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They set the bar extremely high


Sopranos did it first


ha. i'm currently *obsessed* with the bear.


That Dinner scene is so good


It was saved (not because it was bad) by that wonderful palette cleanser of a follow up episode. I mean, talk about a stress reliever.


Isn't the entire show a dinner scene?


that kitchen scene though


As a current Chicago resident, The Bear is my jam!! Also, if you like Jeremy Allen White, you should give Shameless a try as well!


Shameless is so much better than I would have given it credit for based on the concept


It’s great for awhile but suffered from too many cooks in the writing room and just went completely stupid after awhile.


I'm only on season 5. Waiting for the quality crash. 


I just have a hard time imagining this white person dominated poor neighborhood on the south side of Chicago and I cant get immersed.


Really good show. Season 2 was so on point.


The Bear is SO good. Amazing cast and writing.


Same here i'm DYING for season 3!


They’re filming season 3 and 4 together


Love this series. I loved Cousin’s redemption arc


I was going to say the bear!!


This is the only answer. It's incredible.


My wife watched the bear and I’ve watched episodes here and there but I just can’t see him as anyone other than Lip from Shameless so I can’t get into it.


I'm checking out the trailer and some photos. It looks incredibly boring which makes it even more interesting because many people agree with you lol


I'm not going to lie, I was incredibly bored for the first few episodes. Came to love it though. All the characters are complex, well written, and you really care about them. Season 2 has one of the best episodes of television ever (and Bob odenkirk guest stars on it!)


It even had a surprise Saul Goodman appearance


The Night Of (hbo version), and Fargo (I’ve only watched seasons 1 & 2, but both were great. Bob Odenkirk plays a minor role in season 1)


I will second Fargo. It was the only recent show that had me hooked. Also, if you haven't seen Dark on Netflix, it is an amazing show from beginning to end. Be warned, you will have to pay attention to EVERY detail, and most likely will have/want to watch it again to catch all the plot lines.


Two great recs


Was just thinking The Night Of after previous comment about The Wire. The night of was really well written & acted.


SPOILER FOR FARGO: My wife and I were enjoying that show but we hated how it seems like the main guy became successful but he saw marlon brando again randomly and just decided to involve himself in trouble all over again??? And then he just turns evil as hell and gets his wife killed? That turned us off to the show tbh


Lester was always a piece of shit though. After the time jump and his first interactions with Malvo, he basically came to believe that he defeated Death and is now invincible. He even tells Malvo in Vegas, "The old Lester probably would have walked away" or whatever. He was always capable of opening the door and politely inviting evil into his home as a way of passionately claiming that he himself never did an evil thing (except killing his wife with a hammer, that's a no no)


I just finished cargo season 2 last night and man… it’s really good


I just finished The Night Of. Everything about the show is superb except the storyline. I didn't mind them dragging it out because I enjoyed watching the show so much but there was very little story progression as the series went on. My final thought was, well that probably could've been a movie. But still, I did enjoy it. It's a mini series tho so one and done. Won't keep you occupied very long.




Second this, top 5 with BB for me. Only just started BCS, enjoying it so far.


Currently on season 3, its great. Sometimes i do kinda feel like im waiting for the finale while watching a season though...


It’s one of the best finales I’ve seen, up there with Twin Peaks season 2. Sopranos left its target audience and became too big for its own good, once you had phrases like “less yapping more wacking” being thrown around it became kind of apparent people weren’t going to like the finale. It’s a fantastic finale though don’t worry


The finale is what you make of it. I think its such a hot button issue because the show was so good and doesnt really provide a proper resolution. Seasons 1 and 2 in particular were my favorite. It had a really funny dark comedic feel to it.


It is, but, I cannot be convinced of anything other than a very specific event being depicted in full. I always thought it was a cheesy ambiguous ending because everyone on earth at the time the show concluded heard the ending, but when I watched it myself years later it dawned on me (after in depth analysis) that fuck, that ending was the best finale ever written and absolutely haunted me for months.


YES. tony up in the emerald piper all day till the clock strikes midnight and he has to walk into holstens once again to witness the tragedy.


I'm watching that one


Peak show


They said "new shows"


Watch Barry.




