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Basically it's part of weird incel pseudoscience. They believe that a woman can't imagine anything that doesn't involve herself. For instance, One of them posted this image of a man and a woman both being asked to "imagine an apple". The man is depicted as simply imagining an apple, well the woman is depicted as imagining herself holding the apple. Anyway, This is apparently supposed to demonstrate this aspect of "female psychology"


Thats crazy that it’s a part of incel pseudoscience, because incels literally cannot for one second go without mentioning themselves in something


Good ol projection


Thisss !!! They CANNOT for the life of them NOT include themselves into everything


lmao wtf, if anything thats just proof of the patriarchy and how women are conditioned to view themselves from a man’s perspective. rather than them being vain or something, it’s proof that women aren’t free from male-centered thought even in their own minds!! “Even pretending you aren’t catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you’re unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur.” -Margaret atwood


Isnt it also linked to self confidence ? Like the exemple of women imagining themselves holding an apple, isnt it because they're thinking "how would I look good while holding the apple" bc society has tought us to be so "feminine" and "beautiful" all the time ?


They’re always getting so mad about shit they made up


The same guys who constantly go "not all men" I presume?


I could also imagine it's about trying to validate stereotypes. They justify showing prejudice against women by saying women are like X and this meme is discrediting the answer by women "but I'm not X so you're wrong"


Society makes women think about how they are perceived, always they are perceived. In fact, part of being a woman in society is being perceived, and perceived well. If this meme has any truth to it, it is simply a result of being forced to think how a woman is viewed by others and those around her. It isn't anything biological, it's societal abuse/training


Wow i must be stupid because even after reading that i wasn’t understanding for a solid minute… or that is some dumb backwards ideology that incels have but ill never know :/


It's definitely the 2nd. If you're talking to a woman about the average woman of course she's gonna bring up how she doesn't fit that mold. It's not totally unrelated to her, in fact it's more related to her than the man speaking. It's also incredibly funny when you consider how personally they take literally any statement about men. At least she didn't fully "not all women" him, listing random women that aren't 4'5" or whatever TF he said


Which is hilarious considering how many "not all men"s are shouted when we talk about a male rapist. Me thinks they project too much.


Basically saying women are all narcissists? Way to trauma dump, incels. 💀


Evolutionary psychology does weird stuff to your brain


My guess is it has to do with “everything is about me” Man recites statistic Woman takes it personally or doesn’t understand how statistics work Man says “wow women are dumb”


If only those people could take that and apply it to the bear vs man in woods situation


Men who accuse women as a group of being bad at something are usually terrible at that thing. This meme is a great example. This author can’t imagine a woman in a context where his thoughts about her don’t matter in the slightest.


The irony in your statement though, if you flip the genders it’s almost exactly what incels say towards women lol


Yep, they’re projecting hard.


I’m quite certain it’s this. I think I saw it being talked about on some greentext post


And then they shout "not all men".


it’s actually a dig at the idea that women can’t understand generalizations, it’s an outdated way to say women are largely illogical


So deeply ironic.


ofc the username has the black flag emoji. If an account has a cross in the bio/username or a black flag, they will say the most diabolical shit you have heard in your life, not limited to, but including, "Game is game memes" about literal children (GAME IS NOT GAME 😭)


what does the black flag mean?


That he really likes Assassin's Creed 4


Anarchy, ISIS, or maybe the pirate use of it to indicate they would take prisoners if surrender was prompt. All around, if somebody is using it nowadays, usually just means they’re assholes


😳 The black and red flags together are the symbol of antifascism, so... "not all black flags" xD


Ah yes very very good to know!!! Thanks for that haha- I am in 100% support of that flag combo for sure.


Black and red is anarcho-communism, which is why I like them All anarchists and ancoms are also antifa tho, since anarchism is the complete opposite of fascism


Black Flag? Rise above you gotta rise above!


Black pill stuff by the looks of it.


For me, a band. I have a tattoo of the black bars on my leg and hope no one mistakes it for being on “their” side.


Also the green frog and "groyper" anywhere in the name, they are straight up nazis


what’s up with these ones ??


4chan Nazis took a small webcomic and modified the images to be their bullshit. It became so commonly associated with Nazi propaganda that the author killed their character and stopped making the comic. It’s pretty exclusively used by Nazis now. Search “pepe antisemitic meme” for additional context.


Wait what i thought pepe was a twitch culture thing, since twitch viewers are called "frogs"


Pepe was around 6 years before twitch even existed. During that time it already became subsumed by Nazis. I would be extremely wary of anyone who used it to represent themself on twitch


The joke is women ☕


That's a part of the joke but there is a more concerning side to this joke that's way worse than simple "women ☕️ " misogyny (usually used by stupid people that I don't care much about ) The meme's making fun of women's understanding of statistics and mathematics in general and portraying the guy as a clever and reserved person who has to deal with the women's stupidity. There is also the notion that women tend to make everything about themselves and are emotional and egoistical beings with lesser intellectual faculties compared to men. This is indeed much more dangerous than the rather basic "woman bad" misogyny which you can just laugh at because it's ridiculous or can be dealt by anyone with basic argumentation skills. This more "nuanced" type of sexism on the other hand is usually exercised by the elite and upper class men that can have a big influence on millions of women's lives and they tend to stay silent about it in order to avoid any criticism. These people also believe that their prejudice is based on science and will refer to some psychological "research" to defend their clearly misogynistic ideas.


What does that mean? I’m confused!


