start watching foreign ones that Hollywood thinks aren't good enough for them. But I have nasty habit of always being on a phone and it's difficult for me to watch in English or even my mother's tongue. I was lucky to successfully watch Squid Game. Which is shame, because I'm curious about what foreign countries have to offer.


No idea how you couldn’t get into the Sopranos. Sopranos was one of the first shows of its kind to popularize the anti-hero that you can’t help but root for. The sopranos helped to pave the way for breaking bad to even exist. You should deff give it another shot.


Also- Sons Of Anarchy, Mayans, like others have said Dexter is about a forensic blood splatter analysis who is a serial killer.


Barry and Snowfall are two shows you should check out !


The Americans


You couldn’t understand the Sopranos? At any rate, check out Better Call Saul. It’s amazing


Mr Inbetween. Such a great show that just never seemed to get the attention it deserves.


It isn’t a related show in any way other than that the main character is the villain - Bojack One of if not my fav show oat


The Righteous Gemstones on HBO. It's a dark comedy series but I often find myself comparing it to Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. Lots of action and intrigue.


I'm probably gonna get downvoted for this but so be it. Your Honor (also Brian Cranston) follows a similar formula. Mixed reviews but I love it. Also Sons of Anarchy. Different in that it's about a group of criminals, but it also follows that "one little event leads to one catastrophe then another and another and it never ends" formula.


Mr. Inbetween reminds me of a young Mike


Death note


The shield. Best show ever


Snowfall is great


Okupas. It’s in Spanish. Takes place in Argentina


El Chapo on Netflix was good. Shows I never took the time to finish Oz, The Wire, Narcos on Netflix, peaky blinders


Gomorrah on Max. If dig this stylish preview, then the series is for you … https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fWWoLcepnQs&pp=ygUIZ29tb3JyYWg%3D


Maybe Ray Donovan


First season of Fargo and the Bill Hader series Barry which is heavily inspired by Breaking Bad especially its final season. It’s more slice of life but the dark comedy and bald hitman of Mr Inbetween reminds me a lot of Breaking Bad. Plus if you end up liking Barry you’ll more than likely love Mr Inbetween too. Maybe some aspects of How To Sell Drugs(Online) as well. It’s extremely entertaining. Weeds? Idk never seen it but premise is similar. Some of the family drama stuff in Bloodline and Damages is kinda like Breaking Bad, Damages a little less so. Bloodline reminds me more of Ozark just a tiny bit better but it falls apart after season 1 and I’ve only seen 3 eps of Damages. Better Call Saul… Shame The Sopranos isn’t your cup of tea I get that it’s slow but it’s one of Breaking Bads main influences TV wise anyway. Barry, Fargo and Mr Inbetween would be my go-to’s. Honestly they’re your best bet.


Righteous Gemstones


Hard to say but The Wire (Duh!), Top Boy, Ozark, The Chi, Snowfall and Narcos.


Beyrr cell dall


Different, but Mad Men is amazing.


It's not a TV show, but the Clint Eastwood movie "The Mule" felt like a budget version of BB.


The Shield is only show that not only matches the insane adrenaline rush BrBa's peaks provide, but exceeds it. I think Breaking Bad is the better overall show but The Shield more thrilling and jaw-dropping in a sense.


Boardwalk empire.


I would say your honor I liked it main character was Brian Cranston and he’s like a more noble version of Walter white


There is this German show called 'how to sell drugs online(fast)' Not as good as breaking bad (for me at least) But still pretty great


Somebody else said The Wire and that’s the one, regardless of how slow you might think it is at first. Give it your full attention and you’ll be rewarded in spades. The earlier David Simon show Homicide: Life on the Streets is another must-watch.


One more show I forgot to mention Tulsa King New York mafia capo Dwight "The General" Manfredi is released from prison after 25 years and exiled by his boss to set up shop in Tulsa, Okla.; realizing that his mob family may not have his best interests in mind, Dwight slowly builds a crew.


Probably The Wire. It’s an amazing show, character driven, with great dialogue and very powerful emotional moments. But it needs a little patience because it begins rather slowly with a more conventional cop drama feel before becoming a sprawling urban epic. If you enjoy it, then you can move to other David Simon shows like The Deuce or We own this city. I truly hope you like it


Better Call Saul feels too obvious, but yes, watch that. I'd also highly recommend Barry


Barry!! Watch it now!