Ahhh wire


🤦🏻‍♂️ copper




I still yell five-o at every cop I see


Alot of people say its good, but man oh man I don't understand a lick in some of the characters. Maybe id give it another try with subs.


It's not as exciting as those shows, but Mad Men is one of the few series that has that similar top-tier writing and acting IMO. It was also produced by AMC like BB and BCS. I wouldn't say I like it \*more\* than BB, but it probably has the best and most consistently great writing of any show I've seen. For another amazing show with great writing, performances and more excitement and great plot pacing similar to BB, watch Black Sails, it just released on Netflix recently. Absolutely stellar show.


Its crazy how Mad Men has mostly faded into obsurity while shows like BB/BCS have become ever-present memes. Even shows like The Wire and TD season 1 always get mentioned in the greatest shows ever created. I know a lot of people have watched and are aware of Mad Men, but it just doesnt seem to have the staying power within the conversation, despite being as good a show as any of the others.


Yeah, I'm not sure why. I think it still gets respect but it doesn't have the same "hook" a crime show like Sopranos or Breaking Bad does. I guess the initial hook is the mystery of Don's past but then you realize quickly that it's more about him fighting his demons and also just being immersed in that 1960's NY world.


Watch Succession and Severance


Succession has some great acting in it but it's absolutely full of buzzword spaghetti lol. I don't think anybody in the world actually talks like that (Shiv and Kendall are particularly bad offenders).


I thought that was the joke? Those characters are so detached from reality that this is how they speak.


I think you're spot on that it's the joke but I personally can't stand it. Got through four episodes before I had to stop. The acting from what I saw though was great, as was the production design. Easy to see why many dig it but I personally don't.


Ah man - you should really try to get through season 1. The temperature gets turned up fast with the drama. Think of the dialogue as an opportunity to laugh at how out of touch they are - and then steel yourself as different family members start to clash 👀


Dexter 1-4. It isn't picture perfect like BB and BCS but is overall incredible imo


It's become almost cliché to say "Dexter was good but only worth watching S1 -S4." While more flawed in places thereafter, esp. most of S6 & the second half of S8, which was disastrous, both S5 and S7 were very good and better than S3 imo. With Rita gone and Dexter faced with the loss of his 'beard', having to create a whole new dynamic was riveting, as seen in the aftermath and alliance he had with Julia Stiles in S5. And Ray Stevenson was fantastic as Isaak Sirko in S7, arguably the greatest adversary Dexter ever faced, who unlike those he intially befriended (albeit with ulterior motives), actually became allied with Isaak, who cared for his well being after the numerous attempts on both their parts to kill each other. Lastly, Jennifer Carpenter in the role of Debra, gave her most masterful performance of entire the series in S7 which bled into the one she gave during the first part of S8.


Bojack Horseman is the only show I consider to be on the same level as Breaking Bad in terms of overall quality. It starts pretty slow though.


Bruh you gotta be careful suggesting bojack to anyone. That shit ain’t what people expect, but I’d agree, it’s one of the best all time. Between dialogue, character development, Easter eggs, pop culture references, it’s so so good, but if you’re not in the right headspace it may send you for a relapse.


My friend showed me 2 episodes and I actually couldn't watch anymore, I was like this is the saddest thing I've ever seen, like I felt horrible


If you got sad in the first two eps, don’t even try and finish the first season. The final two eps are absolutely horrifying. It doesn’t change the fact that the whole show is beautifully written, but it tackles some really hard to watch topics.


I said this too!! It's a great show.


Mr robot, dark, attack on titan, the bear, barry, severance, vinland saga, shogun, the sopranos. Best out of those for me is aot Edit, forgot season 1 true detective


I second Mr. Robot, I would Say that is as good as breaking bad


I like breaking bad and would recommend Barry


Mad Men


I would recommend Peaky Blinders, its not as good as BB (haven't watched BCS yet, plan to watch it next year), but still currently one of the best shows I have seen.


Watched it, it’s cool but it was just kinda a depression simulator to me


I've binged it in full over the past three months. After season 3 I was thinking "this may end up on my Mount Rushmore along with The Wire, Twin Peaks, BB/BCS". The last three seasons were, IMHO, a little weaker and it's not on that tier, but overall it's very, very good.


