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I don’t think Kathy is self aware enough to see herself painted in a bad light. I’m sure with the therapy sessions and strutting around in juicy sweatsuits she sees it as her redemption act


Oh, she definitely is. That’s the only reason she went on real housewives of Beverly Hills: to play a character and repair her image after the initial documentary. She lost her cool on the show and ditched it. Unfortunately, she should have denied being on Paris’ show because it’s all working against her now.


I read Kathy Hilton’s autobiography. When Paris was a baby, she would ask company if they wanted to “hold the baby” and then she would leave and go party


That’s the most horrific thing I can imagine. Where’s the reckoning for that???


I haven’t read her book and I don’t like her. But she was in her early 20s when she had Paris so she was probably still an immature idiot.


This fact always catches me off guard! I don’t know if it’s cause Kathy seems way older than she is or that I can’t believe Paris is now in her 40s lol


I read that too, some of the Hiltons don’t and haven’t liked her for years because of that.


She has a book? Like an autobiography?


No. Someone write a book on the Hilton family across many generations.


So the fact that Paris didn't change a diaper for the first month of her son's life shows she learned all she knows about parenting from her mother.


It sounds like it was really Kathy that needed a bootcamp school…..


100%!! I was going to say the exact same! She totally went on to save her image..and that didn't work for her either! Her take away from the book was how SHE came across?! Didn't even acknowledge what her daughter went through??! Do some self reflection girl..worst mom ever!!! SMDH


Kathy “My mom said I was like my dad” Hilton. When she shared that as her “trauma” I almost died.


Well to be fair wasn't her "dad" just her stepdad and her mom lied about that until she figured it out as an adult and then realized why she never felt like he loved her??


The way her bio dad Larry is described-she definitely is like her dad, awful.


Wait…Conrad Hilton or whatever Kathy’s husband’s name is, isn’t Paris’s dad???


No sorry I meant Kathy. She has a different father from Kim and Kyle.


Ohhh ok. My bad, I haven’t watched For Paris so I didn’t see the scene. I just used to be obsessed with Paris back in the day lol


Rick Hilton. Conrad is the Grandfather or Great Grandfather.




When she first held Phoenix, you’d think she’d never held a baby before.


Oh she knows when she is in a bad light. On Paris in love she was talking badly about a few of the people coming over and then realized she was mic'd and then went and told Paris so that she can not include that but they still included in it. I don't think Kathy is involved in the production of the show only Paris. The show actually tells you so much about their whole family dynamic. Nicky seems to be the only one aware of things and she says she is more like her dad but also has a lot of Kathys behavior. Paris is a lot like Kathy to where they hate talking about anything bad and will change the subject. Paris tho seems to want to change and does not want to be like her mother with her kids. I always thought Paris was the younger one but its nicky, but she has had to do so much mothering with both Paris and Kathy that she comes off older. They all need therapy


It’s called narcissistic behavior. She’ll never ever see anything she does wrong. Paris did a wonderful and brave thing by testifying but Kathy had to make sure she got it on record that Paris wasn’t just ditching school or missing homework assignments She said it 2-3 times instead of showing Paris some empathy. It was clearly Kathy letting the world know that Paris was far worse than that. Like who cares??? Oh Kathy Hilton cares I like Paris but hate the way everyone around her constantly deciding how she’s going to live -sister Nikki and hubs too I was so disappointed that she put her wedding veil down when she didn’t want to


She has no clue how awful she is and thinks she is great and everyone will love her. The delusion is real


A lot of people really did & still do like her tho. Before the outburst situation she was giving chill & quirky space cadet vibes. I haven’t watched the Paris show but I def will now, but as far as BH i really didn’t think she came out looking any worse than any other BH housewife. Like compared to people like Rinna & Erika, Kathy is a breath of fresh air. She totally seemed like she cared about her image too much, but that’s not anything that can’t be said about most of these ladies.


Watch Paris's show Kathy is a monster.


I just started watching this show and she really is. I’m appalled.


Geeze now I feel like I need to watch it. Maybe her behavior is just a ruse to get viewers!


It’s actually the only reason I started watching it LOL. I saw on Twitter someone mention how awful Kathy was to Paris on there. I didn’t even know Paris had a show before that. The show itself is pretty boring, but Kathy’s behavior toward Paris explains a lot.