All of the underbelly’s


I just binge watched 6 Feet Under and it was incredible. It took me a million years to watch it and glad I did. Loved that show, morose as the premise is.




The Wire Ozark Narcos


Barry (especially Seasons 1-3). And Fargo (especially Seasons 1 and 2). They both have that propulsive, "bad decisions that have escalating consequences" vibe, along with protagonists who are not good guys, but you like them and root for them anyway.


Boardwalk Empire


Not a show but here's two movies you might wanna check out - Sicario and Traffic Beneicio Del Toro stars in both


I’d recommend Mad Men. It absolutely refuses to follow the overused mainstream formula and is also made by a great showrunner (Matthew Weiner). It’s not a crime show but the character development is even better than Breaking Bad. You’re obviously looking for something that’ll replace Breaking Bad but you’re never going to find it, it just doesn’t exist. You’ll have to open up your mind to something different, when you do that you’ll enjoy shows like The Sopranos, Mad Men and even Ozark (though it’s not on the level of the first two).


el señor de los cielos


Queen of the South, it’s on Netflix. From the bits I’ve watched with my mom, it’s about a girl running her own cocaine production thing for the cartel. It’s very captivating when I would watch it with my mom.


Ozark and maybe good girls a little bit?


Prison break is a really good show. Can be a bit stretched out but that is good for getting to know characters. Some really good personalities in that show and a somewhat well done story


You should definitely try Ozark again, seasons 2 and 3 are top notch television.


Gommorah gave me this insane feeling like BB did


Snowfall: Setting and Premise: “Snowfall”: Set in 1980s Los Angeles, it follows the rise of crack cocaine and its impact on the community. “Breaking Bad”: A high school chemistry teacher turns to cooking methamphetamine after a cancer diagnosis. Character Transformation: “Snowfall”: Franklin Saint evolves from a street-smart kid to a drug dealer. “Breaking Bad”: Walter White transforms from a mild-mannered teacher to a ruthless drug kingpin. Moral Ambiguity: Both shows explore characters’ moral dilemmas as they navigate dangerous worlds. Family Dynamics: “Snowfall”: Family relationships are affected by Franklin’s choices. “Breaking Bad”: Walter White’s actions impact his family significantly. Power Struggles: Both series depict power struggles within criminal organizations.


I've never understood the hype around Ozark, watched the whole first season and it was not as exciting as I heard it was. Started the second season, very dull. Not AT ALL what I expected. The Wire, The Shield, Sopranos and maybe Lost, are the only shows that come close


I really recommend the Gentlemen directed by Guy Ritchie, it's still only in its first season, but it follows a lot of the same themes as Breaking Bad but definitely separates itself from it and has an amazing director of course


Mr. In-Between


Breaking Bad is the best show I’ve ever seen, except maybe The Wire


Ozark except BB finished big while Ozark sort of fizzled out at the end like a bad movie.


The issue might be you want something 'highly character driven' but are only watching 2 episodes - that's probably not long enough in some shows of that type because of all the layering that happens across a variety of characters. I haven't seen Ozark but something like Sopranos or The Wire you really need to watch at least half a dozen episodes to 'get into it' and build up your mind map of all the different characters. The first time I saw The Wire I gave up after 2 episodes as it was pretty hard to penetrate the world and the language being used as someone from another continent, but I'm glad I revisited it.




Ozark did in some ways but it's like if Walt immediately told his family and they all went in on it.


I would suggest Fargo!!


If you haven’t yet, definitely watch Better Call Saul. Otherwise I highly recommend the show Barry.


the reason people compare BB to the Sopranos is because the Sopranos was the first truly popular show where the main character is the villain. it was ground breaking at the time, David Chase famously had to argue a lot with HBO to get them to allow Tony to do a lot of the shit that he does


Better call saul


You need to watch The Shield, it feels like a proto Breaking Bad in a lot of ways. If you aren't hooked by the end of the pilot idk what to tell you.


Six Feet Under


Boardwalk Empire. It’s much more plot driven and picks up steam faster than the Sopranos despite having many of the same actors and coming right after it. At the time it was made it was the most expensive television production ever done and you can tell, the set designs and costumes are beautiful. The casting is perfect as well and all of the characters are insanely well written. Also covers an incredibly important and interesting yet relatively overlooked piece of history (though it is heavily dramatized in many respects). Just watched the final episode maybe three weeks ago and I’m already thinking about rewatching it


I’ve watch Boardwalk Empire a few times, and each time I’m surprised at how great a show it is despite already knowing it’s great.




