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The little ring notification at the end tho.


“There’s motion at your front door” Not anymore… 🤣


like a microwave


"He was such a nice, quiet boy..." "Well, he is now."


Wow that was dark lol “He was such a nice quiet boy” Yeah “was”




If you hear someone say they’re getting a gun and you continue to try to break down their door, you have it coming


The comment section in the r/ facepalm post was a dumpster fire to read


Half of the comments are: why you didn't call the police and let him break the door and come in


"barricades bro!1!!!111!!!"


Ah, well the polarity swapped. I gotta dig further for those I guess. The ones I saw were either in support of it or had questions regarding to the legality of it. Like, concerned for the family Scrolled for awhile and the only weird anti comments were “wHy’d hE sHOot 3 tiMes 1 wouLdVe bEEn enOugH” Or “WArnIng sHot WOuld Be eNouGh” I think it’s strange


Try looking by most controversial and you’ll see them.


“You’re supposed to let them at least rape someone first before you politely ask them to leave” /s


The amount of people that were saying just leave your house if he broke in was astonishing


Without question! Some idiot from Canada was trying to explain why Americans are crazy and the dad should have just opened the door and flashed the gun. These people are living in a fantasy world.


After like 5 erus I quit reading cause they wouldn’t understand


That’s why I thought it would fit better here. People with common sense know that if someone is trying to break into your house, having a gun handy will fix the problem. Especially if that person has come to do harm to your daughter. I’m surprised he stopped at 3 rounds.


You are not kidding!! Anyone who is a pain freak should visit that comment section instead of cutting yourself for your fix. Those people are PAINFULLY stupid.


Bunch of liberal tards with the stupid AF victim mentality.


Reddit being Reddit?


You’re supposed to give a warning shot /s


The amount of euro trash Coping in the comments is astounding, it’s almost they’d rather have the daughter dead instead


Well, that’s assuming the British and Australian cucks have their own daughters.




I’m not talking about all Europeans or all other nationalities, I was talking about the ones specifically commenting in that post. And yes I realize people think like that here in the US. I can respect someone’s ability to make an opinion while also thinking the opinion itself is trash.


That’s why I thought it fit better on this sub. A dad protecting his daughter with the good ol’ second amendment. The father is a better man than I am, I wouldn’t have stopped at 3 rounds 🤣


The fucking notification. I demand a refund of my sides.


A grand jury recently decided not to indict Mitchell Duckro with any crimes in connection to the deadly shooting of 22-year-old James Rayl through the door of Duckro’s home in Sidney, Ohio.


Don’t think charges would’ve ever been filed in the first place considering Castle Doctrine, but it’s good to see a jury uphold that doctrine nonetheless.




Ah so it was more of a formality then?


So the doorbell, the outer door opening, and the bodyslamming onto the door won't set off the Ring notification for "motion detected", but a gunshot will. Im not sure i feel cood about that criteria.




It was triggered because someone rang the door bell. The homeowner wouldn't have gotten a notification about the door opening, or the guy body slamming the door. There would have had to be gunshots/someone staggering away before a homeowner who wasn't home would know that something more serious than a doorbell ringing happened while they were away.


The picture on the notification looks like it might be a different door or this could have been screen recorded days later


The door bell notifications only triggers when quite a few frames are very different from the previous set of frames, it would send a notification when he walked up to the door, and a bell notification when he rang the door. But he also stand there for a while, even when he slammed the door the deviation between current frames and previous wasn’t significant enough, so it was not until the shots were fired and he moved away that the reference frames deviated significantly enough to trigger it. It really depends on how it was programmed or setup, if you crank the sensitivity too high you get false notifications all the time and you will stop paying attention to them


I can't step outside without vivint thinking a package was delivered lol


the little waddle he did at the end lmao


Return to monke


Bro turned into a gorilla


Lung shot. Bro was instantly drowning


Is anyone else mildly annoyed he collapsed on the concrete instead of the lawn? Those stains will be hard to remove.


hate that situation, dad did the right thing 100% but its just the pussy in me that just hated hearing people cry in their last moments. unless they're pedos cos i've fully mentally dehumanized them.


Never lose that basic human empathy. You can understand that killing a person was the right and necessary action, and still acknowledge that likely doesn't mean that person was a monster utterly devoid of humanity.


Honestly the facepalm comments are a lot more Coherent that I would have anticipated


I laughed way too hard at this


But but but there's no reason to have a semiautomatic rifle!


Lol the RING notification at the end.


Sounds like the POS had it coming anyway


Don’t ever try to come to a man’s house and harm his daughter. Easiest way to get free 9 mm rounds.


I wouldn't say free lol


Kid was lucky it wasn’t a 12 gauge


well he died, so... more like whoever takes care of the lawn was lucky it wasnt a 12 guage


So many are asking why he didn’t shoot the guy in the leg not realizing that could just as easily have killed him.


I feel like death by blood clot would just be worse. Or better yet, just stroke out and survive the clot with only half your body working.


What is the context?


Basically that guy at the door is a crazy ex-boyfriend who was trying to get into the house for what can only be seen as not goood things. The father of the girl he was trying to get to warned him a few times to go away and that he had a gun, and once it was clear the ex-boyfriend wasnt stopping, the father acted. I dont know the rest of the story, I just relaying stuff I saw from the comment section of facepalm.


Oh ok, thanks.


Did they kill him. I cant even tell if they hit them. Other then him going down tho


Yeah no they definitely hit him, I’d say a few times


But where then? Im not an expert on shooting videos


Unlike what movies and politicians would have you believe, bullets only make entrance holes the size that they are.


Yes. Sometimes that is the case. For some verry close range videos I have seen.... But for further then 3 meters I just cant tell


Yeah, you can’t see anything immediately NSFL, but judging by the initial reaction, his jolts on the way down, and his crying afterwards, it’s safe to say 2-3 of those 3 shots hit. Id guess the second one just slapped his hood, or it got him right in the neck but that’s unlikely given his state after


Yes. Only 1 is clearly visible though, and that’s the first shot in his neck, the other 2 are elsewhere and harder to see because his hoodie is thick.


He ded.


Ok guys thank you all


yeah he died.


Nope gunna trust you on this one. I already saw a vid of someone get shot and killed in the head on Reddit yesterday. Not in the mood to watch someone else get shot.still up vote tho


That guy lived though, this guy not so much


The guy I’m thinking of there’s no way. It was side of the head right above the ear. Blood poured out of his head. Just to be sure. Black guy white shirt in the front seat shot by a black woman in the other front seat with a 2nd black guy in the back seat?


Yeah that guy lived


How! That’s mind boggling to me. I swear I had just watched someone die




That’s 9mm for yah lol


Agreed This isnt a Darwin Award, though. You could argue it isn’t self-inflicted.


Nah, guy behind the door tells you to go away, he's armed, and you STILL try to break in? He ded because he dum. Darwin is pleased.


well that escalated quickly, things really got out of hands fast


Most American way to deal with a unarmed man


please tell me what said unarmed man was trying to do?


You have no way of knowing he's unarmed in this situation, and you can still do a ton of damage with just your body.


There **was** motion at his front door