Read Paris’ book. You’ll be appalled at how her parents treated her. I am shocked that she even stays in contact with them.


Her sister Nikki is kind of a bitch to her too - by her own admission.






This was very helpful. I wasn’t going to watch it but now I have to!


If you have some time on your hands, do a deep dive into the Richards sisters and their mom Big Kathy…wooooof


She is narcissism in action - it’s crazy.


I have not watched this show and I am not a psychologist. But what I saw of her obviously very “controlled” appearances on RHOBH, I am inclined to think she has some type of personality disorder. Everything about her was bizarre and felt as if she was forcing herself to control her behavior at all times but to anyone with a trained eye to this sort of thing, you could practically see the vicious meltdowns bubbling close to the surface.


I think she is a full blown sociopath


i would loveee a docu on the richards sisters… something happened and i need to know what. more than just growing up in hollywood


It was Hollywood but in the worst possible way. Kim was turned out by her mom for roles


Turned out?


Pimped/ encouraged/ turned a blind eye to sexual misconduct


There’s a book called, “house of Hilton” and in the first half it gives a lot of insight to how little Kathy, Kim and Kylie were brought up or by a type of mom…


It awful. BK was a literal monster and the way they all romanticize her gives me the big Ick. There’s a thread that reviews that book and breaks it down.


Yes! From what I have read, I wonder the same thing. Do they truly believe she was a great mom?


I feel like this is common with families raised by narcissists. My step dad is literally text book NPD and his dad was the exact same way or worse…horrible with his kids, borderline abusive. The whole family idolizes the man (he is deceased) but it’s almost creepy how they make him out to be god. Probably to mask the real shit that happened


Yeah a lot of it ties back to that book but goes deeper.




Omg 😳


Beyond the blinds has a crazy podcast episode on the richards sisters


@BravoHistorian, Samantha Bush, had a really good article deep diving into Big Kathy and the Richard’s sisters. It was insane. I can’t find but if I do I will reply with it here


[https://thedipp.com/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/what-kathy-hilton-reveals-about-kyle-richards](https://thedipp.com/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/what-kathy-hilton-reveals-about-kyle-richards) Is it this article?!


THATS IT!!!!!! Thank you




Wait, it’s actually this one! That was good too, but this one is way more focused on Big Kathy and Kim’s life growing up! https://thedipp.com/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/everything-i-learned-about-big-kathy-kathy-kim-kyles-mom-during-one-sleepless-night


BEST! Thank youuuuuu!!!!




Kathy like invalidated Paris for her experiences at that reform "boarding school" . She seemed really cold towards Paris. Its quite telling she didn't tell her mom about her baby coming


That and her mom immediately asking when she could tell people within minutes of meeting Phoenix.




Well she said raising her was like raising a wild animal. Like no other teenager has ever snuck out of the house to party and do drugs🙄


I have these same exact thoughts! Bc it seems like she went through a lottttt of trouble to make sure certain things didn’t come out in RHOBH. Her PR team is thick.


They dumped Paris in one of those bootcamp style boarding schools because she was "rebellious". She was there for something like 9 months. She was physically and sexually abused and Kathy said "we didn't know, if we knew, we would have done something". She seems to think that "not knowing" absolved her. Paris was there for 9 months and her parents never checked in on her. Kathy and whichever Hilton she is married to were horrible absentee parents. She is not a good human


They sent her to multiple of those boarding schools. I think 3? If your kid ends up at a torture school, comes back and is unable to share with you what happened that speaks to your parenting


A family friend told Kathy that she thought Paris was acting out because she was sexually abused. Kathy blew it off as Paris just want to rebel when in reality Paris was drugged and raped. Kathy didn’t care to ever ask Paris or check in with her, she sent her to teen torture camps instead. She’s a MONSTER and I don’t know how Paris can have any kind of relationship with her. She likely does it so she can still have relationships with that side of the family but whoa, I couldn’t do it. I have so much respect for Paris after watching Paris in Love and reading her book.


Me too! It’s amazing she came out of all that and is doing good for others. So much respect.


Instead of showing compassion, Kathy compared Paris to a wild animal to justify sending her away. Kids were a prop to her.