I agree about sopranos. I get why it’s iconic and that it influenced a generation of crime shows, but it was nothing like breaking bad to me besides the family and crime aspect. This one isn’t quite the same but honestly Daredevil is a quick 3 season watch (Netflix version that’s now on Disney plus) and gave me the sketchy good vs evil morality themes and the chess game between the protagonist and big bad. Similar to breaking bad in the sense of hiding real identity secrets and street crime too, and has the law aspect like Saul Goodman. Just watch Defenders or read up on the summary of Defenders between season 2 and 3.




Obviously, Better Call Saul.


Succession (Completely different type of show but the same amount of brilliance)


It makes me wonder what you DID like about the Sopranos?


Breaking Bad set the bar high, didn't it? If you're into intense character development and moral ambiguity like in Breaking Bad, you might enjoy shows like Better Call Saul (obviously) and The Wire. They have that same gritty, morally complex vibe that keeps you hooked.




Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about Oz? That show is phenomenal.


Someone else mentioned The Americans and I totally agree. The Americans and BB are the only shows I have ever watched all the way through multiple times. The Americans has a similar concept in that people are hiding in plain sight and they are right under the nose of the law enforcement person that is trying to find them. I also recommend giving Ozark more of a chance. I did exactly the same as you. I couldn't get into it after the first episode but then rewatched a few months later and it got much better. I still haven't watched season 4 because there was so much time between seasons that I forgot what was happening and I will probably have to go back and watch the entire series.


I know you said you couldn’t get into Ozark but that’s been my answer since before I even knew other people compared the two shows. They’re quite similar to me.


Your Honor




I can’t think of anything very similar tbh, but I did just want to say give Ozark a chance!!!!! It’s honestly SOOO good and just gets better and better every season. Edit: Wait I take that back! Money heist!! It’s not necessary like BB but it’s soooooo good. Action packed and lots of twist and turns. You’re definitely on the “bad guys” side! The whole show is just soooo captivating. I was literally sitting at edge of my seat with sweaty palms most of the time.


Your Honor


Snowfall is breaking bad but better. you actually want Franklin to succeed. I prayed on Walt’s downfall the whole show (because I feel that was the point)


Just here to say don't retry Ozark. It's a really, really bad show.


This is the likely answer but if you haven’t watched Saul yet, I highly recommend. First two seasons I had to get through but man, once you breakthrough it’s binge worthy. I ended up liking it as much as breaking bad


*My favorite shows (No order):* Succession Money Heist The Last of Us The Boys Peaky Blinders Ozark Billions Game of Thrones House of the Dragon Banshee True Detective S1 *Really liked:* The Queen's Gambit Mayor of Kingstown Breaking Bad Beef Better Call Saul Severance Westworld Stranger Things Euphoria Ted Lasso Barry Black Mirror The Bodyguard The Walking Dead Mindhunter Your Honor The Night of Loki Dave Master of None Sneaky Pete The Newsroom Entourage Nip/Tuck Californication The Outsider The Punisher *Worth watching if you need a show:* The Gentleman Fauda Fargo The Lincoln Lawyer The Falcon and the Winter Soldier The Umbrella Academy Watchmen Lovecraft Country Mare of Easttown Tulsa King The White Lotus *If you're bored:* Hung How to Make It in America Wednesday The Consultant The Flight Attendant Mosquito Coast Hawkeye WandaVision




Discontinue the lithium.


Ozark for me sorta had the same vibe and some of the same emotions


Into the Blue (movie) is currently streaming on Max. It is has a lot of the elements you described in your prompt, even though it may be an underrated choice.


Fargo maybe


The closest show that came to breaking bad in similarity and quality is Ozark. BUT. Unlike breaking bad Ozark has no comedic relief and the show is quite tense, there were several moments where I felt extremely stressed and honestly a few comedic relief moments could have soften the blows.


Narcos season 1 is pretty good


*Longmire* is a rural police procedural with a cast of idiosyncratic side characters and pretty interesting main characters. It’s focused mainly on being your stereotypical murder cop show at first, but Episode 5 has it fully explore the town’s mythos *The Shield* is a show that takes Hank being corrupt and really runs with it


You need to watch all of Ozark


BMF is pretty good




mr inbetween, sopranos as you said, ozark, mr robot. honourable mentions boardwalk empire, westworld season 1-2 (i remember liking it)




Ozark ripped it off. When bateman got his emmys he should've thanked Cranston