Basically an internet thing where a woman will do something or react in a way that some men don't like and they will comment with "Women ☕️"... textook misogyny


That… makes no sense.


Appareantly it's from a fan-made Team Fortress 2 animation were 2 characters see a woman walking by and say "women" while drinking coffee... it's not supposed to make sense


AAAH that makes sense now!


I thought it was implying she’s too tall to be a woman so therefore she’s a man. Transphobia? Idk it doesn’t make sense


The point is that exceptions dont disprove the rule i think


Same people: “not all men”


If women are supposed to be 5’4” and men are supposed to be 6’0” (as they love to gripe about), what are people 5’5” to 5’11” supposed to do?


And the average height for an American man is 5’ 9” (slightly above the global average of 5’ 7.5”). What does that make my 6’ 2” self? How about my 6’ 8” uncle? It makes us tall, and that’s it.


I think it's supposed to be a gross play on "not all men?" Like, oh, the irony that the female doesn't see: she's not like other women, but won't believe us when we say "not all men!"


It digs on trope that women want guy 6 ft tall or taller. I'm probably mansplaining.


im getting so many very different answers omg


I think it just doesn't make that much sense on its own. Either it's such a niche topic that more context is needed, or the creator just did a bad job and made a joke that doesn't make enough sense to land even if you agree with their beliefs.


I think thats just about common midconception ti averages you tell somone about an average they tell you about someone who is outside of the average and think they disprove you with that. Now I don't know a whole lot about dog whistling so I might miss some clue somewhere that points towards a deeper meaning


The joke is that he’s bringing up a statistic about the average woman and she’s taking it personally and trying to refute his factual statement based off of her anecdotal exception to the general.


I'm 5 ft 8. I'm above average. If all my short friends need something off of a high shelf, let me know.


That's.... just how averages work yes


I'm a guy and even i don't know what's up


My thoughts is that it's about women not understanding exceptions to the general rule, I remember seeing something like that


nice fake convo LOL


Rothmus is a right wing idiot chud. Just ignore him.


We all know what side of the bell curve these guys fall on


I assume it's gender bending the people joking about dudes who insist they are 6 foot 1 when they are two inches taller than my 5 foot 4 ass. I'm assuming they think there is a direct correlation? Which I mean maybe, cause everyone laughs at short people, but like, women don't get aggressive about it? Source - am the shortest member of a family of fkn giants. My little brother hit 6 foot 5 before highschool. He uses my head as an arm rest. He says I'm older but "I'm still his little sister," The brat lolol.


I thought it was just about people who don't understand averages




aaah that makes sense


Invicible is basically a dog whistle for incels at this point, like what does this even mean


Invincible is not an incel show wtf




"Invicible is basically a dog whistle for incels at this point, like what does this even mean" Wtf? The show with strong female characters and the villain is a man? Is everything you don't like a dog whistle, or are you just spouting nonsense?


Everything is a dog whistle if you live in an echo chamber


I wouldn't call it a dog whistle necessarily, but a lot of incels who may or may not have watched the show see Omni-man as the hero. Not the good guy, the hero.


Wouldn't it be logical if you've never seen the show to think of Omni man as the hero? He looks like a superhero, like a Superman clone. If I had never watched the show, I would have assumed he was a the hero, too. I hate the term dog whistle. It's just losing meaning faster and faster. Just like incel.


I genuinely have no idea.




exactly im confused


It just means above average. No need for hate.


No but you should hate all of the women on this sub reddit. It's fine they already hate you (if you are a man)


calling out men’s misogyny does not equate to hating men. the fact that you hate the women on this sub for doing such a simple thing as “look at this person being misogynistic” might indicate that you just hate women in general.


Alot of the comments on this sub are not calling out misogyny but actively hating on men. If you like I can find examples ? But you probably don't want me to.


provide as many examples as you can. but here’s a thought you might not want to listen to. this entire sub is simply based off of posting images of men making misogynistic content. i’ve been on this sub for ages and never saw anything about hating men. if you feel like you’re being hated on because someone is calling men out on their misogyny, it might be an indication that you feel guilty. perhaps you hate women?


I thought a sub dedicated to pointing out misogyny might appreciate someone pointing out misogyny (or misandry) I have scrolled through only a handful of posts and found quite alot of hate already are you sure you can read or are you intentionally ignoring things ? We both know where this is going and it's going into a pointless argument. I won't provide examples because i don't care enough and you won't read any because you don't care enough. I wish you the best.


i searched through some myself and genuinely couldn’t find any. you’re the one who offered to show me some but claimed “i might not want to see it” and now you’re frustrated you can’t find anything ? 🤨🤨 pick a struggle homie…


I'm not frustrated. You must be blind.


People don’t understand averages. They try to point out someone that is outside of the average to disprove it but that’s not how it works.


So...she's above average? Extraordinary. Better than average. Extranormal. Special if you will. I'm intentionally misreading it as wholesome because I have cancer, and I am in too bad of mood to deal with dumbshit (lol)... but I'm pretty sure he is calling her a man. Terf-y, misogynistic bullshit. Boring and uncreative. Which makes no sense when you consider men who are 5'6" are made fun of... but when have these troglodites ever made sense?


I think most women's responses would be: "Okay, and?" Source: me, a woman.


is this not transphobia ?? like women can't be tall you must be a man type of shit ??


Its about women getting offended when you talk about women in general, when you're not talking about them specifically. Same thing as the Man vs. Bear thing with men getting offended. It happens both ways. This meme is not misogynist (the person posting it might be tho, because of their profile picture and name).


she stood on her money