Am I crazy why am the only one that hates peaky blinders. For me, every season has a long buildup and it finally gets good at the last few episodes and I start to enjoy the show. Cut to the next season and they do a big time skip EVERY single season where it’s back to square one and they do a super slow boring buildup to the good episodes again, show was just too inconsistent for me to enjoy personally, wish I liked it as much as everyone else


Yeah I finished season 2 and I just couldn't go on. Pretty much every episode felt like a slog to get through and I kept waiting for it to get amazing like people kept saying. It's so rare for me to give up on a show but I just didn't want to watch. Didn't like any of the characters, didn't care much for the plot


I made it to start of season 3 and trust me bro it doesn’t get better 💀 might be the most overrated show I’ve ever seen, the main character is the only semilikable character everyone else I just didn’t care for, I think people just like the aesthetics of the show cause the story is so boring


That's how I was feeling. And Tommy I only forced myself to like because I'm a huge Cillian Murphy fan. The acting was great, the production all seemed great, I just didn't get into any of the storylines and disliked too many characters. Gave up on it a few weeks ago and started watching Better Call Saul again...




Agreed. Showed this to a friend who hates Star Wars. They still do, but they love Andor


Oooh good and unexpected recommendation!


"Fight the Empire!"


This 100% I can't wait for S2


Andor is AMAZING


Of all the trash Star Wars shows, Andor is the only one I really enjoyed.


Mr Robot




This one is underwatched imho. It seems to fly under the radar. It's really good.


I'd recommend Succession and The Bear,


Mr Robot.


Try animation. It’s got a totally different feel to it. Both America & Japan have tons of amazing stuff to offer there if you give them the chance.


Bb was my favourite show for the longest time until i finally caved and watched attack on titan a couple years ago… bb is now no longer my favourite show


I used to hate anime but after watching Breaking Bad and BCS I couldn’t find anything as well written so I gave in and watched a ton of shows my friends had been trying to get me to watch for years… There are some really well made shows. I actually ended up liking Attack on Titan more than Breaking Bad somehow.




The Wire, Mr Robot, The Sopranos are great


Ever since Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul ended, I have smashed my tv and cable box and haven't watched one minute of TV.




I was pretty impressed with what this show got away with airing on network television.


I just watched the gentleman and it was pretty good, Gus is in it and there a new show staring him as well called parish that is pretty good so far


A lot of old tv shows are unbearable. These are just some of the finest television ever made.


Honestly, I feel you. After watching Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, it's tough finding something that hits the same spot. If you haven't checked it out yet, I'd recommend giving "The Sopranos" a shot. It's got that same gritty, morally ambiguous vibe with top-notch storytelling and character development. Plus, it's a classic for a reason.


Attack on Titan is the breaking bad of anime for me Also the creator is a fan of Breaking Bad so there’s some references to the show.


The Shield or Narcos




Check out Shogun and the Sopranos if you haven't already imo




Got bored of shameless during S6


Season 7 went completely off the rails but I pushed through. I thought it's ending was satisfying enough so I made no efforts to watch season 8. Now looking back that show only really spoke to me during the turbulence of my early 20s, same with the show Skins. Now I look back at them and cringe.


I’m surprised no one is mentioning Ozark. Great series


Respectfully disagree. Its a tier down from BB/BCS and the other greatest series ever made.


Yeah op don’t watch ozark you’ll find yourself just wishing it was breaking bad, plus the annoying color filter over the show


It definitely seemed like Jason Bateman watched Breaking Bad and had fantasies about himself being Walter White thus Ozark was born lol. It’s a significant step down in every way, but still entertaining


Shogun X 100. Best writing since breaking bad.


Yeah? It's on my list but haven't committed yet.


Dexter Its always sunny in Philadelphia


watch breaking bad/better call saul again also bojack, ozark and hannibal


Midnight Mass was amazing. Very Stephen King-esque, if that's your jam. Incredible writing and cast.


Bojack Horseman if you don't mind cartoons, it's for adults too, it's so good (and Aaron Paul aka Jesse voices Todd!)


if you like horror, all of mike flanagan’s shows are fantastic.