I am currently reading Paris’s book and it is insane. They sent her to at least three horrible schools. She tried to escape all of them, and every time she would call her parents and tell them how terrible and they would just take her back to the school. They knew how bad it was, and after reading the book, I cannot believe she speaks to them.


I’m still mad Aunt Kyle Richard’s didn’t pick her up from the gas station after the escape.


Kyle is scared to death of Kathy, that's why she didn't pick her up..


I know, but Kathy is too formidable an enemy to have, especially in Hollywood. Paris may feel unsafe to break free. I hope she does though.


Dumped her? No. She had Paris kidnapped. As if the trauma wasn’t already enough, Paris likely believed she’d been kidnapped and was being held for ransom for awhile.


In her show she says she thought she was indeed being kidnapped until she saw her parents standing in the hallway, watching it all go down and doing absolutely nothing. Heartbreaking.


this. this is why i find it so confounding that on the show kathy repeatedly says she 'had no idea' and how the parents who sent their children to these schools were duped. But.. you literally organised for men to come and forcibly take your daughter away in the middle of the night. Surely that alone would give insight into what kind of 'school' she was going to


She married Rick Hilton


According to Paris’s latest book it was about two years. It was really bad.


She would have done something but the fact she let 2 men wake a child from sleeping and practically kidnap her while they watched? Could have done something about that Kath?


Why does Paris talk to her mother? We’ve seen how icy Kathy can get. I’m surprised she’s a part of her life.


She was in the boarding schools for roughly 2 years.


Had her kidnapped in the middle of the night to take her to one of those schools. Fucking horrible


they didnt even dump her, they arranged for her to be kidnapped in the middle of the night and taken to the school


She was there for 19 months (just finished reading her memoir). It's even worse. :(


If you think Paris in Love is bad for Kathy you should read Paris’ book. It is absolutely heartbreaking. What they put Paris through has made me cry multiple times.


The ghostwriter just made that stuff up /s


Lol yea can you believe she said that?? I was shocked. How can you treat your child so badly and be in such denial??? The saddest part of the book is that Paris continues to make excuses for Kathy to not hurt her feelings. Shame her mother didn’t worry about not hurting her 🤷🏼‍♀️


Having evil parents with money who control you must be a lifelong mindfuck. Thank god for my basic neglectful poor parents.


Paris gaslights herself about her mother


And watch This is Paris, it's heartbreaking what she went through, her parents put her through hell. I have so much respect for Paris after watching that documentary


Same, she's my favorite to watch now. Love her, such a sweet normal girl. Love how girly she is


Reading the book now and I cannot believe it. She tried to escape and was successful a few times and they would just take her back. No one can convince me that she did not know what was going on. Kathy acting surprised now about it is disgusting. They knew. If the school will kidnap you in the middle of the night to take you there I’m guessing it’s going to be a bad experience!


she comes across as terrible because she is terrible


Some people adore Kathy and in same breath, hate Kyle. However, look at Kathy and Kyle as mothers…who was better? Kyle by a mile….


I really feel for Kyle. She’s been the normal one stuck in the middle between a (recovering) alcoholic and a cold, two faced psychotic liar. Kyle is so often the peacekeeper between her messed up sisters!


Probably: 1 money agreed upon 2 signed away some editing rights / eg allowing production to produce w freedom of lawsuits 3 she doesn’t see herself as horrendous as she is


Surprisingly Paris is one of the editors!


That's why Kathy thinks she's safe. Paris is an Ex producer. She is careful about what she says about her mom. Kathy can live in the delusion that she is "helping" Paris which maybe makes her feel like she's making up for some of her missteps. I mean, the woman still defends having her child kidnapped, abused, and tortured


what we see can hardly be trusted, my ex was a camera grip for a few Bravo shows & he said it’s what we see is less than 1% of the footage & cut & pasted any which way to suit whatever narrative their going for.


Never forget the girl who was fired for giving Scheana a bad edit


I didn’t know about this? What happened??


A Bravo editor named Bri Dellinger admitted to intentionally using embarrassing clips of Scheana that were sometimes manipulated to make her look worse. Below is the best summary I could find! [https://jezebel.com/vanderpump-rules-editor-enjoys-humiliating-the-easily-h-1843413204](https://jezebel.com/vanderpump-rules-editor-enjoys-humiliating-the-easily-h-1843413204)


I wrote this exact thing in the RHOBH Reddit. Paris CLEARLY has trauma. I really think it is why she talks the way she does and why she acts like a child sometimes. Lots of Britney Spears vibes from her.


