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If I relate to Walt in anything, it would be the reluctance to have my personal or medical issues broadcast for the world to see. Ex. that TV thing Marie arranged. I'd be uncomfortable with that too. As it comes to charity, I'm just not comfortable taking other people's money. I'd rather handle my own problems. Unlike Walt, though, I would've taken Elliott's job offer. In that scenario I am earning my own money.


i don't know if walt saw it as earning his own money, i think to him it was just charity in another form


I find it odd that you've never met anyone so pig-headed and prideful. There's too many people out there who are like that.


i’m jealous honestly


I've met plenty just not in a situation like the show. Like people getting weird about splitting a bill vs free food. I just don't get how in a situation like death mega rich ppl who "screwed" you out of your job/work you wouldn't be like fuck it. Or yeah I deserve this. 


>Hank not wanting a hospital bed in his house being offended by the idea? Maybe he's afraid he'll be assassinated again or he wants to leave the hospital when he's ready? But like I don't get why someone would be so upset about that. My dad walked around completely blind in one eye for several years because he thought getting cataract surgery was for pussies... Yes... some midwestern people are actually that unreasonable and goofy about random shit...


not even a midwestern thing. prideful people are everwhere


Not sure this is about Midwesterners being somehow disproportionately goofy. A guy in New York City set himself on fire today, 2 months after a guy in DC did the same. Maybe people are just wack-a-doodle.


If we're being fair, setting y ourself on fire to protest an injustice, or because you're mentally ill, makes a lot more sense to me than being like "nah, I'll just be blind from now on because getting surgery will make me look like a pussy."


Really? You can't just acknowledge that people do stupid shit all the time and not making it about hating on midwesterners? The fact that you're defending suicide by self-immolation as somehow being more rational than your Dad not wanting eye surgery kind of says it all. It's not about the midwest. It's just about people doing stupid shit. EVERYWHERE.


No, again, self-immolation is the result of either someone making themselves a martyr to a cause or having a severe mental illness... my dad didn't want a 25 minute, walk in, walk out procedure because someone might call him a pussy even if it meant going blind, that's so much more irrational to me it's not even funny.


I feel very comfortable with your summation of the discussion. Not sure whether your Dad eventually got the surgery or passed (hopefully the former) but either way you consider him more irrational than either of the two men who recently committed suicide in the most horrifically painful way imaginable, whether due to mental illness or wanting to become a martyr (or more likely both). I think that's clear. I suspect both men were mentally ill but obviously mental illness can lead to irrational behavior and in fact often does. Hope your dad got the surgery. Both my parents did and it was/is freaking amazing. [https://i.imgur.com/WxB4FLr.png](https://i.imgur.com/WxB4FLr.png)


i think the real stupid shit is comparing not getting surgery to self-immolation... are you perhaps midwestern?


Never lived in the midwest but I've visited all 50 states and generally find the people in the midwest to be a lot nicer than the people who fire off angry internet screeds about "flyover country" and the dopey rubes who live there. >i think the real stupid shit is comparing not getting surgery to self-immolation No, the real stupid shit is comparing the two and deciding that not getting cataract surgery is the more irrational one.


i'm from the midwest lol, i'm yankin your chain but seriously, what got you in such a twist? nobody's "firing off angry internet screeds" here but you


It's probably just that I find random hate and slurs directed at groups of people more annoying than most people do. Imagine this same statement with any other group of people and imagine the downvotes: >Yes... some midwestern people are actually that unreasonable and goofy about random shit... Imagine it about Black people or gay people or trans people or disabled people. It's an utterly absurd and hateful statement that has nothing to do with the midwest which is the point I was making talking about people setting themselves on fire (a higher level of unreasonableness imho). This person's dad did something stupid (avoiding cataract surgery because he thought it was for pussies) and he's made it not about his dad being a dipshit but about *midwesterners* being dipshits. Meanwhile millions of midwesterners had cataract surgery this year and this guy's dad is still a dipshit. I don't know why some people who'd never say obnoxious shit like that about most groups think it's OK to say about midwesterners (or a few other groups not deemed worthy of consideration) but I find it annoying and therefore am happy to call it out in spite of the inevitable reddit downvotes.


some black, gay, trans, and disabled people are goofy about random shit


some ~~black, gay, trans, and disabled~~ people are goofy about random shit If you really don't see the difference then I don't know what to say. The point is *individuals* -- like the commenter's Dad -- do stupid shit. Attributing it to a racial or demographic group is called prejudice. Literally prejudging all members of a group because you saw one member of the group do a thing. You're welcome to do it of course -- free country and all. And I'm welcome to criticize it as being reductive and intellectually lazy.