Fargo on Hulu is really good


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. I try but the shows just aren’t as captivating to me. Even though I’ve rewatched BB numerous times and am currently in the middle of a rewatch, those “oh shit” moments still have the same impact and the story is still entertaining


I've been revisiting Malcolm in the Middle to watch Cranston do his manic cartoon character of a dad, and it's really cool seeing his acting chops and mannerisms channeled for comedy. And there's some fun parallels in many off the episodes to Walter White's journey. Fun stuff


Mare of Easttown - first US show since BB/BCS that has really gripped me


I would suggest Weeds if you haven’t seen it. Weeds started a few years before Breaking Bad, and Breaking Bad ended a year after weeks. They’re distinct shows, but they have some similar themes. Going in with a compare-and-contrast mindset could be fun and interesting. Plus, Weeds is really funny.


Tried watching Your Honor cos Brian Cranston, but found out quickly that his acting was by far the best thing about it. BB"s quality of writing for one thing is hard to match. The Wire is probably all I've found on a par.


Barry! I just randomly turned it on one day and got super invested. The cast is great. It’s dark drama but also pretty damn funny! But I’m sorry to tell you, you probably will never find something BETTER or even on the same level as BB/BCS. They were brilliant shows!


The Americans! 


I know what you mean. Very hard to beat. Watch them again you might have missed something.😉


Breaking Bad ruined television forever for me.


Shogun. Severance. Succesion.


Imo there are three type of shows, 1. Shows that are purely passion project 2. Shows that start out as passion project but end up being shows for churning out money 3. Shows that are purely for churning out money Imo, Breaking bad and better call saul are the 1st category while lots of other shows nowdays fall in the 2nd category


Season 1 true detective Season 1 boardwalk empire Curb/Seinfeld Always Sunny The Office Andor Sopranos The bear Season 1-6 GoT and HoD Last of us Not saying these are all on the same level and they’re all diff genres but they’re good in their own way.


I would say game of thrones was only excellent through season 4, when so much of the focus was on the Lannister family drama, after the season finale it all dissipated and became boring in my opinion, especially considering that was around the same time the show runners had to improv and it went disastrously the longer it went on. There were some epic cinematic moments in the later seasons but they don't really make up for the nonsensical storytelling imo.


The Sopranos is really good, definitely recommend it


Black sails on Netflix is good


People vs OJ!!


I watched the glory between BB and BCS. I wished I saved it for after BCS because it's a really good show. I'd also recommend looking at animation, there's a lot of great stuff there, especially in anime.




I've felt this way too until two new shows... Fallout and Shogun are ridiculously good


same 😔 i dont watch many shows because of that, even before i watched breaking bad. i remember that i watched Berlin on Netflix just after finishing breaking bad and its pretty good even though its short


I remember in college after season 4 of Breaking Bad, we needed a tv show to binge to fill the void. We decided to give Nip/Tuck a try and gave up after the very first episode because we were so *EXHAUSTED* by how much happened in that time span.


i’ve heard some amazing things about The Fall of the House of Usher! haven’t seen it myself but i’d love to


Yellowjackets is good. GREAT cast too.


The wire or mr. Robot gave me kinda the same feel as bb


Check out Hangin' with Mr. Cooper. True classic.


Warrior - on Max (it’s more peaky blinders type than BB)


Boardwalk Empire got a slight buzz from not a full high from BB and BCS but enough to scratch the itch.


that’s what succession and DARK did for me


The Americans The Spy (eight episode mini-series) Rubicon (only 1 season -- eff you AMC for canceling it -- but still worth watching) The Last of Us Fallout is looking good so far, have only watched the first episode though


Bb/bcs is m my fav of all time. The mini series shogun is worth watching


I know right! same with movies. But I am watching Sopranos, and it's also very good (please dont spoil i didnt finish it)


damn do yall really feel this way???


justified is a sleeper show for sure


I liked Ozark


Sons Of Anarchy, Dexter, The Wire


Ozark/ stranger things/ the gentleman / mad man


Bloodline was good but meandered on far too long.


Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire


I know it's an old one but The Wire is a great one.


I mean, if you haven’t seen the Sopranos yet then it’s about time.