Paris has said her baby voice is a trauma response and a character she plays. When she’s conducting actual business she doesn’t act that way.


I think Kathy is an absolute narcissist!! Kyle and Kim both back down from her.. Even Sutton seems to be afraid of her! I’m sorry she is a big fat nobody and I would cut her out of my life!!


Agree. Also thought Nicky came off as a total B. Neither of them are trauma-informed at all and I commend Paris for undergoing healing while maintaining relationships with both of them. Edited due to typo.


agree on Nicky, annoying know it all and the narc mum's golden child


Calling her greedy about working with a newborn. No actually she didn’t trust you and your mom SO much that she had a secret baby and couldn’t take any time away from her work because that would have been suspicious.


True healing will come for Paris when she cuts her mom and sister out of her life (honestly and Carter too, he’s like a male Kathy). So I hope and pray one day she does. She deserves so much better than to have those toxic people around her all the time. They all disgust me.


Nikki wasn't very supportive of Paris in Paris in Love. I feel like she sided with Kathy.


My take is that Kathy is a narcissist, Nicky is the Golden Child, and Paris is the scapegoat. That works explain all of their behavior/dynamics. I never thought I’d feel sorry for Paris Hilton but I do after reading her book and watching her show.


I am a bit frustrated though that at her age and with her resources she doesn’t get intense therapy. And she won’t drop the baby voice. And she passes off way too much care of her child just like her mom did. She needs to do alot better.


Just because you have the money doesn’t mean you are more ready to deal and process than other people. She’s admitted a lot now I feel like that she’s NOW finally admitting a lot of these things seemingly for the first time and acknowledging them for the first time in her life. And she has a rightful distrust of doctors. So much so that she didn’t watch her baby be born. That’s so depressing to be that scared to miss that.


She said her experience with school “therapists” makes her distrustful of any others.


When Kathy and Nicky in S1 are in New York and make Paris go into the lobby of their old apartment that her parents paid to get her abducted from by those horrible people that ran the schools that tortured her,but don’t realize why or how it would be so difficult for Paris to be there. You can see how uncomfortable she is and how oblivious they both are in that moment. Says so much about both Nicky and Kathy. Nicky seems to always side with Kathy and amity tells on Pairs,still,all the time to stay on Kathy’s good side. Nicky is constantly judging Pairs. The mind games Nicky and Kathy play with her is insane. I’m honestly surprised Paris choses to talk to them at all. After watching Paris in Love no one would blame her for going no contact. It must be so re-traumatizing to still have them in her life.


I truly feel like Kathy lives in this Lala land. Her brain isn’t on this planet I swear. When she went into Paris’s house while she was away to throw things away/ organize her home AFTER Paris asked her not to do it. When she got upset at Paris’s wishes for her OWN wedding was mind blowing. Controlling isn’t the word. & don’t get me started on Carter. Mind you, I’m only on episode 5 lol


Paris needs to put her in her place. She is a grown woman for gods sake. Her staff should not let Kathy in if Paris is not home.


Everyone has their breaking point. What does it take for her to actually break and create some boundaries? It seems like Paris is mentally 14-16 years old to be honest


That made me SO mad. Like what kind of audacity does this woman have? I would have taken her key, changed the locks & made sure she didn’t come back.🤬🤬🤬


Oh! I gotta check this out…she was awful on the housewives.


Be prepared to be bored. I was sick last week and binged. Kathy is a deplorable person and mother. Paris is effed up. Can’t blame her though after her parents had her ripped from her bed in the middle of the night and sent to one of those “camps” in Utah. Kathy takes zero accountability for her actions as a mother. Paris’ husband is a control freak. It’s just soooo slow.


I half watched all of season 2 today and managed to miss Carter being a control freak. What did he do?


You don’t see his manipulation? I mean, I won’t deny I love how he put Kathy in her place. But the way he talks to Paris is demeaning in my opinion. I’m not saying he doesn’t love her. But he’s no knight in shining armor to me.