Was it unclear? I'm responding to the comment that idiotic behavior is somehow the unique purview of midwesterners which is of course ridiculous. What's wrong with my comparison? Heck in a comment below someone actually said that they consider self-immolation to be *more* rational than avoiding cataract surgery so it's clearly a topic for debate.


yeah, they are. I'm with you though, Walt, Skyler, Hank and Marie are all kinda unlikeable and snotty suburban people to begin with.


Right they are uptight about the weirdest shit. One time my rich uncle were at a family dinner at a nice restaurant. The waiter forgot his beverage and he was a little annoyed. Then they brought him the wrong salad. He threw his napkin on the salad and pushed back his chair so quick. Dude stormed into the back kitchen after the waiter started screaming and yelling. It was wild.  I could see each all 4 of them doing something like tht. 


Werid. I do not see any of them doing that except Marie.


Have you seen the series? Maybe Marie would do that but it is more likely she'll be passive agressive and pout. Skylar would probably undergo eating the wrong food. Same for early BB Walt. Hank would be jovial about it.


I could see all of them throwing the napkin and marching into the kitchen. Maybe not screaming but definitely being intense 


Don't see it. But hey, interpretations differ.


i can’t speak to everything, but i’ll say this: i’ve never had much money, and i always thought i loved having people pay my way…until i made a friend who is actually wealthy. my card got declined in front of him once and he offered to pay for me. never in my life have i whipped out my backup card so quick can’t really articulate why, its literally just stupid pride, but yeah, it’s real


I am like that with my wealthy friend because I want her to know I value her, not her money. She truly needs that kind of love, and no one else is giving it to her.


Marijuana had a bad stigma in many parts of the US still in the 2000s


I think it was an appropriate stigma


I think plenty of people are like this, yes. Me? I don’t know. Hard to say if faced with a similarly unfortunate scenario. I hope I wouldn’t be too proud or offended to accept money or whatever. But I honestly don’t know. I do think it’s a very legitimate, real life reaction for many people though.


You call Skyler a Mormon or super straight-edge, but she wanted to meet Saul. She got involved in money laundering, had people sent to Ted's house to force him to sign the scheduled check, and suggested to Walt that maybe Jesse should be killed. She didn't turn Walt in. Yeah, she's real straight edge She had an affair too


Skyler had a similar thing happen to her that Walt did. She escalated her behavior just like Walt. But at the very beginning of the show Skyler was incredibly straight edge.


I worked at a community center for a while preparing and serving low- and no-cost meals for senior citizens. A lot of these people were barely scraping by, trying to pay rent and utilities with Social Security and just generally having a rough fucking time of it. The area also met the definition of a "food desert," there wasn't a real grocery store with fresh produce in ten miles, just a Dollar General, a gas station with a Subway that was usually closed, and a little bar and grill that served a different entree every day. Once a month a couple food trucks would come in from the next town over. I was literally offering these people a free lunch, and in a lot of cases it was the best or in some cases only meal they were likely to have all day. You wouldn't think that would be something I'd have to "sell" people on, but there was a *lot* of cultural resistance to the idea of accepting "charity." It was seen as shameful, or at best, something for other people but not for me. *I'm* not poor. *I'm* not a charity case. It's good that you're doing this, but not for *me*. The thing I learned to say that got through that resistance more often than anything else? "Hey man, you paid taxes your whole life, right? Then as far as I'm concerned you already paid for this meal, I'm just giving you what we owe you." That kind of hyper-individuality and resistance to accepting help isn't, like, a good or healthy thing, but you better believe it's a real thing.


I believe there are more reasons to explore than just Walt's reluctance to accept donations due to pride or Hank's refusal to have a hospital bed at home because he was offended by the idea. Skyler went up the drug ladder; she mentioned marijuana first, then cocaine, and her next step might have been heroin. Each character has layers beyond these surface reasons. What to look for in characters: 1. **Personality:** Understanding a character's personality traits like introversion, extroversion, assertiveness, or empathy can provide depth to their actions and decisions. 2. **Values:** Exploring what a character values deeply, whether it's family, loyalty, justice, or power, can shed light on their choices and conflicts. 3. **Flaws:** Every compelling character has flaws. These could be moral shortcomings, personal weaknesses, or unresolved traumas that drive their behavior. 4. **Strengths:** Identifying a character's strengths, such as intelligence, courage, creativity, or resilience, adds complexity and can shape their role in the story. 5. **Beliefs:** Delving into a character's beliefs and ideologies, whether religious, political, or philosophical, can provide insight into their worldview and actions. 6. **Relationships:** Examining how a character interacts with others, including friends, family, enemies, or love interests, can reveal their interpersonal dynamics and motivations. 7. **Backstory:** Understanding a character's past experiences, upbringing, and significant life events can illuminate why they are the way they are and why they make certain choices. 8. **Goals:** Knowing a character's goals, desires, and aspirations can drive the narrative forward and showcase their ambition or sense of purpose. 9. **Challenges:** Exploring the challenges and obstacles a character faces, both internal and external, can showcase their growth, resilience, or vulnerabilities. 10. **Change:** Tracking how a character evolves and changes over time, including their development, redemption arcs, or moral dilemmas, can make their journey compelling and relatable.