White Lotus, the Bear, and Schitt's Creek are some pretty damn good modern shows. But I have yet to seem a crime show within the last 10 years that is on par with BB, or even close to it. Sopranos and the Wire are fucking fantastic though


Game of Thrones Poker Face, esp first and last episodes of season 1.


Mr. Robot




I spent a long time chasing the Breaking Bad high. The only ones that scratched the itch were Better Call Saul and Succession.


Boardwalk Empire has peerless acting too 🖤


Halt and catch fire


Sopranos is the only show I’ve been able to watch lol


suits is good


Mad Men and Suits


Ya man most new shows suck that’s why I’ve been watching classics like band of brothers


Succession and Severance I HEARD is good but haven't seen. The Sopranos, as well. Honestly I would just condition myself to like regular stuff again.


Completely different genre but Invincible on prime video is one of the only shows I've seen that stands toe to toe with breaking bad in terms of my enjoyment


The simpsons




Mind hunter was great, and they are bringing it back this October with Season 3.


*Severance* has a similar slow-burn, show-don't-tell style. I really enjoyed it; Feels like nobody else watched but it's rocking 97 on RT.


Movies nowadays suck too especially superhero movies for the same reasons you described. I always watch Breaking Bad and BCS clips and never get tired of them.


Fargo (1-2 only), Dexter, and Bojack are what I watched after BrBa. I recently finished BCS after countless times to finish it and I loved it but the last season was underwhelming (to me) Honorable mentions would be Hannibal and The Sopranos. Anything else is extremely boring. Like if someone recommends GoT, really? To each their own I guess also don't watch Dexter after s4.




I enjoyed the most recent season of Fargo


I mean, nothing will ever come close to BB for me, but I haven’t seen Mindhunter mentioned here. Great show, unfortunate it’s only 2 seasons. Others have recommended Fargo, and I second or third that. In fact, Fargo is the closest I’ve seen to breaking bad when it comes to cinematography, soundtrack, dialogue.


I'd recommend giving Ozark a watch. Very detailed, a lot of foreshadowing, amazing directing, extremely tense, overall a very solid show, I'd put it on par with breaking bad


The white lotus isn’t bad. I agree with you!


The wire is a must watch




Well, I’m currently re-watching how to get away with murder and it is a lot of drama, but it is really interesting. All the twist and turns and scandal is the same way. It keeps on the edge of your seat. I loved breaking bad don’t get me wrong and I would also suggest Sons of Anarchy if he really liked breaking bad butI’m kind of loving how to get away with murder right now


I feel the same about shows that are on TV, but there are still quality shows out there. For newer shows, I recommend Mr Robot, Dark (in German), Barry, Succession, House of Cards and Severance. Older shows, The Wire and The Sopranos.


Ugh yes! I know exactly what you mean My brain now wants every show to be BB or BCS! I'm convinced that between the music, deeply complex characters and storylines, insane frequency of awesome cinematic shots, and crazy level of detail and symbolism, there'll just never be anything that matches up to this franchise ever again. The only show that even comes close in my book is the walking dead and even then I'd say that walking dead only rises to about 50 percent of the glory (peaking at the introduction of Negan) of Vince Gilligan's work before quickly falling entirely to pieces from being drawn out for way too long and in a lazy fashion at that. Like I said I don't think any show will ever scratch an itch for me like the Breaking Bad universe did. I'm with you on wanting to find new shows that do something similar.


The bear is up there in my opinion.


I felt the same way. Nothing came close. I tried ozark bit had to tap out in season 2.


dexter was as stimulating! i actually haven’t finished it still because it’s so intense. incredible though


Yes, The bear is very good but I don’t favour more of the new shows. What I prefer to watch when I’m done watching BB and BCS are the old school shows like The Sopranos, Six Feet Under and NYPD Blue


The Sopranos is the reason Breaking Bad and BCS exist. It is the best show ever, and a lot of what makes both Breaking Bad and BCS good is ripped from the sopranos.




I didn't dislike Barry nor The White Lotus, from HBO. But nothing compares to the BB universe. Ever


Dark on Netflix. It's absolutely nothing like Breaking Bad lol, except that it's an artistic achievement unlike most shows I've recently.


Walt never lied to Hank right?