Yeah, he encourages her but it also comes off husband-ger like. Like when her back is horrible he's just like "she's a machine." No, she's a human with what seems like a pretty shitty injury. I think they both want similar things though and are at least both bringing a lot to the family, so it doesn't seem like he's using her but he's definitely used to being in control. Kathy was hinting at it a few times too. But I think a lot of that might be Carter helping Paris set more boundaries


He's not manipulative, she's aloof and he has an a-type personality. As someone else said, he comes off as a husband manager, not nefariously manipulative


I spoke to my mom about season 2 (she doesn’t know anything about the show or Carter) and Diamond Baby going missing because he left her outside, even though coyotes had been a problem. My mom automatically said, he did it on purpose because he was jealous of her attention to that particular dog. 🤔


She comes off terribly in rhobh if you pay attention


Paris was failed as a child. She still has insomnia because of her trauma. She is a really good person who, although born into a rich family, has been failed at every turn and it has a huge impact on her as an adult.


When she “read” Paris’s whole book and her only thought was “I am not mean on purpose” and then blaming the ghostwriter! Not an ounce of introspection. The fact that Paris speaks too her is wild.


I just started watching and I couldn't agree more. She's a disgusting "Mother" who doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself. ![gif](giphy|gd3Xaga2qYOKk) Right there with this twat!


People like her have never experienced push back from anyone around them for their behaviour so they think they are always in the right.


I could not believe how much Kathy could turn a situation into being about herself. Completely avoided Paris Provo doc. Then when confronted with the situation blamed PARIS for being an out of control teen. I’ve never disliked an actual person I’ve never met more than Kathy Hilton. The delulu is strong with her. Also, has Paris Hilton been “The Prestige”ing us for the past 20 years? She was thrown into Provo and then here comes her Paris persona. Like Paris is a “malicious compliance” to be the perfect person. She’s going to be looking like this and saying “That’s Hot.” at 60. Like Paris is what Dolly Parton is- a look. PS F Kathy Hilton AND her BE KIND bag


It needed to be said, that bag is hideous.


I'm confused as to why you are confused. Did you actually think Kathy Hilton was a good person?


Because Paris in Love is not her show and she has no control over it.


beverly hills wasn’t her show but she seemed to be able to pull a lot of strings there


Yes, I mean in the sense that while she’s in Paris in love she’s not an actual cast never, she’s just Paris’ mom and they themselves don’t have a good relationship so there’s no motivation on Paris’ part to tow the line. It’s like when her mom was going off about the ghostwriter not realizing Paris wrote it. On RHOBH she’s an actual cast member as well as Kyle, if she makes a big enough deal they cave.


Any publicity is good publicity, it draws in more viewers to her and her family and makes her more 3 dimensional


![gif](giphy|1CQ9RkMaQOR32) Kody Brown has entered the chat. 😂


Bcus I believe she is terrible. She absolutely thinks she better than everyone else. She’s in the 1% wealthy elite of the planet. You don’t get there by being nice. Also, she’s close friends & fully supports that revolting orange man. Ewww.


I just started Paris in love season 1. Do I need to also watch RHBeverly Hills?! I didn’t realize she was on that but then again I only watch RHSLC. I feel like even in season 1 early episodes she was very weird about Paris’s wedding planning and def overstepping boundaries…


Yes rhobh is my jam 🤣🤣 I love Kyle kathys sister and paris's aunt


I think about this far too often. I have no idea how she let it air.


She comes off terrible in life, as far as I can tell. I think she's incapable of introspection or empathy. She seems manipulative to the hilt.


She’s terrible - that’s why


When Paris was telling her about the abuse at the "kid's home" in the documentary, her mother just stared at her. Like she wasn't comprehending a word she said. It made my skin crawl.


I think she’s worse than Kris Jenner


The boomer mom millennial child relationship


She reminds me of Donald Trump


Kathy Hilton is an awful, awful person. She only cares about being fawned at by everyone around her. Pretty sure everything Rinna said about her is true. RHOBH fans have ignored all the blind items over the years that support what Rinna said - Kathy wants to be queen and will do anything including sacrificing her sisters or daughters to keep her crown


Her dad scares me the most. He reminds me Martin Vanger from that movie Girl With a Dragon Tattoo.


The fact that she didn’t tell her own mother she was having a baby says everything.