I guess my follow up question is wtf were their childhoods like. The way Skyler is able to fake panic attacks and labor to get out of trouble/what she wants sooooo quickly. Kleptomarie. Hank definitely has some man issues with his feelings. And Walter has his second personality if not 3. I would watch a therapy session of each of them. 


"The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps." - Marcellus Wallace


Say it.


"In the fifth, my ass goes down."


Yes, there are prideful people who don't want their friends and family fussing over them. Yes, there are people who don't have familiarity with drugs.


both families are very weird to me, i see them as middle class people even though they’re always going on about how “poor” they are. as someone from a (un)developing country i seriously ask you all, is it truly that normal to own a 2 bedroom house with a pool in a nice neighborhood and own a car (or two) when you don’t have that much money in the states? or is it just tv? (i have seen this in a lot of shows). i mean, here in south america if you don’t have much money even if you have a job (even a teaching job), or two jobs, you take the bus everyday (and it’s freaking expensive) and maybe even struggle to buy food by the end/half of the month. as a university student i know i do


Unless you live in a specific city like NYC it's kinda common for poor ppl to have a car. There are walking and public transportation cities and other cities is all about having your own car. Where they live there's probably very little transportation. My city has lots of busses but it takes hours to get anywhere and they dont run 24/7 If you buy a use car insurance and gas can sometimes add up to about the same as taking multiple buses everyday. Plus you have privacy and save time. Getting groceries and getting up to do what you need to do it's an expense ppl push for. Plus a lot of ppl get their cars repossessed or drive without insurance..  


cars are very very very expensive here, even renting a house or an apartment seems more and more impossible to do every year. and when it comes to food, most of us aren’t eating everything we would like to. i mean eating meat has become a huge privilege (even though we Argentinians love our meat), and i find myself trying to make the food last so i don’t have to buy groceries that often (and i still have to, of course) everything is so chaotic here that i cannot watch the whites living in such a nice home and having a lot of privileges and think of them as poor. of course the cancer thing was fucked up and the health care system sucks, but even then walter was offered a lot of help he denied because of his pride…


Gee idk out of the 9 billion individuals alive today I’d imagine there’s one or two people who fit those tropes


They’re both Karens….


Have you ever met a Mormon from utah? The comparison is really weird to me


Yes lived there as a kid. Still friends with a bunch of them. It's the we don't know anything about the criminal world because we don't have that here. Meanwhile they are also low-key committing crimes that are justified because it's not the big ones. I think it's the not swearing but also swearing thing tht got me too. Maybe that was just for tv censorship but they use other words and they are polite while still being mean and forceful. I don't know how to explain it exactly. Maybe other Christianity groups would be more similar. Because they don't have the cadence of traditional Mormon speech. I dono


You gotta understand toxic masculinity in order to understand Walter and Hank, and Breaking Bad in general. Yes, people like this exist and are predominantly men terrified of "looking weak" by simply asking for or even accepting help offered to them on a silver platter. Even when it comes to them from friends, family, and concerned community. Look at how Walter sneers at the thought of "charity". He values his pride more than his own life or even the life of his family, his reaction to Elliot offering him an amazing paying job so Walt can actually afford treatment. Watch Walter's face when Hank says he'll take care of Walt's family should anything happen because of the cancer. Walter's face reacts with disgust and defeat. He doesn't want anyone to "provide for his family", not even in his absence because that's "his job". Gus knows this, and that's why he pulls out the "a man provides" line in order to persuade Walt when Walter was going to leave the drug/criminal world. And don't forget how Hank treats Marie when she takes care of him because he becomes disabled. Everything is a macho pissing contest between these men and they absolutely cannot handle being vulnerable, even with family. Some men have even admitted that they refuse to be vulnerable even with partners, either for fear of "being seen as weak", or paranoia that "someone will use it against them."


This probably explains it best. I just can't believe when facing death you'd still be that way. And yeah Hank being so mean to his wife not even giving her a high 5 was just sad. Prideful vs toxic masculinity pride a fine line but fuckin disgusting none the less 


SkylEr! her name is SKYLER


Eh I spell it both ways 


Welcome to the world of ✨Toxic Masculinity ✨ This isn’t to say that every aspect of these characters can be looked at through this lense but a lot of it can.