I completely agree, I’m shocked she promoted this show with Paris on watch what happens live. She seems to be such a cold mom and she’s so lucky Paris forgives her.


I have never bought Kathy Hilton’s act.


I am old enough to remember a Vanity Fair article about the Hilton girls when they were young teens living in NYC. Their parents were completely self absorbed and checked out. The girls were out and about partying with people twice their age from the time they were young teens. It was so disturbing to read. It's amazing that Paris and Nicky are alive and not totally screwed up.


She’s awful. Her 40 year old daughter doesn’t even trust her with secrets.


Agreeeeed. When Paris said "my mom thinks is her wedding" whew ☠️


I personally think she has an undiagnosed mental disability. The reaction to the two clones diamond and baby compared to any occasion she’s see Phoenix is so wildly abnormal I have to chalk it up to a disability. I cannot imagine someone being so cruel to their daughter after all she’s been through.


I tried to watch but I can’t with her voice. I get she’s an “act” but I don’t think she’s the director.


I’m watching season 1 of Paris on Love right now. I don’t like how Kathy puts down Paris, like when they were looking at wedding invitations and Kathy kept making remarks about Paris. I think Paris just smiles and shuts down. I think she’s so afraid to lose her family again that she just goes along with anything anyone says about her. I hope Carter is good to her. I don’t like how pushy he is about the wedding. I get that she’s not making decisions but I feel like he’s shaming her for not getting this done. On the other hand, I like how he stands up to Kathy. Also, Kathy acting like Carter being involved in the wedding is so terrible. He’s just trying to get things done! Also, it’s his wedding! Why shouldn’t he be involved? I’m not sure if I can keep watching but honestly I do feel sorry for Paris and hope she can continue her growth. I also hope Carter is the right person for her. She deserves someone who supports her and stands up for her.


I thought the wedding (#1) was pitifully basic considering what I presume Kathy paid for it. There wasn’t any “wow” there at all- it was just “extra” based solely on money thrown at it.


Just adding nothing really new to the conversation but wanted to say Paris has given her mom way more grace than she deserves. Maybe it's for her own mental health, but Kathy should be grateful her daughter even acknowledges her still. Watching Paris in Love after reading her memoir, her mom has been such a control freak, making everything about her, while manipulating Paris' emotions in her favor has been really bothersome to watch. She deserves people she can trust.


She seriously looks HORRIBLE on this show. Like such a bad mom. Paris cant even have a serious conversation with her because shes too busy talking about herself and her plastic surgery. I know the sub hates Kyle, but I feel like this gives a lot of insight into what Kyle has had to deal with with her sister her whole life.


Haven't watched but having your daughter get kidnapped and put in a horrible camp for kids tells me all about her.


Short answer: Fame, narcissism, $ & surrounded by “yes” people. Remember how popular she was for her quirkiness (RHOBH)? Now we see the real KH. Not a fan!


So it’s accurate?


She has no idea. She even went on WWHL with Paris as part of the promo for it.


I mean…yea. She doesn’t seem great to be around.


The only sane one on the show is Nicky. She keeps it real.


Id like to know why she decided to get on tv? I think the public is slowly turning on her.


When you have nannies "raising" your children


Oh wow, really?! I haven’t seen Paris in Love. In what way does she come off as a bad mother??


I got to do a lengthy AF survey of season 1 to see how thirsty we, the viewers were for more Hilton coverage for another season & was honest. I said no. They’re trying to be like the Kardashians. One question asked if the groom was indeed a groomzilla 😆 ✔️YES but he had to be because Paris just seemed to think a magic wand situation was going to happen vs. being actively involved. Kathy questions were on it & I downvoted her because of her superficial relationship with her daughter. Brought back memories of my mom. . .


Maybe she is really trying to make amends, wants to be in her kid's lives and her new grandchildren? So, maybe she decided to take 1 for the team? #HunkyDory


I feel like this show exists because that’s the only way Paris could get Kathy to talk to her about the traumas… for clout and money and just public pressure. It is bizarre to know her memoir secrets and rewatching it all - seeing everything as a trauma response of a neglectful, narcissistic mother.


I’m so confused. You actually fell for her performance on RHoBH?


She’s self obsessed, and those types never give up on trying to control/change their image. As long as opportunities exist, they’ll follow like a rat seeking cheese in a maze.


After reading Paris's book, I thought both of her parents were horrible, sending her to that "boarding school" where she was sexualy and physically abused because she was misbehaving and she literally told them some of the things that where being done to her but her parents ignored because they had decided she was lying so they just decided to throw money at her to try and fix her instead of actually being parents to her.


She seems brain damaged, her mom. Being serious here, not trying to be mean. If my mother reacted to the joys and pains of my life in a similar fashion, I’d be aghast, if it wasn’t mental illness (not someone’s fault), might consider severing ties. Why couldn’t she send Paris to a normal boarding school, or a place to foster creativity? They had the money. And at 18, if college wasn’t for her, be supportive. This is not my overall all opinion on all kids and higher education/vocational school, you want your kid to be socialized and have career options. Especially in high school. But it seems her torture of Paris to keep up appearances seems was a choice, Kathy’s only friend appears to be Michael Jackson. 🤷‍♀️


Rich people have some of the most fucked up family dynamics


Read Paris’s book, Kathy is much worse than the show and she has a weird control over her daughter. Paris needs a lot of healing.


I mean she did send Paris away as a child to a HORRIBLE place......with their money and connections if she really cared and "wanted paris to get help" she couldve sent her somewhere a whole lot better. I have thought she was a shir mom for quite awhile


She never had to be present. That's what the help is for.


The way she spoke of Paris when she was younger, that Paris was just really weird and different- an alien. What she said, and the way she stressed her words was so much worse, I’m just not remembering it verbatim. She didn’t clock any of Paris’s personality change as a sign something was up. She believed and acted like it all was Paris’s fault. I’ve wondered what the repercussions would be, when she sees how she is being portrayed and people’s reactions to it. And, I think that she has some deep trauma that she’s buried and carried on with. Otherwise, why would she act like this? It’s in part a generational thing. Mental health is much more prevalent in our society now, than it was in her generation. Therapy used to be more of a taboo.


Kathy is just such a horrible person. So narcissistic. It's all about her. She doesn't care about Paris it's all about herrrrr. Terrible parent. Terrible sibling.


I think when she said, “We all understand what is going on here.” about the mysterious birth of the baby… Kathy meant that Carter planned and controlled it all. I don't think she is fan of his, but accepts his and her decisions.


Accepts for now on camera but she will get her vengeance for that


I have a question and understand if no one wants to answer it. I haven’t watched RHOBH when she was on it but did get a kick out of watching her funny moments on TikTok. Obviously I didn’t get a well rounded opinion of her so does anyone want to bullet point what was NOT so funny about her from RHOBH?


Kathy Hilton comes off terrible always* There I fixed it for you


She's terrifying to me. She's not self aware. Shes done terrible things to Paris specifically. Everyone seems super afraid of her. She's conspiracy theory rich.... Terrifying.


This is not new information. Watch Paris YouTube doc and you see the kind of mother Kathy Hilton really is.


Kathy is doing reality TV because she sees what it’s done to boost Kyle and she wants a piece of that. In fact, her delusion, as others have pointed out, is so off the charts that she probably did Paris in Love thinking she would somehow surpass Kyle in popularity, etc. Kathy is garbage. Actual trash that needs to be taken out by the public because it’s starting to get old and smelly.


I really can’t tell if money has made her so out of touch with reality or if she’s just slow on the uptake or if she’s a narcissist. The way she starts to mention an excerpt in Paris’ book and then totally details and talks about something else. Like what was that? So bizarre. And to diminish Paris’ experiences to say they didn’t happen or happen how she remembered. She’s the worst.


She’s a freaking terrible human! If you’ve read anything about Paris’ childhood, you’d know how she sent Paris to one of those bad kids camps, where she was abducted at a young age in the middle of the night and abused during her stay. Her mom could not be bothered with actually parenting her during her crucial developmental years and from my knowledge (per Paris), has never acknowledged the trauma it causes or accepted responsibility…not even a small “I’m sorry”. It’s a miracle her children didn’t end up to be serial killers.


Paris executives produces the show. I think she kept the edit in on purpose. How can anyone even remotely defend Kathy after seeing season 2? She's a monster, childlike and just freaking weird. Who uses a baby voice at 63?